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The Cover:
Art Layout:
The word which characterizes the New Year is the word
happy. "Happy New Year" rings out in joyous sound. Similar
expressions are found in different languages in different
countries. They contemplate the past year with its sunlight
and shadows and wish for a new year of happiness.
This wish is extended by the General Board to every Relief
Society member in the year 1967. As we extend this wish to
you, we are mindful of the words of the Prophet Joseph
Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the
end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is
virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the com-
mandments of God. But we cannot expect to know all, or more than
we now know unless we comply with or keep those we have already
received {DHC V: 134-135).
Each one to whom we offer this wish lives under different
economic, social, and physical conditions, but each one has
one great spiritual blessing. You each have the good tidings
of great joy. You each have this blueprint for happiness. You
each have the divine gift of a loving Heavenly Father to you
his beloved daughter — The Relief Society.
Relief Society will assist you wondrously on your twelve-
month pilgrimage on the path for happiness. As you persist,
your burdens will drop from you. To each Relief Society
member we send this message of love — "Happy New Year!"
General Presidency,
Relief Society Centennial Memorial Campanile
Transparency by Howard Barker
Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Brook in Winter, Photograph by Leiand Van Wagoner
Dick Scopes
Mary Scopes
For a year and a half I have received
the wonderful Magazine as a gift from
a Brigham Young University student,
and nothing has added more joy to
being a mother than this helpful pub-
lication. I look forward to the whole-
some stories, the inspirational edi-
torials, poems, and special features,
and delight in trying out the recipes and
other household suggestions, i know of
nothing else like the Magazine! Al-
though I am not a Latter-day Saint,
through the Magazine I have come to
respect and understand the beliefs of
the Church.
Mrs. W. Franklin Burditt
Briarcliff Manor
New York
Since June 1965 I have received a
gift subscription of The Relief Society
Magazine through the mission home
in Buenos Aires, and I am so thankful
for the monthly message of beauty,
love, and virtue it brings to me. It is
the most feminine magazine I have
ever read, because it reflects the deep
feelings, thoughts, and problems of
good women of today.
Mrs. Liliana R. Riboldi
Rosario, Argentina
When things of the earthly life which
are not to my liking gather too closely
around, I find that prayer and a story
from the Magazine set me to a better
way of meeting the moments.
Naomi Pollett
Mountain View, Wyoming
I am very grateful for our wonderful
Magazine which I have been receiving
for the past four years. This little Mag-
azine has played a great part in help-
ing me progress in self-improvement
ever since I became a member of the
Church five years ago, and I have
recommended it to everyone I meet,
subscribing to it for members of my
family and friends, from time to time.
Violet M. Tate
Pennsauken, New Jersey
We love The Relief Society Magazine
and are so grateful for the strength
and support it gives to us in the im-
portant work to help the sisters in
France, Belgium, and Luxembourg to
understand the purpose of this choice
organization in helping them to serve
the Lord as members of his Church
and mothers in his kingdom. We are
anxiously awaiting the day when it
will come to us in French so that the
full worth of the messages therein
can reach into the hearts and homes
in the Franco-Belgian Mission.
Helen H. Paramore, Supervisor
Brussels, Belgium
I would like to thank you for the article
"Surface Cleaning" by Dorothy C.
Little (August 1966). Many mornings
I had felt that cleaning and clearing up
things around the house was just too
much for me to cope with. But I've
tried the methods suggested in the
article, and they work.
Hope Moon
Sugar City, Idaho
I have very much enjoyed the con-
tinued story "Wheat for the Wise" (con-
cluded in July) by Margery S. Stewart.
I think i shall feel the same way about
the story "Tell Me of Love" by Rosa
Lee Lloyd (beginning July 1966).
Nothing In the Magazine goes un-
Ullie Hendricks
Big Springs, Texas
I have read the editorial "A Pattern for
the Daughters of Zion" by Vesta P.
Crawford (July 1966) many times,
and I have tried to visualize the time
and the effort, which are put into the
words that go straight to the hearts of
the sisters. What lovely words of wis-
dom you have put forth for the
daughters of Zion.
Lorene P. Revill
Spencer, Indiana
The Relief Society Magazine
Volume 54 January 1967 Number 1
Editor Marianne C. Sharp Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager Belle S. Spafford
Special Features
1 A New Year Wish General Presidency
4 The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom Harold B. Lee
14 Relief Society Memorial Bell Tower Belle S. Spafford
19 Award Winners — Relief Society Poem Contest
20 The Navajo Rug — First Prize Poem Barbara J. Warren
22 To the Grand Teton — Second Prize Poem Alice Morrey Bailey
24 Naomi to Ruth — Third Prize Poem Mabel Harmer
26 Award Winners — Relief Society Short Story Contest
27 Who Loves Here? — First Prize Story Myrna Clawson
37 Fight Birth Defects — Join the March of Dimes George P. Voss
38 Christmas Begins With a Tree Marilyn McMeen Miller
47 Tell Me of Love — Chapter 7 Rosa Lee Lloyd
General Features
2 From Near and Far
33 Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon
34 Editorial: The Joy of Volunteer Service Marianne C. Sharp
36 Notes to the Field: Bound Volumes of 1966 Magazines
Memorial Honor Funds Discontinued
53 Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities
80 Birthday Congratulations
Tlie Home- inside and Out
43 Unwelcome Caller Nancy M. Armstrong
45 Sandwich Surprises Joyce B. Bailey
46 Agnes Kunz Dansie, Versatile Artist of Handicraft
Lesson Department
58 Spiritual Living — The Millennium Roy W. Doxey
64 Visiting Teacher Message — "As Oft As Thine Enemy Repenteth of the
Trespass . . ." Alice Colton Smith
65 Homemaking — Keeping Records Celestia J. Taylor
67 Social Relations — "When Ye Do What I Say" Alberta H. Christensen
73 Cultural Refinement — "Virtue Nourishes the Soul" Dr. Bruce B. Clark
Waiting is Winter, Kathryn Kay 36; Beyond these Tears, Mabel Jones Gab-
bott 37; Love's Magic, Leone W. Doxey 44; Nocturne, Gilean Douglas 72.
Published monthly by THE GENERAL BOARD OF RELIEF SOCIETY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. © 1967 by the Relief Society General Board Association. Editorial and Business Office: 76 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111; Phone 364-2511; Subscription Price $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year; 20c
a copy, payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back numbers can be sup-
plied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of address at once, giving old and new
address. Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the
Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned unless return postage is enclosed.
Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only. The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manu-
scripts. ;:,.::,~^..,,,..,, ,,..^«v-V'..-«>f-.«!S:-«<v,.;
The Role
of Women
in Building
the Kingdom
Elder Harold B. Lee
Of the Council of the Twelve
[Address Delivered at the Stake
Board Session of the Relief Society
Annual General Conference,
September 29, 1966]
■ I would not have you think
that my coming in late and not
being able to hear my esteemed
and beloved friend and brother,
Gordon B. Hinckley of the Coun-
cil of the Twelve, indicated any
lack of respect. I would have
wished to have been here. I know
his great power of uplift; and I
would have felt happy had I been
here to have received it; and,
also, it would relieve me of an
anxiety that I might be repeating
what he may have said to you al-
ready in this session.
Before, or shortly after I be-
came a member of the Council
of the Twelve, I was called to the
office of the President of the
Church, and he said, "We have
Brother Callis and Brother Can-
non who are the Advisers to the
Primary, and we have been
thinking we need someone near
the age of the Primary children
as an Adviser." You can imagine
my anxiety when I was told
about about two years ago that
I was being relieved of that re-
sponsibility and was now being
made an Adviser to the Relief
Society. I don't know whether
that has any significance or not,
but at least it gave me a rather
queer feeling.
Before I accepted this respon-
sibility, I gave Sister Spafford a
rather negative or evasive ans-
wer. I had some other commit-
ments that I thought might
prevent my being here at this
time, but after a little delibera-
tion and a little shifting, she was
called and was told that I would
be able to accept the assignment.
She replied, "Well, that's fine be-
cause his name is already on the
program." Now that's how we get
assignments from Sister Spaf-
The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom.
ford. I thought you would be in-
terested to know.
I want to say to you that those
of us who work closely with Sis-
ter Spafford and these counselors
in welfare work, for more than
thirty years as a matter of fact;
Beehive Clothing Mills with the
intricacies and the problems
which you all know are tremen-
dous as you meet the problems
out in your wards and stakes;
with the Correlation Committee;
and the Advisory Board, which
includes* the heads of all auxil-
iaries and the Priesthood; and
now as Adviser to Relief Society;
and besides having the oppor-
tunity to have traversed some of
the territory where President
Spafford has gone and meeting
women of renown from all coun-
tries, I want to say to you with
all sincerity and with no attempt
to "gild the lily,'' that I think
we have had few women among
us who have attained the world-
wide stature and is so recognized
as a power for good among the
women of the earth as we have
today in Sister Belle S. Spafford.
If you knew what I know you'd
know that I wasn't overshooting
the mark by that statement.
I have been asked to speak
on a particular subject, broad
enough, I'm sure, that a series
of talks would not be sufficient
to exhaust the possibilities —
"The Role of Women in Building
the Kingdom." So I shall narrow
what I say about this subject
under four different headings,
and then make a few conclusions
so that, if you care to, you can
bring it all together and add to
it as many others as you wish.
The Lord declares what his work
and glory is. To Moses, he said.
"For behold, this is my work and
my glory — to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of
man" (Moses 1:39).
Since that profound declara-
tion of Mother Eve in the Gar-
den of Eden after the Fall, the
exalted place of women in the
plan of salvation was clearly de-
These words that I will quote
to you now are said by students
of the scriptures to be the great-
est short sermon ever delivered,
delivered by a woman. Now note
what she says:
. . . Were it not for our trans-
gression we never should have had
seed, and never should have known
good and evil, and the joy of our
redemption, and the eternal life which
God giveth unto all the obedient
(Moses 5:11).
Lehi explains and amplifies
what Mother Eve said, when,
apparently, his son Jacob asked
for an explanation of the Fall
and why evil was permitted in
the world. Lehi made this ex-
And now, behold, if Adam had not
transgressed he would not have fallen,
but he would have remained in the
garden of Eden. And all things which
were created must have remained in
the same state in which they were
after they were created; and they
must have remained forever, and had
no end.
And they would have had no child-
ren; wherefore they would have re-
mained in a state of innocence, hav-
ing no joy, for they knew no misery;
doing no good, for they knew no sin.
But behold, all things have been
done in the wisdom of him who know-
eth all things.
Adam fell that men might be; and
men are, that they might have joy
(2 Nephi 2:22-25).
January 1967
If immortality, then, is the
first step in the achievement of
the Lord's work and his glory, it
is readily to be understood that
the process by which immortality
is achieved is through the bearing
of mortal offspring by mortal
mothers in holy wedlock and
sired by mortal fathers. Woman's
role in God's eternal plan of sal-
vation has here, then, been re-
affirmed. Will you think of this,
in this day of mass hysteria over
birth control by artificial means?
It might be well for ReHef So-
ciety mothers to consider the
role of woman in the great plan
of salvation as the Lord has ex-
plained it.
The woman's role involves a
partnership, hopefully with a
noble son of God. It was the
apostle Paul who declared this
interdependence between men
and women to be achieved only
in holy wedlock. Here are a few
of his quotations: "Nevertheless
neither is the man without the
woman, neither the woman with-
out the man, in the Lord. For as
the woman is of the man, even
so is the man also by the woman;
but all things of God" (I Cor. 11:
11-12). ". . . but the woman is
the glory of the man" (I Cor. 11:
7). "Husbands, love your wives,
even as Christ also loved the
church, and gave himself for it.
... So ought men to love their
wives £is their own bodies. He
that loveth his wife loveth him-
self" (Eph. 5:25, 28). "For this
cause shall a man leave father
and mother, and shall cleave to
his wife: and they twain shall be
one flesh" (Matt. 19:5).
The sacred nature of this
partnership is nowhere better ex-
plained than by our own Pres-
ident David O. McKay, and is
now quoted in our 1966 Mel-
chizedek Priesthood Manual, if
you want to check this when you
get home, page 63. This is what
we're teaching your husbands in
their weekly Priesthood meet-
I read this to my wife and she
commented, "But why don't you
teach this to the Priesthood
rather than to the sisters?" Well,
we want the sisters to know what
their husbands are being taught,
and if their husbands are not
going to Priesthood meeting,
they will see that they get there
to hear these lessons taught in
Priesthood meeting. Now this is
what the President said, and you
can understand what my wife
"Love is the highest attribute of
the human soul, and fidelity is love's
noblest offspring." Most, if not all, of
the virtues are the natural fruit of
genuine love.
President McKay has given in-
spired counsel regarding the physical
dimension of the love relationship
between a man and his wife. He said:
"Let us instruct young people who
come to us to know that a woman
should be queen of her own body ....
"Second, let them remember that
gentleness and consideration after the
ceremony are just as appropriate and
necessary and beautiful as gentleness
and consideration before the wedding.
"... Chastity is the crown of beau-
tiful womanhood, and self-control is
the source of true manhood, if you
will know it, not indulgence ....
"Let us teach our young men to
enter into matrimony with the idea
that each will be just as courteous
and considerate of a wife after the
ceremony as during courtship" (Mel-
chidezek Priesthood Manual 1966,
page 63).
Now you have companion les-
sons to these in the Relief So-
The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom
ciety, don't you see? And you,
having been schooled in the Re-
lief Society, your husbands re-
ceiving this kind of a lesson in
the Priesthood, the meeting of
the two lessons -brings an ideal
Home Evening lesson, where fa-
ther and mother, with their grow-
ing-up sons and daughters, are
taught these fundamental prin-
ciples. The curse of infidelity is
plainly set forth also by Pres-
ident McKay in this same Priest-
hood manual that Fm talking
about. He says:
As teachers, we are to let the people
know, and warn these men - and this
is not imagination - who, after having
lived with their wives and brought
into this world four or five children,
get tired of them and seek a divorce,
that they are on the road to hell
(Ibid., pp. 63, 64).
That comforts me a little, be-
cause I quoted something to a
certain lovely sister who was hav-
ing trouble with her husband,
that no woman was expected to
follow her husband to hell, and I
am reinforced when President
McKay made this statement:
It is unfair to a woman to leave
her that way, merely because the man
happens to fall in love with some
yoiuiger woman and feels that the
wife is not so beautiful or attractive
as she used to be. Warn him! Nothing
but unhappiness for him and injustice
to those children can result (Ibid.,
page 64).
I saw what I think was the
pinnacle of understanding in this
respect when the president of the
American Medical Association
was here to give an address be-
fore our Utah Association. They,
the auxiliary to the Utah Associ-
ation, had arranged for some en-
tertainment for his wife, but she
became ill and could not accom-
pany him, and the sisters, of
course, were very disappointed,
and one of them asked him, "Is
your wife just as beautiful as she
always was to you?" And he an-
swered, "Yes, just as beautiful,
but it does take her a little more
Sometimes as we go through-
out the Church we hear a hus-
band and wife who come to us
and ask that because they are
not compatible in their marriage,
they having had a temple mar-
riage, wouldn't it be better if
they were to free themselves from
each other and then seek more
congenial partners? And to all
such we say, whenever we find
a couple who have been married
in the temple who say they are
tiring of each other, it is an evi-
dence that either one or both
are not true to their temple cov-
enants. Any couple married in
the temple who are true to their
covenants will grow dearer to
each other, and love will find a
deeper meaning on their golden
wedding anniversary than on the
day they were married in the
house of the Lord. Now don't
you mistake that.
The duties and purposes of the
Relief Society in this regard have
found expression from one of the
Presidents of the Church, Pres-
ident Joseph F. Smith, in which
he emphasizes another phase of
the woman's role as a member
of the Relief Society. Now I have
spoken of the one phase as a
creator in company with her hus-
band. Now note what President
Joseph F. Smith says:
I will speak of the Relief Society
as one great organization in the
Church, organized by the Prophet
January 1967
Joseph Smith, whose duty it is to
look after the interests of all the
women of Zion and of all the women
that may come under their super-
vision and care, irrespective of re-
ligion, color or condition. I expect to
see the day when this organization
will be one of the most perfect, most
efficient and effective organizations
for good in the Church but that day
will be when we shall have women who
are not only imbued with the spirit
of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with
the testimony of Christ in their hearts,
but also with youth, vigor and intel-
ligence to enable them to discharge
the great duties and responsibilities
that rest upon them. Today it is too
much the case that our young, vigor-
ous, intelligent women feel that only
the aged should be connected with the
Relief Society. This is a mistake. We
want the young women, the intelligent
women, women of faith, of courage
and of purity to be associated with
the Relief Societies of the various
stakes and wards of Zion. We want
them to take hold of this work with
vigor, with intelligence and unitedly,
for the building up of Zion and the
instruction of women in their duties -
domestic duties, public duties, and
every duty that may devolve upon
them (Smith, Joseph F., Gospel Doc-
trine, Tenth Edition, pp. 386, 387).
I was startled upon one oc-
casion to have announced by a
certain women's organization
that one of our past Relief So-
ciety presidents had graduated
from the Relief Society into this
other women's organization. Let
there be no uncertainty in the
minds of our Latter-day Saint
women as to the Relief Society
being the greatest of all women's
organizations. There is no other
greater organization on the face
of the earth for the Latter-day
Saint wife or mother.
Sister Spafford has so kindly
spoken of my daughter Helen.
(This isn't on the script, dar-
ling.) When she was a teenager,
the patriarch gave her a blessing.
Her older sister had received a
blessing in which she was told
that she would be a missionary,
a great missionary, and this
sweet daughter was told that she
would be a shining light in the
great Relief Society program of
the Church. Carefree, careless,
both of them; they may have
placed their own individual in-
terpretations, but now the wheels
of time have moved on. This
other, yes, who knows, she is now
an angel, maybe, in the realms
on high, is one of the great mis-
In the temple today, one of
the Brethren bore witness to hav-
ing sat in meditation and having
recalled an experience in the
Logan Temple when a sister in
deep sorrow had come to him
because of the loss of her com-
panion, then a few days later
she came back and was all in
ecstasy, never happier in her life
than now, and he said, "What's
happened to change you?"
''The last few days," she said,
"I went to the assembly room in
the Logan Temple. There were
some other couples in that room,
and as I sat there, I heard the
most heavenly music. Then, after
it was ended I said to the people
there with me, "Did you hear
that music?" They all said, "Yes,
we heard it."
In my mind, as he spoke, I
thought of my own sweet mis-
sionary daughter. In my mind's
eye she could have been accom-
panying that kind of heavenly
choir because she majored in
music to be the great missionary
that God apparently intended
her to be.
Woman's place in training her
family is the third phase of this
The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom
work that I want to mention. I'll
quote a few significant scriptures
and then draw some obvious con-
clusions. The Lord said:
But, behold I say unto you, that
little children are redeemed from the
foundation of the world through mine
Only Begotten;
Wherefore, they cannot sin, for
power is not given unto Satan to
tempt little children, until they begin
to become accountable before me;
For it is given unto them even as
I will, according to mine own
pleasure, that great things may be
required at the hands of their fathers
(D&C 29:46-48).
Now what is the age of ac-
countability and what are those
great things that God requires of
the fathers of children, which, by
inference, means mothers as well,
during this period before little
children begin to become ac-
countable before the Lord? Now
the age of accountability, the
Lord, in another verse of revela-
tion, says is eight years of age.
No one can be received into the
Church unless he has arrived at
the age of accountability. Parents
are admonished to have their
children baptized when they are
eight years of age and teach them
the fundamental principles of the
gospel, and their children shall
be baptized for the remission of
their sins and receive the laying
on of hands. Children should be
taught to pray and walk upright-
ly before the Lord, and so on.
Now the conclusions and log-
ical deductions. Great things are
required of fathers and mothers
before Satan has power to tempt
little children. What are the great
things? Have you ever thought
of that? Before Satan has a
chance to lay hold on a little
child, it is the responsibility of
the parents to lay a solid founda-
tion by teaching Latter-day Saint
standards by example and by
precept. In other words, to you
and to the sisters over whom you
preside, it means the making of
a career of motherhood. Let
nothing supersede that career.
Do teach mothers to take full ad-
vantage of the Family Home
Evening lessons each week.
I was down to Cedar City just
after Family Home Evenings
were provided with a full course
of lessons for each week. Why
that startled the Church to think
that now we had prepared a les-
son that the parents, each week,
could teach. Six hundred fifty
thousand manuals were sent and
put into the home of every par-
ent, so no one could say, "We
didn't have a manual," or "We
couldn't afford one." They were
put in the hands of every parent.
And I was anxious to see how we
were getting off at this stake con-
ference. I asked if they would
call in some in whose homes the
family home night lessons were
being taught, and they called a
young Singing Mother from out
of the chorus upon the stand.
This mother said they had just
begun their lessons when she and
her husband were asked if they
would be dance instructors until
after the dance festival. Now you
have heard of things like this
happening. As they began to try
to find a night when they could
get all these participants in the
festival, every night was pre-
empted except one, and you can
guess what night that was. It
was the night of the Family
Home Evening, that had sup-
posedly been held sacred for
January 1967
Family Home Evening. Well, ity in teaching my family on a
they said to the children, "We Family Home Evening/'
guess that until the festival is Now, you teach the women and
over, we'll have to give up the mothers to do likewise. Mother's
Family Home Evening." So, with first sacrifice is to become a
regrets, they went to the task of mother. I was going to do some-
this dance festival, and a few thing today, Helen, but I don't
nights thereafter they came home know whether I dare or not —
late, weary from their exertions, just a quote from our oldest
They were awakened around daughter when she had her first
daylight the next morning by baby. She was in a hospital in
the sound of their children's California, and I was going to
voices in the front room down- read a bit from Helen's sixteen-
stairs. When they went down the year-old letter to her mother in
children were all dressed, and an attempt to demonstrate in our
there was a blazing fire in the own family how the great in-
fireplace. The fifteen-year-old fluence of mother had been
daughter, the night before, had passed on to two lovely daugh-
engineered the children in pre- ters who, in turn, now are pass-
paring the preliminaries for an ing it on to ten grandchildren,
early morning breakfast which Presumably those ten children, if
consisted, as I remember, of the record is kept up, will go on
peeled potatoes which, when al- and on throughout the genera-
lowed to stand overnight had tions as these, my family, become
taken on a darkish hue — ^black part of my eternal kingdom in
potatoes. When the parents the world yet to come. I don't
asked what this was all about, think I'll try to say what I
they said, "Well, Mother and thought I would read to you. My
Dad, when you said you couldn't feelings are a little bit tender
find a night for us to have Family today.
Home Evening, we counseled to- Pain and suffering coming in
gether and decided, then, that or going out of the world seem to
hereafter we were going to have be a part of the plan, and moth-
Family Home Evening at five ers were promised that in pain
o'clock in the morning. We are and travail they would bring
all here now. Breakfast is ready, forth children. You remember
It will take only a few minutes; Mother Eve's promise. She and
now give us the Family Home her daughters would be saved in
Evening lesson." child bearing. Saved! I thought
And as this sweet mother stood that meant protected so they
there and the tears streamed would go through delivery of
down her cheeks, she said, "As their babies, unscathed. I'm not
I sat down to that breakfast of so sure that that's what it means
blackened potatoes, they were now, but I know that if mothers
the best tasting potatoes that I will do their part, even though
have ever had in my whole life, it costs their lives, that their
and I resolved that never again eternal reward in our Father's
was I going to let anything take celestial world will be certain,
precedence over my responsibil- I was up at Blackfoot, Idaho,
The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom
I guess I shouldn't have said responsibiUties were taking him
that, but I'll have to go through out of the home, I could be there
with it now. I had made a with the children, and when my
blunder when I found that there responsibilities took me out of
had been assignments to hus- the home, daddy could be there
bands and wives that took them with the children." She said,
both out of their home at the "That's the way we have worked
same time, and left their children together so that our children
unattended. I scolded a bit over were never left without father
the pulpit, and one of the coun- or mother." Finally, she said,
selors scolded me between ses- "Third, I have an imshakeable
sions by saying, "Well, we'll have testimony of the divine mission
a whole stake resignation after of the Lord and Savior, Jesus
that talk." I thought I'd better Christ."
repent. So, in the afternoon ses- I say to you, there are the
sion, I was sitting by the Relief three hallmarks of great mother-
Society president of the stake, a hood in the training of children
lovely mother, now in her late in a family home,
sixties. She had raised a family And now, finally, a fourth role
of nine, and all of them while she of mothers is the building of a
was presiding in one capacity or home here and laying a foimda-
another. She had been in Pri- tion for a home in eternity. What
mary, in the MIA, and now pres- is a home? There are some rather
ident of the stake Relief Society, apt quotes which indicate what
And without knowing what she I want you to get. "Home is a
would say, I said to her, "Sister, roof over a good woman." But if
I wish you would get up and tell the roof is lacking or the woman
these folks how you've been able is lacking, it isn't any home. It
to raise a remarkable family, all takes both. "Home is the sem-
of them now married in the tem- inary of all other institutions."
pie, and still be able to carry on "The most essential element in
in your Church work as you are." any home is God." "A man is
I couldn't have written the always nearest to his God when
script for Sister Christensen's he's at home and farthest from
talk any better than she gave it. God when he is away." (This
She said, "Well, first, I followed could be true to a degree, that in
the example in raising my family the home, there is the good in-
of my own wonderful mother. I fluence of a true wife and moth-
merely followed the example she er.) "Home is the place when
gave us, so I tried to raise mine you go there they have to take
as she had raised us. Second, I you in." That's the boy or girl
have a wonderful companion, who stays out late until you've
Daddy always felt that I should worried yourself sick and comes
have a Church activity just as he trooping in at one, two, or three
had. So when we were called to o'clock in the morning, but, after
a position, we would sit down all, that's his home, that's her
with the bishop or stake pres- home. Yes, home is the place
ident, and we would try to work that when you go there, they
it out and see if, while daddy's have to take you in.
January 1967
Now just a word about another
subject. President Joseph F.
Smith said something else that
I've carried in my mind these
years, something about the im-
portance of owning your own
home. Now we're drifting away
from that today. And I want you
to get the importance of what
he said here.
It was early the rule among the
Latter-day Saints to have the lands so
divided that every family could have
a spot of ground which could be called
theirs; and it has been the proud boast
of this people that among them were
more home owners than among any
other people of like numbers. This
condition had a good tendency, and
whatever men said of us, the home
among this people was a first con-
sideration. It is this love of home that
has made the saints famous as colon-
izers, builders of settlements, and re-
deemers of the deserts. But in the
cities there appears now to be coming
into vogue the idea that renting is
the thing. Of course, it may be neces-
sary as a temporary makeshift, but
no young couple should ever settle
down with the idea that such a con-
dition, as far as they are concerned,
shall be permanent. Every young
man should have an ambition to
possess his own home. It is better
for him, for his family, for security,
for the state, and for the Church.
Nothing so engenders stability,
strength, power, patriotism, fidelity
to country and to God as the owning
of a home - a spot of earth that you
and your children can call yours. And
besides, there are so many tender
virtues that grow with ownership
that the government of a family
is made doubly easy thereby (Smith,
Joseph F., Gospel Doctrine, Tenth
Edition, page 305).
Now a home, I would impress,
not only a home here, but build-
ing a home for the eternity. This
is a phase of it, and I shall close
with this, with one or two ob-
vious conclusions. The Lord said:
And again, verily I say unto you,
if a man marry a wife by my word,
which is my law, and by the new and
everlasting covenant, and it is sealed
unto them by the Holy Spirit of
promise. . . . they shall pass by the
angels, and the gods, which are set
there, to their exaltation and glory
in all things, as hath been sealed
upon their heads, which glory shall
be a fulness and a continuation of
the seeds forever and ever (D&C
Now, the Prophet Joseph
Smith, commenting on this scrip-
ture, explained:
Except a man and his wife enter
into an everlasting covenant and be
married for eternity, while in this
probation, by the power and author-
ity of the Holy Priesthood, they will
cease to increase when they die; that
is, they will not have any children
after the resurrection. But those who
are married by the power and author-
ity of the priesthood in this life, and
continue without committing the sin
against the Holy Ghost, will continue
to increase and have children in the
celestial glory (Smith, Joseph Field-
ing. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph
Smith, pages 300-301).
Our First Presidency in our
latter days has said:
So far as the stages of eternal pro-
gression and attainment have been
made through divine revelation, we
are to understand that only the resur-
rected and glorified beings can become
the parents of spirit offspring. Only
such exalted souls have reached matu-
rity in the appointed course of eter-
nal life; and the spirits born to them
in the eternal worlds will pass in due
sequence through the several stages
or estates by which the glorified par-
ents have obtained exaltation (The
First Presidency, June 30, 1916, "The
Father and the Son," page 8).
Now the conclusions. Woman
has within her the power of cre-
ation in company with her legal
and lawful husband here, and if
The Role of Women in Building the Kingdom
sealed in celestial wedlock, may
have eternal increase in the world
to come. Woman is the home-
maker in her own home, and an
exemplar to her posterity in the
generations that succeed her.
Woman is a helpmate to her hus-
band and to render him more
perfect than he otherwise would
be. Woman's influence can bless
a community or a nation to that
extent to which she develops her
spiritual powers in harmony with
the heaven-sent gifts which she
has been by nature endowed. If
she does not forfeit her priceless
heritage by her own willful neg-
ligence, she can be largely
instrumental in safeguarding de-
mocracy and downing a would-be
tyrant. Year in and year out, she
may cast the aura of her calming
and refining influence to make
certain that her posterity will en-
joy the opportunities to develop
to their fullest potential their
spiritual and physical natures.
Now this is a rather sensitive
thing that I shall close with. We
had one in high station in gov-
ernment circles who has made a
suggestion which was highly ap-
plauded, according to a great
educator whose words Fm going
to quote. It made the suggestion
that all young persons in this
country, boys and girls, perhaps,
should be required, whether in
peace or war, to give a year or
two of their lives in some kind of
national service. Then this wise
educator said this. Now don't you
quote me as saying this, but you
say that I said, he said that:
There are a lot of folks who thmk
that it is just as vital for a young
Los Angeles woman to get married
and rear a family with respect to
law and rights of men as it is for an-
other young woman to work in a
poverty program of some sort. The
young engineers who develop tech-
niques in our industry are as impor-
tant to the strength of this country as
the special assistants who inhabit the
big Federal agencies. There are weeks
in this city, in fact, when after a
plethora of conferences and meetings,
such as the recent one on the status
of women, the residents would glad-
ly barter half a dozen status officials
for one mother who wants more than
anything to bring love and beauty into
the lives of her children, or they
would trade a whole conference in
Washington for one grandfather who
would round up the neighborhood
children and take them on a hike.
(Dr. Max Rafferty, California State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
Now that's, unquote, all of
that I quote for you to think
So I close with a prayer, God
render our wives, our sweet-
hearts, our mothers even more
perfect in order to hold the bear-
ers of the Priesthood, under their
influence, to a truer course of
happiness here and eternal joy
in the world to come, for which
I humbly pray in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Relief Society
Bell Tower
President Belle S. Spafford
[Address Delivered at the
Services Commemorating
Bell Tower Completion,
September 29, 1966]
Howard Barker
■ A quarter of a century ago, the
General Board of Relief Society
and the sisters in the stakes and
missions of the Church under the
leadership of President Amy
Brown Lyman, busily engaged
themselves in preparing appro-
priate observances for the 100th
anniversary of the founding of
Relief Society. The Church-wide
celebration was planned to be
held in connection with the Re-
lief Society General Conference,
April 1942. (At that time. Relief
Society held semi-annual con-
ferences.) A number of impres-
sive and significant programs
were planned, designed to make
the Centennial an epical period
in the history of Relief Society.
As plans moved forward, how-
ever. Sister Lyman and her
board began to feel a need for a
permanent memorial — something
that would endure long after the
100th birthday was passed. From
an article in The Relief Society
Magazine (November 1941, page
769) by Mary Grant Judd, Chair-
man of the Centennial observ-
ance, I quote:
. . . unless we do something about
it, the time will come when this won-
derful occasion will be a thing of the
past and will live only in our mem-
ories. And so it has come to the
General Board with ever-increasing
clearness that some permanent me-
morial should be left — something of
lasting value.
The Centennial Observance
Committee, consisting of Mary
G. Judd, Edith S. Elliott, Rae B.
Barker, and Anna B. Hart, was
assigned to make recommenda-
tions and work out details for the
permanent memorial project.
Again I quote from Sister Judd:
Casting about for a suitable project,
the idea came to mind of hanging the
historic Nauvoo Temple bell in a per-
manent and beautiful setting. . . .
Courtesy, Salt Lake Tribune
Services at the Completion of The Relief Society Memorial Campanile, September 29, 1966
Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve, offering prayer at
the podium; President Hugh B. Brown, of the First Presidency, seated, fifth
from the right behind the podium; Elder S. Dilworth Young, of the First
Council of Seventy, seated in front of the podium third from the right. General
President of Relief Society Belle S. Spafford seated seventh from the left
behind the podium.
We feel that it is peculiarly fitting
that the Relief Society should sponsor
this project because one of the reasons
for the organization of our Society in
Nauvoo was to enable the Latter-day
Saint women more efficently to do
their part in feeding and clothing the
men who were working on the Temple
where the bell originally himg.
There is still another tie connecting
us with the bell. In the same pioneer
company which transported this valu-
able relic to the West came Eliza R.
Snow, . . . and safe in her keeping,
in the covered wagon that lumbered
over the plains, were the precious
minutes of our founding meeting.
Sister Lyman was enthusiastic
over the erection of a permanent
Centennial memorial, not alone
in recognition of a highly signif-
icant event in the history of the
Church — the founding of ReHef
Society — but in recognition of the
lofty position accorded women in
the restored gospel. She respond-
ed warmly to the idea of a
Campanile for the Nauvoo Tem-
ple bell, for she knew the ties
that bound Relief Society to this
historic vessel.
The First Presidency — Pres-
ident Heber J. Grant, President
J. Reuben Clark, Jr., and Pres-
ident David O. McKay — gave
the General Board "not only
their permission but their enthus-
iastic encouragement" to go for-
ward with the erection of the bell
tower on Temple Square. Accord-
January 1967
Photos by Howard Barker
ing to General Board records, it
was later learned through the
Presiding Bishopric, that the idea
of hanging the Nauvoo bell in a
permanent setting had been un-
der consideration for some time,
but no definite decision had been
made. The sisters felt that per-
haps the decision "had been
slowed up in order that Relief
Society might have the privilege."
The structure was to be built
by small contributions from Re-
lief Society members. The service
of an able architect. Brother
Lorenzo Snow Young, a grand-
son of Brigham Young and a
grandnephew of Ehza R. Snow,
was enlisted to design the tower.
The base was to be of granite,
the top of grilled bronze to har-
monize with the bronze bell.
There were to be four plaques
in bas-relief — one on each of the
four sides near the base. The
plaques were to be designed by
an eminent Utah sculptor. Dr.
Avard Fairbanks, with three of
the series, in turn, titled: "Pi-
oneering," "Education," and "Be-
nevolence." The fourth was to be
an inscription plaque, a tribute
to the sisters and their work,
entitled: "The Relief Society
Centennial Memorial."
Work on the project moved
forward. The granite was de-
livered; the bronze grillwork top
was made ready; the plaques
were cast, when, suddenly, the
tragedy of war came upon us.
Many of the regular activities of
Relief Society had to be cur-
tailed, some temporarily discon-
tinued. Centennial plans had to
be greatly modified and work on
the Campanile was stopped, in-
cluding the financial contribution
program. Materials were stored
Relief Society Centennial Memorial Bell Tower
in facilities arranged by the Pre-
siding Bishopric, to await a favor-
able day for the completion of
the historical memorial.
It was not until 1945 that ac-
tivities were restored to normal.
In April 1945, a new Relief
Society Presidency was named —
President Belle S. Spafford, with
Marianne C. Sharp and Gertrude
R. Garff as Counselors, succeed-
ing President Amy B. Lyman,
Marcia K. Howells, and Belle S.
Spafford. Shortly thereafter,
death claimed President Heber J.
Grant, and a new Presidency of
the Church was sustained — Pres-
ident George Albert Smith, with
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,
and President David 0. McKay
as Counselors.
President Smith endorsed the
erection of the Campanile on
Temple Square, making clear to
the new Relief Society Pres-
idency their responsibilities to
complete the project which had
meant so much to Sister Lyman,
her Board, and the sisters of
Relief Society. Because of the
urgent need of Relief Society for
a headquarters building, however,
which involved a big collection
program. President Smith and his
Counselors deemed it advisable
to hold in abeyance the com-
pletion of the memorial until the
Relief Society Building was erect-
ed and dedicated.
Prior to the completion of the
Building, President Smith was
called home, and President Mc-
Kay was sustained as President
of the Church, with Elder
Stephen L Richards and Elder
J. Reuben Clark, Jr., as Counsel-
ors. Through the years. President
McKay, familiar with the history
of the memorial, has not lost
January 1967
sight of this uncompleted project, tennial Memorial — a project
From time to time the question initiated a quarter of a century
of its completion has been con- ago.
sidered with the Relief Society We acknowledge with grateful
Presidency. At no time has there appreciation the support and co-
appeared to be any thought of operation of Elder Mark E.
abandoning the project. Petersen, Chairman of the Tem-
It was a happy occasion when, pie Square Committee, and his
on August 19, 1966, the Relief associates on the committee.
Society Presidency received word These brethren have been under-
that authorization had been given standing and considerate. We
by President McKay to go for- appreciate the efforts of Brother
ward immediately with the erec- Mark B. Garff and his associates,
tion of the structure. It was to and Brother Howard Barker for
be located on Temple Square at his .valuable service,
a site agreeable to the Relief To our present First Pres-
Society Presidency and the Tem- idency, President David 0. Mc-
ple Square Committee. The site Kay, Presidents Hugh B. Brown,
determined upon by those two Nathan Eldon Tanner, Joseph
groups was midway between the Fielding Smith, and Thorpe B.
Tabernacle and the Assembly Isaacson, we express most humble
Hall, toward the west wall of the and grateful thanks for their in-
Square. In response to the ex- terest and concern in bringing to
press desire of the General Pres- fulfillment the dream of Sister
idency, authorization was grant- Lyman, her Board, and the sis-
ed to meet the costs of complet- ters of the Centennial day that
ing the structure from General there should be on Temple
Board funds. Square a permanent memorial
Brother Howard Barker, a which you, today, may have the
former member of the Church choice privilege of viewing at the
Building Committee, assigned to close of this meeting- — a memorial
the Campanile project, and a erected to the honored position
man who has shown dedicated of women in the gospel plan; a
interest in the memorial through Centennial Memorial honoring
the years, has devoted endless the founding of Relief Society; a
hours to locating and assembling memorial approved by three great
the stored parts, a number of Presidents of the Church, Pres-
which had been moved froni their ident Grant, President Smith,
original storage place. Fortunate- and President McKay,
ly, every part was located. And here shall hang the bell
Elder Mark B. Garff and his known as the Nauvoo Temple
associates on the Building Com- Bell — a treasured bell to be
mittee promptly took hold of the preserved in a new and beautiful
erection of the structure, putting setting for all to enjoy. And as
forth special effort to have it people pause to view it in its new
ready for viewing during this setting, may their vision be
conference. We are, therefore, opened to the importance of the
pleased to announce the com- place and work of the women of
pletion of the Relief Society Cen- the Church.
■ The Relief Society General Board is pleased to announce the names of the
three winners in the 1966 Relief Society Poem Contest (formerly the Eliza R.
Snow Memorial Poem Contest).
The first prize of forty dollars is awarded to Miss Barbara J. Warren, Luka-
chukai, Arizona, for her poem "The Navajo Rug." The second prize of thirty
dollars is awarded to Alice Morrey Baile;/, Salt Lake City, Utah, for her poem
"To the Grand Teton." The third prize of twenty dollars is awarded to Mabel
Harmer, Salt Lake City, Utah, for her poem "Naomi to Ruth."
This poem contest has been conducted annually by the Relief Society General
Board since 1924. The contest is open to all Latter-day Saint women, and Is
designed to encourage poetry writing and to increase appreciation for creative
writing and the beauty and value of poetry.
Prize-winning poems are the property of the Relief Society General Board,
and may not be used for publication by others except upon written permission
from the General Board. The General Board reserves the right to publish any
of the poems submitted, paying for them at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rate. A writer who has received the first prize for two con-
secutive years must wait two years before she Is again eligible to enter the
award winners
Miss Warren Is a first-time winner in the poem contest, and is represented for
the first time in the Relief Society Magazine with her poem "The Navajo Rug."
Mrs. Bailey is a winner in the contest for the sixth time. Mrs. Harmer, although
well known to Magazine readers for her short stories, serials, and articles, is
a first-time winner in the poem contest.
Three hundred and twenty-one poems were entered in the 1966 contest,
representing the following countries, listed in the order of the number of entries:
The United States, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, the Nether-
lands, and Israel. Thirty-six States and Washington, D.C., were included in the
entries from the United States, with California leading (eighty-three entries),
and Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Virginia, Texas, Oregon, Colorado, New
York, and Mchigan, following in number of entries. The General Board is pleased
with this response to the contest, and the wide geographical distribution of the
The General Board congratulates the prize winners and expresses appreciation
to all entrants for their interest in the contest. The General Board thanks the
judges for their care and diligence in selecting the prize-winning poems. The
services of the poetry committee of the General Board are also very much ap-
preciated. The prize-winning poems, together with photographs and brief high-
lights on the prize-winning contestants, are published in this issue of the
Barbara J. Warren
Like pieces of fallen cloud, the sheep are scattered on the hillside.
In the summer's hot wind and the winter's cold, the woman herds them.
To the hills in the day, to the corral at night,
To fresh grass and water she herds them.
The rug begins in Strength.
A storm drapes itself around the mountain. The sheep are restless. They scatter.
The woman tries to gather them. She cannot.
She kneels in the dust of the land to pray. The sheep come together.
To the rug is added Faith.
The sheep are sheared. The wool stands in fat bags against the hogan wall.
Now the carding begins. Short, quick strokes. Fibers straight. Dirt combed out.
Now the spinning begins. Turning, turning, turning, turning of the spindle
While knowing fingers pull the wool into a strong, straight thread.
Now the washing begins; now the dyeing begins.
Into the rug goes Patience.
The rug grows slowly on the loom.
Its design, unwritten, has gathered itself in the mind of one
Who has long looked out upon the land
And seen its ever-changing colors and patterns.
The rug is woven in Beauty.
The way to the trading post is long.
And when the woman gets there, what will she buy?
Lengths of sateen and velvet that shine like shimmering jewels on the shelf?
New dishes, a cooking pot — hers is so old.
No. This and this and — yes — this for her children.
And this and this for her man.
For herself, not a thing.
The rug is finished in Love.
The woman is gone. You come to buy. The price is too much?
No, my friend. Not for this rug. Not for what is in it.
All that the woman is, is in this rug.
All she thinks, all she believes, all her skills, all she dreams of and hopes for
Have been woven into one in this rug.
And for all this, the price is never too much. Because you see, my friend.
The rug is the Woman.
First Prize Winner
The Relief Society
Poem Contest
Barbara Warren, a young newcomer to the pages of the Relief Society Magazine,
writes from her present home in Lukachukai, Arizona, sketching highlights of
her life and work:
"I was born in Missoula, Montana, and lived there until graduation from
Brigham Young University, when i began teaching in a Government boarding
school on the Navajo Reservation. After three years, I resigned to fulfill a South-
west Indian mission. On completion of the mission, I taught a year in Spring-
ville, Utah, where my parents now live, and returned this year to Lukachukai to
teach a class of non-English speaking Indian children. I am Chinle District
Primary president and hold several positions in the small Lukachukai Branch.
"With the exception of a story published in my high school literary magazine,
this is the first of my work that has been published. I write when I feel deeply
about a subject. During my time spent among the Lamanite people, I had many
opportunities to observe the making of the Navajo rugs. The fine qualities of
the women who used all their skills and talents to provide for their families gave
me the inspiration and desire to write this poem."
Alice Morrey Bailey
I have seen your liead in purple storm,
Serene, unpierced by lightning's rapier twist.
Impervious to thunderbolt, your form
Ethereal or bold in moving mist.
At day, a monarch, ruling — jewel-crowned
And virgin -peaked, lake-mirrored gray and blue —
A kingdom of contented sight and sound —
The legioned pines, the moose-cow in the slue.
No fear is on this land, yet at your feet.
Thin-covered by the earth's uncertain crust,
Unfathomed forces lie and spout their heat
In geysered vent and deep, infernal thrust.
And now, moon-bathed, your splendor glows with light
In opal-fired and iridescent night.
On such a silver night as this a quake
Exploded Hebgen's summer-shadowed floor
And slid a mountain's tonnage, tipped a lake
And stopped a river — stilled forevermore
The laughter in the trees, the soft guitar.
The scurryings where dust alone was breath,
And here in testament a livid scar
And fissured earth remain — and death.
The cruel scarp along the mountain's length,
The drowning trees, the shore, betray the fault
Which undermined the valley's rock-ribbed strength-
When all seemed peace — in ruinous assault.
And where are they who trusted in its calm,
Nor read the printed warning in its palm?
If, suddenly, the force which gave you birth
Erupts its epicenter at your base.
Withstand the throes of inner-tortured earth,
Meet threat with strength along your granite face,
Travail with triumph. Ride the heaving crest.
Let avalanche but serve to shore your beams.
Survive as elk survive the antlered test.
Let molten rock be solder for your seams.
For you are symboled part of balanced law —
No stature unassailed is proven might —
Point and counterpoint; perfection, flaw.
If still you stand as now in noble height
When winds have swept the dark, volcanic cloud,
I shall be full of joy. I shall be proud!
Second Prize Winner
The Relief Society
Poem Contest iimMw^r;^*^^^^^^
Alice Morrey Bailey, a versatile and gifted writer and sculptor, has been a re-
peated winner in the Relief Society literary contests. She won first prize in the
short story contest the year of its initiation, 1942, and has won three times in
subsequent years. This year's avyard in poetry places Mrs. Bailey as a winner
for the sixth time. Other poems, many of them frontispieces, as well as stories,
articles, and three serials have appeared In the Magazine. Mrs. Bailey Is a mem-
ber of the Sonneteers (a poetry workshop), the Utah State Poetry Society, Inc.,
of which she is presently corresponding secretary, the League of Utah Writers, and
the Associated Utah Artists. She was a member of the Utah State Institute of
Fine Arts for fourteen years, appointed by three successive governors to rep-
resent sculpture, and was prominent in formulating the Original Writing Con-
tests now sponsored by the group. She is listed in Who's Who of the West.
Her talents and abilities, in addition to her writing, include sculpture, music,
secretarial work, and drafting. She presently conducts the Research Report
Service at the University of Utah, where she has worked In various capacities
for seventeen years.
Mrs. Bailey has always been active in Church work, and is presently a mem-
ber of the Wells Stake Sunday School Board. She is also a class leader in a
second session Relief Society, and a member of the Ward Finance Committee
(Whittier Ward).
She is the wife of R. DeWitt Bailey, and they have three children, fourteen
grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Mabel Harmer
Nay Ruth
Turn once again your thoughts to Moab's plains
Where purple grapes lie warm beneath the sun,
Where fragile willows bend to tranquil streams
And gentle winds blow cool when day is done.
Sweet Orpah's kiss still lingers on my cheek,
Her love has eased a deep and poignant pain.
And mine will follow her with rich content
As shadows lift and tear-dimmed memories wane.
You will not leave?
Then let us bend our steps toward Bethlehem
Where clouds caress the curve of distant hills.
Where barley fields lie golden in the sun
And in the opal dawn a wild bird trills.
And if the way to Judah seems o'erlong
I shall not weary, knowing all the while
That tired feet and hearts grow strong again
When lifted on the quick wings of a smile.
Rejoice, my soul!
How blessed is she whose child by ties of blood
Forsaking others, chooses to abide.
How more then I, when bonds of love alone
Hold a once alien daughter to my side!
Third Prize Winner
The Relief Society
Poem Contest
Mabel Harmer, who placed second in the Relief Society Short Story Contest in
1942, and was an award winner in the story contest also in 1952 and 1955, is
well known to readers of the Magazine. Her articles and short stories have ap-
peared in the Magazine since 1933, and her serials have included "The Lotus
Eater," "Love Is Enough," and "Turn of the Wheel."
With her poem "Naomi to Ruth," Sister Harmer is a first-time winner in the
Relief Society Poem Contest. "I have tried my hand at almost every type of
writing," she tells us, "stories, plays, books, but very little poetry, so I am
especially delighted to be a winner in the Relief Society Poem Contest. I have
had eleven books published, one a Junior Literary Guild selection. I am affiliated
with several writers groups, and currently am serving as Utah State President
of the National League of American Pen Women. I also teach a class in creative
writing at the Brigham Young University Center for Continuing Education in Salt
Lake City, Utah. My husband is Earl W. Harmer, and our five children are Mrs.
Oren (Marian) Nelson, Dr. Earl W. Harmer, Jr., Mrs. Charles R. (Patricia) Spencer,
John, and Alan. There are also thirteen grandchildren."
■ The Relief Society General Board is pleased to announce the award winners
in the Relief Society Short Story Contest, which was announced In the May 1966
issue of The Relief Society Magazine, and which closed August 15, 1966.
The first prize of seventy-five dollars is awarded to Myrna Clawson, Modesto,
California, for her story "Who Loves Here?" The second prize of sixty dollars
is awarded to Marie M. Hayes, Seattle, Washington, for her story "A Gift to the
Giver." The third prize of fifty dollars is awarded to Hazel M. Thomson, Bountiful,
Utah, for her story, "To Warm the Heart."
The Relief Society Short Story Contest was first conducted by the Relief
Society General Board in 1942, as a feature of the Relief Society Centennial
observance, and was made an annual contest in 1943. The contest is open to
Latter-day Saint women who have had at least one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publication in a periodical of recognized merit.
The three prize-winning stories will be published consecutively in the first three
issues of The Relief Society Magazine for 1967.
Sixty-seven stories were entered in the 1966 contest, including submissions
from England, Wales, and Canada. Mrs. Clawson is a first-time winner In the
award winners
contest, and her winning story will mark her first appearance as an author in
The Relief Society Magazine. Mrs. Hayes is also a first-time winner and a first-
time author for the Magazine. Mrs. Thomson is already well known to readers
of the Magazine through her two serials "Your Heart to Understanding," and
"Because of the Word," as well as many other writings published in the Mag-
The contest was initiated to encourage Latter-day Saint women to express
themselves in the field of fiction. The General Board feels that the response
to this opportunity continues to increase the literary quality of The Relief Society
Magazine, and aids the women of the Church in the development of their gifts
in creative writing.
Prize-winning stories are the property of the General Board of Relief Society
and may not be used for publication by others except upon written permission
from the General Board. The General Board reserves the right to publish any of
the other stories submitted, paying for them at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rate. A writer who has received the first prize for two con-
secutive years must wait for two years before she is again eligible to enter the
Gratitude is extended to the members of the General Board who served on
the short story committee, and to the judges who evaluated the stories and
selected the winning entries.
First Prize Winner
The Relief Society
Short Story Contest
Who Loves Here?
Myrna Clawson
■ So that everything would go
perfectly, Andrea had spent her
entire day preparing for this
evening. A chicken and rice
casserole was waiting in the oven,
tossed green salad and banana
cream pie were ready, too. She
had checked to be sure she had
the table all set in the dining
room. Bert would be home any
minute, they would eat and then
get ready for the concert — a pop
concert to be conducted by
Theodor Ravinsky. Andrea and
Bert had attended one of his
concerts when they were in col-
lege ten years before; and for
Andrea no other conductor could
equal him.
Why wasn't Bert home, won-
dered Andrea? She decided to
remove the rollers and comb her
hair out while she waited; this
would save time later. She
brushed the hair back from her
forehead then teased and fHcked
the auburn tresses into place.
Leaving the mirror, she glanced
at herself again, pushed a curl
back from her cheek and smiled.
She felt warm and wonderful; it
had been a long time since she
had been so happy, so excited!
With almost a start, she re-
alized that Bert wasn't home yet.
Now their supper would be late
and her schedule disordered. She
asked the children to wash so
that they would be ready to eat
as soon as Bert walked in. He
enjoyed dinner with the family;
it was a time he could enjoy their
reports of the day's experiences.
Andrea looked out the front win-
dow to see if Bert might be com-
ing, she went back to the dining
room, she paced into and out of
the kitchen. Why was he late?
Bert's arrival erased Andrea's
anxiety; there was plenty of time
to get ready for the concert. She
gathered the four older children
around the table and seated Kirk
in his high chair. Baby Lucille,
who had already eaten, jabbered
from the playpen.
"Where are you going.
Mommy?" quizzed Vera, who was
Why can't we go?" chirped
four-year old Patty.
Kirk overturned his pie-filled
plate on his head, beamed and
announced, *'Hat, hat!"
The questions were forgotten
as the children broke into uproar-
ious laughter. Andrea felt her
plans crumbling around her.
Who Loves Here"?
''Quiet down and finish your
dinners!" she ordered. There was
a grave, but short silence as she
began to rescue Kirk from the
By the time she had the pie
wiped off Kirk and the floor,
Bert had excused himself and the
children had almost finished eat-
ing. She cleared the emptied
plates along with her unfinished
pie. Andrea knew that what she
accomplished now was only with
permission of the unconcerned
face staring at her from the wall.
The solemn timepiece told her
she had better be satisfied with
stacking the dishes; she needed
to be getting the children into
their pajamas.
Andrea sent Patty and Vera
upstairs to their room to dress
for bed while she undressed Kirk.
He held up a bare foot and
begged, "Piggy market?" Andrea
played ' 'Piggy market" with each
foot, then Kirk pleaded, "Gain."
"How 'bout Itsy Bitsy Spi-
As the spider crawled up his
arm he squealed and pulled his
arm away. Taking his turn, he
jumped his chubby hand, spider
fashion, up his mother's arm.
Andrea bounced him into her
arms for a squeeze. He wiggled
and squirmed, delighted.
When it was time for him to
put his feet into his pajamas, she
was done with the play and de-
manded, "Hold still. Kirk! How
can I dress you with all your
"Mommy," pleaded Patty from
the stairway, "I can't find my
"Oh, no!" Andrea half said and
half thought. "I'll be right there
as soon as I snap Kirk's top."
She responded loudly enough for
Patty to hear.
The search snatched at An-
drea's precious minutes and
seized almost all of her compo-
sure in locating his pajamas —
the top in the doll clothes drawer
and the bottom under the bed.
"I'll help you — " Andrea had
started before the phone inter-
rupted. Bert was in the shower
so Andrea rushed down the stairs
to answer it.
The oh-so-friendly voice on the
line reminded, "Don't forget
PTA tomorrow afternoon at
"Thank you," answered An-
drea, dropping the receiver, "how
could I forget it — three calls to
remind me?" she mumbled.
Noises coming from the kit-
chen told her that Kirk must be
into something. Sure enough, he
had helped himself to the Sugar
Crisp and now, on the floor, was
doing his best to put them back
into the box..
To Andrea, it was one crisis
after another. The children, who
had been hurried and felt their
mother's excitement, were in high
gear. By the time she had tucked
Kirk and Lucille into the beds,
Kevin and Dallon, seven and
eight years old, had model air-
planes in process on the living
room floor. Andrea put an end to
that. "How many times have I
told you that there is to be no
airplane glue used in this room?
Now take all this mess to the
nook table — and use a news-
paper on the table!"
Andrea's schedule indicated
that it was time to leave for the
concert. Thank goodness she had
January 1967
had practice in dressing in sec-
It seemed only moments later
when Andrea, although flushed,
came into her living room with
the semblance of a model intro-
ducing next season's lines. The
little girls eyed her as they
would have looked upon a queen.
Kevin bounded in and came to a
halt. "You sure are pretty.
Dallon, following, added, "I
like your new dress."
Andrea beamed — she felt like
royalty. She was pleased with
her accomplishments of the pre-
vious day, when she had finished
making the silver-blue peau de
soie dress with the empire waist.
With a second admiring glance,
one realized it was a maternity
Bert placed his arm around
Andrea's waist. "Shall we go, my
She kissed each of the children
goodbye and they stepped out
the door just as the phone broke
the captivating spell Andrea had
begun to feel.
As Bert talked, Andrea eyed
her watch and calculated that
there were only twelve and one
half minutes remaining; then she
comforted sobbing Patty, who had
been the subject of Dallon's teas-
ing, gave instructions for repair-
ing a wing, to an airplane builder,
and reminded the baby sitter
about Lucille's bottle in the re-
"Uncle Harold will only be
here tomorrw morning?" Andrea
quizzed Bert as he slipped
through the first intersection on
an amber signal. "I'm glad we
didn't miss his call." Waiting for
the second signal, she knew it
would be rare luck if they could
buck the traffic in time to hear
the first number tonight.
Hurry, hurry, hurry since at
least four in the afternoon. Bert
and Andrea were in their seats
now, but she still felt hurried.
She wondered what the chil-
dren might be into at home. It
was past the announced curtain
time — why the delay? Andrea,
so keyed to a rushed schedule,
was caught by surprise when Bert
remarked, "I'm glad we arrived
early enough to enjoy the antici-
pation and excitement of the con-
cert hall. Aren't you?"
"Yes, I am," Andrea answered
blankly. "You know that tooth
that Kirk hit when he fell Satur-
day? Do you think it will turn
The house lights began to dim,
the curtain rose, Andrea began
to forget. The first strains of
melody were relaxing, and she
was soon translated from her
busy world of reponsibility into a
world of music.
At intermission, Andrea, en-
thralled with the performance,
chatted with Bert. They were
young again as they recalled the
first Ravinsky concert they had
attended. Andrea felt the ro-
mance of the earlier evening. Life
was perfect.
"Do you think the lady sitting
beside you is alone?" Bert asked.
A group of concert-goers who
had been sitting on the other side
of the lady had left. Andrea
turned to her, "Isn't the music
grand? It is so — so lovely I
can't describe it. Vivacious, that
might be the word."
"I'm enjoying it," the lady
"I guess this music is special to
Who Loves Here'?
me because I also know the ideals
Theodor Ravinsky lives. Marvel-
ous conductor and outstanding
person!" Andrea bubbled, "Isn't
it something that such a man
would even come to Bedlington?
The paper said he came here by
special request. He must be the
finest conductor in our country."
"Oh, do you think so?" replied
the lady, who must have been in
her eighties.
She had noticed Andrea's dress
and, after hesitating, she asked,
"Is this to be your first child?"
Andrea paused as stinging re-
marks she had heard before
raced through her mind — "Are
you PG againV' "Don't you
know when to quit?"
"No, this will be my seventh
child," Andrea answered.
"Really? How fortunate you
are! Children are such a blessing
and comfort. You see, I had
seven youngsters myself."
Andrea only heard part of the
remark. The thought of children
transported her back to the
hustle, bustle, and confusion of
one and a half hours ago. How
could she be fortunate to have
another baby on the way, another
demanding cry, another toddler
under foot when she was busy,
more diapers, more wash, more,
more, more . . . ?
Tears welled, an unbearable
lump was in her throat; she
stared at the ceiling, trying to
prevent the tears from revealing
her feelings. As the light dimmed
she felt relief and then suddenly
ashamed — children were sup-
posed to be a blessing! Trying to
convince herself how truly for-
tunate she was, she felt, for a
moment, she could control the
tears; but instead her emotions
controlled her and a tear burned
down her face. Why couldn't
she be thankful for one thing —
that the musicians were ready
and Maestro Ravinsky's baton,
held high, would momentarily
command and eighty-five musi-
cians would follow its every
stroke and hesitation? Music
would fill the entire concert hall;
its melody, vibrant strains and
drama would again captivate An-
The baton flashed, the musi-
cians came to life, and Andrea
was filled with shock. The clash,
the racing, the clamor of "The
Carmen Overture" mockingly
echoed the frequent turmoil of
her own home. It was children
running wildly in the house, chil-
dren yelling, children bickering,
children, noise, confusion, chil-
dren, children, children ....
She felt she couldn't stand an-
other instant of being mimicked.
Turning to Bert, enraptured with
the majesty of the performance,
Andrea resolved to conquer her
emotions and enjoy the evening.
Music softens the heart, music
soothes, music lightens the load,
January 1967
music mellows. Andrea ignored
her own thoughts and listened,
watching the violins. She was
swept away with the light-
hearted waltz from Strauss'
"Gypsy Baron."
With the final ovation, Bert
nudged her elbow, "Let's go!"
Andrea, entranced, lingered to
help the lady with her coat, then
Entering the aisle Bert looked
back and proposed to Andrea,
"She is alone?"
"Yes," Andrea answered.
The lady was still seated, so
Bert returned to offer her assis-
tance. She seemed grateful for
his help and relied on his arm to
steady herself. Reaching the
lobby, Bert felt concerned for the
woman. His eyes, asking what
next, turned and met Andrea's
sympathetic glance.
"I'm meeting my son just over
there," the lady offered.
A wave of relief passed over
Bert as he learned her plans.
Accompanying her across the
room, Bert suggested, "We will
wait with you until he comes."
"Would you?" She seemed glad
that they would wait. Then turn-
ing obviously to Bert alone, in a
whisper, she added, "I'd like your
wife to meet my son."
Bert was a bit baffled, and
Andrea felt slighted by the
hushed remark.
Waiting, as they watched the
crowd thin, Bert noticed a man
coming toward them and turned
to Andrea. "Is that . . . ?"
"Thank you for waiting with
Mother," the man interrupted.
The lady smiled at her son,
turned to Andrea, and said, "I
would like you to meet my
seventh child, Theodor Ravin-
As Andrea checked each child
before going to her bed, she
tousled their hair and kissed
their foreheads one by one. What
wonderful blessings her children
were to her. She hesitated in
wonder before leaving the second
room. Who are these children?
Whom am I loving — teaching? A
musician? A teacher? A presi-
dent? A prophet? Who will my
seventh child be?
Myrna Clawson, Modesto, California, is a first-time winner in the Relief Society
Short Story Contest. "Having my story awarded first prize is a humbling honor.
My literary experience began about a year and a half ago, with a Brigham Young
University correspondence course. In addition to 'Who Loves Here?' I have had
two children's stories accepted. My husband Jim and I attended Brigham Young
University in 1954, through 1956. There I enjoyed all the classes having to do
with homemaking. We now have six busy children, ranging in ages from one to
"After spending six years in the Relief Society organization of our ward, I am
now serving as counselor in the Primary. Jim serves as counselor in the bishopric.
We find many challenges and much joy in serving the Lord through Church work
and rearing our family. I am grateful for the opportunities for growth and under-
standing which the Church and Relief Society provide for young mothers."
Ramona W. Cannon
"Fiesta Mexicana," featuring thirty
women dancers from Mexico City, is
receiving entliusiastic acclaim in many
nations, including France, Spain, Italy,
Germany (Berlin), England, Japan, and
the United States. The dancers bring
to life, with authentic and beautiful
costumes and music from ancient in-
struments, the ritualistic and pre-
Hispanic dances from Mayan and Aztec
cultures. Among the dancers, Malinda
Ortiz, Princess Teo Xochitel, Maria
Luiza Ortix, and Antonieta Casas have
received outstanding recognition.
Maureen Forrester, one of the world's
leading contraltos, "flawlessly per-
formed" the role of Cornelia in Han-
del's "Julius Caesar" in October for
New York City Opera's opening produc-
tion. "The rich tonalities of her deep
velvet voice" were highly praised. Of
Scotch-Irish descent, she was born in
Montreal, Canada, and is married to
Canadian Conductor-Violinist Eugene
Anna Kuulei Furtado Kahanamoku is
the only woman member of the Hawaii
State Senate. Reared on the island of
Maui, she was early influenced by her
parents and other relatives to take an
active interest in Hawaiian culture and
civic affairs. Her work in the Senate
reflects this heritage. She is active in
legislation affecting the welfare of
women, both in the home and in in-
dustry. Formerly a schoolteacher, she
encourages Hawaiian women to avail
themselves of educational opportunities
in order to enable them better to direct
and influence their children.
Mrs. Lael W. Hill, Salt Lake City, Utah,
a contributor to The Relief Society
Magazine, and winner of first place In
the 1959 Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest,
is author of "Legacy of Years," a poem
collection which won the 1966 Linnie
Fisher Robinson $100 prize, and pub-
lication by the Utah State Poetry So-
ciety. Mrs. Hill, a gifted artist, designed
also the attractive and meaningful
cover for her book.
Miss Dorothy Larrison, from Indiana,
is assistant editor for college division
textbooks, Bobbs-Merrill Publishing
Company. "Textbooks today are su-
perb in content and interesting to
read," she comments.
Mrs. J. Howard Auchincloss, mother
of distinguished novelist Louis S.
Auchincloss, wielded a strong influence
in her home. Her famous son says:
"I always felt Mother should be the
novelist in the family. She inculcated
my tremendous feeling for fiction.
When somebody says 'fiction' to me,
my flash association is Mother reading
Robert Louis Stevenson aloud."
Mrs. Julie C. Fuller is president of the
national organization of American
Women in Radio and Television. She
attends the area conventions each
year and is continually alert to the
woman's point of view, which, she
says, is becoming wider and more fully
informed, because women wish to un-
derstand why events nationally and
world-wide happen as they do, and
what efforts women can make to in-
crease the prevalence of law and order
on all levels of community life.
The Joy of Volunteer Service
Volume 54 January 1967 Number 1
■ Belle S, Spafford, President
■ Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor
■ Louise W. Madsen, Second Counselor
■ Hulda P. Youna. Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Edith P. Backman
V/inniefred S. Manwaring
EIna P. Haymond
Mary R. Young
Mary V. Cameron
Afton W. Hunt
Elsa T. Peterson
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
Jennie R. Scott
Alice L. Wilkinson
Irene W. Buehner
Irene C. Lloyd
Hazel S. Love
Fawn H. Sharp
Celestia J. Taylor
Anne R. Gledhill
Belva B. Ashton
Zola J. McGhie
Oa J. Cannon
Lila B. Walch
Lenore C. Gundersen
Marjorie C. Pingree
Darlene C. Dedekind
Cleone R. Eccles
Edythe K. Watson
Ellen N. Barnes
Kathryn S. Gilbert
Verda F. Burton
Myrtle R. Olson
Alice C. Smith
Lucile P. Peterson
Elaine B. Curtis
Zelma R. West
■ Never has the need and recog-
nition of volunteer work been so
publicized as it is today. In spite
of all that governments are en-
deavoring to do to ameliorate
the conditions of people in un-
fortunate circumstances, it is ad-
mitted that there is nothing so
valuable to the unfortunate person
as a warm, friendly, helping per-
sonal companionship which says
to the disadvantaged, there is
someone who cares, I am a hum-
ble human being as you are, and
I'm interested in you. I am solic-
itous of your welfare, I want to
help you.
From the time a girl reaches
maturity there is always some
avenue through which she can
serve outside her own family
circle as her family and Church
responsibilities permit. This volun-
teer service will add richness and
understanding to her own life, in
addition to the satisfaction she
will feel in knowing that she is
serving someone who needs her
Over the years, schemes and
corporations have evolved which
have been established for the bet-
terment of mankind, such as the
Red Cross, Traveler's Aid, Health
Programs, Child Care Clinics,
hospitals, both to heal the body and the mind, assistance to women
while in prison and after release, youth guidance work, detention
homes, parent-teacher associations, to name a few. In different coun-
tries different names are given, but the work is basically the same.
While these services are generally manned by salaried personnel, of
necessity, for trained guidance and continuity, the success, extent,
and effectiveness of the programs are dependent, in large measure,
upon the good offices of volunteers. It is the people to people work
which humanizes the proferred service and helps to accomplish its
As a Latter-day Saint woman becomes a mother, her time and duties
are centered primarily in the home with her husband and children,
but a mother who gave service to some worthwhile cause before mar-
riage, will have become conscious of her involvement with the com-
munity, and, in all probability, set aside time to engage as a volunteer,
especially in programs which touch her children and community.
Relief Society members are trained to give service. They are trained
to act upon the words given Relief Society by the Prophet Joseph Smith
"to assist by correcting the morals and strengthening the virtues of
community life." They know that they do not live on an island.
Then, when the children leave the home, the wife and mother, once
again, can offer her volunteer services to that cause to which her train-
ing and interests lead her. As a member of the Church, she makes
friends of others outside her own neighborhood. She further broadens
her outlook on life, and may be an example to others through her ded-
ication to service and her love for others.
There is an urgent need, at this time, for volunteers in the hospitals,
for volunteers in strengthening the Church's specialized social services,
and for other programs mentioned.
The great commandment is to love one's neighbor as oneself. One's
neighbor may live next door or miles away. Volunteer service is soul-
satisfying. Dedication to a worthwhile cause helps one to be about
one's Father's business. — M. C. S.
Notes to the Field
Bound Volumes of 1966 Magazines
Relief Society officers and members who wish to have their 1966 issues of
The Relief Society Magazine bound may do so through The Deseret News Press,
1600 Empire Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104. (See advertisement in this issue
of the Magazine, page 77.) The cost of binding the twelve issues in a permanent
cloth binding is $3.25, leather $5.25, including the index. A limited number of 1966
Magazines are available at the offices of the General Board of Relief Society,
76 North Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, for $2.00 for twelve issues.
It is recommended that wards and stakes have one volume of the 1966 Mag-
azines bound for preservation in ward and stake Relief Society libraries.
Copies of The Relief Society Magazine index for personal binding can be se-
cured from the General Board office for 20^ prepaid.
Volumes bound at the Deseret News Press include a free index.
Memorial Honor Funds Discontinued
By action of the General Board on March 23, 1966, the honor funds of Relief
Society to memorialize past presidents of Relief Society and others were dis-
continued. The Poem Contest formerly honoring Eliza R. Snow will continue as a
feature of the Relief Society Magazine just as is the Relief Society Short Story
Contest inaugurated in 1942 as a Centennial feature.
Kathryn Kay
Waiting is coma,
Time of emptiness.
The lonely interval between goodbye
And the return which terminates heart-stress,
Releasing tight-held tears too deep to cry.
Waiting is the interim, the hyphen
Connecting time-was with time-yet-to-be;
The long, long days and nights when moments siphon
More moments while we watch helplessly ....
But waiting, also, is remembering.
Waiting is winter, thinking of the spring!
pU^^^ fight
birth defects
George P. Voss
Vice-President for Public Relations
Love works both ways. The child born less than perfect gives his
love as freely as all children do. In return, he needs the kind of love
that means help and hope for his future.
More than a quarter of a million babies born each year in this
country need this special kind of love. They need expert medical care
that can improve — and sometimes completely correct — almost eighty
per cent of the serious conditions caused by birth defects.
This is the kind of care available at more than seventy-five March of
Dimes Birth Defects Centers throughout the United States. Early diag-
nosis and proper treatment are given — tender care for those who
need it most. The child born less than perfect can be helped across the
barriers of disability to find a full, productive life.
Your March of Dimes contribution helps finance the Birth Defects
Centers. You can help to care for the children who need your consider-
ation and your remembrance. Your help is a measure of your love.
Fight Birth Defects — Join the March of Dimes
Mabel Jones Gabbott
When I look back, let me remember
The lovely things and beautiful we knew:
The day we met, the ever-burning ember
Of our love, the happy times we threw
Cares to the wind and laughed together.
The hours we shared each other's heart ....
Remembering thus, it will not matter whether
One day or two or more keep us apart;
For we will know love lasts beyond these years,
Beyond these lonely nights, beyond these tears.
Begins With
a Tree
Marilyn McMeen Miller
■ After the last string of children
had skipped out into the cloak
hall, gathering boots and mittens
on the final strains of "Jolly Old
Saint Nicolas," and the tinsel
and nutshells and ribbon from
the party had been swept into
the baskets, everything seemed
to be desperately quiet. As Miss
Gold fumbled into her hat and
coat, she felt tears stinging her
eyes. She imagined these children
going to their homes and she
ached to follow them. But she
saw herself cramped in her musty
apartment correcting notebooks
— both from her own classes and
from the classes of Miss Pool who
had been ill for so many days.
More at Christmas than at
other times. Miss Gold reflected,
life had seemed to pass her by.
A boy she once loved had been
killed in an automobile accident.
Through the years no one else
had seemed to want her for his
wife. Last year her mother had
died, joining her father, who had
passed away many years before.
Miss Gold pulled on her gloves
and jostled the stacks of papers
under her arms. If only she had
not promised Roberta Pool she
would help her with the tedious
notebooks. It seemed an extra
burden just when her heart
should be light and beating in
time with "Jingle Bells" and
"Deck the Halls With Boughs of
From the second story window
of her apartment. Miss Gold saw
the lights of the city sparkling
far off over the hill. She stamped
off her galoshes, turned up the
radiator, and rubbed her hands.
There was surely some way to
make Christmas possible to bear
this year. Finding it was the
problem. She might take in a
show — she might dine at the
Lantern, her favorite place to
eat. But then she was tired of
always going alone. There was
her new ward. She recalled they
were planning some kind of MIA
party. But there were no single
people her age. She was almost
forty. No one was really inter-
ested in a womout schoolteacher.
She shuddered to realize that the
years had crept up on her this
way. She brushed a shock of hair
from her eyes and felt the dry
Christmas Begins With a Tree
skin of her forehead. Suddenly, someone from the ward,
her bones felt weak and tired, ''I know you don't get to come
and she had tears in her eyes to Relief Society because you
again. And the little apartment teach, but still we thought you
with not a Christmas light or wouldn't mind helping us out for
decorated sprig in it, whirled in the ward Christmas Eve night
her consciousness. by bringing some cookies. Would
There must be some way she you mind?" the voice on the end
could begin! Where did other of the line seemed very friendly,
lonely people begin? There was ''No. I'd be happy to help
at least one thing she could do. you." Miss Gold caught her own
She could at least get a tree — voice sounding grateful. "I was
even a little tree like the one her planning to make some cookies
class had given to the needy anyway. Fll just bake extra,
family. Even if only for herself. Come to the party?" She hes-
it would help. itated. "Well, what time does it
Tomorrow was the day before start? I was planning to do some-
Christmas, and most of the trees thing else. I guess I could do it
would be gone. There would first, and come to the ward later,
probably be one or two straggly All right. I'll bring the cookies
ones left, but size or beauty did myself."
not matter. Tonight she would
see how many of her reports she
could get done and then tomor- This first sign of human life
row she would get a tree. And a warmed her. At least somebody
sudden thought warmed her even cared that much, she thought,
in her bitterness. Perhaps she Correcting the notebooks was
could bake some cookies and hard work. Her back ached and
take them and the notebooks her hand was cramped. But this
and visit Miss Pool. She did not time she did not want to quit,
care much for the thin, wiry She wanted to have a glorious
teacher who was so stern, and Christmas Eve, knowing that
was avoided by many of the Miss Pool's work, at least, was
teachers; but it was something out of the way. And so, in the
she could do for someone who early hours of the morning, she
needed her. Anyway, it was . a finally closed the reports, laid
thought. down her red pencils, and
After a light bowl of soup. Miss breathed a sigh of relief. She
Gold sat grimly at her sitting was dead tired. But perhaps it
room table and mechanically had been worth it, even though
forced herself through the piles she suspected the wiry old lady
of words and pictures that lay might not appreciate it.
before her. "And some people It was a little late in the morn-
think a teacher is lucky because ing when Miss Gold finally awak-
she gets vacations," she muttered ened without her alarm. During
once, and just then the telephone the night there had been a little
rang. skiff of snow, but now the sun
"Hello, Sister Gold?" was shining. She would be able
"Yes," she answered. It was to walk to get the tree; it was
January 1967
such a beautiful day! She decided
she would bake the cookies first
and then go.
At the good smells of melting
chocolate and toasting oatmeal
and coconut, Miss Gold forgot
that she was alone. Now if she
had a tree, and watched a good
television program, it would seem
like Christmas.
It was about five o'clock in the
afternoon when all the cookies
were finally baked, and the kitch-
en cleaned — and there hadn't yet
been a moment to get a tree. It
just didn't seem there would be
time unless she drove to Miss
Pool's and got the tree between
going to Miss Pool's and the
chapel. Or she might get the
tree before going to Miss Pool's,
and put it in the car.
She decided the last course
was best, so she boxed the cook-
ies up and bundled Miss Pool's
notebooks together and drove to
look for her tree. She decided she
would have to buy a string of
Miss Gold knew that most of
the trees would be gone by now,
but she forgot that so many of
the lots which sold them would
be closed. Time after time, she
drove up to an empty lot littered
with a few , straggling branches.
The lights were often out and the
proprietors gone to spend the
evening with their families.
It surely looked like Christmas
Eve. Even the stores were ending
the season. All was quiet. She
bought a string of lights and a
box of tinsel and drove out of
town a little distance to a lot
she was sure would be open.
She was lucky. The proprietor
stood balancing from one leg to
the other, breathing big white
puffs of warm breath into the
cold air.
"You're a Httle late, lady," he
said. "All we have are big ones.
You want some boughs, lady?"
"Say, I do believe we have one
little pine left." One of the men
came up from a little shack at
the side where the smoke spiraled
into the air.
One little pine? Her heart
jumped. It seemed to be a silly
thing, yet it made so much dif-
ference to her whether there
would really be a Christmas in
her life or not.
"Oh, that will be perfect. I'll
take it," she said.
The tree was perfect. It was a
beautiful and symmetrical, long-
needled pine. It bounced around
beautifully and smelled so good.
It was going to seem like Christ-
mas after all, and just in time.
Joyously, she popped it in the
back seat and drove to Miss
The small house that belonged
to Miss Pool was completely
dark. Not a light was visible any-
where, unless that weak faint
glow from the back could be
called a light. Betty Gold shud-
dered. Even her little apartment
was better than this. One of the
teachers had declined taking the
faculty bulletins by, Miss Gold
remembered. The nervous, sick
woman was probably somewhere
in the depths of that house, her
same stern self. Betty was a little
frightened, but she stepped up to
ring the doorbell. There was no
answer, and so she tried the door.
To her surprise, it opened.
"Anyone home?"
From far in the back a weak
voice called "Who is it?"
Christmas Begins With a Tree
Betty clutched the cookies and
the notebooks under her arm.
''Miss Gold. I've brought your
notebooks, Miss Pool."
"Well, come in, then. Don't
leave the door open very long."
The little woman was propped
up against her pillows, reading
under a low yellow light.
"I've got your notebooks done,
and I wanted to say Merry
Christmas to you, too, Miss
Somehow, Betty did not want
to mention the cookies. Miss Pool
looked so ill, as though she could
not have eaten anything. Her
face was drawn into tight lines.
She looked tired and sad.
"Thanks. Put the notebooks
It seemed a curt offering of
appreciation after the work it had
taken, but Betty promised her-
self she was not going to mind.
"So it's Christmas again, is it?"
Miss Pool asked weakly. "Not
like the times I remember. I've
been thinking about those years.
Miss Gold. You're not as old as
I am, and you don't remember
when all the families got together
— grandma — all the aunts — not
a soul was left out — and there
were trees, popcorn, carols, laugh-
ter, joy, everything. ..."
Miss Gold was about to say,
"I think families still do get to-
gether," but she saw in the lonely
old eyes a bright rim of tears.
"My younger brother men-
tioned he'd come and bring his
children to say Merry Christmas,
but even they have forgotten,"
Miss Pool said.
So there was something, after
all, for Miss Pool for Christmas.
Miss Gold thought of her own
brother and his family so far
"Are they coming Christmas
Eve?" Betty asked, suddenly
finding herself hopeful above any
other thing that the young family
would not forget.
"Oh, you know young children
don't care about the older gen-
eration anymore," Miss Pool said.
Suddenly, Betty wanted to
make it seem even more like
Christmas for Miss Pool, because
there seemed to be nothing but
a double disappointment. And
what if the family did come and
the house was so drab? She
thought of the tree. Of course.
That was the logical thing. For
only a brief moment did she hes-
"Miss Pool, I have something
out in the car — your brother's
family would love it when they
come . . . oh . . . and besides, I
brought these cookies."
The woman in the bed raised
her eyes at Betty's sudden burst
of good will.
"Can you wait for me just one
moment while I run out to the
"Cookies? Oh, why, yes, of
course. . . . Thank you — how
It took only a moment to drag
the tiny pine into the bedroom
and set it up on its little wooden
stand, propping it with the sew-
ing basket and some books.
"Miss Gold — you needn't do
that . . . why, I haven't had a
tree in a long time."
Betty felt a sudden childish
feeling of warmth rise from her
heart to her cheeks. The wom-
an's eyes were actually sparkling.
"I believe I have some oma-
January 1967
ments from years gone by," the
sick woman said, almost trying
to hide a new excitement she was
ashamed of feehng. "Down there
in that lower drawer. No, not
that ... in the chiffonier . . . yes
. . . there "
Just as the little tree, with its
one string of lights, got a spatter-
ing of tinsel, the doorbell rang.
It was Miss Poors brother and
his wife and three little girls,
hesitant and quiet at the sight
of the dark house and Miss
Gold^s presence at the door.
Betty had never really been so
happy to see anyone, and this
feeling astonished her, because
this was the family of someone
else. She led them to the back
room, and Miss Pool could not
completely hide her joy and grat-
itude even though she tried to
look stem as she said, *'I thought
you had forgotten me."
The little girls immediately
went over to the tree and tugged
at their mother's hands.
"I didn't know Aunt Roberta
would have a Christmas tree,"
one of them said questioningly.
"Oh, it's so pretty."
"Christmas came to your
house, after all."
"We brought you some pres-
ents. Auntie."
Betty's heart felt unusually
warm and trembling, and she felt
tears well up in her eyes. Without
saying much, she would leave
them now while Miss Pool was
passing out the cookies. She
moved toward the door and
pulled on her coat and gloves.
"Goodbye now," she said as
inconspicuously as possible.
"Oh, just a minute," Miss Pool
said loudly, so that everyone in
the warm room, standing around
the bed piled with packages and
the little glowing tree, turned to
watch Miss Gold.
"I just wanted to thank you,
Miss Gold, for doing these note-
books. Nobody knows but a
schoolteacher, I suppose, how
much time and energy went into
all of that. I know — and I am
surely grateful. And thank you —
well, just thank you for every-
thing. I hope you can come again
during the holidays."
Betty's heart thudded, as she
nodded goodbye to everyone and
made her way out the door and
into the crisp winter air. That
was what she had needed — some-
how to be able to give, and to
have the someone who needed
that giving, to appreciate it.
Christmas might begin with a
tree, but it was made up of love.
Betty left the warm house with
the laughter of the little girls
and the sound of paper wrappings
being torn off of packages.
With a glad heart, she gathered
the other boxes of cookies on the
front seat and drove to what she
knew would be a most wonderful
Christmas party, a wonderful
Christmas Eve, and also a warm
Unwelcome Caller
Nancy M. Armstrong
m Every muscle in my body screamed as I climbed out of bed.
Never mind, the house was spotless. Windows shone, woodwork
gleamed, curtains were crispy white. All the hard work of readying
for Christmas was done. Only pleasurable tasks remained. Last min-
ute touches to decorations, packages, and food would consume the
next two days. Then the transcendent day, with eighteen family
members invited for dinner. Well, everything was under control.
Suddenly, I smelled smoke. Throwing on a robe, I dashed to the
kitchen. Thick smoke was issuing around every lid on the range. I
tried every conceivable adjustment of the dampers. With each
change, more smoke puffed out heavier and blacker.
Opening the back door, I called to my husband who was in the
coal shed filling buckets. The breeze, created by opening the door,
wafted smoke into the other rooms.
Originally, the old farm house we had purchased our first year of
marriage, had doors to isolate each room. But we had had to be
modem. In remodeling we removed most of the doors. The smoke
surged through the dining room and into my newly decorated living
When my husband came in, he said, "Something is clogging the
chimney or firebox. I'll have to lift the fire out to find out what it
I moaned, but there was nothing else he could do.
As he lifted the lids, fly ash and soot joined the smoke. After
carrying the smoldering coal outside in a bucket, he came back to say
he would have to take down the stovepipe.
Warm fly ash and soot cascaded down the wall behind the stove
as the pipe was removed. I opened the kitchen door and the back
porch door so my husband could carry the pipe into the yard. I re-
turned to survey my wrecked kitchen that resembled a scene from the
January 1967
''Last Days of Pompeii/' Little swirls of soot whirled here and there
on the floor. Fly ash was settling on chairs, table, cupboards, and
refrigerator. I sat down at the table, put my head on my arms and
My husband came in to say, ''A little owl was clogging the pipe.
He must have been asphyxiated last night while sitting on the chim-
ney, and fell in."
I who am a complete pushover for all animals and birds could
feel no sympathy. I was drenched in self-pity.
My husband put his arm around my shoulders. "At least I know
what you need for Christmas now," he said.
'What?" I asked through tears.
"A guard for the top of the chimney to keep out unwelcome
I made no reply.
"Oh, cheer up, honey," he said. "It could have been a lot worse."
"Well he could have waited until Christmas Eve to play Santa."
Oh, what a gruesome idea! With eighteen guests coming for
My husband filled a bucket at the sink. "Where will I find a
scrubbing brush and a box of detergent?" he asked.
Raising my head, I managed a feeble smile. "I'll get into a
work dress and be right back."
Indeed things could have been a lot worse.
Leone W. Doxey
A housekeeper is a homemaker if she shares her love;
Tasks do not drag her down, her spirit soars above.
Material things in her home become the tools at hand;
They work magic when her love is in command.
She greets the day with gladness, a song, and sunny smile,
A table set attractively makes breakfast worthwhile;
Her children go to school with their clothes washed clean,
Ironed smooth, and mended with love in every seam.
A token of her kindness, so thoughtful and sweet.
Is often found in a lunch box — a special treat.
Clean sheets on all the beds at night
Tuck in love and say, "Sleep tight."
Oh, love is a wonderful, powerful thing;
The woman who works with it hears life sing.
Joyce B. Bailey
Busy housewives call time and time again on the lowly sandwich to fill the
gap at mealtime. Here are some sandwich ideas to make any husband, teenager,
or child wish it were sandwich-time more often!
Broiled Supper Sandwiches:
Place sliced cooked chicken on buttered toast. Sprinkle it with crumbled
Roquefort cheese. Cover with strips of bacon (notched to prevent curling), and
broil for about ten minutes, or until the bacon is crisp. For a special treat, place
sliced tomatoes on the chicken before adding the cheese. This will be a family
Toast slices of bread on one side. Spread the untoasted side with a mixture
of peanut butter, chopped cooked bacon, and bacon drippings. Top this with
a thin slice of tomato sprinkled with V2 tsp. brown sugar. Place under the
broiler for a few minutes, serve, and enjoy.
Cut tomatoes into thick slices and place on buttered toast. Season with salt
and pepper and pinch of brown sugar. Drain and flake a 7 oz. can of tuna and
combine with mayonnaise. Spread the tuna mixture on the tomatoes and
sprinkle with grated sharp cheese. Broil until the cheese is melted and serve
piping hot.
Lunch Box Treats:
Combine 14 c. sharp American cheese with 2 tbsp. mayonnaise. Add 4 6z.
canned corn beef, shredded, and V^ c. sour-sweet pickles, finely chopped, 1 tbsp.
grated onion, and 2 tbsp. chopped celery. Season with salt, if needed, and spread
on thick whole-wheat slices of bread with crisp lettuce.
Spread whole-wheat or rye bread with cream cheese, softened with a little
milk or cream. Add slices of cooked chicken, chopped green olives, and salt.
Add crisp lettuce, and what a treat!
Split a large French roll and spread the halves with mayonnaise. Place thick
slices of tomato, a slice of salami, and two anchovies on one slice. Top with
crisp lettuce and the other half of the roll.
This is always special, for guests or for the family. Prepare 3 slices of toast
for each serving. Cover slice #1 with a lettuce leaf, 3 crisp slices of hot bacon,
slices of tomato, mayonnaise, and a drained slice of canned pineapple. Place
slice #2 on top and cover it with slices of cold turkey or chicken and mayonnaise.
Place slice #3 on top and cut diagonally.
Agnes Kunz Dansie — Versatile Artist of Handicraft
Agnes Kunz Dansie, Herriman, Utah, learned to quilt when she was fourteen
years old. Her pieced quilts in Sunburst pattern and Double Wedding Ring are
reminiscent of "economy craftsmanship" of early days in the mountain valleys.
Later, her satin quilts, in exquisite design and with fine and even stitchery, have
won awards at many State and County Fairs. She has made more than one hun-
dred quilts. To her skill in quiltmaking, Sister Dansie has added such crafts as
crocheting, knitting, embroidery, making rugs and decorative pillows, baby bon-
nets and bootees, and sewing aprons and other clothing. As a sort of "side
hobby," as she calls it, she painted some lovely landscapes. Articles of her handi-
craft adorn the homes of her eight children and thirty-six grandchildren. She has
now begun to make gifts for the great-grandchildren.
She has served for twenty-three continuous years as Relief Society Magazine
representative for her ward, and has never achieved less than a one hundred per
cent record. One year she secured 118 per cent subscriptions. She is genealogical
representative for her family and rejoices in record keeping and temple work.
An admonition she gives for all Relief Society women, and for people everywhere:
"When you are given a responsibility, do your best!"
Chapter 7
Tell Me of Lave
Rosa Lee Lloyd
Synopsis: Julie Rideghaven, who has
been attending school in California, is
called back to her home in Sydney,
Australia, because her fiance Ron Mc-
Laren is lost in the bush. Julie's friend
Betz Condon accompanies her, and
the girls go with members of the Ridge-
haven family on an expedition to
search for Ron. Also in the party are
Aunt Isabelle, who has been very ill;
and Wally Ridgehaven, who becomes
increasingly interested in Betz Con-
don. The women take over the house-
keeping duties at the station, and the
men set out in search of Ron. Julie is
concerned over the strange actions of
Ron's kelpie, and she feels that the
dog knows something about Ron's
strange disappearance.
■ Julie slept restlessly. She was
fully awake standing at the win-
dow, as the first rays of the sun
flickered through the branches of
the big gum tree.
The men had already gone. She
heard them leave before she was
out of bed. She bent her head
against the window sill, a prayer
in her heart.
''Julie "
Betz sat up in her bunk.
"Please put your dressing gown
on. It*s cold as Christmas in
"1*11 get dressed," Julie said,
reaching for her plaid skirt and
bright yellow blouse. "Casey
Jones hasn't come home yet."
"That dog!" Betz said. "Don't
worry. He'll come home when he
gets good and hungry."
"I'm counting on that — unless
he followed the men. His big
meal is in the morning, so he
might come early. This time I'll
put him on a leash. He won't get
out of my sight again."
"He'll love that!" Betz laughed.
Julie went to the kitchen. Cleo
was already there preparing
"Isabelle insists on coming to
the table this morning," she told
Julie, with a wondrous smile.
"She says she feels better than
she has for ages. Funny, what love
can do for a woman. It brought
her back from the very edge of
the grave, if you ask me. Oh, I
hope she keeps getting better! I
hope, I hope, I hope!" she said
fiercely. "She must not slip back,
Julie. I couldn't bear it while Dr.
George is away."
Julie wanted to tell her what
January 1967
Dr. George had said about a re-
gression, but she could not break
her promise to him. Instead, she
asked, "Did you know he sent
for Carolyn Bridges? Wally is to
meet her plane at noon."
"Well, no, I didn't know that.
But I'm glad. We'd better put
that old couch on the veranda
in Isabelle's room. Carolyn can
sleep there beside her. That way
we'll know she's watched over.
Wally will have to cut a pile of
wood for the stove in there. It
gets cold at night. I imagine
Isabelle and Carolyn will hit it
off together. They're about the
same age."
"Oh, yes," Julie murmured.
"What kind of fruit or juice do
we have. Aunt Cleo? Betz always
likes fruit for breakfast."
Cleo swung around from the
stove. "You tell her Royal High-
ness to get out here and pitch in.
We've dried apricots and dried
apples that she can soak and
"But isn't there some tinned
fruit?" Julie persisted.
"I packed it all for the men,"
Cleo said. "It gets blistering hot
out there. They need every little
luxury I sent along. Wally can
bring some things from the town-
ship this morning."
"What about Aunt Isabelle? I
promised Dr. George that she
would have the very best. Fresh
meat, too."
Cleo nodded. "I've thought of
that. You and I will go after
some fresh meat this very day.
We'll leave as soon as the nurse
gets here. We'll take one of the
old jeeps out where the sheep are
grazing. How would you like a
leg of lamb? Ummm. Smackin'
"Perfect," Julie agreed. "Lamb
is my very favorite."
"Mine, too. That way we'll
have some bones for Casey
"Where is that kelpie?" Juhe
asked. "I've fixed his plate."
"Beats me." Cleo shook her
head. "He is a bit off lately. He's
always been the smartest dog in
this bush. Uncle Rufe said he
could bring in a flock of sheep
all by himself. It's not often a
dog can do that!"
"He's eight years old," Julie
said. "Grandfather knows how
Ron loves him. That's why he
sent him here to the station, so
Ron could see him often when
he came up from Perth."
Julie bit her lip. "I hope he
didn't follow the men. Aunt Cleo.
He could get lost if they didn't
see him."
"He might have gone," she
answered. "All I know for sure
is that he's mighty troubled. He
knows something's happened to
Ron. Kelpies are gentle and
peaceful unless something goes
wrong. Then they go plumb daffy
about it."
During the morning the station
house hummed with activity.
Cleo had a job for everyone ex-
cept Isabelle, and even she in-
sisted on hemming a few flour
sacks for tea towels.
"Wally!" she called after him
when he followed Betz out to the
veranda. "We need heaps of
wood cut. And Betz! There are
piles of bugs to sweep out. Get
busy, you two."
"I was only telling her. . . ."
Wally began.
Cleo looked at him, her hands
on her hips. "I know what you
Tell Me of Love
were telling her, Wally Ridge-
haven. Now, get going."
Wally shrugged, rolling his
eyes heavenward. "You should Ve
been a drover," he said. But he
went outside to chop the wood.
''That adorable rascal," Cleo
said to Julie, who was washing
the dishes. "We love him to
pieces, but we can't let him run
us around. He reminds me of my
Kip — red hair and tipsy smile.
Gee, I'm lonely for those little
pikers of mine."
"Aunt Tricia will take good
care of them," Julie assured her.
"I know," Cleo said petulantly.
"They won't even miss me."
"You're their mother," Julie
said. "No one, not even wonder-
ful Aunt Tricia, can take your
Cleo looked at Julie. There
were stars in her eyes. "Righto!"
she said, with a sort of glory in
her voice. "I'm their mother."
She looked around briskly. "Now,
let's see. We've got to get a
hustle on. I'll start the bread
while you mix up the biscuits.
Call your friend Betz, and I will
show her how to fix this dried
fruit. Those men will be plain
starved when they get back here.
They'll be sick of tinned stuff."
At eleven o'clock Wally and
Betz started for the township to
meet Carolyn.
Cleo and Julie stood on the
veranda and watched them ride
off together, their red and gold
hair bright and beautiful in the
midday sunshine.
"Can't stop the whirlwind,"
Cleo said. "Say! Look up the
road. I think that moving spot
might be Casey Jones!"
It was. He was limping toward
them, so weak and trembly he
could hardly drag his feet.
Julie ran toward him. She
knelt down in the dust beside
him. He was soaking wet with
sweat, breathless and gaunt, and
there was a dripping scarlet
wound on his shoulder.
"He's been in a fight," Cleo
said. "Probably with a dingo
who's out there after our sheep!
I'll get the wheelbarrow."
They lugged him into the
kitchen. Julie sat on the floor
cradling his head in her lap. She
bathed the wound with an an-
tiseptic Aunt Cleo mixed up,
then she coaxed him to swallow
a bite or two of dog biscuit
soaked in tinned milk.
His brown eyes followed every
move she made, pleading with
her. He whimpered, trying to get
up again.
"What does he want. Aunt
Cleo?" Julie asked. "I know he's
begging me for something."
"I'm a bush woman, Julie.
That gash on his shoulder was
made by a dingo. And a big one.
He wants us to follow him out
there and shoot that dingo before
he gets our sheep."
"We'll go," Julie said. "As
soon as Carolyn gets here to stay
with Aunt Isabelle."
After they had lunched, Julie
hurried to her room to put on her
high boots as a protection against
poisonous snakes.
"Why can't Wally go, too?"
Betz asked. "He really wants to
go. Cleo promised to show him
how to shoot better."
"He is needed here, Betz. Aunt
Isabelle might need something
from the township. And we'll
need more wood for the stove."
January 1967
''Then let me go with you,"
Betz kept on.
Julie shook her head.
"Aunt Cleo has your work
planned. You have to watch the
bread dough. When it rises,
knead it down again. Let it rise
the second time, then put it in
the oven. Don't let it get too
brown. In the meantime, scrub
out the cooler with hot water and
bicarbonate of soda. We'll have
meat and things to store there."
"Is that all?" Betz flared out.
"I'm just another Cinderella!"
"You have to pay a price for
your Prince Charming," Julie
said. "Life on a Ridgehaven
property is no picnic, Betz. Re-
member, Grandfather warned
you. Is it worth it?"
A little smile curved Betz'
mouth. "It is!" she said. "Where
is the scrub bucket?"
"Same place we keep the
broom," Julie answered.
Carolyn Bridges came in as
Betz went out. Her eyes had
wonder in them.
"I can hardly believe it," she
said, sitting on the edge of Julie's
bunk. "Simply delighted. Your
Aunt Isabelle is a different
woman. I keep pinching myself
to see if I'm really awake!"
"I know," Julie smiled. "I feel
the same way. Did Dr. George
tell you what he hopes has hap-
"He wasn't very explicit in his
wire," she answered. "But he did
say it is either a regression or the
results of cobalt treatments. We
aren't ready to tell it yet. It will
cause much comment."
"I haven't told a soul," JuHe
said. Then she added to herself:
Maybe the prayers of the Ridge-
havens and Dr. George's love
had something to do with it. But
this idea was only for her secret
"Guess I'm ready," she said,
putting her rifle under her arm
and pointing it downward.
"Take care," Carolyn said. "I
wonder if I'll ever outgrow being
afraid of guns?"
"It's being used to them,"
JuUe told her. "My father taught
me to use a rifle before I was nine
years old. We lived way out in
the Dead Heart country. A rifle
was part of our way of life. Now
prepare Aunt Isabelle and all of
you for a beaut dinner."
"I'll do that," Carolyn laughed,
as she got to her feet. "We'll be
ready for a beaut dinner."
Casey Jones leaped to his feet
the minute he saw Julie and Cleo
ready to leave. He whirled and
whimpered, pawing at the door.
Then he pulled at Julie's boots.
"We'll take him," Cleo said,
flatly. "I've a hunch he can lead
us to that dingo. We've got to get
him. One dingo means murder
for our sheep. You have your
grandfather's rifle, so I'll take
Geoffrey's. It's the very latest,
newer than John's. Now let's
check. We have our water bags
filled, plenty of bullets, and extra
Aunt Isabelle came to. the
doorway, looking radiant in her
sky-blue dressing gown.
She hugged each of them.
"Good luck, dear ones," she said
in her gentle, cultured voice.
Casey Jones settled down on
the floor of the jeep, dozing con-
tentedly for several miles.
Julie saw the fields of everlast-
ing flowers before Cleo did. They
were a rainbow of color and
Tell Me of Love
beauty that stabbed her heart.
"Let's stop, Aunt Cleo," she
coaxed. "Ron told me of these
flowers in his last letter. I want
a bouquet."
"So do I," Cleo said. "We pass
Uncle Rufe's grave. I'd like to
stop there and leave them on it."
Casey Jones stayed in the jeep
while they picked arm.fuls of the
flowers. He barked several times
as though impatient at the delay,
but when they returned he lay
down contentedly again.
"Good kelpie," Julie crooned
to him.
A few miles farther on, they
stopped near the roadside and
Cleo trudged through the dust
and bush to a rock-covered grave
with an elaborate bronze head-
stone. Julie could not read the
inscription from where she sat in
the jeep.
"He was the only parent I ever
knew," Cleo said when she took
the wheel again. "My parents died
in a willie-willie. Uncle Rufe was
kind, courageous, and the best
sheepman in the country. He
worked as boss of the shearing
sheds for your grandfather for
forty years. Every drover and
every shearer in all this area
wanted to work for him. I used to
go with him at shearing time and
cook for the men. I met John at
the station back there. One look
between us, and we were lost to
each other. John knew he
couldn't consult his father about
our marriage. He would have said
no — that his son could not marry
the station cook. So John and I
went down to Perth and were
married. Now we have been
through the New Zealand Tem-
"What did your Uncle Rufe
say?" Julie wanted to know.
"Very little," Cleo answered,
her mouth twisting. "He knew it
could mean his job with your
grandfather. But he sat there in
the kitchen that night that I
told him and his eyes had a
dreamy, faraway look as if he
was thinking of someone I knew
nothing about."
"If it means your happiness,"
he said, "then marry him. You'll
be a fine wife. I'd say John
Ridgehaven, Junior, is a lucky
boy to have your love. That's
all I'll ever say to his father. If
he gives me the sack for that —
well — there are other sheep
yards in Australia. He doesn't
own them all. Not quite!"
"He didn't give Uncle Rufe the
sack, and when he was killed in
another willie-willie that hit out
here five years ago, your grand-
father came all the way from Syd-
ney for the funeral. He brought
that headstone you see engraved
in bronze letters: 'Rufe Riley
Quinn, for loyal and outstand-
ing service'. Look, now we turn
off at the next cattle guard. The
sheep are out there about twenty
"There it is!" Julie said a few
seconds later.
When Cleo turned the jeep,
January 1967
Casey Jones leaped up, barking
and growling. He pushed against
them holding them in the jeep.
"That kelpie is telling us some-
thing/' Cleo said, puzzled. "Let's
stay on this road north and see if
he keeps quiet."
Casey Jones settled down
again, and for several miles he
lay with his head on his paws.
"There must be another cross-
ing ahead," Cleo said. "Watch
When they reached it, Casey
Jones bounced to his feet, climb-
ing over Julie, pawing at the
"This looks like a dead-end
trail," Cleo said. "But we'll fol-
low him anyway."
Julie opened the door. Casey
Jones leaped out, ran up the trail,
scarcely limping, then he ran
back to them barking fiercely.
"We'll stay inside the jeep,"
Cleo said, "and follow him. That
poor old kelpie is worked up
about something."
They drove a mile from the
highway over a bumpy dirt road.
Casey Jones ran on ahead, then
whirled and ran back to make
sure they were following him.
"Look," Juhe cried out. "There
is a mob of kangaroos. Is that
why he brought us here?"
"I don't think so," Cleo said,
her voice tense. "Don't let that
kelpie out of your sight. He
knows where he is taking us."
"But maybe we should get a
kangaroo," Julie insisted.
"Later," she said. "Not now."
Julie saw the danger sign be-
fore Cleo did. It was a five-foot
plank of wood stuck down
through the middle of a big bush
to hold it against the wind.
"Danger. Blow-hole country" was
painted on it in red letters.
Julie's heart beat up into her
throat. Blow-hole country!
Cleo stopped the car. They got
out without speaking. Each knew
what the other was thinking.
Casey Jones whirled and came
back. He nuzzled his head against
Julie, licking her hands, wagging
his tail.
They took their rifles and
trudged through the bush, fol-
lowing the kelpie. Cautiously.
A few yards away he stopped,
body tense. Then he got down on
his paws, crawling forward, inch-
ing his way toward the edge of a
crater-like hole.
"Stop!" Cleo warned Julie.
"Don't walk there. If you have
to follow him — if you think Ron
is in that hole, then get down and
crawl the way Casey did. That
way you can feel with your
fingertips if the earth is solid.
Look — over there. That edge is
broken off. Someone walked' too
close and tumbled in!"
Julie looked in the direction
Cleo pointed out. There was a
huge bush overhanging the hole.
A piece of bright blue and white
shirting was caught on a stiff
A cry tore from her heart. It
was a piece of the shirt she had
sent Ron for his birthday!
She knelt down, then lay flat,
holding her rifle above the
ground. She lay flat as Casey
Jones had done, crawling toward
the hole. She gazed down into
the darkness, sobbing: "Oh, Aunt
Cleo! He's down there. That's a
piece of his shirt on the bush, oh,
Aunt Cleo!"
(To be concluded)
Relief Society Activities
AH material submitted for publication in this department should be sent
through the stake Relief Society presidents, or mission Relief Society super-
visors. One annual submission will be accepted, as space permits, from each
stake and mission of the Church. Submissions should be addressed to the
Editorial Department, Rehef Society Magazine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
For details regarding pictures and descriptive material, see The Relief Society
Magazine for January 1966, page 50.
Cache Stake (Utah) Singing Mothers "Singing Into Spring" Concert
March 31. 1966
Front row, standing, left to right: Neva Simonson, accompanist; Fredonna
Dixon, soloist; Carma C. Spencer; Margene H. Liljenquist, organist; Katheryn
P. Gibson, President, Cache Stake Relief Society; Bernice C. Baugh, chorister;
Hazel E. Larsen, Second Counselor; Alice C. Smith, member. General Board
of Relief Society; Una H. Wuthrich, First Counselor; Lucille S. Binns, Sec-
retary-Treasurer; Melba Johnson, member. Cache Stake Relief Society board.
Sister Gibson reports: " 'Music is the speech of the angels,' was expressed
by Carlyle, and was affirmed by the voices of the Cache Stake Singing Mothers
in their formal concert of joyful and spiritual music. 'Singing Into Spring'
was the theme of the pre-Easter concert directed by Bernice C. Baugh, in
which 130 women participated. Accompanists were Margene Liljenquist and
Leona M. Pritchett. Seven ward choruses prepared two numbers each, with
their own directors and accompanists, and the combined wards sang three
selections. An inspirational narration was composed and spoken between
numbers by Carma C. Spencer. Guest soloist was Fredonna Dixon, accompanied
by Neva Simonsen. A vocal solo was sung by Camille S. Zahmel of Cache
Stake. A violin duet was played by Lois Brown and Mira F. Baker, and a
vocal sextette was also featured."
January 1967
Monument Park West Stake (Salt Lake City, Utah) Singing Mothers
Present Concert, April 2, 1966
Clarice M. Cooper, President, Monument Park West Stake Relief Society,
reports. "A very impressive spring concert was presented by the Singing
Mothers on Saturday, April 2, 1966. A variety of music was beautifully simg,
some spiritual, some patriotic, and some light. Outstanding special numbers
were given by Blanche Christensen, soprano, and Beryl Smiley, contralto. A
trio, composed of Carol Gray, Marie English, and Florence Parsons, accom-
panied by Elnora Gwynn,.and a reading by Nedra Potter completed the de-
lightful program.
"Hazel Perry, stake music director, and Lenore Grundman, stake organist,
spent many hours organizing and directing the program, and the Singing
Mothers were faithful in coming to rehearsals, which was apparent in the
excellence of the performance. After the program, cookies made by the stake
board members, and punch were served.
"The concert was given as a means of making a little money for the stake
Relief Society, with the wards receiving twenty-five per cent of the money
from the tickets which they were able to sell. Everyone was cooperative and
appreciative, and we feel that the performance was highly successful, both in
promoting sisterhood, and in helping the stake financially."
North Sacramento Stake (California) Presents Musical Dramatization
"The Journey," April 1, 1966
Freda Thayne, President, North Sacramento Stake Relief Society, reports:
" 'The Journey' was used with permission from Melvina Allen and Geraldine
D'Addabbo, East Mesa Stake (Arizona), who wrote the original script. It
portrays the progression of one of the daughters of our Heavenly Father from
pre-existence into mortality and back into eternal life. Our North Sacramento
Stake Singing Mothers (approximately fifty) sang eleven selections, under the
direction of Jeannine Eborn and Lynda Bradley of the Relief Society Stake
Board. Among the selections rendered were the following: 'To a Child,' 'Stand
in Holy Places,' 'Oh, That I Were an Angel,' and 'Eternal Life.' Members of
the stake were invited to bring their families, and the program was spiritual
and uplifting for all. Approximately 400 attended."
Liberty Stake (Utah), Eighth Ward Relief Society Presidency and
Homemaking Leaders at Display, August 29, 1966
Left to right: Eulalia Jeppsen, homemaking leader; Leah Mecham, Coun-
selor; Myrtle Richins, President; Arinia Cameron, Counselor; Irene Wagstaff,
chairman of the art committee; Gertrude Gillmore, Secretary-Treasurer.
Nettie E. Stout, President, Liberty Stake Relief Society, reports: "The
picture represents a display of beautiful articles completed by a Relief Society
where the majority of the members are seventy years or older. In the past five
and a half years this society has made and sold 300 quilts, thus keeping alive
the art of quilting. Besides Utah and the neighboring states, these quilts have
gone to Japan, Germany, Old Mexico, New Zealand, Hawaii, Arizona, California,
Michigan, and New York. The unique part about this quilting society is that
the work of cutting, appliqueing, sewing, and preparation prior to the actual
quilting, is done by homebound sisters. They prepare about , three quilts a
month, and through these assignments fulfill the desire to be needed and
wanted. Other homebound sisters crochet and embroider for the society.
Through the leadership of Sister Richins, this ward organization has grown
to a membership of 105. and to visit their meetings is to experience the true
love of sisterhood."
^ '^ h 0 .'J 0
January 1967
Oakland-Berkeley Stake (California) Presents "Relief Society in Panorama"
May 21, 1966
"Woman Suffrage - 1888," presented by Berkeley Ward, left to right: Faye
Lloyd; Margaret Williams; Roma Sabine; Afton Whitehead; Pat Moore;
Marjean Moore; Gerry Cook (hidden) ; Annette Jensen.
Margaret S. Fife, President, Oakland- Berkeley Stake Relief Society, reports:
"I am sure that it is the general opinion of those who saw 'Relief Society in
Panorama," which concluded our year's activities, that it was undoubtedly one
of the finest productions which has ever been a part of the Oakland-Berkeley
Stake Relief Society program. The cast of more than 200 included members
of all the wards in the stake, together with the stake Singing Mothers chorus,
which made it possible for all of our sisters who wished to do so to participate
in one way or another.
" 'Relief Society in Panorama' had its inspiration at the 1965 Relief
Society Annual General Conference, from the tableau presented in the
Presidencies Department. We decided that the highlights of the Relief
Society history had great possibilities of not only being presented historically
and authentically, but also in an interesting and entertaining way, depicting
the pathos, the inspiration, the hardships, and the progress of the Society. We
were able to highlight the organization in Nauvoo, the death of the Prophet,
the crossing of the plains, and the establishment of Relief Society in Utah.
We pictured the sisters' part in the suffrage movement, and by means of a
delightful fashion parade, depicting their part in the Utah Territorial Centen-
nial Fair. When we reached the year 1907 our story featured the organization
of Relief Society in California, in the Oakland Branch. From that year
until 1966, the highlights concerned the development of Relief Society in
our own stake. The pageant was written and coordinated by Margaret S.
Fife, with Annabell W. Hart and Mary R. Burton in charge of the music."
Notes From the Field
Swiss Mission Relief Society IHolds Convention
Zollikofen, Switzerland, June 17-18, 1966
Front row, standing, left to right, beginning fourth from the left: Christian
Abbuhl, of the Bern-Luzern District; Hermine Trauffer, wife of the Temple
President Walter E. Trauffer; Annamarie Felder, First Counselor, Swiss
Mission Relief Society; Johanna Wysard, Bern-Luzern District Relief Society
President; Frida Hubacher, Second Counselor; Ann Birsf elder, Secretary-
Near the back, center: President Rendell N. Mabey of the Swiss Mission
and Rachel W. Mabey, Supervisor, Swiss Mission Relief Society.
At the right, in the front row, second and third from the right: Emma
Bertha Gutmann (eighty-two) ; Julia Grossen (eighty-four) . These two women
are faithful members, residing in Biel.
Sister Mabey reports: "The picture was taken in front of the Swiss Temple
in Zollikofen. This is the Bern-Luzern District, the only one now in the
mission. Every other branch is now included in the Swiss Stake."
"About eighty Relief Society members attended. Some very inspirational
talks were given by the sisters and by representatives of the district pres-
idency. Then the group was divided for class work. The meals were prepared
and served by the different branches. A very lovely concert was presented in
the evening by the Singing Mothers, with President Mabey as speaker.
"The next morning was an interesting one. Some of our good brethren had
put up booths in the cultural hall, and Saturday morning the sisters were busy
decorating the booths and arranging the displays of handwork that had been
made for the occasion. After lunch, the bazaar went into full swing, and the
sisters were happy with buying and selling, and many women from the
neighborhood were present. In the evening there was food for all, and an in-
teresting short program concluded the activities."
Lesson Department
The Doctrine and Covenants
Elder Roy W. Doxey
Lesson 79 — ^The Millennium
(Text: Doctrine and Covenants, Section 101:23-42)
Northern Hemisphere: First IVIeeting, April 1967
Southern Hemisphere: September 1967
Objective: The Latter-day Saint woman makes individual preparation for
participation during the millennial reign.
In the first part of Section 101,
the Lord said that because of the
transgressions of the saints, they
were persecuted in Jackson Coun-
ty, Missouri. Despite the fact
that the saints had been driven
from the land of their inheritance,
the Lord said that they would
return to build up the waste
places of Zion. (D&C 101:17-18.)
In the meantime, the saints were
to gather together in stakes that
the strength of Zion might be in-
creased. Since 1833, when the
saints left Jackson County, the
number of stakes has multiplied
many times over. At this writing,
there are over 400 of these ter-
ritorial divisions in the Church.
These "holy places" are to be
places of refuge against the storm
of calamities which will befall the
earth in the last days. {Ibid., 20-
While the saints are estab-
lished in the stakes of Zion, they
are to prepare for the Savior's
second coming. The covering be-
tween his abode in the heavens
and the earth will be removed
and "all flesh shall see [him] to-
gether." (Ibid,, 101:23.)
Class Discussion
Why do you believe that the
second coming of Christ will be a
real, actual event?
The coming of Christ will be
a literal appearance as a person-
age of flesh and bones. When he
ascended into the heavens after
his final instructions to his apos-
tles, he promised that he would
Lesson Department
come in like manner as they had
seen him go into heaven. (Acts
1:11.) Jesus was resurrected, his
spirit being re-united with his
physical body which had been
placed in the sepulcher following
his death. (Luke 24.) He is today
enthroned in the heavens having
the same body that he took into
the heavens. (D&C 49:6; 130:
22.) On March 7, 1831, the Lord
had said that he would come with
his holy angels in great power
and glory, and he who would not
watch for his coming would be
cut off. (Ibid., 45:44.)
As we take the scriptures lit-
erally in regard to Christ's
personal appearance, so also we
should remember that his coming
will be attendant with great de-
struction. The brightness of his
glory will even surpass the bright-
ness of the sun. (Ibid., 133:49.)
The wicked will enter the spirit
world to be judged according to
their works. (D&C 29:9-10; 133:
64; 76:106-112.)
The destruction of the wicked
at the second coming of Christ
is referred to in the scriptures as
the end of the world. (Pearl of
Great Price, Joseph Smith 1:4,
31; Smith, Joseph Fielding,
Compiler: Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, 1956, pp.
100-101.) When that time comes,
the millennial reign of Christ will
commence. (D&C 29:10-11.) In
some scriptures the condition of
the earth is referred to as "a new
heaven and a new earth" (Isa.
65:17; Richards and Little
Compendium, pp. 185-186 [out
of print]). Whereas the present
environment of the earth is known
as teles tial, during the millen-
nium it will be terrestrial. (Smith,
Joseph Fielding: Doctrines of
Salvation, 1:82.) The tenth Ar-
ticle of Faith describes the mil-
lennial condition of the earth as
"paradisiacal." This word, given
by the Prophet Joseph Smith,
suggests a beautiful garden; that
is, the earth will become as it
was before the fall of Adam.
(Ibid., pp. 84-85.)
After the earth has served its
purpose as the habitat for mortal
man, it will undergo a further
transformation known as celes-
tialization. Then it will be like a
sea of glass having the properties
of the Urim and Thummim. By
this means knowledge of lower
kingdoms than the celestial will
be revealed. (D&C 130:9.) This
condition is not the same as dur-
ing the millennium.
Some members of the Church
have an erroneous idea concern-
ing the people who will dwell on
the earth during the millennium.
Mortals will live during this time.
The scriptures speak of a resur-
rection at the time of the second
coming of Christ and indicate
that people will be caught up to
meet him. It does not follow that
the mortals caught up to meet
him or those who are not de-
stroyed at his coming will under-
go the resurrection. (Ibid., 88:
97-98.) Mortals will live on the
earth and follow the same pattern
of life that we do now. Isaiah said
that people will eat of the fruit
of the vine and inhabit houses.
(Isaiah 65:21-23.) Children are
mentioned in the scriptures as
living also. (Isaiah 11:6; 65:20;
D&C 63:49-51.)
President Joseph Fielding
January 1967
Smith has said that honorable
people who presently live the ter-
restrial law will have the right to
life then. It will not be only faith-
ful members of the Church who
will survive the destruction be-
fore and at the Lord's coming.
. . . There will be millions of people,
Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, Mo-
hammedans, people of all classes, and
of all beliefs, still permitted to re-
main upon the face of the earth, but
they will be those who have lived
clean lives, those who have been free
from wickedness and corruption. All
who belong, by virtue of their good
lives, to the terrestrial order, as well
as those who have kept the celestial
law, will remain upon the face of the
earth during the millennium.
Eventually, however, the knowledge
of the Lord will cover the earth as
waters do the sea. But there will be
need for the preaching of the gospel,
after the millennium is brought in,
until all men are either converted or
pass away. In the course of the thou-
sand years all men will either come
into the Church, or kingdom of God,
or they will die and pass away. In
that day there will be no death until
men are old (Doctrines of Salvation
Among those of "all beliefs"
mentioned by President Smith
will be those who "knew no law"
or the heathen nations. (D&C
45:54.) These will enjoy the
blessings of the millennium. If
among these nations there are
those, however, who will not come
up to worship, they will suffer
"the judgments of God, and must
eventually be destroyed from the
earth" (Smith, Joseph Fielding,
Compiler: Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, 1956,
page 269). This is in accord with
what the Prophet Zechariah said
of the nations who were left of
those who came up to fight
against Jerusalem. (Zech. 14:16-
On the other hand, it is not to
be expected that all Latter-day
Saints will survive the great deso-
lations that visit the earth before
and at the second coming of
Christ. The Prophet Joseph
Smith said:
I explained concerning the coming
of the Son of Man; also that it is a
false idea that the Saints will escape
all the judgments, whilst the wicked
suffer; for all flesh is subject to suffer,
and "the righteous shall hardly
escape;" still many of the Saints will
escape, for the just shall live by faith;
yet many of the righteous shall fall a
prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by
reason of the weakness of the flesh,
and yet be saved in the kingdom of
God. So that it is an unhallowed prin-
ciple to say that such and such have
transgressed because they have been
preyed upon by disease or death, for
all flesh is subject to death; and the
Savior has said, "Judge not, lest ye
Compiler: Teachings of the Prophet
Joseph Smith, 1956, pp. 162-163).
Among the people who will live
on the earth during the millen-
nium will be the lost tribes. They
will return from the land of the
north sometime near or at the
second coming of Christ. The de-
structions of the last days will
prepare the way, said the Proph-
et Joseph Smith, "for the return
of the lost tribes from the north
country." (DHC 1:315.) We
know from the scriptures that the
Savior visited them and taught
them the gospel, and that they
have their own scriptures. (3
Nephi, chapters 15 and 16.) They
shall come to the Latter-day
Saints and there receive their
blessings. (D&C 133:26-34; 3
Nephi 21:26; Ether 13:11.)
Lesson Department
Class Discussion
Wherein is death during the
millennium different from death
today? (See D&C 101:29.)
Separation from loved ones to-
day brings sorrow, but those who
die during the millennium "shall
be changed in the twinkling of
an eye, and shall be caught up,
and his [their] rest shall be glo-
rious" (verse 31). The changing
of the body will be from mortal-
ity to immortality or resurrection.
It is said of children that they
will "grow up without sin unto
salvation" (D&C 45:58).
The millennial period is known
as a period of peace. "And in that
day the enmity of man, and the
enmity of beasts, yea, the enmity
of all flesh, shall cease from be-
fore my face" (D&C 101:26;
Isaiah 11:6-9). With Satan's
power absent and honorable peo-
ple inhabiting the earth, war
shall cease. (Micah 4:4.) Men
will convert their military equip-
ment into instruments of peace
and productivity. (Isaiah 2:4.)
With the Spirit of the Lord upon
the earth in rich abundance, the
present enmity existing among
animals will cease, and man and
animal will also be at peace.
One of the blessings to be re-
ceived during the millennium is
the understanding of many mys-
teries which have perplexed man.
Class Discussion
What has the Lord promised
us regarding knowledge of the
origin of man?
It is promised that knowledge
concerning man and the earth
will be increased greatly. By rev-
elation, men will know the truth
regarding man's creation.
Yea, verily I say unto you, in that
day when the Lord shall come, he
shall reveal all things —
Things which have passed, and
hidden things which no man knew,
things of the earth, by which it was
made, and the purpose and the end
thereof —
Things most precious, things that
are above, and all things that are be-
neath, things that are in the earth,
and upon the earth, and in heaven
(D&C 101:32-34).
As a part of the restoration of
the fulness of the gospel, it was
prophesied that there would be
a "restitution of all things" spok-
en of by the mouths of the holy
prophets since the world began.
(Acts 3:19-21.) Among these
prophecies is the restoration of
the sealed portion of The Book
of Mormon plates which contain
a history of the world from the
beginning to the end. These
plates will not be revealed during
the time of wickedness and
abominations, but when the Lord
reveals '*all things" during the
millennium. (2 Nephi 27:7, 8, 10,
11, 22.)
Great knowledge has ever been
promised those who seek sincere-
ly, and individuals during this
period will receive whatsoever
they ask. (D&C 101:27; 112:10;
42:68; James 1:5.) The principle
upon which this blessing is re-
ceived is given in Section 88:63-
65. Men today, as well as during
the millennium, should ask only
for what the Spirit prompts them.
There will be a great many of
the Father's children who will
January 1967
not have received salvation when
the millennium is begun. Men
will continue to be taught the
truths and be capable of exercis-
ing their free agency.
Class Discussion
How will our genealogical re-
search today help us to fulfill one
of the principal purposes of the
One of the principal purposes
of the thousand-year reign of
peace is to perform temple work
for those who are eligible for the
fulness of the gospel. From the
other side of the veil will come
messengers that will provide mor-
tals with names of those who,
having accepted the gospel in the
spirit world, are eligible to receive
the ordinances of the temple. Ex-
pressed in the language of Pres-
ident Brigham Young, we read:
. . . Before this work is finished, a
great many of the Elders of Israel in
Mount Zion will become pillars in the
Teinple of God, to go no more out:
they will eat and drink and sleep
there; and they will often have occa-
sion to say — "Somebody came into
the Temple last night; we did not
know who he was, but he was no doubt
a brother, and told us a great many
things we did not before understand.
He gave us the names of a great many
of our forefathers that are not on
record, and he gave me my true lin-
eage and the names of my forefathers
for hundreds of years back. He said
to me. You and I are connected in one
family: there are the names of your
ancestors; take them and write them
down, and be baptised and confirmed,
and save such and such ones, and re-
ceive the blessings of the eternal
Priesthood for such and such an indi-
vidual, as you do for yourselves." This
is what we are going to do for the
inhabitants of the earth (Journal of
Discourses 6:295).
Because the millennium will be
a period of the resurrection, it
is improbable that resurrected
beings will continue upon the
earth as do mortals. Christ will
reign personally upon the earth.
About this subject, the Prophet
Joseph Smith said:
. . . Christ and the resurrected
Saints will reign over the earth dur-
ing the thousand years. They will not
probably dwell upon the earth, but
will visit it when they please, or when
it is necessary to govern it (DHC V:
During that reign "judgment
will be administered in righteous-
ness; anarchy and confusion will
be destroyed, and ^nations will
learn war no more' " {DHC V:
During the millennial period
there will be two capitals on the
earth. These will be the Zion on
the American Continent and 'the
Old Jerusalem on the Eastern
Continent. (Isaiah 2:3.)
What manner of saints should
we be to inherit the blessings of
the millennium, if alive when it is
ushered in?
The early saints were reminded
that when they accepted the ever-
lasting gospel, they became the
salt of the earth and the savor
of men. (D&C 101:39.) Pres-
ident Brigham Young said:
All Latter-day Saints enter the new
and everlasting covenant when they
enter this Church. They covenant to
cease sustaining, upholding and
cherishing the kingdom of the Devil
and the kingdoms of this world. They
enter the new and everlasting cove-
nant to sustain the Kingdom of God
and no other kingdom. They take a
vow of the most solemn kind, before
Lesson Department
the heavens and earth, and that, too,
upon the validity of their own salva-
tion, that they will sustain truth and
righteousness, instead of wickedness
and falsehood, £ind build up the King-
dom of God, instead of the kingdoms
of this world (Discourses of Brigham
Young, 1941 edition, page 160),
Salt was used among the Lord's
people anciently as a preservative
and also in animal sacrifices.
(Lev. 2:13; Ezek. 43:24; Mark
9:49-50.) It was a symbol of the
covenant made between God and
his people. (Lev. 2:13; Num.
18:19; 2 Chron. 13:5.) When salt
is used to represent a people, it
means that they will be an in-
fluence in carrying forward the
truth of the gospel and thus be-
come the savor of men. But if
they are represented to be as
salt that loses its savor, they
will be cast out of the kingdom.
(D&C 101:40.) To break the
commandments brings a loss of
effectiveness with others and a
loss of the spirit, and eventual
denial of the faith.
Some of the children of Zion
had sinned against their cove-
nants and were cast out of Jack-
son County, Missouri. Transgres-
sions bring chastisement. (Ibid.,
He that exalteth himself shall be
abased, and he that abaseth himself
shall be exalted (Verse 42).
The Lord told the saints in this
revelation (101) that they did
not serve him well during their
peace and prosperity, and, there-
fore, they lost their present in-
heritance. (Verses 6-8.) In this
way they exalted themselves
above the Lord's commandments.
One of the most serious sins is
to become a law unto oneself.
To consider that one is beyond
receiving counsel from those in
authority, constitutes exalting
oneself. (D&C 63:55.)
The person who exalts himself
lacks humility. Perhaps the in-
struction of the Lord to Martin
Harris might serve to explain
what is necessary to become
humble. In order for Martin
Harris to see the plates of The
Book of Mormon, he was told
that he must no longer exalt him-
self but become humble.
Behold, I say unto him [Martin
Harris], he exalts himself and does
not humble himself sufficiently before
me; but if he will bow down before
me, and humble himself in mighty
prayer and faith, in the sincerity of
his heart, then will I grant him a view
of the things which he desires to see
(D&C 5:24).
Another requisite for greatness
in the kingdom of God is to be-
come the servant of all. (Mark
10:43-44.) Submitting to the will
of the Lord is true humility.
"Humble yourselves therefore un-
der the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due
time" (I Peter 5:6).
Do you think a discussion with your
family on some of the qualities needed
to attain greatness in the kingdom of
God would be productive? How, as a
family, can we prepare for the second
coming of Christ? How can we, as
mothers and wives, support the
Priesthood in the great genealogical
Truths to Live By From the Doctrine and Covenants
Alice Colton Smith
Message 79 — "As Oft As Thine Enemy Repenteth of the Trespass . . .
Thou Shalt Forgive Him, Until Seventy Times Seven (D&C 98:40).
Northern Hemisphere: First Meeting, April 1967
Southern Hemisphere: September 1967
Objective: To teach us that we should never withhold forgiveness.
It was the hour of agony, of repenteth of the trespass . . . thou
crucifixion, of cruel death. To shalt forgive him, until seventy
watch him die was tragedy to the times seven" (D&C 98:40).
few who stood by the Son of God. Someone hurts our feelings.
Only days before crowds had Shall we strike back? Shall we
strewn his path with palm nurture a grudge? Someone gos-
branches and hailed him "King sips about us. Shall we return
of Israel." Now, forsaken by that slander for slander? Someone
fickle throng, condemned by the takes advantage of us, cheats us,
leaders of his people, he hung in ruins our business or career,
anguish between two thieves. What shall we do?
Then said Jesus, "Father, forgive God is the same "yesterday,
them; for they know not what today, and forever" (D&C 20:
they do" (Luke 23:34). In the 12). Long ago in Judaea, Solomon
midst of his torture, he was filled said, "Rejoice not when thine
with compassion for those inflict- enemy falleth, and let not thine
ing on him physical death. He heart be glad when he stumbleth"
concentrated not on his own pain (Proverbs 24:17). During his
but upon the needs of those who earthly ministry, the Lord taught,
trespassed against him. In him "Love your enemies" and "do
charity never failed. good to them that hate you"
Centuries later and now tri- (Matthew 5:44). In a memorable
umphant, the resurrected Lord, speech to the Relief Society, the
still counseling forgiveness, said, Prophet Joseph Smith said, "We
". . . of you it is required to for- have not yet forgiven them [sin-
give all men ... let God judge ners] seventy times seven, as our
... for he that forgiveth not his Savior directed; perhaps we have
brother his trespasses standeth not forgiven them once" (Smith,
condemned before the Lord; for Joseph Fielding, Compiler:
there remaineth in him the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph
greater sin" (D&C 64:10, 11, 9). Smith, The Deseret News Press,
In August 1833, the saints Salt Lake City, 1956, p. 238).
were soon to know persecution All of us are sinners in some
and death. In preparing them, the degree. All of us need forgiveness
Lord said, "As oft as thine enemy from our Father in heaven. We
Lesson Department
should, therefore, pray daily:
"forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against
us" (Joseph Smith's Inspired
Version of Matthew 6:13). In
cultivating forgiveness and un-
derstanding of others, we open
our souls to the greatness of love
and, thereby, become eligible for
the forgiveness the Lord has
promised us. Only then can we
truly become generous, loving,
hospitable, helpful, good neigh-
bors, and loving, tolerant, patient
friends. Forgetting our selfish
interests, we can seek out our
enemies, forgive them, and try to
make them our friends.
HOMEMAKING — Development Through Homemaking Education
Celestia J. Taylor
Keeping Records
Northern Hemisphere: Second Meeting, April 1967
Southern Hemisphere: September 1967
Objective: To show the importance of keeping home-management records.
During the past few months
the homemaking discussions have
been concerned with the im-
portance of family financial plan-
ning in its various applications
to family life and living. These
have involved the keeping of cer-
tain financial records: specif-
ically, some form of budgeting
which would enable the family to
work toward the reaHzation and
attainment of its goals, and am-
Financial records, however, are
not the only ones with which the
family should be concerned. The
management of a home is similar
in many ways to the management
of a business. Like a business, a
family has important documents,
valuable assets and securities,
and other things of significant
value to its members. Since mem-
ory cannot be relied upon to sup-
ply usable or dependable records^
these, of necessity, should be pre-
served and made a matter of
written record.
To Discuss
Almost every mother, at one
time or another in her life, is con-
fronted by such questions as:
1. Are you prepared to take care
of the family business affairs if any-
thing happened to your husband?
2. In case of emergency, do you
know the blood type of each member
of the family?
3. Can you furnish the facts relative
to your children's health status if it
were necessary to do so?
4. Do you know what your family
assets are, and can you produce the
deeds or certificates to your holdings?
Assuming that the homemaker
is convinced of the importance
and advantage of keeping records,
she, as well as her husband, needs
to know what kind of records are
January 1967
of importance to the family. She
and her husband need to know
what they own, where important
documents and securities are
kept, and how these can be pre-
served for the benefit and protec-
tion of the family. Following is
a suggested list which might be
of value in the keeping of home-
management records.
I. Family Documents
Important family documents and
papers should be kept in good form
and readily available to the heads of
the family. The following are usually
a. Social Security cards
b. Birth certificates of all family
c. Church records: baptisms, or-
dinations, positions held, etc.
d. Marriage license
e. Wills of both husband and wife
II. Investments
Every family should be aware of its
assets, as well as its liabilities, and
keep a record of them.
a. Property owned, and certificates
or deeds indicating ownership.
b. Bank accounts, including loca-
tion of banks and administrators
1. Checkbook stubs.
2. Receipts for pasnnents.
c. Government bonds and stock
III. Benefits
An important part of family record
keeping is the knowledge which it
gives to the members of the benefits
which accrue to them from their hold-
a. Insurance: Premiiun payments
and dates when due.
1. Health insurance
2. Fire insurance
3. Other
b. Pensions
. c. Profit-sharing plans, if any.
IV. Health Records
Every mother needs to know the
answers when she is confronted with
questions concerning the health rec-
ord of members of her family.
a. Immunizations: dates and kinds
b.. Diseases, predispositions, sus-
ceptibilities, and allergies
c. Doctors and dentists consulted
d. Medicine prescribed: usage, pre-
scription dates, etc.
e. Blood type of each family mem-
V. Calendar Record of Events
Every family, of necessity, keeps a
calendar record of daily, weekly, or
monthly events.
a. School functions
b. Wedding and social engagements
c. Special events
d. Routine appointments
VI. Personal Family Records
How much fun it is to keep a per-
sonal record of each child as he or she
comes into the family circle, begimiing
with the first baby picture and fol-
lowing through with each important
event which occurs from then on. Such
a record instills in the child a personal
interest in keeping up his own record,
and preserves in the family a feeling
of loyalty and pride of achievement.
a. Book of Remembrance
b. Individual scrapbooks and rec-
ords of achievement
c. Photograph albums
d. Family travels and vacations
e. Family interests and hobbies
No matter how interesting and
absorbing this matter of record
keeping may become, it is im-
portant to remember that records
are not to be considered as an
end in themselves, but as a means
for realizing the essential goals
and desires of a family. They
should be looked upon and used
as valuable tools in the intelligent
execution of the business of home
management, which is of as vital
concern to every family as any
other part of the business of liv-
SOCIAL RELATIONS— On Earth and in Heaven
Alberta H. Christensen
"When Ye Do What I Say" (D&C 82:10)
Reference: "On Earth and In Heaven" (Melchizedek Priesthood
Manual, 1967 - Lessons 23 and 26)
Northern Hemisphere: Third Meeting, April 1967
Southern Hemisphere: September 1967
Objective: To point out that personal commitments are involved in the
ordinance of setting-apart for service in the Church and in
partaking of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
If there is a convert member in
the class, suggest that she relate
what baptism by the restored
authority of the Priesthood
means to her. Otherwise, have a
member relate briefly the reac-
tion of her family members to the
responsibilities involved in the
ordinance of baptism.
This lesson continues discus-
sion of gospel law as manifest in
revealed ordinances performed
through the authority of the
Priesthood. In general, the ordi-
nances considered are familiar to
Relief Society women; so fami-
liar, that certain aspects relative
to their importance and function
as a binding covenant, often may
be overlooked. The following
questions relate to the two ordi-
nances considered in this lesson:
(1) How may the ordinance of
setting-apart benefit a woman
who has been appointed to render
Church service? (2) How is the
ancient law of sacrifice associated
with the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper? (3) What personal com-
mitments are involved in this
Setting-apart is a phrase fami-
liar to all members of Relief
Society. Many have been in-
volved in this gospel ordinance
designed for the bestowal of
authority to act in a specified
capacity. This ordinance, per-
formed by the laying on of hands
by proper Priesthood authority,
follows the individual's accep-
tance and approval, by common
consent, of a particular Church
With the exception of the General
Authorities and other general officers
of the Church and some of their asso-
ciates, persons who are set-apart are
authorized to function within clearly
established geographical boundaries
(Melchizedek Priesthood Manual,
1967, On Earth and in Heaven, Lesson
26, page 194).
Setting-apart is not merely a
statement to the effect that the
individual has been assigned to a
particular Church service; it in-
volves the bestowal of authority,
and also the obligation and re-
January 1967
sponsibilities which pertain to the
particular caUing.
The officiating Priesthood
authority, when and as directed
by the Spirit of the Lord, may
also give instruction, counsel, and
a blessing to guide the individual
who is to render the special serv-
Thus the ordinance of setting-
apart takes the general form of
prayer. The individual being set-
apart is called by his (her) full
name and the statement is made
that the ordinance is done in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the authority of the
Executive officers of auxiliaries
are offically set-apart by the
appropriate Priesthood authority.
Thus stake Relief Society offi-
cers, after having been inter-
viewed, approved, and sustained,
are set-apart by the stake presi-
dent or his authorized represen-
tative. Officers called to preside
in a ward capacity are set-apart
by the bishop or his authorized
representative. "The policy of the
Church is that there is no need of
setting-apart teachers in the
auxiliaries" (Ibid.).
1. In what way does a calling to
special Church service set one apart?
2. What general obligations does a
woman assume, who is set-apart for a
particular position in Relief Society?
3. What responsibility does a Relief
Society member have toward the
officers in the organization?
4. In what ways is followship as
important as leadership?
is the principle of presidency. In
relation to Relief Society, we
may say that each member of a
Relief Society stake or ward
presidency, is given a specific
calling, with attendant responsi-
bilities. The president is the
head, her responsibility is to lead,
to preside, to make final deci-
sions. Her counselors are called to
give support and to counsel. The
effective president will, in most
instances, make important de-
cisions only after counseling with
her counselors. Thus harmony
and oneness of purpose are
Counselors should recognize
the jurisdiction to which their
calling entitles them. They will
not only be loyal to the presi-
dent, giving counsel and support,
but will respect the position and
decision of the president.
This principle, carried into the
home, means that the father who
is the head of the home, who
counsels with his wife, appre-
ciates her support and counsel.
The wife, on the other hand,
will recognize and honor the posi-
tion of the husband as head of
the home. Thus unity of purpose,
oneness of effort, and harmony
may be the happy result.
1. Name attributes which encourage
harmony in recognizing the princi-
ple of presidency.
2. How important to the harmonious
and effective progress of a ward
Relief Society are the support and
appreciation of the members of
that Society?
Closely associated with the
delegation of responsibility, for
which individuals are set-apart
OF ME" (Luke 22:19)
In a revelation given through
the Prophet Joseph Smith, the
Lesson Department
sanctity of the Sabbath is empha-
sized in the following words:
And that thou mayest more fully
keep thyself unspotted from the
world, thou shalt go to the house of
prayer and offer up thy sacraments
upon my holy day (D&C 59:9).
Thus, included in the com-
mandment to keep the Sabbath
day holy, is the offering up of
personal sacraments.
"A sacrament is a spiritual
covenant between God and man"
(Melchizedek Priesthood Man-
ual, 1967, On Earth and in
Heaven, Lesson 23, page 172). In
the sacrament known as the sac-
rament of the Lord^s Supper, be-
lievers covenant with the Father
always to remember his Son, wit-
nessing their willingness to take
upon themselves the name of
Christ, and to keep his com-
The ordinance of the sacrament,
thus, is the ritual, ceremony, rite, or
ordinance, through which members of
God's earthly kingdom make and re-
new solemn covenants to serve the
Lord and keep his commandments.
The sacrament consists of partaking of
bread and water — which has been
blessed and prepared for that purpose
by the authority of the Priesthood —
in remembrance of the Lord's sacri-
fice. The covenants which are made as
part of the ordinance are some of the
most solemn and sacred found in the
gospel (Melchizedek Priesthood man-
ual, 1967, On Earth and in Heaven,
Lesson 23, page 172).
"One of the first great spiritual
experiences received by Adam
after he became mortal was
associated with the law of sacri-
fice. Of our first parents the
scriptural account says that the
. . . gave unto them commandments,
that they should worship the Lord
their God, and should offer the first-
lings of their flocks, for an offering
unto the Lord. And Adam was obe-
dient unto the commandments of the
And after many days an angel of
the Lord appeared unto Adam, say-
ing: Why dost thou offer sacrifices
unto the Lord? And Adam said unto
him: I know not, save the Lord com-
manded me.
And then the angel spake, saying:
This thing is a similitude of the sacri-
fice of the Only Begotten of the
Father, which is full of grace and
Wherefore, thou shalt do all that
thou doest in the name of the Son,
and thou shalt repent and call upon
God in the name of the Son forever-
more (Moses 5:5-8) (Melchizedek
Priesthood Manual, 1967, On Earth
and in Heaven, Lesson 23, page 173).
Beginning with the first man and
continuing for four thousand long
years, the God of Heaven directed his
people to offer sacrifice in similitude
of the future atoning sacrifice of his
Son. All of the patriarchs, prophets,
and saints of four millenniums offered
the firstlings of their flocks on their
sacrificial altars, beasts which were
without spot or blemish. These sacri-
fices signified that the Lamb of God,
by the shedding of blood and through
his own vicarious sacrifice, would
atone for the sins of the world (Mc-
Conkie, Bruce R., Doctrinal New
Testament Commentary, Vol. 1, Salt
Lake City, Utah, Bookcraft Pub-
lishers, 1965, page 718; Melchizedek
Priesthood Manual, 1967, On Earth
and in Heaven, Lesson 23, pp. 172-
A knowledge of the law of
sacrifice was not limited to the
Jews of Palestine. The Nephites
in ancient America likewise were
taught that an atonement for the
sins of man would be made.
Before the birth of the Savior,
Amulek, explaining the need for
and testifying of the future
atonement, said:
January 1967
For it is expedient that there should
be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not
a sacrifice of man, neither of beast,
neither of any manner of fowl . . . but
it must be an infinite and eternal
Therefore, it is expedient that there
should be a great and last sacrifice;
and then shall there be, or it is
expedient there should be, a stop to
the shedding of blood. . . (Alma 34:10,
13; Melchizedek Priesthood Manual,
1967, On Earth and in Heaven, Lesson
23, page 174) .
Later, when the resurrected
Jesus visited the Nephites, he
confirmed the passing of the
Ancient law of sacrifice in the fol-
lowing words:
And ye shall offer up unto me no
more the shedding of blood; yea, your
sacrifices and your burnt offerings
shall be done away, for I will accept
none of your sacrifices and your burnt
And ye shall offer for a sacrifice
unto me a broken heart and a contrite
spirit. And whoso cometh unto me
with a broken heart and a contrite
spirit, him will I baptize with fire and
with the Holy Ghost ... (3 Nephi
9:19-20; Melchizedek Priesthood
Manual, 1967, On Earth and in
Heaven, Lesson 23, page 174).
Relief Society women know
that the sacramental service is in
remembrance of the atoning sac-
rifice of Christ. Some, however,
may not know that it was insti-
tuted in the meridian of time by
the Savior, "to replace the ages-
old system of sacrifice" (Ibid.).
As sacrifice was thus to cease with
the occurrence of the great event to-
ward which it pointed, there must
needs be a new ordinance to replace
it, an ordinance which also would
center the attention of the saints on
the infinite and eternal atonement.
And so Jesus, celebrating the Feast
of the Passover, thus dignifying and
fulfilling the law to the full, initiated
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
Sacrifice stopped, and sacr£iment
started. It was the end of the old
era, the beginning of the new. Sacri-
fice looked forward to the shed blood
and bruised flesh of the Lamb of Grod.
The sacrament was to be in remem-
brance of his spUt blood and broken
flesh, the emblems, bread and wine,
typifying such as completely as had
the shedding of the blood of animals
in their days (Melchizedek Priesthood
Manual, 1967, On Earth and in
Heaven, Lesson 23, pp. 174-175).
The ordinance of the sacra-
ment, as we have it, had its begin-
ning in the meridian of time and
was introduced by the Savior
himself. The place was Jeru-
salem. The time: during the cele-
bration of the Feast of the Pass-
over, just preceding the cruci-
The Feast of the Passover,
sacred Jewish memorial festival,
was established at the time of
IsraeFs deliverance from Egyp-
tian bondage. At the time of the
Savior, people came to Jerusalem
from far and near to participate
in the annual commemoration of
"the outstretched arm of power
by which God had deUvered
Israel after the angel of destruc-
tion had slain the firstborn in
every Egyptian home and had
mercifully passed over the houses
of the children of Jacob"
(Talmage, James E.: Jesus the
Christ, Edition 13, page 112).
Rituals, specific and detailed,
were associated with this solemn
celebration. On the day preceding
the eating of the paschal (Pass-
over) lamb, the selected sacrifi-
cial "lambs were slain within the
temple court, by the representa-
tives of families or companies
Lesson Department
who were to eat together; and a
portion of the blood of each lamb
was sprinkled at the foot of the
altar of sacrifice .... the slain
lamb, then said to have been
sacrificed, was borne away to the
appointed gathering place of
those by whom it was to be eat-
en" (Ibid, page 593).
Some of the disciples inquired
of Jesus where they should make
preparations for the paschal
meal. He instructed Peter and
John to return to Jerusalem,
. , . Behold, when ye are entered
into the city, there shall a man meet
you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow
him into the house where he entereth
in. And ye shall say unto the goodman
of the house. The Master saith unto
thee, Where is the guest-chamber
where I shall eat the passover with
my disciples? And he shall shew you
a large upper room furnished; there
make ready.
And they went, and found as he
had said unto them; and they made
ready the passover.
And when the hour was come, he
sat down, and the' twelve apostles with
him. And he said unto them. With
desire I have desired to eat this pass-
over with you brfore I suffer (Luke
This upper room to which
Jesus and his disciples came to
eat the last meal of which the
Savior would partake before his
death, was the setting for the in-
troduction of one of the most
sacred of gospel ordinances.
Jesus appears to have observed
the essentials of the Passover
procedure, although we have no
record that all requirements with
which tradition had invested this
sacred memorial were followed.
It is certain, however, that the
very presence of Jesus, soon to be
crucified for the sins of all men,
his prophetic words prefacing his
betrayal, and the introduction of
the ordinance in remembrance of
his sacrifice, set this particular
paschal meal — this the Lord's
Last Supper — apart from all
feasts of the Passover.
During his brief ministry
among the Nephites, as recorded
in 3 Nephi, the risen Lord intro-
duced the sacramental ordinance
and gave instruction regarding
its continuance among those who
would believe.
And this shall ye always observe to
do, even as I have done, even as I have
broken bread and blessed it and given
it unto you.
And this shall ye do in remem-
brance of my body, which I have
shown unto you. And it shall be a
testimony unto the Father that ye do
always remember me. And if ye do
always remember me ye shall have
my spirit to be with you (3 Nephi
18:6-7; Melchizedek Priesthood Man-
ual, 1967, On Earth and in Heaven,
Lesson 23, page 177).
Although the blessings pro-
nounced upon the bread and
upon the wine (water) were not
recorded in the New Testament,
nor do we have a record that
they were given to the Nephites
on the occasion of the introduc-
tion of the ordinance recorded in
3 Nephi, they were, however,
"given to the Nephites and were
inserted in the Book of Mormon
account centuries later by Moroni
(Moroni, chapters 4 and 5)*'
Revealed to the Latter-day
Saints, we find these prayers of
blessing on the sacrament in the
Doctrine and Covenants (Section
20). A careful reading of these
January 1967
prayers reveals both solemn com-
mitment and wonderful promise
to all who worthily partake and
who fulfill the requirements of
this sacred ordinance.
1. Is the sacrament an ordinance of
salvation or of blessing?
2. What personal commitment does
one make as she partakes of the
3. What blessings are to be received?
4. Do you believe (judging from your
own attitude and practice) that
during the passing of the sacra-
ment, the majority of adults think
specifically of the Savior and his
sacrifice? Discuss.
5. What does it mean to "renew our
covenants" by partaking of the
Only when we bring to the
sacrament of the Lord's Supper a
broken heart and a contrite spirit,
a willingness to be known by his
name and to keep his command-
ments, are we promised (through
this ordinance) that the Spirit of
the Lord will be with us. As a
woman magnifies her service in a
particular calling, she will realize
the blessings to which the ordi-
nance of setting-apart entitles
I, the Lord, am bound when ye do
what I say; but when ye do not what
I say, ye have no promise (D&C
1. Analyze your own attitude toward
the sacran&ent of the Lord's Sup-
per. Try to make this ordinance
more meaningful to you as an oc-
casion for renewing your personal
covenants, and by considering the
conmiitments which involve you.
2. Help your children to understand
the importance of the sacrament.
3. Evaluate the worth of your consis-
tent attendance at sacrament meet-
In presenting this lesson emphasize
in the discussion how these ordinances
directly affect each sister's life and,
in turn, the lives of those who live
with her. (See Lesson Helps.)
Gilean Douglas
Whaletown, B.C., Canada
Now the deliberation of the night
Is deep
Upon the water; darkness fills
The tidal plain between the island hills,
And sleep
Comes limpidly as thought upon delight.
Ideals of Womanhood in Relation to Home and the Family
Dr. Bruce B. Clark
Lesson 6 — "Virtue Nourishes the Soul"
"Virtue is the health of the soul."
Joseph Joubert
Northern Hemisphere: Fourth Meeting, April 1967
Southern Hemisphere: August 1967
Objective: To show the beauty and truth of the statement
"Virtue is the health of the soul."
The lesson for this month when the channel of purity is
covers seven short selections plus open.'* Later in this lesson we
one somewhat longer story, all of will read these words in an essay
which are printed, with full com- by Thoreau. Wise thinker that
ments and questions for discus- he was, Thoreau recognized, as
sion, in Section Six of Volume 2 other wise and inspired men have
of Out of the Best Books. Class done, that the cultivation of pur-
leaders and Relief Society sisters ity moves us toward God and the
having access to the text should allowance of impurity moves us
study the selections there because away from God. We have the
space permits only very abbrev- word of the Savior that this is so,
iated treatment in this Magazine for he said: "Blessed are the pure
lesson. Also, class leaders should in heart: for they shall see God"
not try to teach all eight selec- (Matthew 5:8). Note that the
tions because there are too many emphasis is on purity "in heart."
to cover in one lesson. Instead, "Let virtue garnish thy thoughts
each leader should choose those unceasingly" was the similar ad-
selections she feels will be most monition of Joseph Smith as he
valuable for her group. Probably prayed and suffered in Liberty
most class leaders will want to Jail (Doctrine and Covenants
use the Tolstoy story as the cen- 121:45). The beginning of virtue
tral selection and add two or is self-control of one's actions, to
three of the shorter pieces for en- keep them pure. More difficult
richment material. (Note to class is control of one's words, to keep
leaders: The only selection in them clean and in good taste,
this lesson now under copyright Most difficult of all is control of
prohibiting your making copies one's thoughts, to keep them
of it is the little poem "Fire and wholesome and uplifting. All
Ice" by Robert Frost. All other three controls are necessary for
selections may be re-copied if the fully virtuous life,
you desire.) These are beautiful words —
virtue, modesty, chastity, purity.
GENERAL coiviMENT y^^^ g^^d women should be chaste
"Man flows at once to God and modest at all times — never
January 1967
vulgar in action, word, dress or monitions to let virtue govern
thought. Note that the sentence our lives and to avoid evil. Our
begins "men and women." There purpose, however, in this lesson
is no double standard among is to approach these ideals not
Latter-day Saints. The same through scripture and sermon but
principles of virtue and clean liv- through art, letting the art-crea-
ing apply equally to men as to tors of the world add their insight
women. Moreover, as members of to the joy of pure living and the
the Church striving toward eter- anguish of impure living,
nal goals, we should avoid not Before moving to the literary
only evil itself but also the ap- selections, we have just two more
pearance of evil and situations in general items to mention:
which we are tempted to do evil. The first is a reminder that
We should in all ways and at all virtue should be genuine and not
times conduct ourselves with just surface or narrowed to self-
dignity, modesty, and control, re- righteousness. Because the prob-
membering that temporary pleas- lem of self-righteousness was
ures are always wrong if they treated extensively in Volume 1 of
endanger permanent joy and Out of the Best Books, we shall
peace of mind. The only way to not explore it again here. But we
be comfortable with oneself is do need to be reminded of the
to be comfortable with one's con- danger.
science. This is not to suggest a The second item is a brief
rusty conscience, but a sensitive, sampling from President David
clear conscience. There is no sin 0. McKay's many writings on vir-
so small but that avoiding it will tue, chastity, morality, purity,
make us better, and almost no sin and motherhood. No one in mod-
so great but that one can be re- ern times has commented on
deemed from it through genuine these things more than our re-
repentance. With regard to chas- vered contemporary prophet:
tity and unchastity, however, we
should remember that the Lord
regards sexual relations outside ^ ^^^^ ^^ *^^ highest attribute of the
, , . , . human soul, and fidehty is love s
the mamage covenant as a sm ^^y^^^^^ offspring.
second only to murder in serious- ^ , , , ,
r\ • J Tj; A woman should be queen or her
ness. One cannot restore hfe ^^^ body. . . . Chastity is the crown
when it is taken, nor virtue when of beautiful womanhood, and self-con-
it is taken; that is why these are trol is the source of true manhood,
the two most serious sins in hu- ... not indulgence. Sexual indulgence
w%ovt ycklofi/M^o whets the passion and creates mor-
^,, „ ,, , . „ bid desire. . . . Gentleness and con-
All 01 these tnmgs are, or sideration after the ceremony are just
course, not' new. They are as old as appropriate and necessary and
as the gospel, and as true. In- beautiful as gentleness and eonsider-
deed, they are a vital part of the ^tion before the wedding,
gospel, and as Church members Chastity is the virtue that contrib-
we have heard them over and ^*^s ^^ ^^^ p^^^^ ^"^ harmony of the
ovpr Thp qrrinfnrPQ and thp «5Pr ^^^^- ^^^® homes are ruined and
over, ine scnptures and tne ser- ^^^^ j^^^^^^ ^^^-^^^ because of mi-
mons Ot our living prophets are chastity than by the violation of any
filled with beautiful, powerful ad- other virtue.
Lesson Department
The last half (verses 10-31) of
Chapter 31 of Proverbs in the
Old Testament serves as an ex-
cellent brief introduction to this
lesson on virtue. It identifies the
attributes of womanly purity and,
like the other Psalms and Prov-
erbs, reflects many poetic qual-
ities in its wording. That is, it is
lovely both in its substance and
its language. Because the Bible
is available to all readers, we will
not print any of the verses here
but simply suggest that Relief
Society sisters turn to the Bible
Class Discussion
How many specific qualities of
a virtuous woman can you iden-
tify in this passage? What are
these qualities? Search your own
soul to see how many you pos-
Henry David Thoreau (1817-
1862), with Emerson, comprises
the heart of the mid-nineteenth-
century American romanticism,
known as transcendentalism.
W olden (1854) is his master-
piece, and one of the great books
to come out of America. At other
times during 1967-68 we will ex-
plore Walden more fully. Here we
present just one small excerpt,
a part of Chapter XI on "Higher
Several major points are
stressed in this passage: (1) The
entire universe is moral, and man
must be moral, too, or be in con-
flict with the eternal laws of the
universe. (2) Every person has
within him animal desires and
divine aspirations. Righteousness
consists in subduing the animal
desires and cultivating the divine
aspirations. (3) Chastity, an-
other name for purity, beautifies
personahty and fills character
with power. Contrariwise, un-
chastity or impurity brings ugli-
ness and also enslavement. (4)
Sensuality expresses itself in
many ways, all leading downward
to degradation, and all part of one
gross sensuality. Likewise, spirit-
uality expresses itself in many
ways, all part of one whole of
purity, leading upward to God.
(5) The body is the temple of the
human spirit. Whether it be cor-
rupt or noble depends on whether
it is enslaved by sensuality or
upKfted by beautiful purity.
Thoreau says three things better
than we can paraphrase him, as
the passage itself shows.
Class Discussion
To what extent does Thoreau
in this passage agree with the
excerpt from Chapter 31 of Prov-
erbs in defining a pure person?
Point out specific points of agree-
ment describing the qualities of
Excerpts from Chapter XI of Walden:
Our whole life is startlingly moral.
There is never an instant's truce be-
tween virtue and vice. Goodness is
the only investment that never fails.
In the music of the harp which
trembles round the world it is the in-
sisting on this which thrills us. . . .
Though the youth at last grows in-
different, the laws of the universe are
not indifferent, but are forever on the
side of the most sensitive. Listen to
every zephyr for some reproof, for it
is surely there, and he is unfortunate
who does not hear it. We cannot touch
a string or move a stop but the charm-
ing moral transfixes us. . .
We are conscious of animal in us,
which awakens in proportion as our
higher nature slumbers. It is reptile
January 1967
and sensual, and perhaps cannot be
wholly expelled; like the worms which,
even in life and health, occupy our
bodies. Possibly we may withdraw
from it, but never change its nature.
I fear that it may enjoy a certain
health of its own; that we may be
well, yet not pure. . . . Who knows
what sort of life would result if we
had attained to purity? If I knew so
wise a man as could teach me purity
I would go to seek him forthwith. . . .
Chastity. is the flowering of man; and
what are called Genius, Heroism,
Holiness, and the like, are but various
fruits which succeed it. Man flows at
once to God when the channel of
purity is open. . . .
All sensuality is one, though it
takes many forms; all purity is one.
It is the same whether a man eat, or
drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually.
They are but one appetite, and we
only need to see a person do any
one of these things to know how great
a sensualist he is. The impure can
neither stand nor sit with purity.
When the reptile is attacked at one
mouth of his burrow, he shows himself
at another. If you would be chaste,
you must be temperate. . . .
Every man is the builder of a tem-
ple, called his body, to the God he
worships, after a style purely his own,
nor can he get off by hammering
marble instead. We are all sculptors
and painters, and our material is our
own flesh and blood and bones. Any
nobleness begins at once to refine a
man's features, any meanness or sen-
suality to imbrute them.
This great old Russian story by
Leo N. Tolstoy (1828-1910) is
intended to be the central work
in this month's lesson. It not only
is a famous story by a famous
author but beautifully dramatizes
the rich breadth of the qualities
of virtue. In its broad sense virtue
means more than sexual purity.
It means goodness; and it em-
braces all of the qualities of
honesty, charity, spirituality, and
righteousness that goodness em-
braces. Also, the story skillfully
weaves throughout its substance
the language and ideals of
Christ's Sermon on the Mount as
found in Chapters 5 to 7 of
Matthew and 6 to 7 of Luke.
This story, along with Chapter
31 of Proverbs and the excerpt
from Walden, is intended as a
positive illustration of the quali-
ties of virtue. The story and our
discussion of it are much too long,
however, to be included or even
summarized in this Magazine les-
son. Therefore, class leaders and
Relief Society sisters should turn
to the cultural refinement text
for these materials.
Earth groaned beneath, and Heaven
Trembled at discovery of Love.
Jesus was sitting in Moses' chair;
They brought the trembling woman
Moses commands she be stoned to
death —
What was the sound of Jesus' breath?
He laid His hand on Moses' law;
The ancient heavens, in silent awe,
Writ with curses from pole to pole.
All away began to roll.
There is a human tendency to
gossip and spread scandal. One
of the harsh consequences of gos-
sip is that people are stigmatized,
branded; and even people who
want very much to repent are not
given much chance to do so be-
cause of the gossip and the scan-
dal. Repentance is one of the
great principles of the gospel, but
another great principle, forgive-
ness, needs to be practiced — by
William Blake (1757-1827),
was a great mystic poet and
painter at the beginning of Eng-
Lesson Department
lish romanticism. "Be free, and
love all things" were the two
great principles dominating all
that Blake wrote.
This little poem is just a small
excerpt from a much longer work.
It stands alone as a powerful ex-
pression of Christ's gospel of love
replacing the Mosaic law of
punishment and vengeance. Not
"an eye for an eye, and a tooth
for a tooth"; rather "whosoever
shall smite thee on thy right
cheek, turn to him the other also"
and "love your enemies, bless
them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for
them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you." (Matthew
All readers will remember the
particular incident in Christ's
life which serves as background
to Blake's poem. (See John 8:
3-11 in the New Testament.)
The central point of this
scriptural passage, and of Blake's
poem, and of the present discus-
sion, is that people who have
sinned, especially young people
who have committed moral sin,
should be given an opportunity
through love and understanding
to repent and turn to righteous
living. Sins are multiplied when
to one person's sin of transgres-
sion is added another person's sin
of unforgiveness.
In addition to the four selec-
tions already mentioned, this
lesson embraces three poems
which explore special ideas and
problems related to the ideals of
virtue. All of these are printed,
with discussions, in Section Six
of Volume 2 of Out of the Best
Books, where they may be
studied and used as desired by
lesson leaders. One of these is
"Fire and Ice," a little poem by
Robert Frost vividly suggesting
the terrible, destructive power of
passion. Another is "The City
Dead-house" by Walt Whitman,
a powerful poem contrasting the
beauty of the human body in
purity with the ugly waste of the
human body in sin. A third is
Christina Rossetti's "The Con-
vent Threshold," another power-
ful poem portraying the anguish
of a guilty conscience accom-
panied by a genuine yearning for
the peace of repentance.
Class Discussion
In what specific ways do these
selections help motivate us to avoid
impurity and seek virtue in our lives?
What qualities of womanhood, as
shown by these selections, combine to
make a fully virtuous woman?
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Salt Lake City, Utah
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Eva Willes Wangsgaard
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To offer faith, new hope, another chance.
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Which lifts above the shadows' muting plush,
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However deep the pain or darkness lies,
Tomorrow's aura beckons just ahead
And brings a gift unseen by finite eyes,
A rich surprise with powers unlimited.
An iridescent glow, a golden band,
A gift of time, love-blessed, divinely planned.
The Cover: Winter Portrait
Transparency by Jim Keeler
Lithograpiied in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Frontispiece: Lake Shikotsu, Japan
Photograph by Harold M. Lambert
Art Layout: Dick Scopes
Illustrations: Mary Scopes
I wonder if there could be anyone who
waits for The Relief Society Magazine
as anxiously as I do. It may well be
because the Magazine has so many
readers and admirers. Why this anxiety?
Well, there are many reasons. First of
all, I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina,
and, as you know, my language is
Spanish, and that is one of the reasons
why I am enjoying the Spanish Mag-
azine. Secondly, for the varied topics of
interest on many subjects, and because
it also appeals to my husband. For
this, I have an enjoyable time com-
menting, and this provides a beautiful
and instructive means for a discussion
with my husband.
Juiia P. Mangum
Provo, Utah
My daughter and son-in-law are Latter-
day Saints. I am Baptist, but I love
The Relief Society Magazine, and we
share it with my daughter-in-law, who
is Presbyterian! Therefore three homes
greatly benefit from it.
Mrs. Lydia Leeds
Greer, Arizona
Our wonderful Magazine has always
been a great comfort to me. The beau-
tiful stories teach a lesson that can
comfort when one is troubled and
worried. The editorial page is so in-
spiring. Now in my seventy-ninth year,
living the gospel is the most important
thing in my life. The Magazine helps
me so much. I read it from cover to
cover and also send it to two of my
Agnes Watts
Spring Valley, California
The Relief Society Magazine has
been my favorite for many years. I
was especially touched by Pearle M.
Olsen's article "Resembling Mother"
(May 1966). If Pearle's own mother
was anything like her, she was truly a
wonderful person. Other thoughts I en-
joyed from the May issue were:
"Thoughts of a Latter-day Saint Moth-
er," by Leah Green, and Lydia Parker's
"Letter to Daughter From Mother."
Mabel L. Anderson's "Much of Worth
— The Relief Society Magazine" ex-
pressed the feelings of women through-
out the Church. I also enjoyed "Offer-
ing for Peace" (poem by Mabel Jones
Gabbott), and my heart was particular-
ly touched by "My Heart Would Break,"
by Maude 0. Cook.
Amy Giles Bond
Kaysville, Utah
I could see joy and delight in my hus-
band's face as he sat down to his
Sunday dinner a few weeks ago. As he
finished the last morsel of food, I
detected a little note of extra special
thanks as he expressed his apprecia-
tion to me for the meal. So I feel I
owe this extra special thanks to Asel
B. Brodt for her most delightful ac-
count in the August Magazine of serv-
ing her father's favorite dessert "Apple
Dumplings," and the recipe accompa-
nying it. This recipe will be added to
my recipe file. All my married life
(twenty-six years), my husband has
been trying to get me to make him
some boiled apple dumplings the way
his mother used to make them, so
I was thrilled when I came across this
Mrs. Blenavond F. Curtis
Baldwin Park, California
Relief Society Magazine
Volume 54 February 1967 Number 2
Editor Marianne C. Sharp Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager Belle S. Spafford
Special Features
84 Compassionate Service in Relief Society Marion G. Romney
97 The Class Leader Makes the Difference Alma P. Burton
114 Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack
90 A Gift to the Giver Second Prize Story Marie M. Hayes
105 The Golden Chain— Chapter 1 Hazel M. Thomson
116 Valentines Are Important Frances C. Yost
122 Tell Me of Love — Chapter 8 Conclusion Rosa Lee Lloyd
General Features
82 From Near and Far
115 Woman's Sphere
112 Editorial: Singing Mothers
130 Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities
160 Birthday Congratulations
The Home - Inside and Out
111 Angel Nimiber Three Lael J. Littke
121 A Toy He Will Treasure June F. Krambule
128 Butter Frosting Made With a Mixer Judith Leigh-Kendall
128 Kate's Cookies Kate Swainston
129 Flowers That Last Forever
Lesson Department
137 Spiritual Living — ^The Eventual Triumph of God's Work
Roy W. Doxey
143 Visiting Teacher Message — "All Victory and Glory Is Brought to Pass
Unto You ..." Alice Colton Smith
144 Homemaking — Project Thrift Celestia J. Taylor
146 Social Relations — On the Road to Perfection Alberta H. Christensen
152 Cultural Refinement — "Wisdom Teaches Right" Bruce B. Clark
81 Gift of Time Eva Willes Wangsgaard
The Father, Dorothy J. Roberts, 104; Keeping Summer, Enola Cham-
berlin 120; Our Gift, Sue S. Beatie 151; Winter, Fanny G. Brunt 158;
Busy Fingers, Catherine B. Bowles 160.
Published monthly by THE GENERAL BOARD OF RELIEF SOCIETY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. ® 1967 by the Relief Society General Board Association. Editorial and Business Office: 76 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111; Phone 364-2511; Subscription Price $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year; 20c
a copy, payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back numbers can be sup-
plied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of address at once, giving old and new
address. Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the
Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
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in Relief
Elder Marion G. Romney
Of the Council of the Twelve
[Address Delivered at the
Officers Meeting of the
Relief Society Annual
General Conference,
September 28. 1966]
■ It is an honor, my sisters, to
be invited to address you this
morning. When Sister Spafford
invited me to come here I asked
her to give me a memorandimi
suggesting matters on which I
might speak. In response to this
request, I received a letter from
Sister Sharp who said that I
might speak (1) on compassion-
ate services of Relief Society, and
(2) on services we are ready to
perform as directed by the Gen-
eral Church Welfare Committee.
I shall first direct my remarks
to the second suggestion.
For the past thirty years Relief
Society has been, and still is, the
bishop's chief auxiliary aide in
implementing the Church Wel-
fare Program. Among other
things, the ward Relief Society
president has been, and still
should be, called upon to study,
analyze, and report to her bishop
concerning circumstances of the
needy, to prepare orders on bish-
ops' storehouses and to assist in
preparing forecasts for future
needs. Members of Relief Society
have been, and still should be,
willing to work at the call of the
bishop on sewing, canning, and
other welfare production projects.
For many years Relief Society
was given a major assignment in
the field of employment, partic-
ularly with respect to women and
girls. While under the present
welfare organization procedures,
the Relief Society is not asked to
participate in employment find-
ing and placement in industry,
there is a service with respect to
domestic employment in the
homes of ward members which
Compassionate Service In Relief Society
the Relief Society is admirably passionate services which may, at
positioned to render. times, be directed by the bishop
In their visits, Relief Society and at other times be rendered
teachers have opportunity tact- pursuant to Rehef Society's gen-
fuUy and wisely to assess condi- eral commission. For example:
tions in the home. For this, they Supplying or rendering domestic
ought, by proper training, to help in time of illness, bereave-
qualify themselves for and con- ment, or other emergencies; oc-
scientiously do. Following their casionally the furnishing of a
visits, they should promptly re- meal to the aged or otherwise
port to their ward Relief Society homebound; calling on or, per-
presidents all the circumstances haps, telephoning the lonely in
which, in their judgment, call for their homes and in hospitals; or
welfare or Relief Society com- writing letters for the incapac-
passionate service, including itated. A list of such benevolent
needed female domestic help and services might be endlessly ex-
employment. Occasionally, there tended and still not include all
are emergencies which justify im- areas of welfare and Relief So-
mediate action by the visiting ciety compassionate service,
teachers themselves at times. Since Relief Society, as in-
and, at other times, by the ward structed by the Prophet Joseph
Relief Society president. In such Smith, carries on its work' under
emergencies, I do not think we the direction of the Priesthood, it
should be so bound by procedur- might be well here to note that
al rules that we would let the very early in this dispensation,
patient die for want of help we the Lord put the major responsi-
can render while we hunt for the biHty of caring for the poor upon
bishop. I remember a story about the Church, upon the bishop, as
a young child who was starting the administrative agent of the
school. At lunch she tipped over Church; and since Relief Society
a glass of milk. The teacher being is the chief aide to the bishop, I
somewhat nettled said, "What will take a minute to give you the
would your mother do if she were words of the Lord with respect
here?" The child replied, "She'd to this responsibility to care for
get a cloth and mop it up; she the poor. As early as January 2,
wouldn't stand there doing noth- 1831, and that was within nine
ing." In all cases, however, the months of the organization of the
fact should be reported by the Church, the Lord said in a great
Relief Society president to the revelation:
bishop not later than the next
ward Welfare Committee meeting ... for your salvation I give unto
which is scheduled to be held you a commandment, for I have heard
T_ 1 X xT_ 1- • • £ your prayers, and the poor have com-
each week at the begmnmg of ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^
the ward Pnesthood executive l made, and all flesh is mine, and I
committee meeting. * am no respecter of persons.
In addition to these and kin- Wherefore, hear my voice and fol-
dred services, which Relief So- ^^. !^:t every man esteem his brother
Ciety should stand ready to as himself, and practice virtue and
perform, there are other com- holiness before me.
February 1967
And again I say unto you, let every
man esteem his brother as himself.
(D&C 38:16, 22, 24-25).
And then, in a very impressive
parable, the Lord pointed out
what he meant by the phrase
esteeming one's brother as him-
self. He said:
For what man among you having
twelve sons, and is no respecter of
them, and they serve him obediently,
and he saith unto the one: Be thou
clothed in robes and sit thou here;
and to the other: Be thou clothed in
rags and sit thou there — and looketh
upon his sons and saith I am just?
Behold, this I have given unto you
as a parable, and it is even as I am.
I say unto you, be one; and if ye are
not one ye are not mine (D&C 38:
Then he gave the Church in-
structions as to what to do about
it. He said:
And now, I give unto the church in
these parts a commandment, that cer-
tain men among them shall be ap-
pointed . . .
And they shall look to the poor
and the needy, and administer to
their relief that they shall not suffer
. . . (D&C 38:34-35).
Five weeks later, in the revela-
tion referred to in the revelation
itself as the law of the Church,
the Lord said:
If thou lovest me thou shalt serve
me and keep my commandments.
And behold, thou wilt remember the
poor ....
And inasmuch as ye impart of your
substance unto the poor, ye will do it
unto me; and they shall be laid before
the bishop of my church and his
counselors . . . (D&C 42:29-31).
And then, a little later in the
same month, the Lord said again:
Behold, I say unto you, that ye
must visit the poor and the needy
and administer to their relief . . .
(D&C 44:6).
Now all these revelations came
in January and February, 1831,
but the revelation which moves
me most on this question is the
one given to the Prophet Joseph
Smith in June of that year. In
this revelation, the Lord directed
twenty-eight of the elders to
travel, two by two, from Kirtland
to Jackson County, Missouri.
They were to go by different
routes, preaching the gospel as
they went. You will recall that
they were very destitute in those
days; and they would travel —
walk part of the way — through
a primitive country. Joseph
Smith and his immediate com-
panions "journeyed by wagon
and stage and occasionally by
canal boat, to Cincinnati, Ohio,"
then "to Louisville, Kentucky,"
and "St. Louis by steamer."
"From this city on the Missis-
sippi, the Prophet walked across
the entire state of Missouri, to
Independence, Jackson County,
a distance of nearly 300 miles.
. . ." (Cannon, George Q., Life
of Joseph Smith the Prophet,
1958 Edition, page 117).
Now I recall these facts to
your attention that you may un-
derstand the background against
which the Lord said to these
men as they started:
. . . remember in all things the
poor and the needy, the sick and the
afflicted, for he that doeth not these
things, the same is not my disciple
(D&C 52:40).
This statement, given under
such conditions, not only im-
pressed upon the brethren the
great importance of taking care
of the poor, but it seems, from
what the Pifophet later said con-
Compassionate Service In Relief Society
ceming the sisters' benevolent
services, to have had a telling ef-
fect on them also.
Pursuant to these revelations,
the primary obligation to care for
the poor of the Church has been,
and still is, the bishop's. Since
1842, however, when the Prophet
Joseph organized the Relief So-
ciety, the sisters have been called
upon to help.
In search of the correct con-
cept of Relief Society's respon-
sibility in Church welfare and
compassionate services, I have
reviewed the Prophet Joseph
Smith's comments concerning,
and his remarks to, the Relief
Society in its infancy. His words
graphically portray his views on
these matters which I think
should continue to be your guide.
I think there is no man, save
the Redeemer himself, who was
greater or lived closer to the Lord
than the Prophet.
Now I'm going to quote con-
siderably from the Prophet. I
hope you'll think hard and get
the point of view of the Prophet
about your organization. Under
date of February 17, 1842, the
Prophet wrote in his journal:
I assisted in commencing the or-
ganization of "The Female Relief So-
ciety of Nauvoo."
A week later, the following
Thursday, he made this entry in
his journal:
I attended, by request the Female
Relief Society, whose object is the
relief of the poor, the destitute, the
widow and the orphan, and for the
exercise of all benevolent purposes.
Now "benevolent" is defined
in my dictionary as "disposed
to promote the prosperity and
happiness of others; kind; char-
itable." To go on with the Proph-
et's entry:
There was a very nimierous at-
tendance ... of some of our most
intelligent, himiane, philanthropic
and respectable ladies; and we are
well assured from a knowledge of
those pure principles of benevolence
that flow spontaneously from their
humane and philanthropic bosoms,
that with the resources they will have
at command, they will fly to the re-
lief of the stranger; they will pour
oil and wine to the wounded heart of
the distressed; they will dry up the
tears of the orphan and make the
widow's heart to rejoice (DHC. IV,
pp. 552, 567).
Now, here in these tremendous
statements of the Prophet, we
have some very specific areas in
which Relief Society may serve
without always awaiting the bish-
op's special call. And then the
Prophet continues:
Our women have always been sig-
nalized for their acts of benevolence
and kindness; but the cruel usage that
they received from the barbarians of
Missouri, has hitherto prevented their
extending the hand of charity in a
conspicuous manner; yet in the midst
of their persecution, when the bread
has been torn from their helpless off-
spring by their cruel oppressors, they
have always been ready to open their
doors to the weary traveler, to divide
their scant pittance with the hungry,
and from their robbed and impov-
erished wardrobes, to divide with the
more needy and destitute; and now
that they are living upon a more genial
soil, and among a less barbarous people,
and possess facilities that they have not
heretofore enjoyed, we feel convinced
that with their concentrated efforts,
the condition of the suffering poor, of
the stranger and the fatherless will be
ameliorated (DHC. IV, pp. 567-568).
Speaking to the Relief Society
again on Thursday, the 28th of
April of that same year (that
was five weeks after its organiza-
tion) , the Prophet in his remarks
February 1967
to them, as reported by Eliza R.
Snow, said:
This is a charitable Society, and
according to your natures; it is nat-
ural for females to have feelings of
charity and benevolence. You are now
placed in a situation in which you
can act according to those sympathies
which God has planted in your bosoms.
If you live up to these principles,
how great and glorious will be your
reward in the celestial kingdom! If
you live up to your privileges, the
angels cannot be restrained from be-
ing your associates. . , .
If this Society listens to the counsel
of the Almighty, through the heads
of the Church, they shall have power
to command queens in their midst
(DHC IV, p. 605).
"You will receive instructions"
— and this is still from the Proph-
You will receive instructions through
the order of the Priesthood which God
has established, through the medium
of those appointed to lead, guide and
direct the affairs of the Church in
this last dispensation; and I now turn
the key in your behalf in the name of
the Lord, and this Society shall re-
joice, and knowledge and intelligence
shall flow down from this time hence-
forth; this is the beginning of better
days to the poor and needy, who shall
be made to rejoice and pour forth
blessings on your heads. . . . (DHC
IV, p. 607).
And then he had something to
say about laboring close to home,
while your knowledge could ex-
tend to the whole world. I
thought of Sister Spafford over
there in the East, in Asia, when
I read this again.
Let your labors be mostly confined
to those around you, in the circle of
your own acquaintance, as far as
knowledge is concerned, it may ex-
tend to all the world; but your ad-
ministering should be confined to the
circle of your immediate acquaintance,
and more especially to the members of
the Relief Society (DHC IV, p. 607).
I thought Sister Spafford was
on course this morning when she
said what she did about getting
mixed up in partnership with
other worldly organizations.
The minutes of the Relief So-
ciety organization for June 9,
1842, quote the Prophet as say-
ing this:
The best measure or principle to
bring the poor to repentance is to
administer to their wants. The Ladies*
Relief Society is not only to relieve
the poor, but to save souls (DHC V,
pp. 24-25).
Of course, there is no other
organization on the earth, wom-
en's or any other kind, that has
a constitution like that from the
Prophet of the living God.
Now the records give us the
setting and nature and reveal the
importance of the Relief So-
ciety's objective, which, in the
words of the Prophet Joseph, "is
the relief of the poor, the desti-
tute, the widow, and the orphan,
for the exercise of all benevolent
Through the years Church pro-
cedures have varied. Since Relief
Society was organized, however,
it has had a part in every phase,
and the sisters have always par-
ticipated. You have never fal-
tered, and you have every reason
to be proud of your record. It is
my conviction and faith that you
will not falter now nor in the
future, and I believe that in the
days ahead you will have an op-
portunity to render even greater
service than you have ever been
called upon to render heretofore.
In addition to responding to
the call of the bishop for assist-
ance in Church welfare, and
without encroaching upon his
Compassionate Service In Relief Society
prerogatives, members of the Re-
lief Society should be ever alert
to acts of benevolence on a neigh-
bor-to-neighbor basis. Many are
the poor, the destitute, the
widows, the orphans, and the
strangers whose tears are to be
dried and whose hearts are to be
made to rejoice by your flying
to their relief and pouring into
their distressed souls the healing
balm of divine charity and be-
Here are some quotations from
a conmiunication recently re-
ceived by a friend of mine which
deliver, I think, a real message
on this theme:
. . . Although LDS people are fine
citizens (this is a non-member writing
to a good member of the Church) and
have created a society in which every-
one in Utah enjoys living, they do not
give the impression of being friendly
neighbors to newcomers. In the four
moves I have made in Utah, I have
never been called on by close neigh-
bors who are LDS. . . .
I had lunch with a businessman
who had just moved here from Den-
ver. . . . He thought he was going to
like it here, but his wife is very
lonely. They moved into a southeast
residential neighborhood, apparently
completely LDS, and not one neigh-
bor has come to call on her.
I am sure that newcomers would
learn to appreciate the basic tolerance
and friendship of the LDS people
much more readily if it were active
LDS policy to welcome newcomers —
regardless of religion — not as pro-
selyters, but as neighbors who live
together in harmony. . . .
That we render our service in
the proper spirit is of first im-
portance. There is a lying and de-
ceptive spirit abroad in the world
today that would persuade us
that we can discharge our divine-
ly imposed obligations in these
matters by turning them over to
the welfare workers of the "wel-
fare state" or to "socialism." But
this we cannot do. In these sys-
tems, neither the giver nor the
receiver enjoys the spirit of the
Lord. Acts of benevolence must
be done in the spirit of that char-
ity which is the "pure love of
Christ," if they are to meet the
standards of Relief Society.
Mormon says that if one
. . . offereth a gift, or prayeth unto
God, except he shall do it with real
intent it profiteth him nothing.
For behold, it is not counted unto
him for righteousness.
For behold, if a man being evil
giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly;
wherefore it is counted unto him the
same as if he had retained the gift;
wherefore he is counted evil before
God (Moroni 7:6-8).
The Prophet^s remarks to the
Relief Society, on March 30,
1842, were reported as follows.
Listen, he's talking to Relief So-
ciety here:
. . . the Saints should be a select
people, separate from all the evils of
the world — choice, virtuous, and holy,
The Lord (he said) was going to
make of the Church of Jesus Christ
a kingdom of Priests, a holy people,
a chosen generation, as in Enoch's
day . . . (DHC IV, page 570).
The fact that the Prophet
made these remarks to the Relief
Society sisters persuades me that
he expected them, in carrying
out their "benevolent purposes,"
to be, even as the gospel is in
its field, "... a light to the
world" (D&C 45:9). I challenge
you, my beloved sisters, there-
fore, in the words of the scripture
. . . Arise and shine forth, that thy
light may be a standard for the na-
tions . . . (D&C 115:5).
In the name of Jesus Christ.
The Relief Society
Short Story Contest
to the
Marie M. Hayes
■ As the first bell-like notes of
"Silent Night'* pealed through
the kitchen, Nora brushed her
brown hair back from her fore-
head and shut the radio off
with an angry snap. Would
Christmas really come this year?
She couldn't believe it.
Nora was young and attractive,
with a sprinkling of freckles
across her pert nose, but her
shoulders slumped and she looked
Through the driving Oregon
rain that beat in torrents on her
window, she watched the yellow
bulk of the school bus take shape
and stop near the gate. As the
children alighted, she performed
the daily ritual of counting . . .
one . . . two . . . three . . . and
then the bleakness of the late
winter afternoon settled about
her as the bus heaved itself down
the road. She knew there were
only three, could be only three,
yet she watched daily for the
little golden-haired boy who
would never run up that path
waving his latest art creation.
Almost four months now, since
the accident. Ronnie would have
been seven last month. His new
bike, the one Cal had bought last
summer for his birthday was
still in the garage, unopened. It
seemed like yesterday.
Carol burst into the warm
kitchen, wet brown curls creep-
ing out from under her yellow
slicker hood, filling the room with
nine-year-old exuberance.
"Mommy, Mommy, our room's
having a Christmas party. Can
you come. Mommy, please?"
"We'll see later, dear." Would
they never quit asking her?" Now,
what did you bring home today?"
Laura, the brisk December air
heightening the glow on her
pretty features, dumped armloads
of books on the kitchen table and
began pulHng off her boots. "The
little kids in seventh grade are
coming to our Christmas dance
this year," she said disdainfully.
The door opened again, and in
trudged six-year-old Kerry, her
arms loaded with the day's mail,
soggy wet and ink running.
"Mail, Mommy!" She carried the
mail to Nora, leaving a trail of
wet mud across the newly waxed
floor. "I said goodbye to my
friend Cindy. She lives up that
way." Kerry waved vaguely in
the direction of the tractor road
that extended up through the
Jensen's farm land.
"Oh, yeah, that new family
that moved into the Clayboume's
old cabin," Laura said, as she
opened the refrigerator door and
stood, looking in. "Their name's
Wilson. The kids at school say
they're on welfare. The oldest
girl's in my lit class and she
wears awful clothes."
"Sh-h-h, Laura. Not in front
of the girls."
Laura turned from the refrig-
erator, holding a piece of stale
cake. "Hey, Mom, haven't we got
anything else to eat?"
Nora began thumbing through
the mail. "Here's a letter from
Grandma." As she read, the girls
continued their chatter, dropping
boots on the floor and sheading
coats. "Girls, Grandma wants us
to spend Christmas with them in
Montana this year."
"Oh, Mommy, can we please?"
Carol asked, grabbing Nora's
hand and jimiping excitedly.
Kerry's pixie face lit suddenly,
as she sucked in her breath and
asked, "Oh, will there be snow?"
As she read the letter, mem-
ories stirred within Nora. She
was once again a child in her
parents' old-fashioned stone farm-
house. She could see the crusted
snow piled high over the window
sills, with icicles, a solid wall,
extending down to meet the
snow. She felt again the shiver
of excitement, waking in a cold
bedroom on Christmas morning,
felt the warm glow of the hearth
fire and smelled the burning pine
logs. She pictured the magnif-
icent tree, crowned with an angel
and groaning under the weight of
sparkling ornaments. It would be
a way of getting through this
first Christmas without Ronnie.
Her mother had surely thought
of that.
"If we go. Mom, can we wait
until after the matinee dance at
Laura's voice shattered her
thoughts, bringing her abruptly
February 1967
back to the present. It was no When they went to Victoria on
use. Things couldn't possibly be the ferry, Ronnie, who had be-
the same. come an explorer, disappeared and
"Daddy probably can't get threw the crew into a panic. Nora
away!" Nora said, flinging the remembered her anger and relief
letter down and turning quickly when they found him hiding in
to stare out the window. a lifeboat. But Ronnie was a
Carol pressed her mother's arm. special kind of boy, and no one
"You don't want to go without could stay angry with him long.
Ronnie, do you. Mommy?" Each night, Nora had tiptoed
Nora rubbed the sleeve of her into his room and tucked the
dress across eyes damp with tears covers up tightly under his chin,
and shook her head. Then she would study his face,
"Ronnie died," observed Kerry, relaxed in sleep, the long dark
"our brother's in heaven now. lashes brushing against his sun-
Why did Ronnie die. Mommy?" burned cheeks, and a flood of
"Go change your clothes, girls!" happiness would make her forget
Nora said, much too sharply, the day's trials and remember
"Laura, you must have some only the way he looked when he
homework. Get it done right said, "I love you. Mommy."
now." He had been on an imaginary
"But, Mommy," Kerry per- adventure the day of the acci-
sisted, "I want to talk about dent. Nora and Ronnie were
Ronnie." picking beans for canning, but
"No, Kerry, not now!" She had Ronnie, the astronaut, had tired
to fight to control her voice. She of the job and decided to fly
sank down limply at the kitchen down to the space station. Nora
table, buried her face in her arms shook her head as she watched
and waited until she heard the the little figure disappear around
children quietly climb the stairs, the house, headed for the mail-
She couldn't talk about Ronnie, box. It seemed only seconds later
Not now . . . not ever. that she heard the screech of
S brakes and felt the hard knot of
HE tried to remember only the fear tighten within her.
gospel's teachings. She knew that She had run, weak-kneed, down
someday Ronnie would be hers the path, and even when she saw
again, but it didn't help too Ronnie's white face as he lay,
much. She needed Ronnie now, motionless, by the roadside, she
not in some far-off time she could couldn't believe that for Ronnie,
barely comprehend, but now. life had ceased to be important.
Why did Ronnie die? Why? There was no one to blame. Ron-
Nothing seemed right without nie had run in front of the car.
him. Like many bright children. The driver had tried to stop, but
he had created his own imaginary the moments were too few and
world and alternately delighted too precious, and now Ronnie was
and appalled the family with his gone.
antics. Once he was a barber and Why couldn't she believe it?
cut Kerry's hair. It had taken Even now, it was easier to peek
months for it to grow out again, around the comers at it. In the
Second Prize Story — A Gift to the Giver
mornings, if she pretended Ron-
nie was at school, would return
on the bus with the girls, then
she could get through the long,
gray winter days. But each after-
noon it was the same. The bus
would stop and the children
would get out . . . one . . . two
. . . three . . . but no Ronnie.
Nora was still sitting in the
shadow when Calvin came in for
supper. He was tall and dark and
soft-spoken, slightly graying at
the temples. He was too slender
for the heavy work of the farm,
but he loved his work and put in
long hours each day, pushing him-
self to the limits of his strength.
He dropped into a chair and lis-
tened as Nora told him about
the letter from her mother. The
smiles that very seldom played
around the comers of his eyes
these days returned as he gently
pulled Nora to her feet.
"Let's do it, Nora," he urged,
tipping her face up to his. "I'd
do almost anything to make my
best girl smile again."
They made their plans. They
could reach Missoula by Christ-
mas Eve if the weather held and
spend a full week there. Nora
craved her mother's solicitous
attentions. She felt almost like a
child again as she bustled about,
preparing for their holiday.
The day she baked the Christ-
mas cookies, Kerry brought little
Cindy Wilson home from school
to play. Nora tied huge aprons
about their waists, stood them on
kitchen chairs, and let them
spread red and green frosting on
the crisp, nutmeg-flavored bells.
After a few minutes, Cindy laid
down her knife and fastened
luminous brown eyes on Nora.
The eyes were too large for the
little pinched face, and her dark
hair hung straight and lifeless
down her back.
"We used to have these at our
house," she said, "before Daddy
"You may take some home to-
day, Cindy," Nora said, swallow-
ing the lump in her throat.
"I'm getting a Baby Boo doll
for Christmas, Cindy," prated
Kerry. "What's Santa bringing
Cindy hung her head. "Mom-
my says Santa can't come this
year. He doesn't know where we
live 'cause we just moved."
'Oh, Santa'll know. He'll find
us at Grandma's house and that's
way over in. . . ."
"Kerry, why don't you and
Cindy run out' and find some pine
cones? I want to make a wreath
for Grandma's door."
Nora hurried the children out-
side, hoping Kerry would forget
the constant chatter about Santa
and gifts. She kept thinking of
Cindy's shabby clothes and
threadbare coat, and the way she
eyed the ever-increasing pile of
gaily wrapped presents on the
dining-room table.
Nora thought of Cindy often,
but only fleetingly. She was hur-
February 1967
rying now, caught up in the tra- clutched her doll and asked, "Is
ditional last minute struggle to it time to go yet. Daddy?"
be ready for Christmas. "Sh, Kerry." Cal turned the
On Saturday, a lovely, feathery radio up. "Listen."
blanket of snow floated down to The newscaster was saying,
cover the Oregon countryside, "The John Day bridge has just
leaving only the stately pines been reported washed out. Flood-
green against the white hills. Un- ing is widespread on all roads
accustomed to snow in their west- throughout the State, and all
em Oregon home, the girls were interstate highways are closed to
beside themselves with joy. through traffic. We repeat . . .all
"Won't Grandpa be surprised highways are closed. The Gov-
when we tell him we have snow emor has just declared Oregon
at our house, too!" cried Carol, a disaster area."
Ti Cal reached over and shut the
HE weather warmed on Mon- radio off. "I'm sorry, honey." His
day, and the rain gushed down in eyes begged for Nora's under-
torrents, melting the snow, "Co- standing. "Let's get some sleep,
lumbia River's rising," announced We can unload the car in the
Cal as he came in from work that morning."
evening. He shook the rain from Nora's heart sank. She simply
his shoulders, and his boots made couldn't go through this dreary
muddy pools on the floor. "Every- Christmas.
body in Portland's braced for a "Can't we go to Grandma's?"
flood." Kerry asked, stricken.
"We'll be all right once we're "I'm afraid not, honey. The
over the mountains, won't we?" roads are all flooded."
Nora glanced up from the pork Kerry considered a moment,
chops she was browning, worry shifting her doll from one arm to
written across her face. the other. "Well then, we'd better
"Hope so. We'll check with the call Santa. He's not coming to
State patrol before we start. Cindy's house, and he probably
Wouldn't want to be stranded on won't come here either unless we
Christmas." tell him. Why can't he come to
So the packing proceeded, Cindy's house. Mommy?"
presents were wrapped, baking Nora gazed at her child, tousled
finished, and suitcases packed, yellow curls pushed back from
By Tuesday night the car was a high brow, a row of pink toes
loaded and ready to roll. peeking out from beneath her
"Scoot to bed, girls," com- pajamas, her liquid brown eyes
manded Cal, shooing his pajama- seeming older than her six years,
clad daughters up the stairs. We Why it's as though I'd never
will be dragging you out at five seen her before, she thought, and,
in the morning, so sleep fast." in truth, she really hadn't seen
But Kerry, in her excitement, her, not since that day four
lay wide-eyed, and, at midnight, months ago — and then the vague
she crept downstairs where her feeling that had troubled her for
parents were listening to the lat- days took shape,
est reports on the flood. Kerry "Don't you worry, Kerry, San-
Second Prize Story — A Gift to the Giver
ta*s coming to Cindy's house, and
will come here, too. We'll help
him. Now, off to bed with you.
We have a busy day tomorrow."
Next morning found the girls
heartbroken. Laura moped about
in her room, gazing at the solid
sheet of rain that seemed to slide
down the hill from their house
and dissolve into the river that
was once a road. Kerry and Carol
pestered Laura and quarreled
with each other.
At breakfast, Nora presented
her scheme. "Girls," she an-
nounced, as she poured steaming
hot chocolate, "the Wilsons have
nothing for Christmas. WeVe
been so busy with our own plans
that we haven't given them
much thought. I wonder, would
you share your Christmas with
"Oh, yes. Mommy, let's!" Carol
and Kerry chimed in together.
"We always get so many toys
and things. It'll be fun," added
Nora looked at Laura who was
stirring her oatmeal and gazing
at the sugar bowl. "Well, Laura?"
. "I don't know. Mom WeU,
okay, why not?"
One day to prepare Christmas
for an entire family! What a
bustle there was in the Jensen
household that day. Nora men-
tally counted off the family. Be-
sides Mrs. Wilson, there were
Cindy, Nancy, who was Laura's
age, and a boy, Tom, about
twelve. The girls would be easy
but what about the brother?
Well, they would see.
She brought out a small turkey,
extra cookies, and plum pudding
from the freezer. The girls opened
some of the packages, exclaimed
over their contents, and dutifully
wrapped them again, tagging
them for the appropriate Wilson
child. Laura even donated some
of her beloved books.
Cal rigged up a wagon to carry
the bounty up the tractor road,
now ankle deep in mud and
water. He trudged out to the far
field, where he cut two young
pines, one for their own living
room, and one for the Wilson's.
Kerry and Carol spent hours
making paper chains to decorate
the trees. At last, as dusk was
descending on a very rain-soaked
Christmas Eve, they were ready
to start.
Then, suddenly Laura stopped.
"Wait!" she cried. "What about
Tom?" They had forgotten Tom.
All the presents were for girls,
and it was too late now. . . . Cal
caught Nora's eye, his glance
asking an unspoken question.
"Oh, no, Cal! That was for
Ronnie. We just couldn't do
that." The pain in Nora's heart
seemed more than she could bear,
and tears welled up in her eyes.
Cal came over and lightly touched
her shoulder.
"Look, honey, I know how you
feel. But Ronnie's gone. The girls
have their own bikes, and Tom
could really use it."
Nora looked forlornly at Cal.
"It's no good pretending any-
more, is it?" she asked, and her
voice caught in a sort of choking
sob. "Ronnie's really gone, and
we'll just have to face it."
Laura put her arm around her
mother. "Don't cry. Mom," she
said, "you've still got us, and we
want to help if you'll let us."
Nora wanted to cry out with
the overwhelming sense of loss
that engulfed her, but along with
February 1967
the loss came a new feeling of
something gained. "Get the bike,
Cal/' she said. "Tom really
should have it."
As she watched Cal load the
bike on the wagon, a weight lifted
in her heart. Now, at last, she
could let Ronnie go. She couldn't
do it easily, for to go on without
Ronnie was like tearing out a
part of herself, but at least she
could face it squarely. Ronnie
was gone, but the family ties
were still there. She had her hus-
band and her daughters, and
their memories of Ronnie would
be happy ones. Leok forward, she
told herself, to the day when
we'll all be together again.
The horse pulled the wagon
along the rain-rutted road. The
family walked alongside, thank-
ful for the gentle rain that had
replaced the morning's deluge.
When they reached the little
cabin, with one small light shin-
ing in the window, Cal motioned
them back, quietly unloaded the
gifts on the porch, and headed
the wagon back down the road.
Just before they turned the
bend, Cal cried, "Merry Christ-
They hid in the shadows until
the front door burst open and the
children crowded onto the porch.
Even at this distance, Nora could
see the look of wonder and sur-
prise on their faces. She felt the
tears, mixed with the gentle rain,
wet upon her cheeks, and her
heart swelled with pride as she
watched her own three daughters
hugging one another, scarcely
able to contain themselves with
sheer joyl
Cal held her close and whis-
pered, "What a perfect Christ-
mas for our family."
Going home, not noticing the
rain any longer, someone struck
up a Christmas carol. Nora found
herself singing for the first time
in many weeks.
"Sing, choirs of angels . . ."
they sang and then Nora felt
Kerry's cold little hand inside
her pocket.
"Mommy," she whispered, "this
is a good Christmas. I'm so
"So am I, dear," she whispered
Nora squeezed the little hand,
and, as she let this new thought
settle into her heart, she realized,
with a rush of love, that it was
Marie M. Hayes, a writer new to the pages of the Magazine, is the author of the
second prize story "A Gift to the Giver." She grew up in Richmond, Utah, was
graduated from North Cache High School, and attended Utah State University.
In outlining the highlights of her life, she tells us: "My husband is P. Kennan
hayes. We were an Air Force family for seven years. We now live in Seattle,
Washington, where Kennan manages a securities corporation. We have three
lovely daughters and a two-year-old son. Although I have always lovtd to write,
I have worked at it seriously for only two years. My interests include my family,
Church work, writing, and archaeology. I am serving on our stake Sunday School
Board, and as cultural refinement class leader in Relief Society."
The Class Leader
Makes the Difference
Dr. Alma P. Burton
Assistant Administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion
[Address Delivered at the Social Relations Department of the
Relief Society Annual General Conference, September 29, 1966]
■ I should like to begin this feel that I was growing into the
morning by referring to the sig- calling which had come to me. I
nificance of your position as the think your position is not unlike
stake leader in this department, that, and that additional assist-
There are two important points ance and added blessings will
to remember with respect to this come to you through diligently
marvelous opportunity which has seeking the Lord in prayer abqut
come to you. First, no one but this position to which you have
you can do the work or perform been called,
your task in your stake, so long Having made these introduc-
as you hold this position of lead- tory remarks, I should like now
ership; and secondly, there is a to discuss with you why "The
special blessing that comes with Class Leader Makes the Differ-
every call in the Church. You ence."
are entitled to the blessing and
assistance that are reserved for '■ Attitude of the Teacher
this particular calhng. It is of utmost importance that
There will come to each one you view your calling with a pos-
who is called to a position in this itive attitude. This is particularly
Church, by prayerfully petition- significant because you are the
ing the Lord for assistance in ful- most important visual aid that
filling that responsibility, a par- will ever be presented to your
ticular blessing and a spiritual class. No visual aid that you pre-
power for the benefit of that per- pare will be as effective in pro-
son at that time and in that moting your lesson as your own
position. The first two years I personal self. Therefore, you must
served as stake president it maintain a positive attitude re-
seemed as though I was on my garding your position of leader-
knees almost as much as I was ship.
on my feet, praying for divine Keep constantly in mind the
guidance from the Lord to assist fact that your class members
me in fulfilling my responsibility, have come to learn, that some of
Finally, after much prayer, study, them have made certain sacrifices
and soul searching, I began to in order to be in attendance on
February 1967
that particular day.
Many years ago while working
as an assistant manager in a J. C.
Penney's store, Mr. J. C. Penney
visited our store. He talked with
the customers as they came in,
and visited with the clerks dur-
ing that afternoon. In the eve-
ning he held a meeting with the
employees. I remember only one
statement he made, and it was
that we should never say to a
person who comes into the store,
"You don't want to buy some-
thing, do you?" I was rather
young at the time, but I still re-
member the impression which
this statement made upon me,
and how effective it has been in
helping me since that time. He
said we must always assume that
a person who comes into the
store has come with the purpose
in mind of making a purchase.
I submit this same suggestion
to you with respect to teaching.
You must assume that your class
leaders have made considerable
preparation and, oftentimes, a
definite sacrifice to be present in
your department on that partic-
ular day because they want to
learn. They want the help that
you can give them. Use the pos-
itive approach.
You should have a positive at-
titude about the materials which
have been prepared for use dur-
ing the year. These lesson mate-
rials have been prepared by very
capable men and women. Do not
find fault with what has been
prepared. Do not spend time
criticizing it. Use your precious
hour in a positive way. Adapt the
materials to your situation. The
lesson materials have been pre-
pared with the view in mind of
giving you the best possible as-
sistance. By adopting a positive
attitude toward what has been
prepared, you will avail yourself
of greater strength and power in
giving your lesson.
Assume the attitude that this
is your day and your opportunity
and that you have every right to
experience success and to find
real joy. If you cannot view your
position in a positive way, and if
you are unable to experience real
joy as the social relations leader,
perhaps you should consult with
your Relief Society president.
The attitude of the teacher is
all important. A teacher who pos-
sesses a strong positive attitude
toward her responsibility has ac-
quired one of the most funda-
mental and important tools for
II. Lesson Preparation
Age should not make a dif-
ference in Relief Society. Our
great and beloved prophet, Pres-
ident David 0. McKay, is one of
the most prominent examples of
this fact that the world has ever
known. On his ninetieth birthday
he remarked that he did not feel
old and that, although his body
was unable to respond as it had
done in his earlier years, still his
spirit and attitude were that of
being young and having love for
life and all it affords.
My wife had an interesting ex-
perience in the social relations
department last year when she
was choosing a cast for a presen-
tation. One part called for an
elderly lady. She chose a sister
who was about eighty years old,
and when discussing the part to
be played, the lady who had
had eighty birthdays, but still
thought young, said to her, "How
The Class Leader Makes the Difference
do you want me to dress, as an be clear to your class. Converse-
old lady?** ly, if what you have prepared is
We must always think of our clear and meaningful to you, and
class members as being young at if these materials are interesting
heart. Age should never be a bar- to your husband and your mature
rier to learning, particularly to children, then you may safely as-
leaming the things which are sume (keeping the fact in mind
presented in Relief Society for that you must relate them to
the betterment of the home and your particular class) that they
family. Successful preparation will be acceptable to your group,
can only be made when the lead- This is what is called maturing
er bears in mind that age does the preparation. When the Lord
not make a difference as far as makes a squash it only takes a
alertness is concerned, and that few months, but for an oak tree
one should always think of her it takes 100 years. Make your
class members as individuals who lesson more enduring than pump-
have a real desire to improve kins. Mature it well,
their knowledge. The quality of the lesson will
Successful preparation is best depend on the amount of time
accomplished when the class devoted to its preparation. How-
leader has the class members in ever, remember also that one
mind. Each stake is different and hour of thoughtful preparation is
each ward is different. We must worth more than thirty-six hours
determine how best to meet the of worrying and stewing. But, no
particular situation that con- matter how well prepared you
fronts us. The same preparation are, you must not assume that
would not be made to teach you are the final word in every-
every class in the Relief Society thing to everyone. One should al-
social relations department of ways assume that there will be
the Church in exactly the same times when it is highly appro-
way. Each leader must have the priate to say, "I don*t know."
members of her group or class The story is told of a young
in mind as she prepares her mate- kindergarten child who was draw-
rials. In this matter of prepara- ing with crayons on a piece of
tion we need to work smarter not paper one morning, and his teach-
harder. er approached and asked, "What
The following three suggestions are you drawing. Sonny?" He
need to be kept in mind in pre- said, "I am drawing a picture of
paring lesson materials: heaven and hell." She replied
1. Read yourself full that no one knew what heaven
2. Think yourself empty and hell looked like, and he
3. Talk yourself clear quickly answered, "They will
After you have read fully, have when I get through with this pic-
thought carefully, and have ture."
talked over the ideas to yourself. However good your prepara-
then try these ideas on your hus- tion may be, there will be some
band and your mature children. ' things about which someone else
If what you have prepared is not may be able to give a better an-
clear to them nor you, it will not swer than you. You should al-
February 1967
ways keep yourself in a frame of connecting pieces at the outer
mind where you are wilhng to re- edges, and, finally, by summari-
ceive suggestions from others zation and conclusion, she should
when you reach points that you put the band about her lesson as
are not as capable of handHng as one would the iron rim around
are they, and involve them in the wheel. When the wheel is
the presentation. This can be complete, it will perform its par-
done most successfully by mak- ticular function; and, when a
ing a special assignment prior to lesson is prepared in this manner,
the class period. the message will bear fruit in the
My grandfather was a black- lives of her Relief Society sisters
smith. Among other things, he and their families,
repaired wagon wheels. As a
youngster, I watched him take a '"■ Presentation of Your Lesson
wagon wheel apart, repair it, and Do not view each class member
then put it back together again, as sitting on the edge of her seat
I remember seeing him take the waiting for you to give your "in-
hub, which was the main point teresting" lesson. Rather, view
of beginning for his wheel, and her as thinking about the mend-
when he was certain that the hub ing she must finish when she re-
was sound, he would begin to turns home; the meal she must
place the spokes into the hub. prepare for company tonight; the
Each spoke had to be fitted se- struggle she is having in paying
curely into the hub; and one by her bills; or the problem her hus-
one he placed the spokes into it band has encountered in his
imtil they were all properly se- work. If you view the members of
cured. When the spokes had been the class in that light, you will
placed in the wheel, and the con- approach your task more hum-
nections had been placed between bly, no matter how well prepared
the ends of the spokes in the you are. If you think only of the
outer area of the wheel, he would wonderful presentation you are
perform the final work to his going to make and how anxious
wheel by encasing it with a large they all will be to hear it, you
iron tire. will be less effective.
Lesson preparation should fol- The story is told of a young
low this same procedure. The man who was overly impressed
teacher approaches her subject, with himself and his ability. One
the hub or the center of her work Sunday the bishop called on him
and establishes the fact that it to respond extemporaneously in
is sound. She defines it carefully; sacrament meeting. He walked
then she begins to put into the up the aisle in an extremely con-
hub each fact which relates to fident manner. As he stood at
the central theme as one would the pulpit his thoughts failed
the spokes of a wheel. When all him and, after a few minutes of
of the material has been placed stumbling over his words, he re-
in its proper relationship to the turned to his seat in a very de-
hub, the teacher should then jected way. Following the meet-
show the working relationship of ing, an older man who had had
the total lesson by inserting the considerable experience in the
The Class Leader Makes the Difference
Church approached the young
man and said, "Son, if you had
gone up hke you came back, you
could have come back like you
went up."
The following ideas may assist
you in thinking about the presen-
tation of your material. First of
all, view your audience as sitting
there with a don't care or sleepy
attitude, and realize that you
must get their attention if you
are going to present your mate-
rial successfully. Secondly, view
them as having responded to
your introduction, but now say-
ing to themselves "Now why did
she bring that up?" Even when
you have caught their attention
they will challenge you to keep it.
Remember that they still have
these other problems in the back
of their minds, even though they
are looking right at you with at-
tentive eyes.
Now that you have caught
their attention and you are start-
ing them on the journey of the
lesson for that day, you must re-
peatedly give to them thoughts
that will center and focus their
attention upon the theme that
you are developing. This is where
you give the body of your lesson
— the "for instances," and "the
spokes in the wheel," if you will.
Finally, you need to bring your
presentation to a conclusion that
they may know the real purpose
of your message. You should view
them at this point as looking up
at you and saying to themselves,
"So what?" If your lesson has
been built successfully through-
out the hour it will not be diffi-
cult for them to comprehend the
points that you have been mak-
ing. In other words, the more suc-
cessfully one teaches the main
part of her lesson from the intro-
duction to the time of the con-
clusion, the easier it will be to
draw the conclusion. When you
conclude, do it with a call for
Use complete and meaningful
ideas, using words which you are
capable of successfully presenting
and words which your listening
audience will understand and
appreciate. Dr. Karl G. Maeser
stated: "The truly educated man
will always speak to the most un-
learned of his audience."
IV. Class Reaction and Involvement
You may not get every person
involved in the discussion every
time, but every class member
should became involved in the
thinking process about the sub-
ject during each class period. The
teachers keep all of the members
involved by their personal con-
tact with them, by using their
eyes in turning attention to the
different parts of the room, and
meeting eye to eye those who are
present in the class. People do
not become a part with you in
"thinking" unless you bring them
into the act — that is, unless you
involve them.
Let us look at some hypotheti-
cal examples of how not to teach
if you want involvement:
Teacher A knows her material
well. She can tell it beautifully,
but she looks up at one spot to-
ward the back of the room during
the entire period. What do you
think is going on in the class
members' minds while she is
Teacher B, when someone in
the class attempts to raise a
question, Hstens to the question
and then says, "We haven't time
February 1967
to discuss that now," or "That is
something that will come up in
next month^s lesson." Her pre-
occupation with her subject mat-
ter is so important that she for-
gets her class.
Teacher C has the type of class
where everyone can make any con-
tribution that she may wish. The
teacher comments, "Well, that
was an interesting idea," or "It
could be that that is right," or
"Would someone else like to say
something on that point before
we leave it?" Then, to make
matters worse, she does not draw
the discussion to a conclusion. No
one knows whether or not the
teacher has a testimony or
whether or not the answer given
is the one that is in Une with
Church doctrine.
Why should class members be
interested in the presentation of
Teacher A when she shows little
or no interest in them? Why
should class members be inter-
ested in the presentation of
Teacher B when she is not in-
terested in what they are think-
ing? Why should class members
be interested in the presentation
of Teacher C when she does not
exert her privilege as the leader
of the group?
These types of teachers are like
the story of the scoutmaster
who was having difficulty in
keeping up with his troop.
Finally, he called ahead to them,
"Wait for me. I'm your leader."
Leadership in the classroom must
be exercised for the good of the
group both individually and col-
lectively. We must involve the
members of the class.
Now, what should Teacher A
have done? Or Teacher B? Or
Teacher C? In each instance, had
the teacher prepared her material
and presented it with the thought
in mind of involving those who
were in attendance, she would
not have performed the way she
did. It is important that you in-
volve those who are present in
your group, that you show inter-
est in them and in their ques-
tions, and that you draw the best
possible conclusions, in the light
of the discussion, that can be
made. Above all, you should
leave your testimony because you
are the leader. You are the one
who needs to inspire the class
As mentioned in the beginning,
you have the calling, and the
spirit of the Lord will bless you
with particular gifts and will
make you equal to your calling
if you do your part. Do all you
can to make your lesson prof-
itable in the lives of the members
of your class. Think of them col-
lectively, but also think of them
individually. Send them home
with some food for thought.
V. Call for Action
Ask yourself, "Why am I doing
what I am doing in this class this
day?" In fact, this is a question
that you should keep in mind
from the beginning of your prep-
aration. Your answer should be
that you are preparing the mem-
bers of your class in such a way
that when they go home they will
be dedicated to the proposition of
becoming better wives to their
husbands and better mothers to
their children.
We are, in the Priesthood
meetings, attempting to assist
the brethren better to under-
stand their role as husband and
father; and the Relief Societies
The Class Leader Makes the Difference
are expected to help to train the
wives better to understand their
role as mothers and wives and to
complement the efforts of their
husbands in developing a Priest-
hood-centered home.
Great good can come from
your efforts, if you perform well
as the leader of the social rela-
tions department of the Relief
Society. The homes of the saints
will be strengthened as a result
of your efforts. Some excellent
examples of a "call for action''
which the Lord has made through
his appointed representatives are
those given by Paul the apostle
and the Prophet Joseph Smith.
(Read Ephesians 5:22-31 and
Colossians 3:18-21; also DHC
IV, pp. 604-605, 606-607 on
women's characteristics and the
need of living up to one's privi-
If you can instill in the hearts
of your ward class leaders these
great messages (as stated in the
foregoing quotations) so that
they, in turn, will send their class
members home with a determina-
tion to be better wives and moth-
ers, you will have accomplished
your task. This is your challenge.
This is the challenge to every
ward class leader of the social
relations department.
VI. Summary and Conclusion
Remember, my dear sisters,
you are the only one who can dis-
charge this responsibility, so long
as you hold the position. Second-
ly, there is a special blessing that
comes with every calling in the
Church. Strive to obtain your
privileged blessing in this calling
that has come to you.
Attempt to follow the five
points listed below.
1. Positive Attitude
Keep a positive attitude. This
special calling has come to you that
you may influence for good the mem-
bers of the Relief Society of the
Church. Look with a positive attitude
upon your task.
2. Lesson Preparation
You cannot teach something you
have not prepared. The Lord will not
respond to an empty mind any more
than a bucket can be filled from an
empty well. Prepare well for your
3. Presenting Your Materials
This is your day and your oppor-
tunity to influence for good the lives
of your class members. One's attitude
may be ever so proper and one's prep-
paration may be ever so complete,
but if it is not delivered successfully
the results will not be obtained.
4. Class Reaction and Involvement
The best teachers keep the total
membership of their class in mind,
and they labor to have each member
become interestingly involved in the
5. Call for Action
Send your ward class leaders home
with a renewed interest in the great
privilege of being celestial wives to
celestial husbands, having in view that
they are developing an eternal family
unit to live in the presence of our
Heavenly Parents and our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
I humbly bear my testimony
to the divinity of this great work
in which we are engaged. I bear
witness to the fact that God lives,
and that he is ever ready and
willing to assist and bless us as
we petition him for his help, that
Jesus Christ is the Savior of this
world, and the Redeemer of all
mankind; that this Church is the
only true Church; and that Pres-
ident David O. McKay is the
prophet, seer, and revelator of
God on earth — the one to whom
God reveals his will for all people.
I bear witness to these things in
the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dorothy J. Roberts
Dorothy J. Roberts
Sabbath was a beloved word —
Coming on velvet feet —
To bring a father home again
From the furrow and the wheat
Peace lent him a pillow
And sleep — he kept the law,
Wheat in bin and furrow
And for his cattle, straw.
He had his fields, his family,
The Sabbath and "The Rod,"
The brother and the sister
Akin by blood or God.
Tithe and Sabbath offering,
Bathed and in his best.
Never once to deviate
Or break the day of rest. .
Sabbath, more than anything— =•
Coming on velvet feet —
Can bring a father back again
From the golden years of wheat.
Chapter 1
The Golden Chain
Hazel M. Thomson
■ From the time the train left
Omaha, the landscape seemed to
match Nora Blake's spirits. As
the train neared the mountains,
however, and she saw the Rockies
for the first time, looming up out
of the very floor of the plains,
Nora's spirits began to rise with
the topography of the land. She
even unpinned her hat and stuck
her head out of the window to
get a better view, feeling the
cinders from the engine sting her
cheeks. The mountains, etched
against the bluest sky Nora had
ever seen, fairly took her breath
Drawing her head back in,
Nora smoothed her hair, brown
and lustrous, and piled high on
top of her head. She took a mirror
from her bag and, with some sur-
prise, found her face dotted with
the soot from the cinders. She
put the mirror back and, rising,
held a moment to her seat to
steady herself from the swaying
of the train before making her
way to the washroom.
At the door she met Mrs. Ren-
nold, the little old lady with
whom Nora had shared a seat
much of the trip.
The older woman stared.
*'Why, my dear! Whatever hap-
pened to you?"
"The mountains!" cried Nora.
"The beautiful mountains! Aren't
they magnificent?"
"Oh, they're pretty enough,"
said Mrs. Rennold, "but when
you've seen one, you've seen
them all. But you, you're a sight.
Here, now, just let me go back
and help you clean this off. Good
thing your dress is black. Didn't
you know the engine would
throw cinders hke that?"
"No," answered Nora, permit-
ting the older woman to wipe the
spots from her face. "I've never
been on a train before."
"You haven't!" exclaimed Mrs.
Rennold. "Now, I had you
pegged for a seasoned traveler.
I don't pry, of course, and you
didn't seem to want to talk
much, but that's just the way I
February 1967
had you figured out. But I must "Where is it you are going,
admit that anyone who had ever dearie?" asked Mrs. Rennold.
been on the cars before would "Idaho," Nora answered. "Ban-
not be Hkely to open the window ner, Idaho. I understand it's a
and stick her head out just to very small place, but it was the
see a hill. Dear me, I don't know only opening the teacher's agen-
what you will do about your cy had, this being November, and
collar and cuffs." most schools completely staffed
Nora looked at these for the with their teachers."
first time. She had been so "Oh, so you're a schoolmarm,
pleased with them, finishing the are you?" Mrs. Rennold asked,
embroidery on them during the Nora laughed again. "Not
final stages of her mother's ill- really. Not yet. But I hope to
ness. They had been so pretty be."
then, but now they looked wilted "Well, all I can say, is don't
from the long journey and get so wrapped up in teaching
spotted with the smudges of soot, someone else's children that you
"Perhaps I can get another set forget all about having some of
in Cheyenne," she said, as the your own." The older woman
two women prepared to make raised a finger of warning, shak-
their way back to their seat. "We ing it toward Nora. "And another
do stop there, do we not?" thing. You won't find many el-
"Yes, but only for a very short igible young men in a school-
time," Mrs. Rennold replied, room."
easing herself into the seat beside •
Nora. "Cheyenne is where I get Again Nora laughed, this time
off. You see, I come out West a bit nervously, almost unwilling
every year to visit my son, and to admit to herself that the same
I'm sure it's only a short stop to idea had occurred to her. Her
let passengers off and on, and life, caring for her mother, had
then the train will be on its way been lonely, and she did so hope
as soon as possible. You may not for her own home one day, and
have time to go to a store." children, lots of children.
Nora folded the soiled cuffs Mrs. Rennold dozed for awhile,
and placed them in her bag. and Nora looked around at the
"I can get by without, all other passengers. The mining man
right. In fact there is really no from Chicago in the seat just
use in changing them. I may just ahead was sitting with his head
decide to stick my head out again back, his hat over his eyes, but
to get a breath of this mountain his loud, regular snores told that
air. Isn't it wonderful?" he had joined Mrs. Rennold in
The older woman looked at an early morning nap.
Nora without speaking, as if to Across the aisle, the young
say that air was air, as far as she married couple were intent upon
was concerned. Nora laughed. It dangling the father's watch just
seemed good to laugh. There had above the baby's waving hands,
been so little cause for laughter enjoying the efforts of their child
during the long years of her to clasp it in one of the tiny
mother's illness. hands. Nora watched carefully
The Golden Chain
for a time, then, as the young can eat later."
wife's eyes met hers, she realized "Oh, how very thoughtful,"
she had been staring and turned said Mrs. Davis. "But we can't
her eyes away. impose upon you."
The mountain chain outside "You wouldn't be," answered
the train window to her left made Nora, reaching eagerly for the
a never-changing vista of beauty baby. "Really you wouldn't. I
as Nora watched. Again, the haven't had a chance to hold a
strength of the mountains, their baby since. . . ." She paused. She
rugged beauty, seemed to lift her couldn't remember, but it would
very soul. Yes, decided Nora, she have been long ago, before her
was going to like living in the mother became ill, requiring her
mountains after the levelness of constant attention,
the plains. Her life had been like "Well, now," said Mr. Davis,
that, uneventful, one day like an- taking his wife's arm. "Come
other. Perhaps now, like the along, Mary, and we'll have
mountains, there would be low breakfast without worrying about
spots, but one day she might the baby."
reach the heights, the golden Nora felt a twinge of empti-
heights of the whole golden ness at the look that passed be-
mountain chain gilded with mom- tween the couple. She was glad
ing sun. the idea of helping them had
It was late in the day before occurred to her.
the train arrived in Cheyenne,
and Nora bade goodbye to Mrs. ip
Rennold. Nora needed some rest, Ihe baby slept, rousing once
so she put her carpetbag under only a little, but in response to
her head for a pillow and drew Nora's gentle rocking movements
her coat close around her, but it lapsed again into deeper slimi-
it was very late before she dozed ber. The parents were gone only
off into troubled sleep. a short time. Nora could sense
The bright November sunlight their eagerness to return to their
awakened her. The train was child and the love within the
passing through beautiful little little family. Someday, perhaps
valleys and mountains so incred- . . . someday . . . Nora pushed
ibly beautiful that around each the thought out of her mind. She
curve of the railroad track was had a school to teach. She gave
another picture of late autumn the baby back into its mother's
loveliness that thrilled Nora's arms amid repeated thank yous,
very soul. then she also went to the dining
After washing, and rearranging car.
her long brown hair, Nora re- She ate ravenously. Perhaps it
turned to her seat. Across the was the freshness of the moun-
aisle, Mr. and Mrs. Davis were tain air, or the altitude. The din-
preparing to go to the dining car ing car was almost deserted. Only
for breakfast. the mining man from Chicago
"Why don't you let me keep was still eating,
the baby?" Nora asked. "I could When Nora had finished eat-
hold her while you eat, then I ing and returned to the passenger
February 1967
car, she stopped the conductor
as he passed through.
"Pardon me," she said, "but
do we pass through Salt Lake
"No, Miss," answered the con-
ductor. "We are going down Echo
Canyon now, and then turn
north to Ogden."
Nora must have shown a look
of disappointment.
"Why?" he asked. "Were you
particularly wishing to go to Salt
"I wanted to see the lake,"
answered Nora. "IVe heard that
you can't sink in it. You see,
where IVe lived IVe never seen
the ocean, and I thought this
lake with the salt. ..."
Then she stopped, embarrassed,
thinking she must sound like a
disappointed child.
The conductor didn't seem to
notice. He answered kindly,
"You just keep your eyes glued
to that window. Miss, when we
come out of Weber Canyon, and
off to the west you'll see that
lake. She's there every day, just
sparkling away if the sun hits
her just right."
Nora smiled at him, grateful
for his understanding. She turned
again to watch the scenery. It
was superb. And, as they left the
mountains, Nora saw the lake
far to the west, the sky crimson
above it.
"The Great Salt Lake, folks,"
announced the conductor. "The
city itself is farther to the south,
but that's the lake. Good and
salty it is, too. Some say fifty
per cent. Others claim it's nearer
twenty-five. Anyway, you can
float in it without sinking."
Even as they watched, the
color faded quickly from the sky,
and the clouds closed together,
dark and threatening. Nora
shivered. Suddenly, the railroad
car felt chilly. By the time they
reached Ogden, snow had started
to fall.
Nora sat for a time trying to
decide whether she should leave
the train for a little while, or just
sit and wait until they started
again. She didn't want to meet
any Mormons. She watched the
snow outside the window and
saw that it was increasing.
She thought of her aspirations,
not worldly wealth for herself,
but just what did she want? To
teach school? Yes, the desire to
teach was strong within her. She
had thought of it often as she
had cared for her mother. But
she wanted more than that — a
home, a life of her own — ^her own
children to teach. Outside the
window, the fury of the storm
was rising.
The conductor returned from
outside the car, shaking the snow
from his coat. Nora noticed that
she was almost the only one left
on the train.
"Is there any danger of getting
snowed in?" she asked.
"It would take hours of snow,
coming down this hard, before
we would even begin to get wor-
ried," he said. "Don't worry
about the snow, but you have to
change trains here."
Nora's heart jumped. Change
trains! Why, of course! They had
told her this back in Omaha when
she bought her ticket; but it
seemed so long ago she had for-
The conductor picked up her
carpetbag and her larger suitcase
and was waiting for her at the
steps to help her down. Nora
paused at the door, peering
anxiously into the swirling snow
and the darkness. She could see
no other person except the sta-
tion agent standing in the light
of his open door, apparently wait-
ing for her. Still Nora hesitated.
"Your train doesn't leave for
a couple of hours," called the
agent. "Come on in where it's
Nora's heart was pounding,
and her hands felt weak and
shaky as she entered the station.
"This is the only passenger for
the Idaho train, Joe," said the
conductor, putting her bags down.
"Fine," said the station agent,
smiling at Nora. "We'll take care
of her. The next train won't be
along for at least two hours, but
she'll be warm and comfortable
In her confused state of mind,
Nora couldn't help wishing she
had had chances for more experi-
ences. Even the idea of changing
trains had thrown her into a
nervous tension. Still she must
not regret her decision to come
West. She wanted things to
happen, and most of all she
wanted the courage to meet them
when they did.
The agent had returned to his
work. He wrote for a time with
Nora standing uncertainly just
inside the door. Then he put
down his pen and indicated the
bench by the stove, motioning
for her to move over there.
"The seat is hard," he said,
"but it beats standing. It's
warmer over there, too. This is
the first real snowstorm we've
had and it promises to be a good
He placed her bags on the
bench by the stove and returned
to his stool at the counter.
Nora moved across the room
and sat down on the end of the
bench. It was long and wide, and
she stifled a desire to lie down on
The station was very quiet.
She could hear only the ticking
of the clock and the scratch of
the station agent's pen on the
paper. The warmth of the stove
made her drowsy, but she fought
to keep her eyes open. In spite
of her efforts she found herself,
as she relaxed in the warm quiet,
nodding from time to time, but
each time, she jerked her head
erect again. After what seemed to
Nora a very long time, the station
agent again put down his pen
and looked at her.
"You could get a bite to eat
next door. Miss," he said.
"No, thank you. I . . . I . . .
I'm No, thanks." Nora groped
frantically for a reason. She had
eaten nothing since noon, and
she was hungry. She had begun
to feel at ease here with the sta-
tion agent. He was certainly more
interested in whatever it was he
was writing than he was in her,
but just the thought of going out
on the street and maybe meeting
Mormons filled her with panic.
The storm, raging around the
station, might easily serve as a
good cover-up for her disappear-
"Can't say as I blame you for
February 1967
not wanting to go out in this
weather. But you still have quite
a wait ahead of you. I'll run over
and pick up a sandwich for you."
He was out the door and gone
before Nora could protest. When
he returned, he was carrying a
plate under a white napkin.
"I told Ma Jones about you,
and she insisted on fixing up a
plate. Here. Come on up to the
counter and eat it while it's still
The mashed potatoes were
steaming under the best gravy
Nora had ever eaten. The piece of
chicken had been fried to a
tender golden brown, and the two
rolls were dotted with melting
butter. Nora hadn't realized how
hungry she was.
"I must pay you for the meal,"
she said. "How much is it?"
The station agent's eyes
twinkled. "You know, that's
what I asked Ma. And she said,
* Can't a body ever do a good
deed without being paid for it?
You just take this plate along,
and tell the young lady it's com-
pliments of *Ma Jones' Eating
House.' "
IHERE was a piece of pie on a
second, smaller plate. As Nora
started on it, the thought struck
her. Perhaps this was the way
they did it! Softened up their
victims first wi\h a good meal
and then made their move! She
stopped, her fork in mid-air, and
looked again at the station agent.
If he had any ideas as far as she
was concerned, he certainly was
doing a good job of hiding them.
After she had finished eating, she
cleared her throat twice before
he even looked up from his desk.
"What wonderful food," she
said. "You will thank your moth-
er for it, won't you?"
The station agent threw back
his head and roared with laugh-
"My mother! Now, Ma would
not appreciate that. Why, I'm al-
most as old as she is." He leaned
nearer. Instinctively Nora drew
back. "You see, we just call her
Ma. Everyone hereabouts does,
but as far as I know, she has
neither chick nor child. She
moved in here about three years
ago, and there have been any
number of the brethren who
would have liked to become Pa
Jones, once they got a taste of
her cooking, but so far she's just
kept to herself and run her busi-
ness. Does as well as a man could,
Nora stared at him. "You
mean she hasn't a husband? She
has lived here all that time and
never married?"
The man chuckled. "Now don't
get the wrong idea about the
West," he said. "It's not that
she couldn't find a husband. And
anyone as pretty as you would
have no trouble at all."
Nora blushed furiously. "That
is not what. ... I mean. . . .
I. . . ."
"I should apologize," said the
agent. "I was only doing a bit of
teasing. But about Ma, that's
right. She simply prefers to run
things herself, or, at least, she
has up to this point. I teU her
that someday the right man will
come along, and she'll forget
some of her independence."
He picked up the dishes. "I'll
tell Ma how much you enjoyed
the meal," he said. "Nothing
pleases her like the word that
someone enjoys her cooking."
The wind swirled the snow-
flakes inside as he opened the
door. Nora moved over again by
the fire. After the agent returned,
he went directly to his work,
making no attempt to resume
the conversation, until once again
he put down his pen and rose to
The Golden Chain
''That's all,'' answered the
agent, putting Nora's luggage
aboard. "No one out tonight just
for the ride."
The train was almost deserted.
Nora found a seat alone and
placed both of her bags beside
her. It seemed that they moved
very slowly, and the train stopped
in every little village along the
way. The train grew chilly and,
after an interminably long time,
at last Nora heard the announce-
"Banner, Idaho!"
This was it. Nora picked up
her luggage and moved toward
the door of the train.
{To be continued)
"'Bout train time," he said. "If
she's on time from Salt Lake, she
will be pulling in in about five
And the train was on time,
exactly nine forty-five. As the
conductor lowered the steps, he
looked past Nora at the station
"Only one passenger?" he
Lael J. Littke
She stands there so absorbed in the unfolding of the story of the
Christ Child that I am afraid she will forget to say her part, so
carefully memorized during the past week ("Mama, I'm to be Angel
Number Three and have a whole sentence to say"). Her tinsel halo
has slipped to a lopsided perch over her right eye (symbolic maybe?)
and her large paper collar is only a little crumpled. Her eyes shine.
To her, the bathrobed little boys are truly shepherds come to gaze
at the Holy Babe in the manger, and she and the other little girls
actually angels (who can deny it?) come to bring the glad tidings.
It is her turn to speak, and I wish that I could adjust her halo
and prompt her, but I can only sit and watch and hope I have taught
her well enough.
Her voice is clear. "And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall
find the Babe wrapped in swalling clothes and lying in a manger."
("SwaddHng," I had coached her. "Say 'swaddling.' ")
I am proud that she faces the audience — and the world — with so
steady a gaze. She's growing up, my little Angel Number Three, and
becoming independent. That's the way it should be; that's the way
I want it to be. Then why do my arms feel empty and my eyes well
with tears?
Singing fl^othiers
Volume 54 February 1967 Number 2
■ Belle S. Spafford, President
■ Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor
■ Louise W. Madsen, Second Counselor
■ Hulda P. Young, Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S. Manwaring
EIna P. Haymond
Mary R. Young
Mary V. Cameron
Afton W. Hunt
Elsa T. Peterson
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
Jennie R. Scott
Alice L Wilkinson
Irene W. Buehner
Irene C. Lloyd
Hazel S. Love
Fawn H. Sharp
Celestia J. Taylor
Anne R. Gledhill
Belva B. Ashton
Zola J. McGhie
Oa J. Cannon
Lila B. Walch
Lenore C. Gundersen
Marjorie C. Pingree
Darlene C. Dedekind
Cleone R. Eccles
Edythe K. Watson
Ellen N. Barnes
Kathryn S. Gilbert
Verda F. Burton
Myrtle R. Olson
Alice C. Smith
Lucile P. Peterson
Elaine B. Curtis
Zelma R. West
The Lord . . . set my feet upon a
rock . . . and established my goings.
And he hath put a new song in my
mouth, even praise unto our God
(Psalms 40:2-3).
■ The voices of the Singing Moth-
ers, through the ages, have
marked with beauty and with
notes of lasting illumination, the
dearly beloved phases of a wom-
an's life. A young babe, new to
the sounds of earth yet close to
the anthems of heaven, hears her
mother's voice in singing, and the
music becomes the first rhythmic
experience of her life journey.
Growing into womanhood in the
shelter of the home, again she
hears her mother singing as she
works about the house carrying
joy and gratitude and love from
room to roonj. Returning from
school, through the open door,
the young girl hears the melody
that her mother sings, as she sits
in afternoon sunlight and stitches
and mends the apparel of her
Thus, with a heritage of music in
her heart, the young woman even-
tually turns toward dreams of her
own home; and all that she has
learned of faith and family unity,
expressed in singing, becomes her
own melody of life.
Women have sung in sorrow and
in loneliness. Their songs have
mingled the trials of a present
time with their hopes for a happier
future. Women have sung to com-
fort themselves and to reach for
the riches of the spirit. They have
sung to impart strength and cour-
age to those in need of consolation. They have sung in cottages, in
tents, and in cabins. They have established singing in the land.
Their spiritual yearnings, especially, have been strengthened by
music, and have been lifted to a contemplation of those thoughts and
those majestic harmonies which unite the earth with heaven.
"If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music . . .
and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. If thou art sorrowful,
call on the Lord thy God with supplication, that your souls may be
joyful . . . (D&C 136:28, 29).
It was a mother who was commanded by the Lord, through the
Prophet Joseph Smith, "to make a selection of sacred hymns, as it
shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church.
For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the
righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing
upon their heads" (D&C 25:11-12).
From the singing of mothers in their homes; from the singing of
women together as neighbors; from music inherent in their hearts,
came the official organization of Singing Mothers throughout the
Church. The Singing Mothers inspire and encourage each other in the
discovery and development of their talents. The feeling for music and
its Interpretation is "caught"; it flows from one sister to another, and
each performance becomes a unity of spiritual aspiration and ac-
From singing in the wards. Singing Mother choruses move into ever-
widening circles of influence and devoted service in the name of music,
and in praise of the gospel heritage. In concerts they offer the hymns
and the anthems long revered as spiritual treasures, as well as the
inspired compositions of the restoration. Many who otherwise might
not hear the grandeur of the great chords of music, are offered a world
of harmony by the Singing Mothers. In the congregations of the saints,
at Relief Society General Conference and at the General Conferences
of the Church, the Singing Mothers, in combined choruses, add the
beauty and spiritual strength of their singing.
Music is a missionary, and the Singing Mothers in television and
radio presentations, on their international tour, through their appear-
ances at the meetings of the American Mothers — ^their singing at the
World's Fair — wherever they go, they carry the message of the gospel
and become bearers of "the singing and the sounds of salvation."
The Singing Mothers sing of "the mountains high." They sing in
many nations and on the islands of the sea. They rejoice as Relief So-
ciety women, offering praises to the Heavenly Father. . . . "Come, Ye
Blessed of My Father" . . . "Go Ye Forth With My Word."
— V.P.C.
Your Risk
of Heart Attack
Health Project For Everyone
The American Heart Association
In the search for a way to prevent heart attacks and strokes, sci-
entists have studied the living habits and medical records of thousands
of persons in middle age. The studies showed that those who had
heart attacks had one or more of the following conditions or living
■ High levels of cholesterol or other fatty substances in the blood
■ Overweight
■ High blood pressure
■ Lack of exercise
■ Cigarette smoking
■ Diabetes
■ A family history of heart attacks in middle age
It appears that any one of these habits or conditions, called risk
factors, increases the chances of a heart attack, and a combination
of two or more factors multiplies the risk.
These habits usually are formed in childhood with the influence of
parents. Children imitate their parents, so in eating, watching TV,
youngsters very early become subjected to risk factors. When they
reach adulthood, the habits are firmly entrenched.
The early detection of major risks is one of the most encouraging
advances in medical knowledge, for it points to precautions we all can
take to increase our chances of living longer and enjoying good health.
What are the risks you should avoid? Your doctor can best answer
these questions. Everyone should have periodic physical check-ups.
While there is still no ironclad proof that reducing the known risks
will prevent heart attacks, most of the scientific evidence today points
that way. At the very least, reducing the risks can result in good
general health and physical fitness for every member of the family.
Children stand to benefit most of all, by learning early in life to
avoid eating and living patterns that may lead to premature heart
disease in adulthood.
Ramona W. Cannon
Anita Brenner (widow of Dr. David
Glusker) is editor of "Mexico This
Month," which presents in color the
scenic beauty of that country, and
directs tourists where to go and what
to see, and whets the appetite for
Mexican cuisine, dating back to early
Mayan culture. Although she is not
Mexican (her parents Immigrated to
Mexico from Latvia), she has lived
many years in Mexico and entertains
distinguished visitors at her home in
Lomas, a suburb of Mexico City. She
also owns a large ranch and Is a
specialist in growing many exotic
varieties of peppers and herbs requisite
for use in traditional Mexican cookery.
Betty S. Gilson, M.D., of Helena, Mon-
tana, is the new head of the Utah
State Health Department's Chronic
Disease and Heart Section. For sixteen
years she was director of the Montana
Heart Diagnostic Center, an activity of
the Montana State Board of Health.
She was born in Minneapolis, received
her B.A. and M.D. degrees from the
University of Minnesota, and took her
postgraduate training in internal med-
icine at Lakeside Hospital, Western
Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
In addition to her many civic respon-
sibilities with the Montana State Med-
cal Association, she was a member of
the Board of Trustees of the Great
Falls, Montana Public Schools at the
time of her Utah appointment.
RHda Bee O' Bryan Cliburn, mother of
the famous pianist Van Cliburn, was
her son's only teacher until he began
to study at Juilllard in 1952. Mrs. Cli-
burn is currently appearing with her
son in television concerts in the color
special "A Portrait of Van Cliburn."
Montserrat Cabale, a thirty-two-year-old
Spanish soprano, has already won world
acclaim. In superb performances of
"Casta Diva," and other arias from
Bellini and Donizetti, her voice has
been praised as "full, pure, and effort-
less." Her first appearance in the
United States was in April 1965, and
she was received "with instant great
Dr. Sylvia Cassell, psychologist, has
pioneered a volunteer puppet program
at Children's Memorial Hospital, Chi-
cago, to calm the fears of young pa-
tients. The child sees a puppet patient
on a small operating table, under a
miniature X-ray machine and learns
that it is necessary to lie quietly
so the picture will not be fuzzy. A
doctor puppet talks to the live child
(often with the voice of Dr. Casseli
herself). In this way the small patient
is prepared for his examinations, dye
tests, X-ray pictures, treatments, sur-
gery — frequently heart surgery.
^aivina Hoffman, "the most renowned
woman sculptor of moderns," worked
for years on an autobiography, "Yester-
day Is Today," which was published in
1965 by Crown Publishers, New York.
She died in July 1966, at the age of
eighty-one, leaving a prodigious num-
ber of works, carved In marble, bronze,
and stone, many of them far larger
than life-sized. Her "personal history,"
as is her sculpture, is created from her
heart and enriches the reader in intel-
lectual, spiritual, and esthetic dimen-
sions. The best known work of Miss
Hoffman, a pupil of Auguste Rodin,
is the "Races of Man" group in the
Hall of Man in the Chicago Natural
History Museum.
Frances C, Yost
■ Susan McMaughan wiped the
frost from the window so that
she could watch her five little
schoolers board the bus that went
past their house. They were
beautiful children, and they were
dressed nicely, thanks to the fact
that she could sew well, and
make over.
"What are you watching,
Mommie?" Little Laurie asked.
"Mother's watching your big
brothers and sisters, to see that
they get on the bus safely."
"Will you watch me next year
to see if I get on the bus all
"I surely will, Mark."
"Will you watch us when we
go to school, Mommie?"
"Yes, Betty and little Laurie,
Mommie will watch you every
Susan gathered her three little
pre-schoolers in her arms and
hugged them close.
Keeping her eight children
warm and fed and with some-
thing to wear was a problem that
occupied every moment of her
time during the day, and most
of her thinking time through the
night. Susan told herself that it
wouldn't be too long before Jim
would write and say he had
found work. Then he would en-
close a check or some greenbacks.
Until then she would just have
to hold out.
Valentines Are Important
The three little children started perhaps, she could help them
playing with blocks, and Susan with whatever was bothering
went to the kitchen and took them.
stock of her meager supphes. While Martha and Cloe washed
There was enough sugar for a the supper dishes, Tom and Vic-
couple of weeks, and flour to tor brought in the coal and kin-
make two or three nice batches dling. When these tasks were
of bread. The lone cow was giv- finished, there would follow a
ing milk enough for all, and session of getting lessons on the
cream for their cereal, and kitchen table. Then Susan would
enough to make a little butter, help those who needed a bit of
There was still bottled fruit and assistance with English, arithme-
a few vegetables in the cellar, tic, history, or geography.
Yes, with good planning, she In the north bedroom, away
would hold out until Jim could from the heater, Susan was tuck-
get work. ing the little ones in bed.
She would keep hoping and "Your Daddy would be proud,
praying. She wasn't alone with the way you can say your prayers
her brood of eight darling chil- all alone. Now jump into bed.
dren. God was in his heaven, and Goodnight little Mark and Con-
was watching and caring for nie, Betty and Laurie. Keep
them. under the covers, because it's
Susan cleaned and set to soak dreadfully cold tonight."
the last of the dry beans. Hot Susan tucked each one in snug-
chili would make a nourishing ly. She was proud of the com-
supper for all, and perhaps there forters on the beds. She had
would be enough for lunch to- taken the womout wool blankets
morrow for her and the little and covered them with pretty
ones. outing flannel. All the children
So it was that Susan Mc- had helped to tie them. Yes, her
Maughan worked and prayed day children were warm and cozy in
after day, hardly taking time to their beds, and she was thankful
look at the calendar. It was while for that,
they were all around the table m
eating supper that evening that iJusan had a song on her lips
Susan noticed the older children as she left the bedroom of the
were rather quiet. She hoped little ones, and walked towards
things had gone well for them at the kitchen. Then she heard
school. She didn't want anyone Tom's voice. Tom was the oldest,
to suffer because they were poor, and he was more of a man than
She wanted her children to feel a boy, even though he was thir-
ad jus ted and have friends . . . teen and in the seventh grade,
even though it meant making What was he saying?
over and washing clothes out at "Well, don't tell Mother. She
night. can't do anything about it, and it
But something was amiss to- would only make her feel badly."
night. After the little children "I just can't face my friends
were in bed, perhaps she could on Valentine's Day without a
get them to confide in her. Then, single valentine for anyone."
February 1967
"Well, for goodness sake, Mar- manly voice again,
tha! Valentines aren't that im- "Maybe we could make valen-
portant." This from Victor. tines." Martha's voice grabbed
Martha stifled a little moan, onto a last ray of hope,
and Tom, always the benefactor "A person could make one for
came to her defense. the teacher, I suppose, but you
"Of course valentines are im- can't make thirty-three for every-
portant. Victor didn't mean it one in the class. And you have
that way. He was just trying to to have red paper and lace and
point out that there are lots of stuff to make valentines out of
things more important, and we'll and . . . ."
have to be brave. Now I have "I guess you're right, Tom."
thought this whole thing out, and Martha's voice betrayed the fact
decided the best way to do it is that she wasn't having too much
for us all to come home when the success at being brave,
valentine party starts in each "So we all come hpme. I guess
room. That way we won't be there isn't anything else to do.
embarrassed getting valentines But I sure hate to miss the
from our friends, and not having party." Victor shrugged his shoul-
any to give. All in favor?" ders, not considering whether the
Listening, Susan McMaughan children would be allowed to
could see a future lawyer or leave school,
school principal in her Tom. He "I don't know about the rest
was a bom leader. She felt it best of you, but I have studies to do."
not to barge in the room just Tom's voice terminated the sub-
now. She listened, and as she ject.
listened, her heart ached. Why Susan, listening just outside
hadn't they shared their prob- the door, was proud of her four
lems with her? Yet, as Tom had older children. They studied hard
pointed out, there wasn't any- and their report cards registered
thing she could do about it. But good grades,
perhaps there was. She hadn't f.
bothered the Lord about any- Ihe next morning, after the
thing but warmth and food and children left for school, Susan
health for her family. Valentines started cleaning out drawers,
were important, too. What were There was a chance she could
the children saying? find last year's valentines. Per-
"I guess " that is all right haps with a little bleach she
for us. We're big. But little Con- could erase names, and they
nie is only in the first grade, could be re-used. She did find
Valentines are so important when some, but they had been enjoyed
you're little." until the comers were frayed.
Cloe's voice had a flutter in it, They were unfit to pass along,
which divulged the fact that Susan toyed with the idea of
valentines were still important at taking Martha's suggestion and
her age, also. making some. But Tom was so
"Well, we'll just have to bring right. There was nothing from
Connie home with us, and make which to make valentines. What
the best of it." That was Tom's few coins Susan had, were now
Valentines Are Important
all used for stamps and yeast
Susan watched for the mail-
man. If Jim sent a check or even
a dollar bill, she would buy val-
entines. When the mailman
passed by the house without
stopping, she went to the door
and called out to him.
"Any mail today?"
"No, Mrs. McMaughan. Not a
single thing. Fm sorry."
The afternoon of the thir-
teenth of February, Susan asked
a neighbor if she would watch
Mark, Beth, and little Laurie
while she slipped down town. It
was a hard decision to make, but
Susan was ready to swallow her
pride and ask for credit at the
store. She would buy valentines
enough for five schoolers.
Susan McMaughan went into
the variety store. It was fun to
look around and see the lovely
things on display. She hadn't
allowed herself the luxury of
looking in the stores since Jim
was out of work. She walked over
to where the valentines usually
were. The counter was bare.
"Where are your valentines?"
"Sold the last of them last
night, Madam."
"Oh, no!"
"Sorry. Had a run on them.
The kids are buying more these
Susan sighed. Well, being out
of stock saved her the embarrass-
ment of asking for credit to buy
them. Perhaps they would have
turned her down anyway. She
walked slowly from the store.
Her legs were too tired to nav-
igate. Or was it her very soul
that was tired?
That evening the children were
extra cheerful, polite, helpful,
and downright good. Susan was
extra cheerful herself. It was a
PoUyanna game they all seemed
to be playing. Yet it seemed
better than to sit down in the
middle of the room and cry for
lack of valentines.
It was while Susan lay awake
in her bed that night that she
decided what she would do. She
would make the prettiest val-
entine cake! Then, when the chil-
dren came home from school,
they would have a family party.
She would cut the cake and serve
hot chocolate with it.
Susan arose early, long before
the February sun had peeked
over the horizon. She stirred up
batter for a velvet white cake.
Instead of baking it in the two
square layers, or the two round
pans, she poured the batter into
one square pan and one round
When the cakes were baked
and cooled, she cut the round
cake in half. She placed the
square cake at an angle on her
largest and prettiest plate to
form the point of the heart.
The two round halves she placed
February 1967
at the top of the diamond
square to form the round parts
of the heart. It was a perfect val-
entine. Susan iced the three parts
together. Then, with fluffy white
icing, she covered the whole big
heart. In the center she wrote
eight names: Tom, Victor, Mar-
tha, Cloe, Connie, Mark, Betty,
and Laurie. With the decorator,
she made little rosebuds, hearts,
and cupids. Then she edged the
entire valentine with lace icing.
The cake was beautiful!
Susan placed the cake high on
the top of the cupboard out of
sight. Then she sighed. The cake
wouldn't take the place of val-
entines for friends, but she had
done the best she could, and her
heart felt better. The children
would know that she cared.
The sun came up over the
eastern mountains. It was going
to be a beautiful day, clear and
bright and warm for February, a
perfect Valentine Day . . . well
It was time to awaken the
children. What was that? A
knock on the door at this hour?
Susan went to the door and
opened it. There stood the mail-
man smiling like a valentine him-
self. Then he seemed to be em-
barrassed a little.
"Good morning, Mrs. Mc-
Maughan. This is a little out of
order. I usually pass your house
about ten-thirty. But when we
sorted the mail this morning,
there was this big package for
your family. Since it is labeled
valentines, I thought you might
like it before school begins. So
I dropped by on my way home
for breakfast."
Susan couldn't have appre-
ciated this early call more if it
had been St. Valentine himself.
"Thank you. Thank you very
Susan was all thumbs as she
tore open the package. Out fell
two large cellophane packets
bulging with valentines.
"Children! Children! Come
and see!"
There was a fine variety of
valentines, even clever ones for
the teachers.
It was a hurry-up, but joyous
morning. There were so many
names of friends to write in so
little time. Susan couldn't re-
member when they had all been
so happy.
After they were gone to school,
Susan sat back in her chair for a
bit of rest. Jim wasn't a whirl-
wind of a provider, but he was
a thoughtful man. She would use
the last postage stamp to write
him a valentine love letter, and
let him know how happy he had
made his little children.
Enola Chamberlin
When grapes were ripe, and purple plums,
And warm winds swayed the grain and grass,
I peeled and pitted, cooked and sealed
The summer up in glass.
And now with snow to claim the fields
And cold wind barking at the door,
I break the seals and summer lives
In scent and taste once more.
He WiU
^ ■( :-
June F. Krambule -^ ,
Model in Picture
Michael Anderson
■ Hours of fun were created by Mrs. Ivan Anderson of Shelley, Idaho, and
given to grandson Michael Anderson, in the form of an inexpensive, long-
lasting Christmas gift — one that will stimulate his imagination for as long
as httle boys like cars and airplanes. It is a "Toy Town" — a sort of magic
city — perfect for rainy days or stay-clean hours when Mother has errands
to run.
This toy is made from a piece of heavy canvas (we suggest about 4' x 6')
On it has been sketched a layout of a model city, containing all the buildings
Michael is familiar with, including train station, school, church, hotel, hospital,
and supermarket. For added measure, the layout includes a construction
company for the use of fascinating dump trucks and cranes; a zoo, a farm,
and an airport to house the many miniature airplanes that zoom and roar
in little boys' hands.
Around the outside of the model city runs a train track, drawn, as are all
the outlines of buildings and streets, with felt markers so popular with
homemakers these days.
A box of model trains, zoo animals, and a variety of cars, including am-
bulances and milk trucks, go with the floor layout and provide hours of
imaginative play. Homes along the avenues have garages to house the miniature
automobiles. These garages are pockets made of muslin, pleated at the edges,
into which chubby fists can push tiny cars.
Houses and other buildings, outlined with felt pens, can be colored lightly
with crayon.
Do you have a "little one" with an imagination? Why not draft him a Toy
Town and let him spend those indoor hours driving to Sunday School, de-
livering milk, rushing patients to the hospital, landing his jet, or motoring
to the farm? This gift is interesting to make, easy to mail, compact to store,
easy on clothes. All things that appeal to grownups — and lots of fun for
a youngster.
^^Efe-.^%;: :"^.<m
Tell Me of Love Rosa lee Lloyd Chapter 8 (Conclusion)
m "Come back here, Julie!'' Cleo
demanded. "We must go for help.
It will take men who know how,
and all their equipment, to Hft
him out of there. We'll have to
"I won't leave him here!"
Julie cried out as she crawled
back to the safe, hard ground
and stood up facing Cleo.
"Casey Jones knew he was
down there. Why didn't we listen
to that good old kelpie? He's
been coming out here every night
alone, running all those miles.
He's begged us to come!"
Cleo gritted her teeth.
"I know," she said. "Uncle
Rufe would call me a plain mut-
ton-head. But now — ^we've got to
move fast. I can't blame you for
staying here, Julie. If my John
was down there, no one could pull
me away either. I'll go for help."
"But how. Aunt Cleo? We're
forty miles from the station — al-
most twenty from the highway.
You might not know your way
back without Casey Jones."
Cleo's eyes had firey Httle
glints in them. "I'm a bush- wom-
an, Julie. I know what to do in
an emergency. I'll get back to the
highway in the jeep. Then I'll
shoot the telegraph wires. That
is a signal for help out here.
Linesmen answer that call no
matter where they are. I can't
say how long we'll have to wait.
Maybe a few hours — ^maybe all
night — ^maybe longer. But they
will come."
"Can you hit the wire?" Julie
was incredulous. "It's way up in
the sky."
"It will take a good shot," she
answered. Her chin squared off.
"I did it when a horse fell on
Uncle Rufe. God willing, I can
do it again."
Julie touched her cheek.
"Grandfather says that you are
the best shot in Australia," she
Cleo's wide mouth relaxed.
"I'm glad there's something I
can do that pleases him, Julie.
I've about given up — trying to
make him like me."
Juhe hugged her. "We all have
a place in his heart," she said. "I
love you. Aunt Cleo, I think you
are the very salt of the earth.
I really do."
Cleo said brusquely: "Take
this torch. Hang it on your belt.
You have that old survival kit
and your water bag. Keep your
Tell Me of Love
rifle right by your side. Lift it, listen. This time Casey Jones
don't drag it. Trust old Casey raised his head listening, too. His
Jones to key you if anything body tensed. He barked, wagging
vicious comes near you." his tail.
She strode off across the bush, Julie wondered if she imagined
her bright yellow hair flying in it, or did someone say "Julie."
the breeze. She leaned forward eagerly, wait-
Julie was alone with Casey ing, but it was only the wind
Jones, guarding Ron, far down in sighing through the bush,
a deep, dark hole. She crawled ,.
up beside the dog again. He I here was a freezing drizzle in
licked her hands, and nuzzled his the air. She crawled closer to
face in them. Casey Jones, trying to warm her-
"Good kelpie," she whispered self against his fluffy hair. They
to him. lay quietly listening for some
A few minutes later she heard whisper of life in the hole below
the horn of the jeep. Aunt Cleo them. Instead, she heard the
was riding toward the highway, crackle of brittle-dry grass as
Julie inched closer to the hole something stepped on it coming
and turned her torch into its nearer. Nearer,
darkness. She could see nothing Fear beat in Julie like a ham-
but jagged, crusty earth on every mer. Casey Jones' head came up
side. with a jerk. He crawled back-
She cupped her hands and wards, jumping to his feet. Julie
called down: "Ron — Ron, dar- followed him, lifting her rifle and
ling. I'm here. I'll never leave turning her torch on the ap-
you. Never. Aunt Cleo has gone proaching object,
for help. So don't give up." A huge dingo! She saw it plain-
Her words were an empty wail ly, glittering eyes, teeth bared,
with a weird echo. His breath was a howling snarl
She shivered and closed her as he leaped for Casey Jones. He
eyes. Wild birds circled above had returned to kill him.
them. Hours dragged by. The af- They fought savagely, biting,
temoon sun faded into twilight, tearing at each other. Her torch
and the cockatoos began their was focused on them but how
unearthly screeching. Great, wide- could she aim her rifle if she had
winged bats flew over her. The to drop the torch?
brittle, dry tufts of grass crackled Panic rose in her throat, but
as something shthered through it. she beat it down. Closing hei
Night came down like a heavy eyes, she prayed desperately,
blanket of darkness. There was When she opened her eyes the
no moon in the sky. No stars, big dingo was tearing at Casey
Julie felt a damp mist on her Jones' wounded shoulder. Their
face and arms. Dear Heavenly howls wailed with the wind.
Father, she cried into the dark- Julie reached the bush and put
ness, don't let it rain until they the lighted torch in its branches,
come. It was a spotlight on the fighting
"Ron. . . . Oh, Ron, darling," dogs,
she called again and strained to Slowly, carefully, she lifted her
February 1967
rifle, aiming at the dingo. She
must hit him in the head. If she
only wounded him, he would turn
and attack her.
The shot rang out across the
black night. She fired again. The
dingo reared back, pawing the
air, then he flopped to the earth,
and Casey Jones was free.
Julie ran to him, cradling him
in her lap. She took off her shirt
and tore it to pieces, mopping
his wounds.
"Good kelpie," she crooned
gently. "Good Casey Jones."
The wind rose, whipping about
them, freezing the mist in the air.
Julie was chilled and aching, but
she crawled back to the hole.
She must keep on calling to Ron
— calling — calling. He must know
she .was near him.
Casey Jones crawled up be-
side her. He was wet and shiver-
ing. They were both weak and
exhausted. A hazy sleep envel-
oped her. The next time she
awakened she crawled closer to
Casey Jones. He was scarcely
breathing. "Oh, no!" she cried
into the darkness. "Don't leave
me Casey — please don't — die."
She lay close to him and mur-
mured encouraging words until
he finally licked her hand. . . .
H: H: H: H: ^
ULiE heard a man's voice. It
was a dear, familiar voice.
"She's regaining conscious-
ness," he said to someone. "Julie
— you are safe now. Speak to us,
It was Dr. George's voice. It
was hazy and faded away. Then
she heard him again: "You are
back at the station, Julie, in
Isabelle's bed."
Big Dan's voice came to her.
"The little Julie is a brave one.
It was the sound of her voice
that kept Ron hanging on to life.
He told me so."
"A brave one," Dr. George
said. "It was that dingo that
backed Ron into the hole. I'm
glad she got him right in the
Julie's eyes fluttered open, but
everything was hazy.
"Ron ..." she whispered.
"Where— is Ron?"
"He's alive, dear," Aunt Isa-
belle said, close to her ear. "Dr.
George has sent for the best
doctors in Perth. Father, Aimt
Tricia, and the children will
come, too. Wally and Betz have
gone to the township to meet
them. Carolyn is taking care of
Ron in the back room."
Julie's chest was heavy. She
could hardly breathe. It's pneu-
monia, she thought. She must see
Ron. She struggled to sit up, but
Isabelle pushed her gently back
to the pillow.
"Tell me— about Ron. . . ."
her voice was a raspy whisper.
"We'll pull him through," Dr.
George said. "Get well and strong
so you can help us."
"I will— oh, I will. . . ."
She closed her eyes, breathing
hard, trying to fight off the dark-
ness, but she slipped into un-
consciousness again.
The next time she opened her
eyes. Aunt Cleo's face was above
her, sweat was streaming down
Aunt Cleo's cheecks, and she was
rubbing Julie from head to toes
with a foul-smelling salve. Julie
was hot, sweating hot. She could
not endure it.
"Aunt Cleo, please don't. Mut-
ton tallow and eucalyptus make
— ^me — so sick. I'm burning up —
I can't breathe."
"Put more wood in the stove,
Wally," Cleo ordered. "She's
waking up, but we can't quit.
We've got to sweat this bush
chill clear out of her. It's the
only way. Keep the stove red
"You can't stand it in here.
Aunt Cleo," Wally said. "It's hot
enough to bake you alive. Uncle
John is worried about you."
"Tell him— I'm all right. You
get more wood. We have to keep
Darkness came again to Julie.
She sank into it.
Juhe opened her eyes, wonder-
ing where she was. She could
breathe easily. The room was
cool as a green paddock.
Grandfather was in the chair
beside her bed.
"Hello," she said in a thin
little voice.
He smiled and touched her
hand. "She's better, Cleo," he
said with a grateful sigh. "Our
little girl is all right. Your bush
method has won. You did a fine
job. Thank you for all of us."
"She cooked us all," Wally
said. "Dad and Uncle John
chopped three loads of wood. I'll
go and tell them Julie is con-
Julie's eyes moved from one
person to another, Dr. George,
Aunt Isabelle, then to Aunt Cleo
at the foot of the bed. She was
pale and thinner, but her smile
was radiant.
"You did it, Cleo," Dr: George
said. "Julie didn't respond to
anything I gave her. Carolyn and
I had all the newest medicines.
I have never seen anyone work
harder to save a life than you
Julie saw Cleo through misty
"She's worth it," Cleo said.
"I'll do it all over if she needs
"She'll make it now," Dr.
George said.
"That's an old bush remedy,"
Cleo explained. "I saw my Uncle
Rufe cook that chill out of my
brother Joe when he'd been out
there three days."
"Ron. . . ." JuHe asked.
"Where is Ron?"
"We made a small hospital in
the back room," Grandfather
told her. "When you are stronger
we will take you to him."
"Now, Grandfather. Please."
She tried to sit up, but sank
back against the pillow.
"Soon," Grandfather said. "Be
a good girl and stay quiet a while
longer. We are all close by, Julie."
Someone was always with her.
Casey Jones came in, but most
February 1967
of the time he was with Ron.
One day Betz came in, red-eyed,
as though she had been weeping.
"They wouldn't let me come
in before this," she said, indig-
nantly. "I nearly died with worry.
Even Wally couldn't eat when
you were so sick."
"That showed his devotion,"
Julie said, smiling. "What a sac-
rifice. When he can't eat, he's
really bushed."
"Look, Julie." Betz opened a
box she had brought with her.
"I sent to Perth for this dressing
gown. Wear it when you go to
Ron. You'll look gorgeous in
pink." Her voice broke. She put
her hand over her mouth. "I
have stayed too long," she said.
"Aunt Isabelle will scold me.
Only Grandfather is permitted
to come in here any time he
wants to."
Julie noticed that Grandfather
was always nearby as if protect-
ing her. He is afraid the others
will tell me something, Julie
thought. She knew they were
keeping something from her.
Sometljing about Ron.
MHE was alone after Betz left
the room; with a great effort she
got to her feet. The dressing
gown Betz had given her was on
the chair nearby. She struggled
into it, loving the feel of the soft
cashmere, tying the silken bow
at the collar. She would walk
down the hall to Ron's room. She
held onto the bed, inching her
way along, weak and unsteady,
but determined.
The door opened and Grand-
father came in.
He did not look angry nor
even surprised.
"You are pretty as a picture,"
he said, sitting in his chair.
Julie sat down on the bed.
She looked directly into his eyes.
"Tell me. Grandfather. About
"He is a lucky boy to be alive,"
he answered in his quiet way.
"He was down there five days
with a broken back."
His voice was gentle, but Julie
thought it faltered. Her eyes had
darkened and seemed too big for
her pale face.
"I have to know, Grand-
father," she said. "Tell me."
He drew a long breath. His
face seemed suddenly older and
very tired. But his strong, stem
chin was steady as a rock.
"It will be a long time before
Ron will walk again," he said.
Julie sat perfectly still. Ron
might always be a cripple. She
saw the golden sunshine stream-
ing through the window. Her
eyes focused on the everlasting
flowers that Ron had picked and
put in the vase under Grannie's
picture. She was in her wedding
dress. It had hung on the wall
right there ever since Julie could
Tears stung her eyes, but she
did not weep. This was a time
when you had to cling to hope
and courage. Grannie had told
her many times that to love was
to know both bitter and sweet.
She reached for Grandfather's
hand and held it tenderly in both
her own. They sat silently for a
long, prayerful moment.
"I love him. Grandfather," she
said. Her voice had the whole
world in its gentleness. "That
means I will do anything for him.
If he cannot walk alone, I will
help him. We will study together
until he finishes at the Univer-
Tell Me of Love
sity. But, please, if you love us.
Grandfather, let us marry now.
Don't send me away from him
He looked up at Grandmoth-
er's picture. The deep lines
around his mouth softened, but
he did not speak.
I HE old clock in the corner
ticked so loudly Julie wondered
if it was the sound of her own
At last he looked at Julie. The
comers of his mouth turned up
in a roguish smile.
"Do you think your Grannie's
wedding dress will fit you? I am
sure that will please her. You are
her namesake, Julia Ann Ridge-
Julie bent her head. She could
hardly squeeze the tears back.
But Grandfather did not like
tears. He said tears had never
won a battle yet.
"As soon as you and Ron are
both well," he went on, "we will
fly to New Zealand to go to the
temple. Would you like a small
wedding breakfast at our home
on Rushcutters Bay?"
Julie nodded. She was too full
of joy to speak.
His voice bridled: "Remember
this, Julie. I insist that Ron
finish at the university, then he
can teach. The doctors expect he
will finally walk, but he must be
prepared to take his place in the
world, anyway. Education is very
important in our life today. I
mean to see that my family helps
to keep Australia up there work-
ing at it."
He gave Julie a wise smile.
"Your cousin Wally has told me
how he feels about Betz."
Julie's heart beat faster.
"I am not surprised," he said.
"He and Sue Ellen have been
drifting apart. Probably they
were not meant for each other."
He looked quizzically at Julie,
but she didn't offer an opinion.
"When Wally finishes at the
University next January, if this
infatuation for Betz has deep-
ened into real, enduring love,
they will have my consent to
marry. Your Aunt Tricia and
Uncle Geoffrey seem very pleased
with her. A little American spirit
will be a good thing for the
Ridgehavens. In Wally's words,
she has worked like a drover out
here, and proved she is a bit of
all right!"
There was a tap-tap on the
door. It opened and Aunt Tricia
came in with little Kip and
The children looked at Julie
with wide, curious eyes. "We said
our prayers for you, Julie," Kip
said. "Now, you're up!"
Julie hugged them both. "I'm
glad you prayed for me," she
said, lifting her eyes to Aunt
Tricia. "Thank you. Thank you!"
The rest of the family crowded
into the room.
Dr. George called out, "Look
at our girl, sitting up. She'll be
able to dance at our wedding,
"I will!" Julie smiled back.
Uncle John put his arm around
Aunt Cleo. "Father, Cleo and I
want the spotlight for a second.
We are expecting another baby."
"That's jolly good news,"
Grandfather beamed. "Another
Rideghaven." »
Uncle John's eyes twinkled.
"Cleo wants to know, if the baby
is a boy, would you like us to
name him Sir Walter Scott?"
February 1967
"I would not!" Fierce lights
brightened Grandfather's eyes.
"Cleo should remember her own
herits^ge. If you want my opinion,
the name, Rufe Riley Quinn
Ridgehaven, would please me; in
honor of the finest grazier I have
ever known. I am proud that my
son John is married to the won-
derful girl he reared!"
No one spoke. The room held a
quiet and sacred stillness. Aunt
Cleo's face was lifted. She looked
as though she had just been
decorated by the Queen.
Grandfather unwound his long
legs and got to his feet. "Come,
my dear," he said to Julie. "I will
take you to Ron's room."
Wally pushed forward. "Let me
carry her to him. Grandfather,"
he coaxed.
"That might be best," Grand-
father agreed. "But only carry
her to his door. Let her walk to
him alone."
"She's too weak," Wally pro-
tested. "She's skinny as a crow."
"She can go in alone," Grand-
father said, "We can always
make our goal when we know
that someone who truly loves us
— is waiting."
Judith Leigh-Kendall
Using a small mixer bowl, pour in one pound of unsifted powdered sugar. Add
Va cup soft butter and 3 tablespoons liquid (water, milk, or cream). Turn the
mixer on to the lowest speed and mix well. Add one teaspoon flavoring, and turn
the mixer up high for whipping. If the frosting seems too thick, add another table-
spoon of liquid. Whip at high speed a few minutes. This frosting is lump free
and saves a few minutes of a busy homemaker's time. It will frost the tops and
sides of most layer cakes or a sheet cake.
Kate Swainston
V2 cup white sugar
Yz cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 cube butter (i^ lb.)
*2 tablespoons oif cream
*1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1^4 cup flour
Yz tsp. soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. almond flavoring
V2 cup rolled oats
Mix ingredients together in order listed. Roll and store in refrigerator for two
to four hours before baking. Slice and place on baking sheet. Bake at 400° for
12 minutes.
*Three tbsp. sour cream can be substituted.
Flowers Tnat Last rorever
Rose Ella Miller Hall, Jacksonville, Florida, preserves the radiant beauty of flow-
ers in lasting form and color. Roses, lilies, daisies, dahlias — flowers in bouquets,
flowers in pools and rustic gardens — flowers adorning the landscape of a cottage
in the hill^ — Mrs. Hall has captured the elusive beauty of the floral kingdom.
Her interest in painting developed at an early age when she bought art supplies
with her penny-budget. Later in life, she earned her living by painting delicate
flowers on silk blouses and scarves. Her paintings have found places of honor
in numerous homes throughout the United States. Many of her scenes are
painted from happy childhood memories. The Relief Society sisters know that
when bazaar time comes, they will have the opportunity of seeing some lovely
paintings by Mrs. Hall, as well as hearing the background story of each painting.
Mrs. Hall, a member of the Jacksonville Second Ward, Florida Stake, bears a
fervent and sincere testimony of the gospel. Her spirit is as beautiful as the
colors she blends in the paintings.
Relief Society Activities
M^ ■■ %# Wit
Idaho Stake, Bancroft Ward Relief Society Compiles Pictorial History
March 17, 1966
Arlene T. Torgesen, President, Idaho Stake Relief Society, reports: "A de-
tailed history had been carefully kept of the Bancroft Ward Relief Society
since its organization in 1907, but no pictures had been inserted. In January,
Frances Yost (a contributor to The Relief Society Magazine) was asked to
secure pictures for Bancroft Ward's history book and to prepare a picture
display for the Seventeenth of March social.
"Sister Yost decided to display the leaves from the history book. She located
many pictures and took others herself. There had been twelve presidents
serving during sixty years. By using one page for each president's term, all
who served with her could be on one page. The back of the page could be
used for events which took place during the president's term.
"By the seventeenth of March, at the ward Relief Society social, seventeen
pages of pictures on both sides were displayed, with the necessary captions.
Each loose-leaf page was covered with cellophane so that the leaves could be
picked up and examined closely, as well as turned over. Now the Bancroft
Relief Society has a history book really to crow about. Sister Yost is shown in
the picture with the historical display. The crocheted bedspread covering the
table was also made by Sister Yost."
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent
through the stake Relief Society presidents, or mission Relief Society super-
visors. One annual submission will be accepted, as space permits, from each
stake and mission of the Church, Submissions should be addressed to the
Editorial Department, Relief Society Magazine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
For details regarding pictures and descriptive material, see The Relief Society
Magazine for January 1966, page 50.
Shelley Stake (Idaho) Flower Show and Cooked Foods Sales
August 2, 1966
Helen L. Hanson, President, Shelley Stake Relief Society, reports: "An
audience of nearly 900 enjoyed an evening of cultural refinement, when Shelley
Stake Relief Society presented a delightful Singing Mothers concert, followed
by a combined flower show and cooked foods sale. 'Reflections in Music,' con-
ducted by Sharlene S. Eaton and accompanied by Muriel F. Clark and Laree
O. Hammer, depicted the choice moments in a lifetime from infancy to the
golden years of spirituality. The same theme was brought beautifully into
focus in the cultural hall by a revolving seven-foot high, glittering treble cleft
and staff atop a satin- covered table grouped among other beautifully decorated
tables, enchanced by gladioli, grape clusters, dainty ceramics, figurines, and
a most perfect rose.
"Talents and efforts of many were displayed through unique and beautiful
floral arrangements placed on tiered tables, and throughout tfie hall among
the booths. Then, on the enticing food tables, were such titles as 'The Good
Ship Lollipop,' 'Blackbirds Baked in a Pie,' and decorated to capture attention
and urge everyone to buy the tempting foods.
"The class displays were exhibited under 'Relief Society — Key to Har-
monious Living.' We felt that the event was a great success culturally and
financially, as well as being a missionary tool, for we had two nonmembers
singing with us, as well as many nonmembers in the audience."
February 1967
Franco-Belgian Mission, Verdun (France) Servicemen's Group Holds Bazaar
December 1965
Front row, left to right: Zoe Coomes, First Counselor; Audrey Hill, Second
Counselor; Lee Noel and baby.
Back row, left to right: Lillian Ishoy; Audrey Westlake, President; Georgia
Hoffman; Elaine Parker; La Von Hosey; Janice Greer.
Helen H. Paramore, Supervisor, Franco-Belgian Mission Relief Society, re-
ports: "The Verdun Servicemen's Group Relief Society is made up of wives
of both Cginadian and American servicemen stationed in the Verdun, Etain,
and Marville area of France. While the Relief Society is small, due to rota-
tion back to the States and Canada, they still reap the blessings from the Lord
through service. They have the opportunity of attending conference every three
months and meeting with the mission presidency. The American servicemen
and families are being taken from France, and the Canadian servicemen are
being sent to Germany, thus eliminating these members in France. We are
sorry to lose these diligent members who have rendered so much strength and
support to the Franco-Belgian Mission."
Sydney Stake (Australia) Relief Society Luncheon In Honor
Of Retiring President
July 29, 1966
Left to right: Janet Dean, visiting teacher message leader; Jean Jeffree,
Magazine representative; Neta Ehmann, social relations class leader; Ethel
Hurst, chorister; Pauline M. Maugh, homemaking leader; Betty Stokes, in-
coming president; Ethel Parton, retiring president; Valerie Clarke, First Coun-
selor; Mary Frater, Secretary-Treasurer; Joyce Smith, cultural refinement
class leader; Maxine Munn, acting secretary-treasurer; Elsie Parton, spiritual
living class leader; Mavis Draper, Second Counselor.
Sister Stokes reports: "Sister Parton was called to be district president for
a period of six years previous to the formation of Sydney Stake. She then
served a further six years as stake Relief Society president. Sister Parton was
presented With a canteen of cutlery on behalf of Relief Society throughout
the stake."
Garden Grove Stake (California) Conducts Art Show
June 24, 1966
Left to right: Afton Minson, President; Marjorie Kerr, Chairman of art
show and President of new Huntington Beach Stake Relief Society; Gwenith
Lewis, co-chairman of art show and stake board member.
Sister Minson reports: "Garden Grove Stake presented the first of a pro-
posed series of annual art shows, June 24th, in connection with the stake
birthday ball, celebrating five years of growth. Garden Grove Stake was of-
ficially divided on June 5th, when the new Huntington Beach Stake was
formed. The art show marked a memorable milestone, a gala celebration of a
last activity together. Exhibitors were members of the original Garden Grove
Stake, and exhibits were of outstanding quality. There were over 300 entries,
representing 100 artists. Competition included nine categories, each with first,
second, and third awards: Landscapes; Still Life; Portraits and Character
Studies; Abstract; Youth Artist, under Eighteen; Ceramics; Sculpture; Stitch-
ery; and Photography. The showing was attended by approximately 400 view-
ers. Judges were Eileen Quiqley and Rita Gillette, from the Huntington Beach
Art League. Hostesses were ward and stake Relief Society officers."
February 1967
Western States Mission, Roswell (New Mexico) District Presents
"Show and Tell" Day, August 25, 1966
Left to right: Eileen Higgins, Secretary; Annette Mitchell, Second Coun-
selor; Barbara Gibson, President; Joyce Hannifan, First Counselor; Margaret
McFarland, homemaking leader.
Carrell Thorpe, President, Western States Mission Relief Society, reports:
"For the annual 'Show and Tell' day, the table decor was in keeping with the
autumn theme that was carried throughout the cultural hall. The table was
covered in gold, and the centerpiece was created by the distridt Relief Society
President Barbara Gibson. The menu consisted of chicken salad, melon boat,
fruit cups, and rolls. The recipes were taken from The Relief Society Mag-
Grantsvilie Stake (Utah) Singing Mothers Present Music
for Stake Quarterly Conference, September 30, 1966
Front row, seated, left to right, former Singing Mothers, given special honor:
Myrtle Barrus; Edith Anderson; Annie Millward; Adda Willis; Mary Ann
Lenore J. Johnson, President, Grantsvilie Stake Relief Society, reports:
"Each of the eleven wards in the stake was represented. Many of the sisters
traveled long distances to attend the practices. Melba Wells, chorister, con-
ducted. The chorus sang 'Hear My Prayer,' and an original song written by
Sister Wells, 'Lift Our Voices Unto God,' which added greatly to the spiritual-
ity of the meeting. President Johnson and her Counselors Agnes Clark and
Fern Wilson, sang with the group, as did several other stake ReUef Society
board members. Vera Elfors, who has served as stake organist for many years,
and Mignon Christley were the accompanists."
Bear Lake Stake (Idaho) Singing Mothers Present
Cantata "Resurrection Morning," April 10, 1966
Front row, at the right. Ruby B. Dunford, chorister; seated at the organ,
Merla N. Bee, organist.
Ivy K. Jensen, President, Bear Lake Stake Relief Society, reports: "Under
the able leadership of our music department, this group of Singing Mothers,
composed of singers from the nine wards in our stake, presented the cantata
'Resurrection Morning' by Gates, to an appreciative audience Easter night.
Seven members of the stake board are among the group. We felt that by the
participation of so many sisters and the deep spiritual message of the songs,
that it was indeed a fitting and lovely occasion. Once each year our Singing
Mothers furnish the music for stake quarterly conference, also special numbers
for our monthly leadership meetings, funerals, and Relief Society functions.
Much joy, happiness, and spiritual growth have come to the sisters through
the presentation of these special programs."
February 1967
New England Mission, New Hampshire District Relief Society
Conducts "Mormon Trail" Bazaar, July 16, 1966
Left to right: Jean M. Hartford, President, Portsmouth Branch; Annette
Andrews, President, Concord Branch; Rhea C. Guild, President, New Hamp-
shire District Relief Society; Dorothy Buswell, President, Laconia Branch;
Elena B. Putnam, President, Brattleboro Branch; Ethel Carman, homemaking
leader, New Hampshire District; Florence Spicer, President, Claremont Branch.
Donna S. Packer, Supervisor, New England Mission Relief Society, reports:
"The mission Relief Society officers were so pleased with the New Hampshire
District bazaar. Sister Alberta Baker, our mission Relief Society President,
and I were touring the branches the day this took place.
"It was a thrilling day for the district, with all eight branches participating,
and more than 1,000 people visiting the bazaar. 'The Mormon Trail' was set
up in a large open field, near a busy intersection, including a shopping center
and many motels. Each branch was assigned a step on the trail from Nauvoo,
Illinois, to Salt Lake City. The booths were representative — covered wagons,
forts, boweries. Each booth had the name of the branch and the name of its
step on the trail attached to it. All articles sold were of excellent quality —
exquisite handwork, delicious home-cooked food and candy, beautiful quilts,
unique gift items, and an antique table. Adding interest and color were the
pleasant Relief Society sisters dressed in pioneer costumes. We felt the great
power of the Priesthood without whose guidance and help this bazaar never
could have been held. We know that our bazaar was a great missionary effort.
We felt the Lord's Spirit with us throughout the day, and many people were
stirred not only by the excellence of the bazaar, but with a desire to learn
more about the gospel."
vLesson Department
SPIRITUAL LIVING — The Doctrine and Covenants
Elder Roy W. Doxey
Lesson 80 — The Eventual Triumph of God's Work
(Text: Doctrine and Covenants, Sections 101:43-75; 103)
Nortiiern Hemisphere: First IVieeting, May 1967
Southern Hemisphere: October 1967
Objective: The Latter-day Saint woman seeks through obedience and diligence
to share in the eventual triumph of God's work.
Section 101 of the Doctrine
and Covenants contains reasons
for the persecution of the saints
in Jackson County, Missouri.
Stakes of Zion were to be places
of refuge where the saints might
gather. (Verses 17-22.)
The saints are the salt of the
earth by covenant, but the un-
faithful will, as salt that has lost
its savor, lose their usefulness in
the kingdom. The Lord said that
some saints might be called upon
to give their lives in defense of
the faith, and to these, he said,
there would come a fulness of joy
in the eternal worlds. (Verses
By parable the Lord revealed
wherein the saints transgressed in
Zion, and a plan by which the
saints in Missouri might be re-
stored to their lands. Anciently,
religious truths were given by
parable, comparable to the one
found in Section 101. (Isaiah 5:
1-7; Matt. 21:33-46.) This form
of instruction is described as fol-
. . . The parable conveys to the
hearer religious truth exactly in pro-
portion to his faith and intelligence;
to the dull and unintelligent it is a
mere story, "seeing they see not,"
while to the instructed and spiritual
it reveals the mysteries or secrets of
the kingdom of heaven. Thus it is that
February 1967
the parable exhibits the condition of
all true knowledge. Only he who
seeks finds. . . .
The word itself, "parable," is Greek
in origin, and means a setting side by
side, a comparison. In parables divine
truth is explained by comparisons
with material things (Bible Diction-
ary, The Holy Bible, Specially Bound
for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints (L.D.S. Missionary Bible) ,
page 114).
The parable in Section 101:
43-62 interpreted in the light of
Latter-day Saint Church history
is as follows: A master (the
Lord) sends his servants (mem-
bers of the Church) into his vine-
yard (Jackson County, Missouri)
to plant olive trees. They are to
build a tower (temple) from
which they would detect the
movements of any enemy who
would come to destroy the fruit
of the vineyard. The servants did
as the Lord of the vineyard re-
quired, even to the building of
the foundation of the tower; how-
ever, they began to question the
building of the tower since it was
a time of peace.
Because the servants were not
united in this project, an oppor-
tunity was afforded the enemy
(Missouri mobs) to overrun the
vineyard and cause the servants
to flee. Upon hearing of this de-
struction, the master reminds the
servants that if they had done as
commanded, even to building the
tower and placing watchmen (of-
ficers of the Church) upon the
walls, preparation would have
been made for the preservation of
the vineyard. What should be
done? One of the servants (Joseph
Smith, Section 103:21) was com-
manded to gather together other
servants, the young and the mid-
dle-aged, and redeem the vine-
yard (gather together sufficient
brethren to purchase land, Sec-
tion 103:23) for it was the mas-
ter's, and he had paid for it. But
someone asks, when should the
vineyard be redeemed? The an-
swer was: "When I will," but the
servant was to do as commanded
in gathering the faithful to re-
deem the vineyard. (D&C 101:
The revelation continues to ex-
plain that the Prophet Joseph
Smith had received a seal and a
blessing. He was proclaimed by
the Lord as a faithful and wise
steward, a ruler in the kingdom
of God. (Ibid., verse 61.) The
Lord knew that the Prophet
would do as commanded, for he
revealed to Nephi that the
Prophet would be a dedicated
servant, "for he shall do my
work" (2 Nephi 3:8). In the
parable just related, the servant
did as the master commanded,
"and after many days all things
were fulfilled" (D&C 101:62).
Being driven from Jackson
County did not dishearten the
saints from continuing the work
of salvation in which they were
engaged. Those who could, were
counseled to continue to gather
to places appointed — holy places.
These are designated in the rev-
elation as stakes. (Ibid., verses
20-21.) In this revelation, the
Lord calls attention to the par-
able of the wheat and the tares
explained earlier in Section 86.
At the second coming of Christ,
there will be a separation of the
righteous from the wicked. The
wheat, his saints, will find eternal
life in that day, while the tares,
the wicked, will be brought to
Lesson Department
judgment. Eventually all men
will be judged according to their
works. {Ibid.y verses 63-67.)
If the saints would return to
the land of their inheritance, it
was necessary for them to pur-
chase land in and about Zion, a
commandment which is repeated.
(Ibid., verses 69-71; 63:25-31.)
It was intended that the various
branches of the Church should
contribute to the purchase of
lands. (Ibid., 101:71-75.)
The saints were told to im-
portune for redress for the crimes
committed against them accord-
ing to the law of the land. The
Constitution of the United States
was prepared by men whom the
Lord raised up that protection
might be afforded against loss of
property and liberties. (Ibid.,
101:76-80; Lesson 77, Rehef So-
ciety Magazine, November 1966.)
The Lord refers to the parable
of the woman and the unjust
judge that the saints might know
how to seek for redress. (Luke
18:1-8; D&C 101:81-84) As ap-
plied to the saints, they were to
seek assistance from the judge;
if he would not help then they
were to go to the governor, and,
finally, to the President of the
United States. If satisfaction was
not then obtained, the Lord,
would, in his time, deal with the
Nation. (Ibid., verses 85-91.)
The attempts of the saints to
follow the Lord's counsel on how
to return to their lands in Jack-
son County, is sunmiarized as
The Saints did importune the
rulers for redress. After having
knocked at the doors of judges, they
addressed several communications to
Governor Dunklin of Missouri. In a
letter dated February 4th, 1834, this
official acknowledged the duty of the
authorities to reinstate the Saints in
their homes and to inquire into the
proceedings of Col. Pitcher in depriv-
ing them of their arms. He also
admitted that the entire State was
interested in the faithful execution of
the laws; "for that which is the case
of the Mormons to-day, may be the
case of the Catholics to-morrow, and
after them, any other sect that may
becomre obnoxious to a majority of
the people of any section of the
State." He proposed to provide pro-
tection for the people while suing in
the courts and returning to their
homes, but he did not guarantee pro-
tection in the continued possession of
the homes, and the Saints, therefore,
wisely declined to return and invite
the mob to commit new outrages
(Doctrine and Covenants Commen-
tary, page 652).
Following these unsatisfactory
promises, additional appeals were
made to the civil authorities
when the saints were driven from
the State of Missouri, as this
source continues:
Petitions were sent, and, finally, the
Prophet Joseph appealed in person to
the President of the United States,
but this only elicited the famous
answer, "Your cause is just, but I can
do nothing for you" (Doctrine and
Covenants Commentary, p. 652).
Section 103
The saints in Clay County,
Missouri, held a conference and
asked for volunteers to go to the
Prophet in Ohio to see what
could be done to restore the
saints to their homes in Jackson
County. Elder Parley P. Pratt
wrote the following about this
February 1967
The poverty of all, and the inclem-
ent season of the year made all hes-
itate. At length Lyman Wight and
myself offered our services, which
were readily accepted. I was at the
time entirely destitute of proper
clothing for the journey; and I had
neither horse, saddle, bridle, money
nor provisions to take with me; or to
leave with my wife, who lay sick and
helpless most of the time.
Under these circumstances I knew
not what to do. Nearly all had been
robbed and plundered, and all were
poor. As we had to start without de-
lay, I almost trembled at the under-
taking; it seemed to be all but an
impossibility; but "to him that be-
lieveth all things are possible. . . ."
[Mark 9:23.]
. . . We were soon ready, and on the
first of February we mounted our
horses, and started in good cheer to
ride one thousand or fifteen hundred
miles through a wilderness country.
We had not one cent of money in our
pockets on starting.
We travelled every day, whether
through storm or sunshine, mud, rain,
or snow; except when our public
duties called us to tarry. We arrived
in Kirtland early in the spring, all
safe and sound; we had lacked for
nothing on the road, and now had
plenty of funds in hand. President
Joseph Smith and the Church in Kirt-
land received us with a hospitality
and joy unknown except among the
Saints; and much interest was felt
there, as well as elsewhere, on the
subject of our persecution (Auto-
hiography of Parley P. Pratt, Salt
Lake City, Deseret Book Company,
1950, pp. 107-109).
Class Discussion
How does this strengthen your
belief that obedience to those
over you will be rewarded?
The Lord revealed Section 103
which gave the answer to the
most pressing question before the
saints — ^when shall Zion be re-
deemed? As the Lord had said
before, it was necessary for the
members of the Church in Ohio
and elsewhere to gather sufficient
money to help redeem Zion, and
also to organize a relief expedi-
tion. If they would not follow the
Lord's counsel, they would be as
salt that had lost its savor. A
great obligation was placed upon
the Church to assist to redeem
Zion. It was so important that
the Prophet Joseph Smith made
the following prophecy:
If Zion is not delivered, the time
is near when all of this Church, wher-
ever they may be found, will be per-
secuted and destroyed in like manner
(DHC 11:53).
Subsequent events proved that
Zion would not be redeemed at
that time. The branches of the
Church were scattered and driven
from Missouri into Illinois and,
subsequently, to the West.
In a large sense, the saints
were promised that if they kept
the commandments they would
prevail over their enemies and
would, eventually, inherit the
earth. This prophecy is in proc-
ess of fulfillment today:
But verily I say unto you, that I
have decreed a decree which my
people shall realize, inasmuch as they
hearken from this very hour unto the
counsel which I, the Lord their God,
shall give unto them.
Behold they shall, for I have decreed
it, begin to prevail against mine en-
emies from this very hour.
And by hearkening to observe all
the words which I, the Lord their
God, shall speak unto them, they shall
never cease to prevail until the king-
doms of the world are subdued under
my feet, and the earth is given unto
the saints, to possess it forever and
ever (D&C 103:5-7).
This remarkable prophecy has
its roots in the ancient prediction
made by Daniel, concerning the
Lesson Department
setting up of the kingdom of God
upon the earth in the last days.
(Daniel 2.) The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints is
that kingdom, and it is destined
to fill the whole earth. The keys
of the kingdom have already
been restored and only time will
see the complete fulfillment when
it will cover the earth. (D&C 65:
2.) The assaults of its enemies
will never overcome God's work.
There may appear to be times
when the Church is overcome by
the adversary, but these victories
are only temporary. Regarding
this prophecy in Section 103,
President Joseph F. Smith in a
General Conference, challenged
the world to show that this proph-
ecy was not true. Despite deadly
opposition, the prophecy i^ in
process of fulfillment. {Journal of
Discourses 25:98.)
Before the saints were driven
from Illinois after having been
previously expelled from Missouri,
in 1839, they had founded the
city of Nauvoo, which grew to
some 20,000 inhabitants. At the
time President Joseph F. Smith
gave his testimony and assurance
of the continuance of God's work,
the membership of the Church
was slightly over 160,000. Since
that time, eighty years later, the
Church has grown to well over
two and one-half million, with an
annual increase of over 10,000.
Latter-day Saints do not look for
the complete fulfillment of the
prophecy that the Church will
cover the whole earth until the
millennium. They know that
when the earth is celestialized it
will belong to the saints per-
manently, and they know that
that prophecy is in process of
That the Prophet Joseph Smith
had a certain knowledge of the
continuous growth of the Church
very early in the dispensation, is
indicated in the following ac-
count reported by President Wil-
ford Woodruff in 1898. A number
of the brethren met in a Priest-
hood meeting, in 1833, and tes-
tified to the on-rolling progress
of the kingdom of God on the
earth, and then the Prophet
made this prophecy:
. . . "Brethren I have been very
much edified and instructed in your
testimonies here tonight, but I want
to say to you before the Lord, that
you know no more concerning the
destinies of this Church and kingdom
than a babe upon its mother's lap.
You don't comprehend it." I was
rather surprized. He said "it is only
a Httle handful of Priesthood you see
here tonight, but this Church will fill
North and South America — it will
fill the world." Among other things
he said, "it will fill the Rocky Moun-
tains. There will be tens of thousands
of Latter-day Saints who will be
gathered in the Rocky Mountains,
and there they will open the door for
the establishing of the Gospel among
the Lamanites, who will receive the
Gospel and their endowments and the
blessings of God. , . ."
I name these things because I want
to bear testimony before God, angels
and men that mine eyes behold the
day, and have beheld for the last
fifty years of my life, the fulfillment
of that prophecy. . . . (Conference Re-
port, April 1898, page 57).
No one could truthfully say
that this prophecy, comparable
to the one in Section 103, but
more in detail, is not in process of
Latter-day Saints by covenant
of baptism are to be a light to the
world. In this calling, they are to
show the way to eternal life. If
February 1967
obedient to this commandment,
they become the saviors of men
(D&C 103: 9-10.)
Class Discussion
What does it mean to be a
savior of men, and how is this
As the Savior commanded, we
should not hide our talents under
a bushel, but "Let your light so
shine before men, that they may
see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven"
(Matt. 5:16). This sobering
thought suggests that members
of the Church may be saviors of
men in several ways: first, in be-
ing exemplary in their lives so
that people will see the fruits of
the gospel and seek it; second, in
being exemplars of the truth so
people will believe their words
when they are taught the gospel;
and third, in laboring through
genealogical research and the
performance of temple work for
the dead to become helpers in the
salvation of others.
The saints will return to the
center place of Zion to build the
city and temple. The Lord has S9
stated. (D&C 101:17-19; 103:
11.) Living prophets look for-
ward to the time when this will
be accomplished.
The accomplishment for which
the Church has been restored, is
assured, but as to all members of
the Church there is not the same
assurance. Those who pollute
their inheritances will be thrown
down. (Ibid., 103:14.)
Class Discussion
What are some of the qualities
that will help us attain eternal
The way to victory and glory,
said the Lord, was through three
qualities: diligence, faithfulness,
and prayers of faith.
Diligently performing the du-
ties and responsibilities of one's
calling and keeping the com-
mandments, bring the Lord's
choicest blessings. In a Priest-
hood revelation the Lord said:
Wherefore, now let every man learn
his duty, and to act in the office in
which he is appointed, in all diligence.
He that is slothful shall not be
counted worthy to stand, and he that
learns not his duty and shows himself
not approved shall not be counted
worthy to stand. Even so. Amen
(D&C 107:99-100).
The importance of faithfulness
in a Latter-day Saint's life and
its blessing are given by Elder
Delbert L. Stapley in this pass-
Complete obedience and faithful-
ness obtain full fellowship in the
household of faith and, more im-
portantly, merit joint-heirship with
Christ our Lord in all that the Father
has committed unto him (Conference
Report, April 1961, page 65).
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
admonished the Church to live
the commandments and then the
prayer of faith would be mean-
Now . . . are you living so that you
can go to the Lord with reasonable
confidence that he will hear you? Can
you go and ask him to heal your little
ones? or yourselves? or your wife? If
you can, when the time comes you
will be happy and you will go to the
Lord in faith, and the prayer of faith
availeth much.
As I said ... it has always seemed
to me that in our prayer, and in our
faith, we should always say to the
Lesson Department
Lord, "not our will, but thine be
done." [D&C 109:44.]
Now ... do not put off putting
yourselves in order, if you are not in
order, yielding obedience to the com-
mandments of the Lord, so that . . .
when the time comes, you will be able
to go to the Lord with a pure heart,
and invoke his blessings upon you
{Conference Report, October 1952,
page 84).
Every person who serves the
Lord diligently, faithfully, and
with the prayer of faith, will find
eternal life.
In living as we should and per-
forming the duties of our callings,
what influence are we having on
our families?
Truths to Live By From the Doctrine and Covenants
Alice Colton Smith
Message 80 — "All Victory and Glory Is Brought to Pass Unto You
Through Your Diligence, Faithfulness, and Prayers
of Faith" (D&C 103:36).
Northern Hemisphere: First Meeting, May 1967
Southern Hemisphere: October 1967
Objective: To learn that achievement requires personal effort and faith.
Man has hopes, aspirations, and
dreams, and this is good. Young
children look out of the school-
room window and are full of
hopes of tomorrow; sweeethearts
talk and plan of what is to be;
old people reminisce by the fires
of what was and contemplate the
life to come. Dreams are impor-
tant, for in them one looks into
the future with faith and what
he envisions will color and change
his present. Man is thus, at least
in part, what he dreams.
Of what do we dream? Do we
wish only for palaces, pleasures,
and a life of ease? Or do we long
for a time when we can be free,
free from sin, evil, and the limita-
tions of our earthly life? Do we
long for equality, for a world
governed by love, mercy, and
justice? Do we long to be worthy
to dwell with our Lord?
How do such "dreams" come
true? Longing and dreaming
alone are not enough — ". . . .
when we obtain any blessing from
God, it is by obedience to that
law upon which it is predicated"
(D&C 130:21). "And if a person
gains more knowledge and in-
telligence in this life through his
diligence and obedience than an-
other, he will have so much the
advantage in the world to come"
(D&C 130:19).
What do we mean by diligence?
It is the constant application to
one's duty; careful, persevering
effort; personal care and atten-
tion; painstaking, industrious,
attentive. Could the Lord be
speaking of diligence when he
February 1967
said, "Verily I say, men should By faithfulness, we recognize
be anxiously engaged in a good that we are to grow in keeping
cause, and do many things of the commandments of the Lord,
their own free will, and bring to to study, to seek wisdom, to
pass much righteousness"? (D&C achieve victory over the hmita-
58:27). In these scriptures and tions of self, to learn to love God
many others, the Lord calls us and our fellow men, and to serve
to constant and persevering ef- all.
fort. No great achievement was "Remember that without faith
ever accomplished without an you can do nothing; therefore ask
enormous outpouring of spirit, in faith" (D&C 8:10). The pray-
energy, faith, and effort. No er of faith opens the door through
earthly or heavenly victory, in which we receive divine assist-
any area, is granted with less. ance.
Development Through Homemaking Education
Celestia J.Taylor
Project Thrift
Northern Hemisphere: Second Meeting, May 1967
Southern Hemisphere: October 1967
Objective: To show that through careful planning and knowledgeable buying, a
family can be clothed attractively within a limited budget.
The material and principles in this discussion may need to be adapted to
the culture and way of life in different areas of the world without, however, in
any way changing the objective of the discussion.
INTRODUCTION will pay dividends in the knowl-
Among the problems of family edge that her family is clothed
home management, one of the attractively and within the bud-
most vital concerns is that of pro- get. A suggested procedure which
viding clothing for its members, would help her to accomplish her
Clothing a family attractively goal should include the following:
doesn't just happen. It requires (1) She will determine the cloth-
the use of all the different re- ing needs of her family; (2) she
sources available to the home- will analyze her budget and de-
maker — time and energy, money, termine how best to spend the
attitudes, knowledge, and skills, clothing dollar; (3) she will learn
If she plans carefully and utilizes to be a skillful and intelligent
these resources wisely, her efforts shopper.
Lesson Department
Economy in regard to clothing
cannot be judged solely in terms
of the purchase price. The total
expenditure should include, in
addition to the initial cost, the
amounts paid for upkeep — clean-
ing, repairing, and remodeling —
and any replacements and unfore-
seen emergency additions.
The specific requirements for all
purchases should be determined in ad-
vance. In buying a coat, for example,
decisions should be made as to the
type needed, the color, and the maxi-
mum amount which can be spent.
Consideration should be given to the
expected length of service of the arti-
cle. It is poor economy to buy the
least costly item if it will not hold up
under the required usage. Items tljat
will not be out of fashion in a short
time should be chosen. Clothing which
is conservative in style and color is
less apt to become "dated" than that
which is "high-fashioned" or seasonal.
If clothing is to be worn for more than
one season it needs to be of good
quality; both fabric and construction
are important. By stretching the life
of garments the costs can be cut. A
winter coat that is worn for three
years is an economical buy even
though it costs more than one which
will last only one year.
A substantial saving in clothing
costs can be realized by making
clothes at home instead of buying
them. Some of the advantages derived
from home sewing in addition to the
saving of money are the satisfaction
of a good fit; the choice of materials;
allowance for ample growth of the
wearer; and the enjoyment and ac-
complishment of creative activity.
Remodeling clothes is a significant
thirft practice if the article to be re-
modeled is in sufficiently good condi-
tion. The skill involved could well be
taught in Relief Society homemaking
Modem merchandising tech-
niques are designed to interest
the buyer; and unless she knows
what she wants and what to look
for in buying it, she will be com-
pletely lost and end up impul-
sively buying beyond her budget.
Some of the things which a shop-
per should know and do are the
1. She should know the best time
to buy various articles of clothing.
Most stores will follow a fairly
standard schedule for their promotion
2. She should compare prices by
using newspapers, magazines, and
3. She should have some knowledge
of fabrics and understand the labels
on clothing and materials. In the
United States the Fiber Identification
Act requires the identification and
percentages of fibers in yard goods
and ready-made clothing. In addition,
a tag or label should give instructions
on how to care for the garment —
whether to dry-clean, wash by hand,
or by machine, and the temperature
recommended for ironing or pressing.
Dye processes and qualities such as
crease-resistant, wash-and-wear, water-
repellent, and shrinkage should be
4. She should be able to recognize
well-constructed garments. She should
examine the finishing and width of
seams; the buttonholes, slide fasteners,
and other openings; and the hems.
She should notice the fit, the cut, and
the fashion of the garment. She
should look for sturdy construction
and reinforced areas in garments in-
tended for rough usage.
5. She should know that stores
which operate on a cash basis tend to
have lower prices. If she uses credit,
she should shop for the credit as care-
fully as she shops for the cash.
6. She will buy only things which
will serve the purpose for which they
are intended. Some shoppers buy
clothing by impulse or on sale, only to
find later that it doesn't harmonize
with the rest of the wardrobe.
7. She should be aware that dis-
tances traveled and time and energy
spent add to the cost of the purchase.
February 1967
To Do and Discuss
A. Analyze your present wardrobe
and estimate approximately what it
would cost to replenish your needs.
Is this more or less than your clothing
budget will allow? Would you pur-
chase the needed garments or would
you make them? What reasons influ-
ence your decision?
B. Recall recent purchases you have
made — one you consider a good buy
and one a poor purchase — and dis-
cuss the following questions in regard
to each:
1. Why did you want the particular
2. Was it an impulse purchase or
was it planned in advance?
3. What information did you have
concerning the garment — fabric,
fiber content, instructions, etc.?
4. How did you feel in the gar-
ment? Did it call forth any re-
marks or compliments?
What are your reasons for con-
sidering one a good buy and the
other a poor one?
A homemaker can feel justly proud
when the members of her family are
attractively and appropriately dressed
and when they have not exceeded the
allotted budget in achieving this goal.
She will feel rewarded for the time,
energy, and effort it has taken in
planning and putting into practice the
required knowledge and skills.
Ecomony in regard to clothing can-
not be judged solely in terms of the
purchase price. The total expenditure
should include, in addition to the in-
itial cost, the amounts paid for up-
keep— cleaning, repairing, and re-
modeling— and any replacements and
unforeseen emergency additions.
SOCIAL RELATIONS — On Earth and in Heaven
Alberta H. Christensen
Lesson 5 — On the Road to Perfection
References: On Earth and in Heaven (Melchizedek Priesthood
Manual — 1967, Lessons 3, 11, and 13)
Northern Hemisphere: Third Meeting, May 1967
Southern Hemisphere: October 1967
Objective: To emphasize some gospel teachings which, if followed, will
further the Latter-day Saint woman on the road to perfection.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is
the means through which the ul-
timate glory — exaltation in the
celestial kingdom — may be real-
ized. Therefore, all gospel teach-
ings, if followed, will advance
man on the road to perfection.
This lesson correlates with
some areas of lessons 3, 11, and
13 of the Melchizedek Priesthood
Manual for 1967. It discusses
several gospel teachings in rela-
tion to: (1) motivations which
may lead one to do what is right;
(2) the responsibility of the in-
Lesson Department
dividual to further the purposes
of the Church.
We are admonished by scrip-
ture and frequently instructed by
those who counsel us from the
pulpit, that humility is a charac-
ter quality essential to spiritual
growth. We need, however, to be
reminded over and over again
that lack of humility retards our
progress on the road to perfec-
Even the ancient disciples of
Jesus, who listened daily to his
teaching, who saw in him the ex-
ample of all virtue, failed to un-
derstand the full significance of
placing concern for others on the
principle of "Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself" (Matt. 19:
19). Although the Master man-
ifested the qualities of meekness
and humility by submitting at all
times to the will of the Father,
and by a willingness to minister
unto the lowly and to his disci-
ples as if he were the least among
them, some disciples, at times,
seem to have been concerned
about their status and position
in the life to come.
According to Matthew, the
mother of James and John was
with them on the occasion of the
following scripture, and was first
to inquire as to the future status
of her sons:
Then came to him the miother of
Zebedee's children with her sons, wor-
shipping him, and desiring a certain
thing of him.
And he said unto her, What wilt
thou? She saith unto him, Grant that
these my sons may sit, the one on thy
right hand, and the other on the left,
in thy kingdom. . . .
And when the ten heard it, they
were moved with indignation against
the two brethren.
But Jesus called them unto him,
and said, Ye know that the princes of
the Gentiles exercise dominion over
them, and they that are great exer-
cise authority upon them.
But it shall not be so among you:
but whomsoever will be great among
you, let him be your minister;
And whosoever will be chief among
you, let him be your servant:
Even as the Son of man came not
to be ministered unto, but to minister,
and to give his life a ransom for many
(Matt. 20:20, 21, 24-28).
All three, apparently, were
thinking in terms of rank and
personal honor. Applying the vir-
tue of humility and this teaching
of Jesus to our present-day lives,
a woman might ask herself:
1. What does humility mean to me?
2. How does humility differ from
3. What does it mean to respect
the office of a calling without taking
the honor to oneself? Discuss.
4. How does observing the accom-
plishments and voluntary service of
others help to keep one humble?
Elder Spencer W. Kimball sug-
gests how one may become and
remain humble, in the following:
How does one get humble? To me,
one must constantly be reminded of
his dependence. On whom dependent?
On the Lord. How remind one's self?
By real, constant, worshipful, grateful
How can one remain humble? . . .
By reminding one's self frequently of
his own weaknesses and limitations,
not to the point of depreciation, but
an evaluation by an honest desire to
give credit where credit is due. . . .
It [humility] is not self-abasement
— the hiding in the corner, the de-
valuation of everything one does or
thinks or says; but it is the doing of
one's best in every case and leaving
one's acts, expressions, and accom-
plishments largely to speak for them-
selves (Kimball, Spencer W., "Hu-
mility," Speeches of The Year, Provo,
February 1967
Utah, Brigham Young University,
January 16, 1963, pp. 3-4; Melchiz-
edek Priesthood Manual, 1967, On
Earth and in Heaven, Lesson 11, pp.
Inseparably associated with
humility, as necessary for spirit-
ual growth, is the need to do the
right thing for the right reason.
This statement focuses our think-
ing upon the motives which
prompt our actions.
Discuss (as time permits) the
following possible motives for. ac-
1. External pressure which may
cause one to abandon personal con-
viction or commitment. (See professor-
student examples, Lesson 3, Melchiz-
edek Priesthood Manual 1967, On
Earth and in Heaven, page 19).
2. External awards (medals, prizes,
a raise in salary, etc.).
3. Habit (developed from seeing
others perform in like manner, as is
evidenced by children, without con-
sideration of goals to be achieved).
4. Motivation of tradition (a) the
family tradition which may enrich the
life of each family member, establish-
ing purposeful objectives and reward-
ing satisfactions or; (b) tradition not
always in conformity with righteous-
ness, i.e., the fgimily feud, or the
tradition of a people.
Moroni refers to tradition as
conditioning the Lamanites to
hate their Nephite brothers:
Behold, can you suppose that the
Lord will spare you and come out in
judgment against the Lamanites, when
it is the tradition of their fathers that
has caused their hatred . . . (Alma
In the teachings of the Savior,
love is often spoken of as a mo-
tivation for doing good. Familiar
to all is his commandment "Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thy-
self" (Matt. 22:39).
1. Question: Is it possible for a wom-
an to render loving service to
another with a selfish motive?
Illustration: Sister A. does many
nice things for others. She does
so much that people continually
praise her for it.
Question: Is it possible that the
desire for praise rather than love
for neighbor may become the
motivation for her service?
2. Question: Does referring to one's
own good deed lessen the de-
velopment value to the person
performing the deed?
Illustration: The woman who says,
"I was just taking a casserole to
a sick friend, when I met. . . ."
Question: If she habitually calls
attention to her own good deeds,
what may be happening to her
Relevant to the foregoing ques-
tions are the words of Jesus:
Therefore when thou doest thine
alms, do not sound a trumpet before
thee, as the hypocrites do in the syn-
agogues and in the streets, that they
may have glory of men. Verily I say
unto you. They have their reward.
But when thou doest alms, let not
thy left hand know what thy right
hand doeth (Matt. 6:2-3).
To love one's neighbor as one-
self requires much personal dis-
cipline; it requires generosity of
mind and a willingness to share.
It requires understanding and
the rendering of services that are
motivated by love, devoid of all
selfishness. It is a most ex-
acting perfection but one which
those who become exalted must
achieve. Discuss.
The Church has work to do; it
has divinely commissioned re-
Lesson Department
ponsibilities. Generally defined,
they are: (1) to carry the gospel
of Christ to the world; (2) to
perfect the lives of its members;
(3) to provide motivation and
facilities for essential ordinances
of salvation performed for in-
dividuals who could not do the
work for themselves.
It is the responsibility of the
members of the Church, individ-
ually, to help the Church carry
out these obligations. As they do
so, they experience the greatest
satisfaction and joy of life. Mo-
tive and general attitude are of
utmost importance. Members of
Relief Society, and those serving
in other auxiliaries of the Church,
well might appraise their service
with the following questions in
Class Discussion
1. Question: Do we ever aspire to
leadership positions to which we
are not called? (All church ac-
tivity is an opportunity for
growth and even the humblest
of callings provides a wonderful
avenue for service. "It is not
where you serve but how, that
is important," President J. Reu-
ben Clark, Jr.).
2. Question: Are we willing to put
forth more effort for a calling
which may receive public com-
mendation, than for one which
may receive little or no public
mention? (The motivations for
service should be the desire to
further the Lord's work and to
fulfill well the purpose for the
calling or special assignment.)
3. Question: Do we realize that there
is no end to the amount of valu-
able service we may render if
we are not concerned about re-
ceiving public credit for it?
(Much concentration upon self
is selfish.)
To carry the glad tidings of
the gospel to the world through
missionary service is one of the
great obligations of the Church.
Church members not specifically
called to this service, however,
also share this responsibility. In-
numerable examples evidence
how effectively a Latter-day
Saint woman may do missionary
work through the influence of her
life, through instruction, and
even through informal conversa-
A Latter-day Saint woman
who served on a committee for a
national convention being held in
her city, tells the following ex-
"During the convention, which
brought individuals from various
parts of the country to our city,
many questions were asked re-
garding our religious beliefs by
persons not of our faith. One
couple interested me particularly.
That they were genuinely good
and their interest sincere were
quite evident. The first ques-
tions, however, were ones I could
have answered briefly, but I
seized the opportunity to include
and explain certain principles of
the gospel. Several times during
the convention week they asked
additional questions.
"These words of President J.
Reuben Clark, Jr., kept coming
to my mind:
Men will not be punished for not
keeping a spiritual law of which they
had not knowledge. But by the same
token they, not observing the law,
cannot receive the blessing of spiritual
growth which observance thereof
brings (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Church
News, December 4, 1965).
"Because of this couple's evi-
dent sincerity, I wanted them to
February 1967
know the law and to receive the
blessings. All this happened a
yeal" ago. Recently I received a
letter from the couple which said,
in part:
Thanks, thanks to you for sharing
with us something precious we did not
have. Thanks for your patience, your
enthusiasm in answering our ques-
tions. We knew by your attitude and
your explanation that you were ex-
periencing satisfaction and blessings
which we did not experience. We
wanted to know what in a religion
could make a lay member feel a per-
sonal interest, a personal responsibili-
ty for the welfare and happiness of —
even a stranger.
A few months later, remembering
you, we welcomed two young mission-
aries to our home. We have read and
studied together and we have prayed;
now we have entered through baptism
the essential gateway to the blessings
of the gospel. Thank you for being
willing to share with us the intensity
of your faith.
Lesson 13 of the Priesthood
Manual discusses the Priesthood
bearer^s responsibility to both
the Church and to the quorum.
The basic principles discussed
also may apply to the Latter-day
Saint woman and her respon-
sibility in sharing the obligations
of the Church. They may apply
to her relationship with Relief
When temptations come the man or
woman who has received spiritual
strength by regular attendance to ap-
pointed meetings and by partaking of
the sacrament worthily, is best able to
resist the efforts of the evil one. Fur-
ther strength is built up by association
with other good men and women who
understand the need to grow spirit-
ually (Melchizedek Priesthood Man-
ual for 1967, On Earth and in Heaven,
Lesson 13, pp. 96-97).
Genuine and rewarding friend-
ships are built by Latter-day
Saint women through their af-
filation and service in the auxil-
iaries of the Church. Their loyalty
makes them a friend to the or-
ganization and its officers and
promotes unity. Of this loyalty
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
has said:
An essential part of unity is loyalty.
There can be no union where loyalty
does not exist. Loyalty is a pretty
difficult quality to possess. It requires
the ability to put away selfishness,
greed, ambition and all of the baser
qualities of the human mind. You
c£uinot be loyal unless you are willing
to surrender. There is no growth,
mental, physical or spiritual, unless
there is some curtailment, some sac-
rifice may I say, on the part of him
who would be loyal. His own prefer-
ences and desires must be put away,
and he must see only the great pur-
pose which lies out ahead (Clark,
J. Reuben, Jr., Conference Report,
April 1950, Salt Lake City, The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, page 180).
With the foregoing paragraph
on loyalty in mind, discuss (as
time permits) the following:
You cannot be loyal unless you are
willing to surrender.
There can be no unity where loyal-
ty does not exist.
The road to perfection is a long
road. It is a road beset with prob-
lems and resolutions to problems,
with failure and success, with
disciplines that must be achieved,
with sorrow and with joy.
It is the road of relationships
— individual to individual in
everyday living; the relationship
of the individual to the Father,
to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. The purpose of Christ's
Lesson Department
example and teaching was to give
guidance for the problem situa-
tions that these relationships in-
To fulfill the admonition of
the Savior "Be ye therefore per-
fect even as your Father which
is in heaven is perfect'' (Matt.
5:48) means to resolve these
problems, to triumph over the
human weaknesses, large and
small. ''The first enemy to be
overcome is that which is within
The road to perfection would
be an impossible road were it
not for the commandments of
the Father, the mission and
teachings of his Son, and en-
lightenment through the Holy
Ghost. How reassuring is the fact
that the Savior is our friend,
willing to assist us-?
Loyalty to the Church, loyalty
to those who preside, loyalty to
one's family members and one's
kindred dead; loyalty to all per-
sonal covenants, will make Lat-
ter-day Saint women friends of
Speaking to his disciples, but
applicable to all who serve with
equal devotion, the Savior said:
Ye are my friends, if ye do what-
soever I command you.
Henceforth I call you not servants;
for the servant knoweth not what his
lord doeth: but I have called you
friends; for all things that I have
heard of my Father I have made
known unto you (John 15:14-15).
Make full use of questions that ap-
pear in the lesson.
1. Appraise your own loyalty to those
who preside in the Church.
2. Encourage family members to ex-
press appreciation for the efforts
of others.
3. Help your children to see that the
Church needs them and that they
need the Church.
4. Find opportunity to share a gospel
principle with someone.
Sue S. Beatie
The Father of our spfrits, in the glorious gospel plan,
Gave his precious Son, a ransom, on earth to die for man.
To take away the power of death, and for all our sins atone.
That we may claim his promise on the resurrection morn —
To dwell with him forever, in his kingdom, free from strife
Where we may be exalted in that grand eternal life.
How can we ever thank him for all his gifts of love
And for the many blessings that reach us from above?
He asks that we will love him and all his laws obey
That we may be more worthy to walk his chosen way.
To share In heaven the glory for those who keep his laws
And strive to do his bidding, in every righteous cause.
Then let us all endeavor each day to do his will
And listen to the promptings of the voice so sweet and still.
To share each other's burdens and make the pathway bright
For those we meet along the way who may not have the light.
The more we do for others, the happier we will be,
And more worthy of the heavenly home, which we all hope to see.
Ideals of Womanhood in Relation to Home and the Family
Dr. Bruce B. Clark
Lesson 7 — "Wisdom Teaches Right"
(Text: Out of the Best Books, Volume 2: Love, Marriage, and the Family)
Northern Hemisphere: Fourth Meeting, May 1967
Southern Hemisphere: September 1967
Objective: To show that a woman who uses well what she has learned adds
wisdom to knowledge. As the ancient Roman writer Juvenal said,
"Wisdom first teaches what is right."
The lesson for this month con-
tains two short stories, one ex-
cerpt from a novel, and nine little
poems, all of which are printed,
with notes and discussions, in
Section Seven of Volume 2 of
Out of the Best Books. All read-
ers having access to that book
should study the selections there
because space permits only a
brief coverage here. Class leaders,
obviously, should not try to cover
all twelve selections in the one
lesson. Instead, each leader
should choose those poems or
stories which she can teach most
enthusiastically and which she
feels will be most valuable for her
group. (Note to class leaders:
The poems by Burns, Words-
worth, and Whitman, the story
by Chekhov, and the excerpt
from Albert R. Lyman's novel
may be reprinted if needed; all
other selections, however, are
under copyright restrictions and
should not be reprinted without
permission from the publisher.)
In chapter 3 of Proverbs
(verses 13-18) in the Old Tes-
tament we read the following:
Happy is the man that findeth wis-
dom, and the man that getteth under-
For the merchandise of it is better
than the merchandise of silver, and
the gain thereof than fine gold.
She is more precious than rubies:
and all the things thou canst desire
are not to be compared unto her.
Length of days is in her right hand;
and in her left hand riches and
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to them that
lay hold upon her: and happy is
every one that retaineth her.
This is only one of the many
passages throughout the Bible
proclaiming the value of wisdom,
or warning of the dangers of too
much pride in earthly learning.
The Book of Mormon also con-
tains comments on the need for
genuine wisdom, as does the Doc-
trine and Covenants in modem
times. Both Oliver Cowdery and
Hyrum Smith were especially ad-
monished by the Lord through
Joseph Smith the Prophet to
seek wisdom as a goal of goals:
Seek not for riches but for wisdom,
and behold, the mysteries of God
shall be unfolded unto you, and then
shall you be made rich. Behold, he
that hath eternal life is rich (D&C
6:7 and 11:7).
Similarly, in a broader sense,
all Latter-day Saints are in-
structed by the Lord diligently
Lesson Department
to seek wisdom: "Seek ye out of
the best books words of wisdom;
seek learning, even by study and
also by faith" (D&C 88:118 and
What then is wisdom? Is it
knowledge? Yes, but more than
knowledge. Is it experience? Yes,
but more than experience. Is it
insight? Yes, but more than in-
sight. It is knowledge, experience,
and insight combined, anchored
in faith, and enlightened by in-
spiration. At least this is wisdom
at its highest. Most of us must
be content with only a partial
wisdom, because we have only a
fragmentary knowledge, a limited
experience, an incomplete insight,
and a developing faith. However,
like faith, wisdom can grow as we
enrich our learning, broaden our
experience, and draw closer to
God in righteous living.
In addition to personal ex-
perience as a source of wisdom,
we can also learn from the ex-
perience of others. Christ was the
world's greatest teacher; but
there have been other wise teach-
ers and thinkers who have left
us a marvelous heritage of wis-
dom in thousands of books, avail-
able at the price of a little time.
We have around us the wis-
dom of inspired Church leaders,
friends, living teachers, and lov-
ing family members if we will but
draw from each what each has
to give. Every human being has
something valuable to teach us
if we will be teachable. Father,
mother, grandparents— these are
an especial source of loving wis-
I remember my own mother as
the strongest, most elevating in-
fluence of my life. Hers was a
noble spirit, which neither poor
health nor hard work on a home-
stead dry farm in Idaho nor the
cultural aridness of a small town
could smother. She taught me
to love books, beauty, truth,
service, and the Relief Society
program, in which she taught
continuously for over thirty-five
years. She told me, in a way that
made me really believe, that the
goal of life is to give, not to get.
She showed me that there are
three basic reasons why people
avoid wrong and do right: the
first and lowest is fear of punish-
ment for wrongdoing; the second
is hope of reward for right living;
the third and highest is right-
eousness for its own sake. So
strong was Mother's influence
that need for social approval of
others was slight; it mattered
only that Mother would approve
or disapprove, according to prin-
ciple. Mother has been dead for
over ten years now, but I shall
never forget her, nor the lessons
she taught, nor the example she
set. I have never done any right
but that it was partly nourished
by her life of sacrifice, and I have
never done any wrong but that
part of the anguish sprang from
awareness that I was betraying
her confidence in me.
The enemies of wisdom are
multitudinous, but chief among
them are ignorance, prejudice,
superstition, short-sightedness,
narrowness, selfishness, and ma-
terialism. These must be avoided
as well as the positive aspects
Psychologists, teachers, and al-
most all people nowadays agree
that the most important form-
ative years in shaping adult per-
sonality and character are the
very early years. In fact, some
February 1967
psychologists and educators in-
sist that by the time a child is
six or seven most of his adult
qualities will have been deter-
mined. If this is true, or even
partially true, then obviously
parents must be as wise as pos-
sible in providing the right en-
vironment during their children's
earliest years.
What present-day psycholo-
gists are now saying, prophets
and poets have been saying for
generations. "Train up a child in
the way he should go: and when
he is old, he will not depart from
it" we read in Proverbs 22:6. "As
the twig is bent, so shall the tree
grow" is an old folk saying. Our
heritage is rich with scriptures
and comments of this kind, rec-
ognizing the importance of wise
education in youth.
First a little poem by William
Wordsworth (1770-1850):
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began:
So is it now I am a man:
So be it v^hen I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The child is father of the man:
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
The key line is "the child is
father of the man." Anyone who
studies Wordsworth's poetry as
a whole knows how modern he is
in his recognition of the vital
relationship between childhood
d!xperiences and adult natures.
Indeed "the child is father of the
man" in the sense that what the
man (or woman) becomes is
largely determined by what the
child experiences. All of this is
extensively restated in Words-
worth's masterpiece. The Pre-
lude, which is a long poetic
recollection of all the incidents
and feelings in his own childhood
that Wordsworth felt contributed
especially to his personal growth
to maturity as a poet. Often h^
includes in The Prelude incidents
which might not appear to be
very important but which he
knew had a great impression upon
him as a child — and therefore
great importance.
Fair seed-time had my soul, and I
grew up fostered alike by beauty
and by fear ....
The phrase "fair seed-time" is
especially meaningful. Childhood
is a time of tender growing when,
influenced by experiences of
beauty and fear, the attitudes,
values, and personality qualities
of adulthood are fixed. Thus
Wordsworth recalls in richly mu-
sical blank-verse lines, two boyish
pranks of snaring birds and rob-
bing birds' nests, and then ob-
serves, "though mean our object
and inglorious, yet the end was
not ignoble." The incidents them-
selves may have been "mean and
inglorious," but the end — the
shaping of a grown man — was
not ignoble.
The third poem in this section
is "There Was a Child Went
Forth" by Walt Whitman (1819-
1892) :
Lesson Department
There was a child went forth every day,
And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became,
And that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day,
Or for many years or stretching cycles of years.
The early lilacs became part of this child.
And grass and white and red morning-glories, and white and red clover,
and the song of the phoebe bird.
And the Third-month lambs and the sow's pink-faint litter, and the mare's
foal and cow's calf.
And the noisy brood of the barnyard or by the mire of the pond-side.
And the fish suspending themselves so curiously below there, and the
beautiful curious liquid,
And the water-plants with their graceful flat heads, all became part of him.
The field-sprouts of Fourth-month and Fifth-month became part of him.
Winter-grain sprouts and those of the light-yellow corn, and the esculent
roots of the garden.
And the apple-trees cover'd with blossoms and the fruit afterward, and
woodberries, and the commonest weeds by the road.
And the old drunkard staggering home from the outhouse of the tavern
whence he had lately risen,
And the schoolmistress that pass'd on her way to the school,
And the friendly boys that pass'd, and the quarrelsome boys, ^
And the tidy and fresh-cheek'd girls, and the barefoot negro boy and girl.
And all the changes of city and country wherever he went.
His own parents, he that had father'd him and she that had conceiv'd him
in her womb and birth'd him.
They gave this child more of themselves than that.
They gave him afterward every day, they became part of him.
The mother at home quietly placing the dishes on the supper-table,
The mother with mild words, clean her cap and gown, a wholesome odor
falling off her person and clothes as she walks by.
The father, strong, self-sufficient, manly, mean, anger'd, unjust,
The blow, the quick loud word, the tight bargain, the crafty lure,
The family usages, the language, the company, the furniture, the yearning
and swelling heart.
Affection that will not be gainsay'd, the sense of what is real, the thought
if after all it should prove unreal.
The doubts of day-time and the doubts of night-time, the curious whether
and how.
Whether that which appears so is so, or is it all flashes and specks?
Men and women crowding fast in the streets, if they are not flashes and
specks what are they?
The streets themselves and the facades of houses, and goods in the windows.
Vehicles, teams, the heavy-plank'd wharves, the huge crossing at the ferries.
The village on the highland seen from afar at sunset, the river between.
Shadows, aureola and mist, the light falling on roofs and gables of white or
brown two miles off.
The schooner near by sleepily dropping down the tide, the little boat
slack-tow'd astern.
The hurrying tumbling waves, quick-broken crests, slapping.
The strata of color'd clouds, the long bar of maroon-tint away solitary by
itself, the spread of purity it lies motionless in.
The horizon's edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and
shore mud.
These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now
goes, and will always go forth every day.
February 1967
"I am part of all that I have rectness that are very appealing,
met** wrote Tennyson in one of especially. when read by someone
the best of his poems, "Ulysses." familiar with the Scottish dialect.
Childhood, as Whitman dram- which he used so skillfully. Also,
atizes it, is the time of absorbing, he has some very wise advice.
A child is like a sponge, soaking Note, for example, stanzas 7-9:
in everything around him. Chil-
dren are curious about every- ^"^ ^^^f" ^^"^^ Fortune's golden
thing, and everything in their en- AssTduous wait upon her:
Vironment COmbmes to make And gather gear by ev'ry wUe
them what they become. That's justified by honor;
Not for to hide it in a hedge,
Class Discussion Nor for a train attendant;
/',^ rr J i-T- u ATT J But for the glorious privilege
(1) How do these poems by Words- Qf being independent,
worth and Whitman impress upon us
the importance of providing the right rj.^^ ^^^^ ^, ^^^y^ ^ hangman's whip,
environment for children? (2) Is To baud the wretch in order;
there danger m providing children too gut where ye feel your honor grip,
httle direction? (3) Is there danger in l^^ that aye be your border;
providing too much direction, or too jtg slightest touches, instant pause-
much restriction? (4) What mcidents Debar a' side-pretences*
in your own childhood especially in- And resolutely keep is laws,
fluenced your life for good or bad? Uncaring consequences.
(5) Explain as fully as you can the
meaning of Wordsworth's line "The The great Creator to revere,
child is father of the man." ^^st sure become the creature;
But still the preaching cant forbear,
OTHER SELECTIONS ON WISDOiy/l And ev'n the rigid feature;
The three poems quoted and ^t "^'^' f*^ ^'^^ T^T^ *"" '^"'^^'
J. 11 p Ji ^e complaisance extended;
discussed above come from the An atheist-laugh's a poor exchange
very end of Section Seven in the For Deity offended!
text. We have chosen them for
this Magazine lesson because Yeat's poem is equally good,
they explore significant ideas of even though a little more dif-
universal interest to women. The ficult, and equally wise, even
nine other selections in this sec- though a httle more subtle — as
tion of the text are also very im- he prays, among other things,
portant, however, and we urge " that his daughter may be beau-
class leaders and Relief Society tiful, but not too beautiful, and
sisters to explore them also in as he comments that he would
home study where they are not have her learned in courtesy and
discussed in class. that hearts must be earned not
The first three selections are had as a gift,
little poems by Robert Burns Kipling's famous little poem
("Epistle to a Young Friend"), "If" may not be quite so poetic
William Butler Yeats ("Prayer as Burns' and Yeat's, but still
for My Daughter"), and Rud- contains some very wise advice,
yard Kipling ("If") in which an Lack of space here necessitates
older person gives wise advice to ever briefer comments on the six
young listeners. Bums' poem has other selections. Stephen Vincent
a delightful spontaneity and di-
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February 1967
Benet's story "Too Early Spring"
provides excellent insight into a
family situation in which parents
have an opportunity to handle a
problem wisely but instead han-
dle it short-sightedly. Robert
Frost's "Home Burial" is a pow-
erful poem again showing a hus-
band and wife who react unwisely
when faced with a family prob-
lem. In contrast, the next selec-
tion, an excerpt from Albert R.
Lyman's novel Man to Man (or
Voice of the Intangible) y shows
one of our own Latter-day Saint
authors writing about a wise
parent whose advice to his son
is the kind of advice every parent
ought to be wise enough to give.
Similarly, Gerald Manley Hop-
kins' companion poems "The
Leaden Echo" and "The Golden
Echo" are wise in their message
— that as mortals we should set
eternal goals rather than merely
temporal goals. Finally, Anton
Chekhov's great Russian story
"The Bet" richly explores some
special aspects of wisdom and its
lack. All of these selections are
valuable in touching upon one or
another quality of wisdom but
will need to be studied in the text
because of lack of space here.
Class leaders will need to be se-
lective in what they use and not
attempt to cover too much mate-
This Cultural Refinement Lesson
(No. 7, for May 1967 in the Northern
Hemisphere, and September 1967 in
the Southern Hemisphere) is entitled
"Wisdom Teaches Right," instead of
the title listed in the Preview pub-
lished in the June 1966 Magazine.
The painting "Woman With Plants,"
by Grant Wood (reproduced on page
688 of the September Magazine) will
be used in connection with this lesson.
Fanny G. Brunt
Everything is still, and cold, and bleak,
The willows on Snake River's bank are nude,
Not a whispering breeze to break the stillness
Of this somber, pensive, winter solitude.
The river, fringed with ice, creeps slowly by.
A picnic table, in that murky haze,
On which a trusting robin meditates,
And sings of leafy trees, and sunny days.^
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Mrs. Marinda Jesperson Peterson
»Blackfoot Idaho
Mrs. Caroline Louisa Tempest
Rexburg. Idaho
Mrs. Elizabeth Emma Slade Carroll
Mancos, Colorado
Mrs. Mary Jane Clark Angus Banks
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Hadfield Hendrichsen
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Sarah Jane Peck Sabey
Lehi, Utah
Mrs. Annie Barker Selman
Raymond, Alberta, Canada
Mrs. Seffa Anderson Davis
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Clara Woodbury Barlow
Sylvester Adams
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mrs. Minnie Hegsted Taylor
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Wilson Meyers
American Fork, Utah
Mrs. Caroline Engle Steed
Ogden, Utah
QH Mrs. Mary Edith Parker Stoddard
3U Hooper, Utah
Mrs. Emma Webber Ellis
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Mrs. Edith Mary Woodford
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Anna Sophia Nelson Gee
Bell, California
Mrs. Annie Cecelia Christensen
Marsing, Idaho
Catherine B. Bowles
Recording fingers mark our way:
A wonderful record of our day.
Tracing the path where sorrow leads;
Intricate patterns of our deeds.
Then many bright ones good and true
Shine out, in splendor in all we do.
He leadeth us where he tias trod,
Showing the pathway back to God.
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Linnie Fisher Robinson
* t. . ij^
Come,^ruanr spring!
The last thin ice is breaking, ^
The sky is blue with streams beneath the snow;
Oh, I would walk where earth is waking
And I would see where green is first to grow.
Come, truant spring!
h In leaves for aspen's quaking; 3tf
With just one finch or oriole, my heart
Would live above cares too long in making,
And with the spring-glad weather be a part.
ComeTmjant spring!^^^^^
Come to this urgent counting,
The world can little bide more tru
Everywhere expectancy is mounting
And swelling buds cry out In fluency!
The Cover:
Art Layout:
Monument Valley, Utah
Transparency by Lucien Bown
Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Apricot Blossoms
Photograph by Don Knight
Dick Scopes
Mary Scopes
lid like to take this opportunity of
expressing my gratitude for our won-
derful Magazine, which has been in my
home since I was baptized twelve years
ago. It is wonderful to know that people
living in the farthest part of the world
from us think and feel as we do.
Margaret J. Jones
Western Australia
I joined the Church in 1958 and have
really enjoyed The Relief Society Mag-
azine. The only thing I have never seen
in it is a letter from any of the sisters
in New Foundland. That was my home,
and I would love to know if there are
any LD.S. sisters from there who have
written to the Magazine.
Teresa Joan McDaniel
Hill Field, Utah
We find the Magazine a great help to
us in our missionary work. The tone of
the stories and articles contributes to
the mental health of women of all ages
in this world of confusion and big
problems. In one Instance, in tracting
a home, I found The Relief Society
Magazine. The woman had been clean-
ing up an empty house and had found
an old copy. She and all her daughters
had read It and were wanting more.
From this point we were abte to tell
her about the Church and The Book
of Mormon. She was on tfie top list
of our investigators when we left
Uvalde. I would like also to mention
the serial "Wheat for the Wise" (by
Margery S. Stewart, concluded in July).
It is such a timely subject, beautifully
written, and it Is deeply moving.
Lucy H. Adams
Mercedes, Texas
I have been very happy since The Relief
Society Magazine has been printed in
Spanish. There Is an article in the very
first issue (June 1966) that has helped
me greatly — "Our Special Garden," by
Helen M. Peterson.
Maria C. de lliescas
Guatemala City, Giiatemala
The Relief Society Magazine is like an
old friend that stops in once a month
and visits, then leaves little bits of
friendship, hope, courage, and knowl-
edge to be picked up from time to
time. This applies not only to me but
to my husband and my son who gen-
erally have read It before I see it. We
are an Air Force family and have met
and learned to love the saints from all
over the world who are briefly together
and then scattered to the four winds.
Many times I have opened the Mag-
azine and found a letter or a picture
of someone I have known. I enjoy the
stories written by Frances Yost, as I
remember her as a new bride coming
to Bancroft, Idaho.
Marjorie Clark Updegrove
Ellsworth, South Dakota
I am so grateful for the Magazine and
feel that it is a source of inspiration
In our home. With five busy children
to care for, my husband in the bishop-
ric, and I as Primary president, I just
don't have time for all the reading I
would like to do, but I can pick up the
Magazine, and In a short time find
much satisfaction and inspiration in
the poetry, stories and articles. It is a
joy to see the Magazine arrive in the
mall each month.
Catherine Anne Jensen
Fremont, California
I was thrilled to see in the September
Magazine the picture of the nwsaic at
the Church College of Hawaii, which
represents the original flag- raising cere-
mony that President McKay witnessed
at an elementary school in Laie in
1921. I am even more ttirilled to tell
you that I had charge of the original
ceremony on that morning. I was
teaching the fifth and sixth grades at
Lale, my mission assignment.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde Geary
Ogden, Utah
The Ft^li^ff Society Magazine
Volume 54 March 1967 Number 3
Editor Marianne C. Sharp Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager Belle S. Spafford
Special Features
164 Personal Development Through Relief Society Gordon B. Hinckley
170 Setting Our Homes in Order Mary R. Young
185 What Is the Red Cross? Emil E. Henderson
188 New Zealand — ^A Silhouette In Green Wealths S. Mendenhall
201 Reverie in a Chapel Jeannie Willian)s
172 To Warm the Heart Third Prize Story Hazel M. Thomson
212 A Rainy Day Violet Nirpmo
214 Laura's Perfect Day Quin Cole
218 The Golden Chain— Chapter 2 Hazel M. Thomson
General Features
162 From Near and Far
181 Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon
182 Editorial: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Belle S, Spafford
184 General Sunday School Superintendency Reorganized
226 Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities
240 Birthday Congratulations
The Home- Inside and Out
180 Oh, Remember! Remember! Rose A. Openshaw
186 A Piece of Grandma Helen Hinckley Jones
200 Work Day and Social, Melbourne Stake, Australia
200 "Cake Walk" Display Table at Ninth Ward Bazaar, East Mill Creek Stake
202 Decorate Your Own Picture Frames Joy N. Hulme
204 Teneriffe Embroidery for Pillowcases Ethel Chadwick
206 Three-Branched Candelabrum Myrene T. Alvord
208 A Daisy Luncheon for Springtime Florence G. Williams
217 Handicraft Is a Wide World
Lesson Department
233 Homemaking — Summer Months Sewing Course Eleanor Jorgensen
161 Come, Truant Spring Linnie Fisher Robinson
It's Spring, Sally Talker 169; Foothills in Spring, Ethel Jacobson 180; My Beautiful,
Grace Barker Wilson 203; Another Spring, Linda L. Clarke 210; The Waxwings, Lael W.
Hill 211; Encountering Soon, Iris W. Schow 236; Walk Lonely, Walk Still, Margery S.
Stewart, 237; River Marsh, Eva Willes V^angsgaard 239.
Published monthly by THE GENERAL BOARD OF RELIEF SOCIETY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. B 1967 by the Relief Society General Board Association. Editorial and Business Office: 76 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City. Utah 84111; Phone 364-2511; Subscription Price $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year; 20c
a copy, payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back numbers can be sup-
plied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of address at once, giving old and new
address. Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the
Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
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Personal Development
Through Relief Society
Elder Gordon B. H'mckley
of The Council of the Twelve
[Address Delivered at the Stake Board
Meeting of the Relief Society Annual
General Conference, September 29, 1966]
■ I have just come from the
temple, where we have had a
wonderful five-hour meeting with
President McKay in preparation
for the conference. Brother Lee
is not out of the meeting yet I
guess. I hope the Lord will in-
spire me with the continuation
of the marvelous spirit which we
have felt in his holy house this
Sister Spafford has asked me
to speak to the subject: "The
Development of Women Through
the Relief Society.'* I think she
was led to honor me with this
opportunity because of the things
she saw recently in the Far East
— in Hong Kong, the Philippines,
Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan, and
Korea. I know that her heart was
touched as she met with the good
saints of that strange and dis-
tant part of the earth where she
had seen so many women for
whom life is so desperate a
struggle, whose lives are one
bleak round of childbirth, of
fighting hopelessly to get enough
food to satisfy the hunger of their
children, of toiling at degrading
work day in and day out without
the benefit of a Sabbath, of a
status that gives little dignity to
the position of wife, of crowded
homes in which there are few, if
any, of the conveniences we
know, and beyond this, little, if
any, opportunity for personal
growth or development. The cir-
cumstances of some are better
than I have indicated, but the
circumstances of many are dark
or worse than I have painted
And then to see, by contrast,
the marvelous miracles that oc-
cur to those women when the
light of the gospel touches their
lives and the blessings of Relief
Personal Development Through Relief Society
Society bring new knowledge, has expanded as they have read
new ambition, new hope, and new and pondered the word of the
accompHshment. Their economic Lord.
circumstances may not improve I recognize that I cannot add
substantially, but their entire to your knowledge of the bless-
outlook is altered. Life becomes ings that come of active member-
more than survival; it becomes ship, but I would hope that I
purposeful. One cannot witness might, in some small measure, in-
these things without knowing crease your appreciation for the
that the day of miracles is not development that will come to
past; rather, that the day of any woman who will take ad-
miracles is here, and that a day vantage of the challenges and
of greater miracles will follow as responsibilities of Relief Society
the Relief Society makes its in- activity. And so I should like to
fluence more widely felt over the discuss briefly four great fields
earth. of opportunity afforded you and
I read again the other evening your associates throughout the
those portentous words spoken world under this remarkable pro-
by the Prophet Joseph to the gram. They are:
women of the Church in Nauvoo
in 1842: ''I now turn the key in I' |trengthening the home
, , ,p . ,, p-',, 2. Enriching the mmd
your behalf m the name of the 3 Subduing self
Lord, and this Society shall re- 4. Feeding the spirit
joice, and knowledge and intel-
Hgence shall flow down from this Strengthening the Home
time henceforth." It is trite to say that founda-
I want to bear my witness that tions are crumbling under the
I have seen a fulfillment of those home-life of the people. This is
prophetic words. I have seen it evident not only in America. The
in the land of the Orient as I bitter fruits of delinquency, hoo-
have observed mothers step out liganism, and lawlessness are the
of drudgery and hopelessness and subject of discussion and concern
blossom with a renewal of life as in England, in various parts of
visions of new interests were Europe, in Russia, in China, and
opened to them. I have seen it in in Japan.
Europe, where women with no People generally, all the world
apparent understanding of the over, are the products of the
purpose of life, have been awak- homes from which they come. It
ened to a new sense of what they is here that thinking is largely
could accomplish while working shaped and character is molded,
together under the program of If there is sobriety in the homes
this inspired organization. I have of the people, there will be so-
seen it in our own land among briety in the land. If there is
women who have grown in social rebellion in the homes of the
graces as they have mingled with people, there will be lawlessness
choice companions, whose na- in the nation. It goes without
tures have been refined as they saying that the most significant
have studied together, and whose factor in shaping the quality of
knowledge of the things of God the home is the mother. The
March 1967
structure may be simple or elab-
orate. This is relatively unim-
portant. It is the spirit within
that, structure that is most sig-
nificant, and that spirit generally
is a reflection of the woman who
stands as wife and mother.
What a blessing to that wom-
an, and to her husband and chil-
dren, whose life is touched by
the weekly fellowship of good
associates who are taught to
improve their skills in manage-
ment of their homes and families.
Over the years the facilities of
this great organization have been
used to improve the skills of tens
of thousands of women in cook-
ing, preservation of food, the
making and care of clothing,
laundering, nursing, sanitation,
and other domestic arts. I have
seen the fruits of this sensible
program in the manufacture of
soap, in backward areas of this
country, by women who could
not afford, and who previously
had used but little of this pre-
cious product; in the fashioning
of superbly beautiful quilts by
those who not only, thereby, pro-
vided for the comfort for their
families, but who also revived
and cultivated a dying art that
had been perfected by genera-
tions of their Hawaiian forebears;
in the weaving of artistic and use-
ful mats to enhance the beauty
of their surroundings and in-
crease their comfort by sisters of
the South Pacific Islands; in the
creation of a great variety of
beautiful things by gifted Chi-
nese, Japanese, and Korean Re-
lief Society women.
All of these — and scores of
other skills — have done so much
to influence the comfort and
beauty of the homes managed by
these fortunate women. But there
is a more subtle and a more im-
portant factor in strengthening
the homes of our people. It is an
intangible quality, the cultiva-
tion of an attitude that lifts from
a woman the characteristics of a
shrew and replaces them with
touches of the higher virtues —
sacrifice, understanding, sympa-
thy, encouragement, and integ-
rity. These, in turn, become
reflected in the lives of her chil-
I am convinced that it is the
diminishing presence of these
virtues in the homes of the world
that accounts, in large measure,
for the deterioration of law and
order among the youth of many
Thank the Lord for this great
organization which is training the
women of the Church — wherevier
they take advantage of its pro-
gram— not only to beautify their
homes, but, more importantly, to
strengthen the spirit and improve
the influence of those homes.
On April 28, 1842, Joseph
Smith, speaking to that first Re-
lief Society group, admonished:
"When you go home, never give,
a cross . . . word . . . but let kind-
ness, charity, and love crown
your works henceforth. . . ."
To the women of the Church,
the mothers and guardians of
our families, I commend these
words of counsel.
I come now to the second great
field of opportunity for your per-
sonal development through this
Enriching the Mind
English literature was my
major field of undergraduate
study, so that at one time I had
Personal Development Through Relief Society
a small understanding of the sub- their husbands and their children
ject. For some years now my wife become the beneficiaries of this
has been our stake Relief Society significant effort.
literature leader, and I have had Sister Hinckley and I walked
opportunity to see, at close range, one day into a classroom in the
the breadth and depth of your old building the Church formerly
courses of study in this field. I rented in Taipei, in the Republic
think she has worked harder to of China. The room was cold, the
prepare each monthly lesson than furnishings were meager. A group
I did to prepare for a compre- of Relief Society sisters were
hensive examination, and I am studying a lesson. We could not
confident that her associates in fathom the Mandarin Chinese in
this field throughout the Church which they spoke, but we could
have done likewise. understand from the appearance
I think it is nothing short of of their intelligent faces what
marvelous that women over the was going on.
world should be lifted from the They were thinking, and they
monotony of cooking, cleaning, were growing, these mature, won-
and washing to intensive and ex- derful Chinese women whose
tensive courses on the thoughts minds were being opened on a
of the great writers of the ages, new window of great thoughts
A housewife's life, no matter the and great ideas and great expe-
land in which she lives, is prone riences.
to become narrow and bound Here is one of the singular vir-
down to the demanding and un- tues of your Society — this oppor-
relenting tasks of getting meals tunity for enriching the mind.
and washing dishes, of making Well did the Prophet, in 1842,
clothes and laundering them, and declare: ". . . and this Society
a thousand menial chores beyond shall rejoice, and knowledge and
which most women never lift intelligence shall flow down from
their sights. What a tremendous this time. . . ."
thing it is that such women I turn now to number three
should be given opportunity and of my thesis.
incentive to taste of the breadth
and beauty of Shakespeare's writ- e..u^..- e^i*
J. i.1 xu j-u J Subduing Self
ings, to wrestle with the deep
meanings in the essays and Appropriately has the Relief
poetry of Emerson, to glimpse Society chosen as its motto
the thoughts and dreams of a Paul's cogent declaration, "Char-
score of fascinating authors whose ity never faileth ..." (I Corinth-
names many of these women had ians 13:8).
never heard before. Selfishness is the curse of the
Someone has said: "Women world. It is the root of personal,
have brains. The trouble is they family, national, and intemation-
don't use them." al evils. Its best antidote is the
What a blessing it is that the gospel of Jesus Christ, lived and
women of the Church are given practiced.
so interesting an opportunity to The formula that would cure
enrich their minds. They and most of our ills is set forth so
March 1967
simply and profoundly in the
words of the Lord:
. . . whatsoever ye would that men
should do to you, do ye even so to
them. . . . (Matthew 7:12).
. . . Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind. This
is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself
(Matthew 22:37-39).
For whosoever will save his life
shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose
his life for my sake and the gospel's,
the same shall save it (Mark 8:35).
While women, by nature, are
more prone to kindness, to under-
standing and sympathy, one need
not look far to recognize that
those virtues become easily bur-
ied, and may not find expression
without the kind of motivation
that comes through the Relief So-
ciety. This is the organization in
the Church whose objective is
compassionate service, and the
never-failing result is that as
women forget themselves in serv-
ice, they inevitably develop those
great virtues which crown their
lives with saintliness.
I know a little woman in a land
of East Asia, the widow of a
man in whose life the gospel had
wrought a miracle. She had
walked in his shadow, very much
in the background, in accord with
oriental custom. When he died,
she was faced with crushing bur-
dens. She might have given up
in desperation. And then there
was added to her many respon-
sibilities an assignment to work
in the branch Relief Society pres-
idency. When she went about on
errands of mercy, she discovered
that others had problems as well.
As she assisted them with their
difficulties, her own became less
oppressive. A new inspiration
came into her life. She cooked
and laundered for others, includ-
ing the missionaries. She com-
forted those in sorrow and en-
couraged those ready to give up.
She nursed the sick. And out of
the insights gained through ac-
tivity in the Church, she dreamed
of opportunities for her children.
Somehow, under her encourage-
ment, two of them have gone
through great universities, and
one of them today serves faith-
fully and effectively as a mission-
ary of the Church. She who had
appeared so timid and bereft in
the hour of her tragedy, has be-
come a great strength through
the challenges of responsibility
in this Society.
It will be so with all who, un-
der the program of this organiza-
tion, will labor in compassionate
service to others. Selfishness will
be subdued, and with it will come
a blossoming of virtue that will
bless the homes and the families
and the communities of those
who serve.
Now, finally.
Feeding the Spirit
I am always interested in a
statement in one of Paul's great
letters to Timothy. He wrote:
"When I call to remembrance
the unfeigned faith that is in
thee, which dwelt first in thy
grandmother Lois, and thy moth-
er Eunice; and I am persuaded
that in thee also" (II Timothy
Here is the story of a woman
of faith, whose daughter became
a woman of faith, whose son be-
came a great teacher of right-
eousness. I suppose there was no
organized Relief Society in the
Personal Development Through Relief Society
days of Timothy's grandmother bears a strong testimony. Un-
Lois, but I know that this same officially she is a missionary in-
sequence of an inheritance of teresting others in the Church,
faith has been repeated thou- Not long ago she was a chain
sands of times in this dispensa- smoker, hard in nature, blase,
tion. dissatisfied and disillusioned with
Only this past Sunday we in- life. She credits two major factors
stalled a new man in the stake in the miraculous change that
presidency. In his talk before the has come over her — reading The
people, with tears in his voice, Book of Mormon and activity in
he bore quiet but eloquent trib- the Relief Society — The Book of
ute to his mother who struggled Mormon which gave birth to her
with her family on an Idaho faith, and the Relief Society
homestead, and, while doing so, which nurtured it.
served in this Society wherein This, then, is the organization,
her own faith was nurtured. She better than any other for women,
had passed that faith on to her where they may enjoy those as-
son. I met, at the close of the sociations and engage in those
meeting, the son's married daugh- activities which will lead to
ter, and found another generation strengthening the home, enrich-
growing in faith through activity ing the mind, subduing self, and
in Relief Society. feeding the spirit.
No woman could for long The Lord bless you in the great
mingle with a group of Relief opportunities that are yours as
Society sisters, serve with them, stake leaders to encourage your
pray with them, hear their tes- sisters throughout the Church to
timonies, and study with them take advantage of the program of
the word of the Lord, without this Society which came under the
growing in faith. inspiration of the Prophet for
I met a woman not long ago the blessing of women throughout
in another stake conference. She the earth, I humbly pray, as I
is an active and enthusiastic leave with you my witness of the
member of the Church and a divinity of this work, in the name
capable business woman. She of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sally Talker
Navajo girl, age sixteen, Glendale, Arizona
Someone has touched the valley and the hill —
The green comes glowing from the darkened earth.
Oh, it's the miracle of spring coming to pass!
The birds begin to sing their beautiful song;
Snow becomes silvery lakes;
The trees adorn themselves in sweet, fragrant buds.
My heart grows eager with the wonderful work
Of the Master's hand.
Yes! It's spring.
Setting Our Homes In Order
Mary R, Young
Member^ General Board of Relief Society
[Address Delivered at the General Session of the Relief
Society Annual General Conference, September 28, 1966]
■ A prophet of old when speak-
ing to his people, giving them
advice and counsel just before
his death said: ". . . choose you
this day whom ye will serve . . .
but as for me and my house, we
will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:
These were the words of the
prophet Joshua spoken many
generations ago. They are just
as timely and applicable today.
Our prophet, President David 0.
McKay, has admonished us to
serve the Lord in sincerity and
truth. He said: "Man's success
or failure, happiness or misery,
depends upon what he seeks and
what he chooses" {Gospel Ideals,
page 491).
We make these important de-
cisions. The power of choice is
within each one of us, to choose
the right or choose the wrong,
walk in darkness or walk in light.
Our Heavenly Father has given
us the light and shown us the
way; given us commandments to
follow. No doubt the conditions
of turmoil and confusion in the
world today are a direct result of
disobedience to his laws and com-
mandments. Freedom of choice,
the right to direct one's life, is
God's greatest gift to man, save
life itself. With free agency, how-
ever, there comes responsibility
for our deeds and actions, re-
sponsibility for our children and
If every Latter-day Saint wom-
an, every member of the Re-
Hef Society organization would
choose to serve the Lord, accept
the challenge and say: "as for
me and my house, we will serve
the Lord," then sincerely be de-
termined to carry it out, what a
great influence for good we could
be in our homes, commimities,
and in the nation! The strength
of a nation can only be as great
as the strength of the family units.
Someone said: "Let each man
Setting Our Homes in Order
sweep his doorway clean, then we could just inspire these chil-
the whole world would be clean." dren, help them catch the spirit
In other words, we begin with and feeling of how much greater
ourselves and set our own homes our Heavenly Father's concern is
in order. for each of his children — that he
To accomplish this we might really wants us to do his will,
keep in mind three things: (1) keep his commandments, and
Teach the gospel in our homes, if we follow his divine laws we
following the counsel and instruc- will progress, we will be able to
tion of those in authority. (2) achieve the greatest goal, that of
Live the gospel. (3) Service in eternal life,
the work of the Lord. Our homes Brother Sterling Sill said:
and our society will be set in "Certainly the greatest wonders
order when, by precept and ex- of the future will not be in the
ample, parents teach their chil- improvement of our television or
dren to live the principles of the airplanes; they will be primarily
gospel, and when we follow the in ourselves. The greater the un-
admonition of King Benjamin derstanding of our own future,
who said: ". . . when ye are in the more effectively we will be
the service of your fellow beings able to prepare for it" (Improve-
ye are only in the service of your merit Era, December 1965, page
God" (Mosiah 2:17). 1127). This means we have to
Do we teach and impress our put forth effort to improve our-
children and grandchildren with selves; we have to work at it, live
the thought that we can best for it, set our homes in order,
show our love for our Heavenly Relief Society gives us the op-
Father by serving him and keep- portunity to improve, to grow and
ing his commandments? develop mentally and spiritually.
Recently a five-year-old child We believe the Lord expects us
asked his grandmother if she to serve him not only with our
would like to go up in a rocket physical things, but also with our
into outer space. She answered minds, and that, therefore, we
"No," and the usual question should develop our minds so that
followed, "Why?" After explain- we may more effectively teach
ing, she then asked him if he others to join with us in building
would like to have that expe- the kingdom,
rience when he got older. He My dear sisters, we love you
thought a minute, then said: "I for your faithful devotion and
wouldn't be afraid. I would go if dedication to this work, for being
they really wanted me to." This so kind and gracious to us when
question is very typical of chil- we visit you in your stakes. We
dren today, but the words that do love you for the service you
impressed me were, if they really are rendering. I himibly pray that
wanted me to. This young child each one of us will have a greater
had caught the spirit of this desire to set our homes in order
achievement, that if it was neces- and be able to say as Joshua of
sary for progress, if they really old, ". . . as for me and my house,
wanted him to — he wouldn't be we will serve the Lord." In the
afraid to go out into space. If name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Relief Society
Short Story Contest
the Heart
Hazel M. Thomson
■ Catherine York's years as an
indentured servant to Judge
Andrews of Boston, for his pay-
ment of her passage from Eng-
land, had, for the most part,
passed very pleasantly. Even
though her days had been filled
with cleaning and washing and
cooking, the work had not been
disagreeable to Catherine. And
this was largely because of the
Se had had no liking for it in
the beginning. It had appeared
so big and black and unfriendly
in her youthful eyes. At times,
when she had been particularly
unsuccessful is preparing a meal,
burning not only the meat but
the vegetables as well, only the
Judge's good humor kept her
from crying.
"You must be thinking you're
back home, cooking dinner over a
smoky peat fireplace, lass," he
would say, his eyes twinkling.
His daughters, Lily, about
Catherine's own age of nineteen,
and Hilma, a year younger, did
not take her failures in such good
"Really, Father!"
Lily had wrinkled up her pretty
little nose as she looked at the
food before her, placing her fork
back on her plate.
"Can't we hire another cook?
I don't see how you can expect us
to eat this kind of a dinner."
"I can't and I won't!"
Hilma stamped her little foot
as she stood beside her chair, pre-
paring to leave the table, but her
father motioned for her to take
her place again at his side.
"Now, daughters, give her
time. Catherine had never seen a
stove before she came here, but
she will learn."
And Catherine had learned.
Even then, as she looked at the
glowing fire in the grate, she
wondered whether the stove was
really laughing at her failure, or
was it simply trying to be
friendly? In time it came to be
the best friend she had, and an
invitation to sit at Judge An-
drews' table was a favor not to
be overlooked.
Catherine learned to use the
danlper to regulate the fire so
that it would bum fast or slow.
She found that there were stra-
tegic spots where she could place
the cooking pots for quick cook-
ing or merely to keep the food
warm. She learned to use the two
small warming ovens and the
huge baking oven, which brought
her the reputation of being the
best cook in Boston. The reser-
voir on the end of the stove oppo-
site the grate, if she filled it each
time, yielded enough hot water
to make dishwashing almost
The metal box into which the
ashes fell seemed to Catherine to
be the most wonderful of inven-
tions. How convenient it was to
take the box out and empty it
without scraping and shoveling
as one had to to clean a fireplace.
It became almost a labor of
love to keep the black surface and
lids bright and shiny, and Cather-
ine began to feel that she could
understand the stove; that on
certain days the fire was sluggish
and scarcely wanted to move;
that on other days, when a brisk
wind was blowing, the fire fairly
raced on its way up the chimney,
just as she, herself, at times, was
able to race through the house-
work of the big mansion, and
on other days every small task
seemed to drag.
To Warm the Heart
It was the stove that she
thought of leaving, first, when her
years of servitude came to an end,
almost simultaneously with her
conversion and baptism. Her ac-
ceptance of the new religion was
wholehearted and sne began plan-
ning to join a group of other con-
verts in their journey to some-
where far to the west called *'The
Valley of the Great Salt Lake."
The night before she left.
Judge Andrews had given a ball,
and, for the first time, Catherine
was not expected to spend the
evening in the kitchen. Also, for
the first time, she had danced
with Granville Bott. He had even
taken her to the punch bowl for
a drink of the delicious fruit mix
that Catherine herself had made.
That was when she heard the
girls laughing.
"I mean, really!"
Catherine stood very still.
Without turning, she knew the
voice — Lily Andrews.
'Trust Granville. He's deter-
mined to have a lady friend while
crossing those horrid old plains,
even if it has to be Cath!"
"I do wish Papa would go. It
doesn't matter to me what
religion we are. Why, there'll
scarcely be anyone left in Boston
after tomorrow."
That had been Hilma's voice,
the younger of the two sisters,
and the one everybody, including
Cath, had thought Granville pre-
"I mean, really." It was Lily
again. "Let's don't encourage
Papa to do that. There have been
times when I was afraid he was
becoming a bit interested in all
this Mormon talk. But I have no
desire to start out on a long
wagon trip behind two old cows. I
March 1967
am perfectly content to stay right
here in Boston where living is
quite civilized."
It occurred to Cath that she
had been eavesdropping, but she
stood rooted to the spot, unable
to move. She heard the girls'
laughter as they moved away.
Cath learned that it wasn't
cows at all that pulled the Miller
wagon, in which she traveled, but
two lovely big oxen named Red
and Barney. To arise each morn-
ing and feel that your life was
your own, to help Sister Miller
because she wanted to, not be-
cause she felt a crushing obliga-
tion, gave Cath a feeling of free-
dom she could not remember hav-
ing known before. She was in-
vited, yes, indeed expected, to be
in attendance at the meetings
which were held and, almost to
her amazement, she found that
her opinion was accepted and
valued in testimony meetings,
just as was that of the leader of
the wagon train. It seemed so
foreign to her, to be included, to
be treated as an equal.
Ihen there were the evenings;
after the heat and dust of the
day, the wonderful, glorious cool-
ness of evening. The animals
could be heard, contentedly
munching grass nearby. As the
fiddle music filled the night air,
it fairly set her feet to tapping.
No longer did she need to stay
in the kitchen, taking care of the
refreshments, watching and wish-
ing. She had partners just wait-
ing their turns to dance with her.
And most persistent of all was
Granville Bott. He insisted on the
first dance and the last dance
and one or two in between.
"I want the last dance," he
said. "It gives me a chance to ask
for the first one tomorrow night
before these other Romeos move
in. I want it and I intend to have
Her heart pounded at his
words, remembering how she had
watched him dance with the most
beautiful girls in Boston, having
neither the opportunity nor the
dress to join the dancing herself.
Woman-like, Catherine wondered
what Hilma Andrews would say if
she had heard. She wondered,
too, about the tall, red-haired
young man who played the violin,
night after night, for the dancing.
Benjamin Shepherd. She had
learned his name, but that was
about all she had learned, except
that Bishop Miller said he was so
tall he made all the other men
seem as if they were standing in
a hole. She found herself wonder-
ing whether all the attention she
had received was making her
vain. Ben Shepherd was the only
unmarried man in camp who had
not asked her for a dance.
Oh, he could use his violin
playing as an excuse for not
dancing, still she had seen him
lay it aside, letting the banjo and
mandolin carry the melody while
he whirled through a dance with
his sister, before returning to his
playing. Yet, on occasion, she
knew he was watching her and
she was puzzled.
She was tempted a time or two
to ask him when they announced
ladies' choice, but she never did.
It seemed a little too forward on
her part, since he had not once
danced with her. Besides, Gran-
ville was always near to meet her
halfway on the ladies' dances.
The last night on the plains,
before the wagon train entered
To Warm the Heart
the mountains, a special celebra-
tion was held.
"We'll find it harder going in
the mountains," Granville said,
"without much room for dancing,
so let's get going tonight!"
It was during their second
square dance together that Cath
made a wrong turn and mixed up
the entire set. Her embarrass-
ment deepened as she returned
to meet Granville.
"What's the matter, Cath?" he
asked. "You'd do better if you get
your eyes off that red-headed
fiddle player and pay attention."
Her cheeks burned and she was
grateful for the darkness. She
had been more obvious than she
realized, unaware that Granville
had noticed. She knew now that
Ben did not intend to ask her for
a dance. This, the very last one,
and there he sat, holding that
violin as if it meant more to him
than all the girls in camp, and it
probably did.
Crossing the plains was one
thing, but traveling through the
mountains was quite another.
Catherine could not remember
ever having been so tired, not
after cleaning Judge Andrews'
entire house, cooking and serving
the dinner and cleaning up after
everyone else had gone to sleep.
She crawled into her blankets
under the Miller wagon so ex-
hausted that she could scarcely
distinguish one tune from an-
other as Ben Shepherd's violin
sang far into the night.
It was only after they entered
the Valley that Catherine did get
that long-awaited dance. There
was a regular orchestra to play,
and for once Ben had left his
violin at home.
She sat between Brother and
Sister Miller, and watched the
couples on the floor, her toe keep-
ing time to the music. Granville
had not come. In fact, she had
seen very little of him since their
"They're not going to give me
just any old spot of land that
suits their fancy," he had said.
"I'll find the piece I want and
I'll have it. I didn't come all this
way to end up with nothing. It
may take a bit of managing, but
I can do it."
"That's probably where he is
right now," reflected Catherine,
"out managing."
And then she saw Ben ap-
"May I have the honor of this
dance, Miss York?"
She placed her hand in his and
almost gravely they joined the
dancers on the floor. Cath won-
dered whether she only imagined
a special something in his touch
as he took her hand in the grand
right and left. As they whirled he
held her, not tight — ^just sort of,
well, something like the way he
held his violin.
"How many times I've wanted
to dance with you," he whispered,
his hps quite against her ear.
"How many times!"
"But, why . . . ?" Catherine
stopped. The pattern of the
dance carried her away from him,
to another partner, and another,
and she was glad. Perhaps what
March 1967
she had been about to say would The thought was there, and
have been unladylike. But she unwelcome as it was to her more
had said enough. noble self, it kept recurring. The
When the music stopped, Ben girl who married Granville Bott
continued the conversation just would never have to contend with
as though there had been no in- troublesome fireplace cooking,
terruption. That winter proved to be the
"You always seemed to be hav- most enjoyable in all of Catherine
ing such a good time with Bott York's young life. There were
that I felt I had no right to in- parties and dances and plays,
tervene. But he isn't here tonight There was either Granville or
and I'm staking a claim." Ben, and sometimes both, eager
She raised her brown eyes to to escort her. Neither spoke of
his and was almost startled with marriage, but to each it seemed a
the clear blue intensity of them, time of waiting, not disregarding
She felt the seriousness of his the thought,
mood, and from that moment she ^^en each man began to build
was sure that one day he would ^ j^ouse, Catherine was quite
ask her to marry him ^^^^3 ^f i^^ j^^^ ^g g^e was aware
It was then that a thought of the differences in the houses,
which had been nagging at hei oi_ n j x /-. -n >
from the back of her mind began ^he walked past Granvi le s
to push itself forward. It was a °"f "' ^^'f ^™^«. I* w^!, close
thought of which she could not *? town east on Bngham Street,
be particularly proud, still it per- ^e was hinng most of the labor
sisted. Sometimes her nobler self ^one and she felt it unhkely that
would have pushed it aside, but ^he would nieet him. It would be
her more practical nature insisted a beautiful house, two-story with
on bringing it back. Granville gingerbread tnm, one of which
Bott had a stove. Cath had never ^^y^^^ m Boston could have been
actually seen it, knowing from P^^^^^-
the camp talk that it was there, Ben's was farther out to the
in his wagon. south on his piece of farm land
Granville had traveled alone, that he had received in the draw-
Once when there had been some ing. Catherine had seen it only
sickness in camp, Cath had heard once, when the first logs had been
the Captain of Ten ask him P^t in place. It would be a cabin;
whether he could take a passen- two rooms, but, still, it was a
ger in his wagon. His answer had cabin,
been short and to the point. As springtime came she saw
"There's no room. Captain, less and less of Ben. He was busy
You can see for yourself. I'm full clearing his land and plowing and
up." planting.
Later that afternoon. Bishop "I'm working long hours.
Miller left a fine bureau standing Cath," he had said. "After get-
on the plains, which left room for ting the land cleared, I'll be late
elderly Sister Abbott to He down in planting as it is, and I must
near the back of the wagon as have a harvest. When it comes
they continued the journey. I'll be in a position to speak."
To Warm the Heart
Her heart pounded and she they were building, and again
fairly seemed to melt under the Cath remembered the huge, im-
piercing blue of his eyes. He had posing house on Brigham Street
stooped and kissed her then, that would have a cookstove in
once and hard. the kitchen.
"Till harvest time," he said Then, on an afternoon late in
softly. July, Ben did put in an appear-
It happened so quickly that ance. Lean and bronzed from long
Cath wondered afterward wheth- hours in the sun, he was more
er it had really happened at all. handsome than Cath remem-
Granville wondered, too. ber^. She was preparing to
"I can't understand what's leave for a drive behind Gran-
happened to Shepherd," he said ville's high-stepping ponies when
upon more than one occasion. Ben rode up.
"There was a time when he was "Rather an outsize riding pony
in my way every time I turned you have there. Shepherd," said
around. I haven't laid eyes on Granville, picking up the lines of
him for weeks." his spirited team.
The memory of their parting "I have no riding horse," Ben
was brought vividly to her mind answered evenly, "Only my team,
and Cath had not answered. I've been working them pretty
Somehow she felt a little annoyed hard and thought there was no
with Ben. If he really loved her, need of bringing both of them."
why had he not asked her to "I was able to trade my work
stop seeing Granville? He hadn't horses for these ponies," said
mentioned it, leaving the decision Granville. "They are almost as
entirely to her, and at present fast as the team I had in Boston."
her decision was to keep going Cath kept her eyes on Ben's
with Granville. face, but he kept his own eyes
He was good company and she averted. He certainly wasn't act-
enjoyed especially the plays ing much like he came to see her.
they saw together. He had seen He answered her question as
most of them at other times and though she had spoken,
places with different actors and "President Young sent me,
actresses. His comparisons were Granville. Seems as though there
both enlightening and interesting is a company of saints approach-
to her meager background in the ing the mountains that has just
theater. about exhausted its store of pro-
During the plays she had seen visions. We have five outfits now,
with Ben, his comments had been ready to leave right away with
of a different nature. supplies for them. We need one
"Actors?" he had said. "I don't more team and wagon and Presi-
know one from the other. To me dent Young suggested you might
they are real people, and all this be willing to go."
is really happening to them, and "Well, now," said Granville,
while the play lasts, I live it with "you just might explain to the
them." President that I traded my work
Yes, the two men were dif- horses for these ponies. Besides
ferent; as different as the houses I have to be here, to see that the
March 1967
work goes forward on my house."
As he spoke, Granville reached
out one hand and placed it
casually and yet possessively on
Catherine's shoulder.
"As you say," Ben answered.
He nodded slightly to Granville
and lifted his hat to Cath in fare-
well, as he turned the work horse
and headed back in the direction
of his own place.
UuRiNG the following weeks Cath
remembered Ben's eyes, watch-
ing, as Granville held her shoul-
der, knowing that she had given
the impression of agreeing with
his action. She wished she had
drawn away; she wished she
had spoken up and said — some-
thing— anything to indicate that
she did not belong to Granville;
she wished. . . . She was not sure
just what she did wish, particu-
larly at those times when she
rode with him past the big house
on Brigham Street. Then, one
afternoon in early September, he
drew the team to a halt and to-
gether they entered the door,
Catherine York and Granville
Inside, the house was more
beautiful than Cath had ever
imagined. The floors and wood-
work were beautiful, surpassing
even Judge Andrews' home in
Boston. And in the kitchen, there
it was! That marvelous, wonder-
ful, scarce item, the kitchen
"How will you like it here,
Cath, having this whole big house
to ourselves, after being cooped
up with the Millers?"
Catherine was imagining her-
self taking golden-crusted pies
from the bake oven as she heard
his question. The vision disap-
peared abruptly. Why, he had not
even bothered to propose, simply
assuming that neither she nor
any girl could think of refusing
him. Suddenly her indecision of
the past was gone. She faced him
squarely, positive now that the
warmth of a home does not come
from the fire in a kitchen range.
"I am not moving into this
house, Granville. I like living at
the Miller's. No, you needn't
come with me. I'm going to enjoy
every step of the walk back."
Cath turned and left the
kitchen without even glancing at
the stove, closing the door quick-
ly behind her.
The following afternoon Sister
Miller prepared a big basket of
lunch and asked Catherine to ac-
company her in taking it to the
bishop. Not until they had ridden
almost out of the city did Cath-
erine learn that they were headed
for the Shepherd farm.
"Ben was gone so long, taking
those provisions to the new-
comers that his quorum members
began to fear his grain would
thresh out on the ground. George
says he never saw such grain. The
men have been harvesting it all
this week, and he thought they
would finish this afternoon. Ben
didn't get home until yesterday."
Sister Miller slapped the line
against the side of the brown
horse to make him step up with
the gray. As the horse jumped a
bit forward, Cath felt her heart
give a resounding thump. Ben
was home! In a short few minutes
she would see him. She reached a
hand to her hair, smoothing it
under the brim of her sunbonnet.
Ben was there, standing in
front of his cabin. He greeted
both women, then tied the team
To Warm the Heart
to the hitching post before help-
ing them down. Sister Miller
alighted first, carrying the lunch
basket to where the men were
seated in the shade of the
willows near the spring. After a
moment, Cath realized Ben was
still holding her hand. She drew
it away, slowly.
"I — I'm glad you're back,
"Are you, Cath? Are you
really? The bishop tells me you've
been seeing an awful lot of
Granville. Are you — promised
now, Cath?"
''No, Ben. Not now, nor ever
to Granville. I couldn't make him
a promise when I loved someone
Her meaning was plain from
her manner, her eyes, the tone of
her voice. Ben caught it at once,
as he caught her to him. To a
man, the harvesters stopped their
eating for the moment and
watched. As the kiss ended they
looked at each other and grinned,
turning their attention again to
the lunch at hand.
Ben saw. He took her hand and
almost ran with her toward the
cabin, out of sight of the others.
"It isn't a house like Granville
could give you, Cath. But come
and see."
"A person can't fall in love
with a house, nor what's in it
either, Ben. I know, for I've been
trying to now for quite sometime.
The only thing that really
matters is who is in the house."
It was a lovely cabin. Inside,
the air was pungent with the
smell of pine from the freshly
sawed wood. Ben closed the door
behind them, again taking her
gently in his arms. As he bent his
head toward her lips, suddenly
she straightened and stared.
Through the cabin window she
could see the wagon Ben had
taken. It was piled high with
furniture and plows and, yes!
There at the front, just behind
the seat was a — she could
scarcely believe her eyes — but
there it was, a kitchen range.
"Here!" Ben turned her face to
his. "They are just some of the
things the gold seekers had thrown
away in their hurry to get to
California. President Young said
to load our wagons as well as we
could for the trip back. But they
can wait, this can't," and he bent
his head until his lips touched
Hazel Marchant Thomson was born in Peoa, Summit County, Utah, and graduated
from South Summit High School. She received a B.S. degree from Brigham
Young University and a M.S. degree from the University of Utah. She taught
school in South Summit District, and, at present, is a teacher in first grade at
Tolman Elementary School, Bountiful, Utah. She is married to Grant A. Thomson,
a teacher at Bountiful High School, and has two adopted sons, Drew in the
United States Navy, and Terry in the United States Marines. Her Church work
has included all the auxiliaries of the Church, and, at present, she teaches the
Gospel Doctrine Class, Tenth Ward. Bountiful North Stake. Her writings have
been published in The Improvement Era, the Instructor, Grade Teacher, Instructor
for Elementary Teachers, Venture, and Onward. She has had stories accepted
recently by Jack and Jill and Highlights for Children. She spends some time in
temple and genealogy work.
Several of Mrs. Thomson's writings have been published in The Relief
Society Magazine, as well as two serials "Because of the Word" (1961), and
"Your Heart to Understanding" (1964).
Oh, Remember! Remember!
Rose A. Openshaw
It is nice to have talents, to be inventive, to v^^in trophies and scholarships,
I tell those dear to me, but I would have them remember that all the talents
in the world — all the inventiveness one can acquire, can never take the place
of dependability. Lacking in that, these things will get one nowhere.
To be dependable is far more to be desired than all the treasures of the
orient, for without it we are nothing, and we will be so regarded as soon as
it is discovered. People will want to sever all connections with us, and we
will be cast adrift without friends or followers. No one will fellowship us,
and why? Because if people cannot depend on us or our word or promise, they
will regard us as a bag of sand that pours out in all directions — having no
firmness, no stamina or backbone — nothing to cling to — nothing to rely on
If we agree to do something, we must do it at all costs, no matter what
effort or sacrifice or price is involved. If something should occur to render
it absolutely impossible to make our word good on a particular occasion, we
must get in touch with those with whom the agreement was made, immediately,
explaining the situation, and assuring them it will be attended to at the earliest
possible moment. Then nothing must keep us from fulfilling that promise.
Otherwise, we have forfeited our good name, and with it, the admiration and
respect of friends. And to live a full and happy life, it is absolutely essential
that we have the respect and approval of both God and man! Oh, remember!
Ethel Jacobson
What can I call you, hills,
But jocund — where lark song spills
And feathery branches fan
Against this cloudless span
Of hyacinth blue?
What else, where jonquil laughter rings
And a hidden waterfall sings?
Doves coo,
Rabbits kick up their heels,
And a sweet thunder steals
From root to sunlit crown till each out-reaching bough
Is transfigured now
With a thousand lilting p>etals.
A jaunty robin settles
On a crabapple limb.
Noisily, in the pond, young raccoons splash and swim.
And everywhere is the green excitement of grasses marching
Up every slope and cranny, while from wide-arching
Oaks come squirrel talk and tree-frog trills.
What can these hills be but joyful —
Joyful and brave and innocent, as when the first spring was new?
Ramona W. Cannon
Mrs. Imelda Marcos, the beautiful and
graceful First Lady of the Philippines,
made an excellent impression on her
recent visit to the United States with
President Fernando Marcos, and also
as hostess at the Manila summit con-
ference of six allied anti-Communist
Asian nations and the United States.
With her lovely soprano voice, she sang
old Philippine music at the party which
followed the conference.
Geraldine Page gave a sensitive and
sympathetic interpretation of Xantippe,
the supposedly ever-nagging wife of
Greek philosopher Socrates, in the
beautifullly written and produced Hall-
mark television drama. Barefoot in
Clementine Paddleford, much-admired
columnist and food specialist for
magazines and newspapers, in offering
her annual advice to homemakers,
emphasizes the commonsense and
good judgment which women should
remember to exercise in such matters
as budgeting the food dollar, thinking
of cooking as a creative art, taking
pride in accomplishments as a cook,
varying the menu, trying new recipes,
becoming acquainted with the possibili-
ties of herbs. She advises the home-
maker to try to use more varieties of
vegetables instead of only a few, and
to be imaginative and resourceful in
making use of less expensive foods.
"There is no better place than home
to enjoy those we love best," she says.
"With friends, food, and candlelight,
what more is there to ask?"
Mrs. Izzy Horrowitz of Shreveport,
Louisiana, is president of the Toy
Manufacturers of the United States,
Inc., the first woman to be president
of the association. She has had much
personal experience with toys and chil-
dren. "I am a wife and mother first,"
she says, "then a businesswoman. I
believe a woman can have a special
entree and esprit with mothers." She
holds the opinion that toys will con-
tinue to become more scientific and
more realistic, and that there will be a
greater development of games and
other items for family participation.
JoAnn Zimmerman, a former student
at Bryn Mawr College, now twenty-
seven years old. Is president of a large
contracting firm In Ohio, a position
which came to her following the death
of her father. She is rapidly learning
many phases of engineering and busi-
ness management.
Vera Dugdale, Woodland, Utah (a small
village on the western slope of the
Uintah Mountains) is author of "Album
of North American Wild Animals"
(Rand McNally publishers) which has
become "a fantastic best seller" and
is now in its second printing. It Is a
handsome volume, containing many
full-color animal portraits by the artist
Clark Bronson. Mrs. Dugdale, who is
well-acquainted with remote and primi-
tive mountain regions, is a part-time
employee of the United States Forest
Service. "Woodland, in winter, is won-
derful for a writer," she says, "abso-
lute quiet."
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Volume 54 March 1967 Number 3
■ Belle S. Spafford, President
■ Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor
■ Louise W. Madsen, Second Counselor
■ Hulda P. Young, Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S. Manwaring
Elna P. Haymond
Mary R, Young
Mary V. Camwon
Afton W. Hunt
Elsa T. Peterson
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
Jennie R. Scott
Alice L. Wilkinson
Irene W. Buehner
Irene C. Lloyd
Hazel S. Love
Fawn H. Sharp
Celestia J. Taylor
Anne R. Gledhill
Belva B. Ashton
Zola J. McGhie
Oa J. Cannon
Lila B. Walch
Lenore C. Gundersen
Marjorie C. Pingree
Darlene C. Dedekind
Cleone R. Eccles
Edythe K. Watson
Ellen !\l. Barnes
Kathryn S. Gilbert
Verda F. Burton
Myrtle R. Olson
Alice C. Smith
Lucile P. Peterson
Elaine B. Curtis
Zeima R. West
Leaner J. Brown
Reba 0. Carling
■ From the vantage point of one
and one quarter centuries of time,
we view our beloved Relief Society,
divine in origin, steadfast in pur-
pose, magnificent in accomplish-
Today, 300,000 women, choice
and privileged women of many
nations and from varied walks of
life, attest the inspiration that
guides its destiny, and they grate-
fully acknowledge the blessings
that come to them as individuals
through their membership in the
Today, Relief Society stands
firm and strong, joyfully contrib-
uting of its strength to the work
of the Church as called upon by
the Priesthood. It is touching the
hearts of countless of our Father's
children, lifting them to better
ways of thinking and doing; it is
steadily spreading its influence in
ever-widening circles. So rich is
its heritage, so great and glorious
is its present strength and accom-
plishment that we are led to won-
der what will be its future! Can
it increase in size and usefulness;
can it further extend its influence
for good; can it become a greater
power for righteousness among
womankind? Has it reached its
peak of growth and accomplish-
ment, or is it destined to grow
still larger in size, more expansive
in service, and more powerful in
To us, Relief Society is only on the threshold of its divine mis-
sion. Its present size is but a token of what the future portends. Is
it unreasonable to believe that whereas today we have close to one-
third million members, tomorrow the Society will claim its millions?
Surely the strength of today will serve as a foundation upon which the
women of tomorrow will build, and the achievements of yesterday and
today will be steppingstones upon which they will walk into an even
more glorious future. Is it immoderate to envision tomorrow's leaders
as women of intelligence and vigor, trained in the ways of leadership
accomplishment, and possessing a high degree of Relief Society and
Church scholarship? Is it irrational to say that tomorrow's members
will impressively exemplify true Latter-day Saint womanhood, their lives
reflecting in words and actions the training, the tempering, the refining
influence of Relief Society? Can we not expect them to stand out as en-
samples to all the world of the influence, the beauty, the joy of righteous
living? Is it inconsistent to say that where today's ministrations bless
tens of thousands, tomorrow's will bless hundreds of thousands?
The Lord has promised that his gospel will never again be taken
from the earth, and that it is to be "proclaimed by the weak and the
simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers" (D&C
1:23). The sisters of tomorrow must and will do their part in the fulfill-
ment of this promise, and they will do so, in largest measure, through
the organized Relief Societies.
Relief Society will stand increasingly firm and strong, a beacon light
and guiding star for women of all nations. It will continue to rise until
it becomes a mighty bulwark against the forces of evil that would en-
gulf women and threaten their homes and loved ones. It will bring
peace to the soul and love into the hearts and lives of endless numbers
of our Father's daughters. The blessings and the benediction of the
Lord will rest upon its leaders, and its offerings will be accepted of
the Lord even as were those of the women of Nauvoo.
Yes, March 17, 1842 long will be remembered in the history of the
Church — for then came the women — and they were organized through
inspiration of the Lord given to his chosen Prophet, to save souls and
to aid in the building of his kingdom.
May the women of today and tomorrow cherish Relief Society, ad-
vance its work, and love one another, is our constant prayer.
— B. S. S.
History of Relief Society (1842-1966)
A new General Sunday School Superintendency was announced
December 10, 1966, by the First Presidency of the Church. David
Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent since 1952, was
named as the new general superintendent, succeeding Superintendent
George R. HilL Lynn S. Richards, who was formerly Second Assistant,
was named as the new first assistant, and Royden G. Derrick was
named second assistant.
David Lawrence McKay has been a member of the Sunday School
General Board since 1944. In 1949, he was appointed second assistant
superintendent, and in 1952, first assistant superintendent. He was
Bonneville Stake (Salt Lake City, Utah) Sunday School superintendent
at the time of this call to the general board. Superintendent McKay
received his early education in Ogden, Utah, and attended Weber
College, the University of Utah, George Washington University, and
Harvard University. He served as a missionary in the French part of
the Swiss-German Mission, and for six months labored in the British
Mission as editor of The Millenial Star. In his new appointment
Superintendent McKay succeeds to a position which his father, Presi-
dent David 0. McKay held from 1918 to 1934. His wife, Mildred Calder-
wood McKay, was a member of the Primary General Board. They are
parents of four daughters: Midene (Mrs. Howard B. Anderson), Teddy
Lyn (Mrs. Richard T. Parmley), Catherine (Mrs. Gerald B. Iba), Joyce
(Mrs. Robert S. Bennett).
First Assistant Superintendent Lynn S. Richards was appointed
second assistant superintendent in 1952, at the time he was serving
as bishop of the Federal Heights Ward in University Stake. Previously,
he had been bishop of the University Ward. He had been a member of
the general board of the Sunday School from 1934 to 1946. He is a
graduate of Brigham Young University and Stanford University and is
an attorney in Salt Lake City. In 1955, he was named president of the
Brigham Young University Alumni Association. He is a son of the late
President Stephen L Richards and Irene Merrill Richards. He filled a
mission in the Eastern States and was a seminary principal for two
years in Preston, Idaho. His wife is Lucille Covey Richards, and they
have six children: Lynn S. Jr., Joseph Covey, James Mack, Rosalie
Lucille (Mrs. Clarence J. Frost), Victoria Jeanette (Mrs. Stanley A.
Taylor), Joyce Louise (Mrs. Verl D. Shell).
Second Assistant Superintendent Royden G. Derrick has held many
positions of leadership in the Church, including second counselor and
first counselor in the Monument Park Stake presidency. He was
graduated from West High School, Salt Lake City, and studied en-
gineering at the University of Utah. He received the University's
College of Business Outstanding Achievement Award in 1963, and an
honorary degree in 1965. Appointed to the University of Utah Board
of Regents in 1957, he was elected chairman of the board in 1959,
serving until 1965, when his term expired. A businessman and civic
General Sunday School Superiniendency Reorganized
leader, he was sent to. India in 1959 on a trade mission, and to
Bolivia, in 1964, as a representative of the United States Government.
His wife is Allie Olsen, and they are parents of four children: Linda
(Mrs. J. Roger Wood), James, David, and Bruce.
The members of Relief Society, throughout the world-wide sister-
hood, extend greetings and best wishes to the newly appointed Sunday
School superintendency. May the blessings of the Heavenly Father
attend them in their positions of leadership, and may the Sunday
Schools of the Church throughout the world be inspired by their
counsel and direction.
Emil E. Henderson
■ The Red Cross is many things to many people. It is the first aid
knowledge when seconds count, the blood available for rush surgery,
the volunteer companionship for a sick or lonely moment, the binding
of a disaster wound, the emergency message flashing to Viet Nam.
Like a fireman answering an alarm, the Red Cross responds im-
mediately when it is called upon. Immediate help for disaster victims
and increased services to the armed forces are of primary concern
to the Red Cross. What needs to be done. Red Cross will do — just as a
family extends all Its resources to a critically ill child.
Trained Red Cross field staff are assigned with military units in the
field to help resolve emergent personal and family problems. Other
Red Cross workers in U.S. military hospitals in this country and over-
seas offer a two-fold program of recreation and social welfare, while
still others conduct a recreation center and mobile recreation service
for American servicement at all major U.S. commands in Viet Nam.
At all times, and now in particular, the Red Cross provides a net-
work of immediate assistance for the armed forces and their families.
Every year almost 2,000,000 Americans give their volunteer services
to the Red Cross in their communities. If measured in dollars, the
value of volunteer participation would reach astronomical proportions.
Although the Red Cross is charged by Congress with specific duties,
it is not a tax-supported agency. Its support comes from voluntary
contributions from the American people. The financial needs of the
Red Cross are met in some communities through United Fund cam-
paigns in the fall, and in other communities by separate Red Cross
campaigns in March. To maintain its capacity for quick action, the
Red Cross needs your contributions of money and volunteer service.
Help keep Red Cross ready to help.
A Piece of Grandma
Helen Hinckley Jones
■ I scarcely step from the car in front of my daughter's house before
I hear the shout "Grandma!" and two tiny boys come running with
arms outstretched. I catch them, the Httle one first, as they leap
from the porch, and with the greatest of joy I accept their kisses,
flavored with ketchup, or chocolate, or just plain little boy.
"I'm glad you came. Grandma," Craig, who uses language very
well, says; and Sean, who has learned to understand English with
his almost-new puppy, commands, "Grandma, sit."
It is only a moment before two little hands open my handbag to
explore for lifesavers; two more search my pockets for a chance
cookie or an all-day-sucker.
"What did you bring us, Grandma?" Craig inquires, and Sean
asks hopefully, "Candy?"
Their mother is embarrassed by this routine. It isn't her fault
or the fault of the little boys. It's Grandma's.
I like to shop for children's books and for little-boy clothing. I
love to see a shine in big brown eyes; to hear exclamations of delight.
It tickles me when Craig takes a crumbly cookie and haunches down
over a waste basket so that he won't get crumbs on the floor.
Still it sobers me that I might not be so joyously received if I came
without gifts.
I remember back — way back when I was five or six — the happy
A Piece of Grandma
times when my paternal grandmother came for a visit. I think she
never brought a ''store-bought" present. How could she, with a half
a hundred grandchildren instead of two? But she did bring other
gifts. Very soon after she arrived for one of her "stays/' her four
steel needles began to click and one of the gray wristlets she knitted
for her sons and grandsons began to elongate.
"Grandma," I begged, "teach me."
"Certainly I'll teach you, dear," she agreed, and from her bag
came four more needles and a ball of black yarn.
"Which of your dollies needs stockings?"
"Sally Squawkin' Bush," I decided. My Uncle Frank had named
this child, and I did all I could to make up to her for her horrible
Soon I was knitting around and around and around without ever
dropping or splitting a stitch.
Another time, she came with blocks for a "nine square" in her
bag. On that visit she started me setting infinitesimal stitches on
my very own quilt.
And while we knitted or crocheted or backstitched she talked,
and I alternately prodded and listened. She was a girl in Michigan;
what a change it was to leave the green woods and blue lakes for
the semi-deserts of the West. Her daughters, Minerva and Adele
(Nervy and Delia in Grandma's stories), were truly "little women"
in the olden days when there was so much to be done and so few
hands to do it. She talked of faith, and how it "did very well" when
a doctor wasn't available, even when there was a bone to be set or
a serious illness to combat. And, best of all, she told me of when my
own papa was a little boy, a big boy doing a man's work, a football
player, an elder in the Church.
I'm not at all domestic; my amazed friends would kowtow to me
twice if I ever turned out a razzle-dazzle salad without leaving half
of it sticking to the mold or melting on the plate. But I can knit in
the dark, crochet at top speed any pattern I see, and sew a fine
seam any time or place a fine seam is required. These skills were
part of Grandma's gift to me. The other part was much more im-
portant. I absorbed an appreciation of the past, a pride in my
heritage, and I began to make plans to be a credit to my name.
As I "find" the packages of orange and raspberry sours hidden in
a compartment of my handbag and slip a package in each little boy's
pocket, I wish that I were more sure that I knew how to give them
the intangible things that Grandma knew instinctively how to give.
I resolve to read to them more often, to play object identification,
alphabet and number games, to sing with them the finger plays and
action songs that my children enjoyed. When they are a little older
they may be interested in the "olden times" when their mama was
a little girl.
For what are a hundred packages of candy, a gross of cookies, a
few new shirts, trunks, or blanket-sleepers, when compared with a
piece of Grandma's own self?
Nei¥ Zealand
A Silhouette in Green
Wealtha S. Mendenhall
Former Member^
General Board of Relief Society
New Plymoutt
Mt. Egmoni"*'
■ To you, I extend an invitation
to relax in your most comfortable
chair and dream with me of a
paradise anchored deep in the
vast South Pacific — beautiful
New Zealand.
This most picturesque and
lush paradise consists of two
principal islands sprawling length-
wise from the north to the south,
covering an area of approximately
103,736 square miles.
These islands rise forth out of
the deep, glistening, white-capped
waters and truly remind me of
two delicately shaded, highly
polished pieces of greenstone. A
semi-precious, very hard stone
located, to a great extent, at
Arahura on the west coast of
New Zealand's South Island.
This great temperate-zoned
Dominion, which lies about equal
distance between the equator and
the South Pole, is nestled be-
tween latitudes 34 degrees and 48
degrees south and is blessed with
a very enjoyable climate. The
beautiful rainstorms, water from
the snowcapped peaks, and more
Cook Strait
than liberal amounts of sunshine
help to provide a fertile area —
making a land of diversity and
magnificent wonderment.
To the 180,000 Maori people.
New Zealand's native race, this
is Aotearoa, the land of the Long
White Cloud. This is home, al-
though many of our dear bronze-
skinned, dark-haired friends con-
tinually speak in lovely, soft-
toned voices of their genealogies,
repeating them from memory,
and of their ancestral homeland
in far distant Hawaiki.
From a Maori legend we read:
We came from Hawaiki — the
From Hawaiki — the Long — from
Hawaiki — the Distant
Hawaiki is the largest island in
the leeward group of the Society
Islands at the hub of the Poly-
nesian Triangle.
The Polynesian people within
this triangle are kinsmen of the
Maori, and thus they bear resem-
blance and speak the same basic
language, but as my husband and
I have traveled from island to
New Zealand — A Silhouette in Green
island, such as from Tonga to Great Britain; thus the twilight
Samoa or Tahiti to New Zealand of freedom, to the extent it had
or Fiji — and as we have lived been known by its settlers, the
among these children of God, Maori, had arrived. A treaty
whom we love and admire, we known as the Treaty of Waitangi
have been immediately aware of was signed, in 1840, by Maori
the fact that there is in each chiefs, submitting the supreme
group a little different pronun- power to British sovereignty, and,
ciation for the same word. A dear in return, their rights pertaining
old Maori gentleman explained to land were guaranteed by law.
to us that this was'brought about By 1840, European settlement
by dropping different letters from was well underway, and today,
the dialect and by adding others. Europeans number approximately
For example the "k" and "ng'' two and a fourth million,
have been omitted by the Poly- Many of the Maori and Pakiha
nesians living in the Society (Maori name for the Europeans)
Islands, and thus the word have formed true friendships.
Hawaiki is pronounced Havaii. They are not only neighbors but
In New Zealand the "w" re- are neighborly. They sit side by
places the "v" and the "k" is side at Church meetings. Some
restored, thus the land of the work closely together in Parlia-
Maori forebears is pronounced ment, and many in community,
Hawaiki. In the Cook Islands, business, and church activities,
the "h" is omitted, and thus the The children attend the same
word Hawaiki is pronounced schools and are uniformed alike.
Avaiki, So we see a similarity of They are playmates. All are loyal
names and people. to the British flag and are work-
Yes, it was from this Hawaiki ing together for the prosperity of
that, centuries ago, navigators, their young country and the
explorers, and great sea-faring happiness of all within its great
Maori people, many with their boundaries.
wives, families, food, seeds, water Wellington, the capital city of
plants, and their cultures, dis- New Zealand, covers an area of
persed in handmade canoes, with only twenty-eight square miles,
a star and sufficient faith to but has a population of approxi-
guide their deliberate venture mately 232,000 residents. In
into the unknown, uncharted 1865, the seat of the government
waters of the Pacific. was transferred to Wellington
The first European to discover from Auckland. Here the Parlia-
New Zealand was Abel Janszoon ment Building is located near
Tasman, a Dutchman. It was in Lambton Harbour. New Zealand
1642 that he attempted to land, is governed by its own parliament
but he met strong resistance from of eighty elected members, four
the Maori and his landing was of whom are Maori. The Governor
foiled. Captain James Cook was General is appointed by and rep-
successful in his endeavor to go resents Queen Elizabeth II.
ashore in 1769 — 127 years later. Wellington City overlooks the
Captain Cook then became the mighty Cook Strait which flows
claimant of New Zealand for between North and South Islands
March 1967
and is practically enclosed by ages from thirteen to nineteen
water and by broken hills, heavily years, whose past conduct would
populated. It is New Zealand's render them worthy to be en-
central seaport and one of its rolled. It is co-educational and
important nerve centers, and is accommodates both boarding and
also a very busy metropolis, day students.
Trams, cable cars, taxis, buses, Now for diversity, let us
bicycles, private cars, and pedes- dream of Wairakei and Rotorua
trians practically choke the high- on the North Island. Here one
ways and byways during the stands in awe while viewing and
morning, noon, and evening rush listening to one of the thermal
hours. wonders of the world. Here gey-
The principal business and sers spout skyward, grayish
commercial center of New Zea- brown mud pools boil rapidly,
land is Auckland, which has a with uncanny force, through
population of 520,000 people, the winding cracks and crevasses in
largest in the country. On North the earth, white billows of steam
Island, Auckland and Wellington curl in clouds, and pressures
are the main urban areas and shake the ground on which one
have the finest harbors. On South stands. I can readily understand
Island, Dunedin (which has a why a friend of ours from America
great religious history) and said, "Oh, let's get out of here."
Christchurch are the principal The constant trembling of the
cities. earth reminds me of a continual
The country has a wonderful earth tremor. Hot pools of water
educational system for its people, provided the Maori women of
They have classes for children in earlier days with laundry privi-
kindergarten, primary, and post- leges and a place to cook their
primary schools. Every child food.
must be enrolled at age seven in Today, engineers have drilled
a public or private school. through earth's hot crust deep
For higher education. New down into the ground, many times
Zealand has a university college over 3,000 feet, and have tapped
at Auckland which specializes in this underground hot water sys-
architecture, commerce, and engi- tem, harnessing its forces for
neering; the Victoria University electric power and for heating
at Wellington specializes in law, purposes.
the Canterbury, in engineering For contrast, my husband and
and music; and Otago, at Dune- I have enjoyed motoring to New
din, in medicine, dentistry, Zealand's largest lake — Lake
engineering, and mining. They Taupo. Here in our small boat we
have two agricultural schools, drift along out into the bluish
Massey Agricultural College, and green waters with utter peace
the Lincoln Agricultural College, roundabout.
Last, but not least, is the Latter- We look toward the south, and
day Saint Church College of New there on a bright sunny day we
Zealand. It is open to all stu- see Mount Tongariro, with its
dents, Latter-day Saints and non- cap of snow, and not too far dis-
Latter-day Saints of approximate tant. Mount Ngauruhoe, an ac-
New Zealand — A Silhouette in Green
tive volcano, with its billowing perfume not yet perfected in
vapor circling in the blue sky. bottles. The flower arrangements
The lush verdancy which sur- in hotels and in the homes are
rounds us is breathtaking. The beyond description, pleasing to
luxuriant New Zealand fern, bush- the eye.
land, and wild flowers with their We were motoring through
coats of many colors are indeed New Zealand not long ago with
something to behold. some of our American friends in-
On South Island, we find New terested in re-forestration. We
Zealand's highest mountain, were certainly in the right place,
Mount Cook. It towers above the for the largest manmade forest
long chain of the Southern Alps, in the world is found in this small
its peaks reaching upward toward country. It covers 284,000 acres,
the azure sky as high as 12,349 Our friends were also inter-
feet. Surrounding them is Mount ested in farming, livestock, freez-
Cook National Park which covers ing works, and wool production,
an area of 173,000 acres. We drove through the coun try-
Approximately one-third of side, along the river edge, low
this great park is covered with hills and higher slopes, feasting
permanent snow and glaciers, our eyes on the green paddocks
We have watched these glaciers enclosed with hedgerows where
spilling downward from great sheep and cattle were peacefully
heights, with cracks and ere- grazing. We saw wild flowers in
vasses opening and closing. They full bloom, the pohutukawa
slowly move forward at times as (New Zealand's Christmas tree)
much as two feet a day. dressed in its profusion of red
Let's wave our magic wand flowers, white mountain lilies,
now and view something entirely pines, and bushlands. We dis-
different in nature. The Hastings cussed the fact that New Zealand
area is often referred to as the produces over one-tenth of all
"Orchard Garden Center" of New the wool in the world, that fifty
Zealand. When we visit in the per cent of the mutton and beef
homes in this city, fresh fruit is produced is exported, as well as
served with all meals and at tea ninety-three per cent of the lamb,
time (mid-morning and mid-after- so one can see that it is plentiful,
noon). The Church of Jesus Christ of
The apples, pears, raspberries. Latter-day Saints has been mind-
and potatoes are most delicious, ful of New Zealand and its people
and our dear Maori friends for many, many years, for it was
supply our needs wherever we are in 1854 that the first missionaries
in New Zealand. The fruit yield were sent out from Church head-
from this area is approximately quarters to that faraway land. In
two and a quarter million bushels 1880, or twenty-six years later,
of first grade fruit per season and the elders were assigned to go
more is being produced annually, out into the villages and there
A never-to-be-forgotten sight organize and conduct classes in
is to witness the fruit orchards in schools that the children might
full bloom. This is indeed a receive an education. This assign-
glimpse of quiet beauty and a ment was carried out until the
March 1967
government public schools were
available. The first school of con-
sequence to be erected by our
Church in New Zealand was the
Maori Agriculture College near
Hastings in Hawkes Bay. This
was dedicated in 1913, and
classes were in session in those
buildings for eighteen years until
they were destroyed by the
Napier earthquake. In 1952,
twenty-one years later, construc-
tion began on the new Church
College of New Zealand on
Tuhikaramea Road, near Frank-
ton. It is now known as Temple-
view. This school was erected
under the Church building labor
missionary program.
Our own Elder Matthew Cow-
ley at the very young age of
seventeen years was called to fill
a mission in New Zealand. In a
short time he had won the hearts
of the Maori.
I have heard him say, "It took
me five years to fill a three-year
mission." He did remain for five
years in order to complete an
assignment given him by the
President of the Church to trans-
late the Doctrine and Covenants
and the Pearl of Great Price into
the Maori language, also to
revise and edit the previous trans-
lation of The Book of Mormon.
In 1938, Elder Cowley re-
sponded to a call to serve as the
President of the New Zealand
Mission. He now was not return-
ing to a strange land, people, and
customs, but to familiar places
and friends — to a people he loved
and who loved him.
It was during this period that
Brother Cowley saw the need of
and felt a desire for a co-educa-
tional college in which the hearts
and souls of Latter-day Saint
youth of New Zealand, as they
gained an education, might radi-
ate a greater spiritual develop-
ment through an increased
knowledge of the guiding princi-
ples of the gospel.
On January 24, 1955, Presi-
dent David 0. McKay and Sister
McKay were to arrive in New
Zealand on Church business and
to visit the saints. This was the
first time a President of the
Church had visited their Maori-
land, and only a few had ever
seen a President before. Hun-
dreds gathered at Whenuapai
Airport. Hearts were beating
rapidly and eyes were searching
the skies for a view of the large
As President and Sister Mc-
Kay stepped from the plane,
hundreds of voices blended in
beautiful harmony, and many
songs were sung by those with
tearstained cheeks, red eyes and
noses, but with hearts full of
A royal welcome was given at
the college site, after which Presi-
dent McKay said, ''With all my
heart I say, God bless you that
you may ever treasure in your
hearts that which has brought us
together here tonight, without
which we never would have met,
and that is the gospel of Jesus
Christ, the Church to which we
belong. May we treasure the
ideals of it, remain true to it, and
thus cement for time and all
eternity the friendship, the love,
that dwells in our hearts to-
night.'' He also said, "This school
is already opened if young people
are learning not only the trades
but to beautify their homes. This
is worth the entire trip."
It was President McKay's
(Continued on page 197)
The Polynesian Triangle
The majority within this triangle
are Polynesian people, kinsmen of
the Maori.
Maori Girl
Tongan Girl
^^^iummm^jmm ^
Wairakei geothermal plant (North Island) the largest in the world.
New Zealand ferns, typical of both islands, but more
plentiful in Rotorua Thermal Region (North Island).
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A v/ew of the Botanical Gardens at New Plymouth (North
Island) one of the most outstanding gardens in New Zealand.
Mount Egmont (North Island) 8200 feet elevation, snow-capped the year around.
AV • "^ • •*•
Mount Cook, the highest peak in the Southern Alps (South Island),
12,349 feet high, completely iced and snow-capped the year around.
Dunedin City (South Island) founded about 1840, principally by Scottish Christians.
New Zealand Temple, at Temple View, near Hamilton, (North Island).
decision, while in New Zealand,
to construct a temple to serve the
Church in the Pacific. This was
to be erected under the Church
building missionary program. The
ground-breaking ceremony was
in December 1955, and a little
more than two years later, on
April 20, 1958, the temple dedica-
tion program commenced, with
two sessions a day for four con-
secutive days, and the temple was
The Church College of New
Zealand was dedicated April 24,
1958. Both dedications were by
our Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and
President, David O. McKay.
Following the dedication of the
temple and the opening of the
school, the Auckland Stake was
organized in May of 1958. Fol-
lowing this organization, the
Mission was divided.
Since this time, the Hamilton,
Hawkes Bay, and Wellington
Stakes have been formed and
have been provided with stake
and ward meetinghouses. Thus,
all the facilities for the growth of
the Church have been provided
for the complete program of
Church activity in stakes and
What a glowing testimony to
the membership of the Church
that through united efforty and
by following the inspired leader-
ship and guidance of our prophet,
all things are possible.
New Zealand is a silhouette in
green — a heaven on earth, and its
inhabitants are an industrious
people, a religious people.
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**The Time of the Singing of Birds*'
Bird Amid the Azaleas
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*^A Host of Golden DafiSodils**
Now in the Garden
Workday and Social
Melbourne Stake, Melbourne, Australia — October 19, 1966
Stake officers standing in front of Art Display table, framed by colorful
arrangement of artificial flowers made by Relief Society women of the stake.
Left to right: Lola Smibert, Second Counselor; Mavis E. Cutts, President;
Helen S. Opie, First Counselor; Coral Sampson, Secretary-Treasurer.
^^Cakewalk'* Display Table Ninth Ward Bazaar
East Millcreek Stake, Salt Lake City, Utah— October 14, 1966
The display booths and the cultural hall were decorated in a western theme,
with checkered tablecloths, wagon wheels, sagebrush, and other western
trimmings. Left to right: Lucille Peterson and Donna Fullmer
Quata Howells is President, East Millcreek Stake Relief Society
Submitted by Alice Swensen
>X -
Reverie In a Chapel Jeanne win
Each summer as I first step into the little log chapel at Valdez, Alaska, a
feeling of unpretentious freedom sweeps over me. The mellow sun filtering
through the windows illuminates . the simplicity and openness of the room,
creating a wispy airiness. The rustic furnishings flash back a picture of the
fourteen Church members gathered together to hold services in the back
room of a cafe, while a jukebox's rhythmical beat pounds through the walls
from bars on either side. Then the opportunity came to purchase an old,
vacant log building, its walls daubed with calking and punctured with
chinks that let through sunlight and wind. With happy eagerness, each
member worked to fill the emptiness inside.
Now, when I enter the church, I notice first the benches. They are
handsome benches, a glowing yellow spattered with deep brown knots, made
of planed spruce cut at my father's mill and built by tanned, sensitive hands.
Every back and seat consists of two boards spaced, alas, at uncomfortable
In the midst of three rows of these benches at the center of the room, is
a sturdy pole which reaches up to support a heavy beam running the
length of the building. The ceiling sags heavily in the middle and the beam
droops threateningly, so that, unartistic as it may be, I am always thankful
the pole is there.
The pulpit, made of dark plywood, contrasted by light spruce corners, is
unomamented, yet graceful with slender lines and soft hues. It is centered
(Continued on page 211)
Decorate Your O'wn Picture Frames
Joy N. Hulme
Attractive framing puts the finishing touch on a portrait, mirror, or paint-
ing. Here are suggestions for inexpensive ways to have beautiful frames.
Restoring Old Frames
Many handsome frames have been tucked away because they are slightly
damaged or have a dingy finish. Anyone fortunate enough to possess such
a frame can restore it to elegant beauty. First, it should be cleaned and
repaired. All loose paint can be removed with gentle use of a wire brush.
Large cracks or chipped places can be filled in. Minor irregularities should
(Continued on page 210)
My Beautiful
Grace Barker Wilson
She walks abroad, my beautiful,
The sunlight in her glance
Makes all the world a brighter place,
And all the sunbeams dance.
She walks abroad, my beautiful.
My grandchild, small and sweet,
With star dust shining in her eyes,
And flowers at her feet.
Teneriff e Embroidery for PUloinrcases Ethel Chadwick
Percale pillowcases
Six-strand embroidery floss (use 3 strands only)
Embroidery needles (not too small)
Tracing Pattern (See Figure 1) — Trace pattern onto card and cut out
along dots. Leave dots showing. Mark pattern on pillowcases, using dots
only. Begin pattern at center of pillowcase and mark patterns entirely across
toward the sides.
Making the Web (See Figure 2) ^ — With three strands of floss, and with
thread long enough for completion (about 5 or 6 ft.), put in the long stitches
of the web. The points of the web are stitched onto the percale. Be sure all
threads cross exactly in the center of the pattern. Fasten down center by
bringing your needle from the wrong side and make a cross stitch on top of
the threads. This makes the center of the motif.
Weaving the Motif (Figure 3) — Weave individual petals separately. To
weave, pull thread under one and over the other. Do not pull the threads
too tight, keep the long threads exactly in place. Follow the pattern, complete
the motif, and fasten thread. (Always start and fasten threads on under
side of material.) Start another motif, be sure thread is long enough to
finish the web.
The complete 9 patterns in the teneriffe set are available at the Mormon
Handicraft Gift Shop, 21 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111,
for 35jzf.
Figure 1 (Tracing the Pattern)
1 27 26 23 22 19 18
Figure 2
(Making the Web)
Figure 3 (Weaving the Motif)
East Phoenix Stake (Arizona)
Creative Handicraft by Myrene T. Alvord
Lois S. Tanner, President
Phoenix Stake Relief Society
Three-branched Candelabrum Myrene t. Aivord
Material Needed
(for one three-branched candelabrum - vsee color
illustration of two identical candelabra)
1 tall, long-necked, wide-based bottle, decanter or flask
Colored water for filling bottle
Two white pliable wire coat hangers for making "arms" to hold candles
Three candle cups (to be purchased at craft or variety stores)
Florist wire for use in binding the two coat hangers together
and for aiding in the making and attachment of the decorative
bands that enclose the candle cups
Small-mesh net wire (chicken wire) cut into about 3" widths
and long enough to make enclosures for the candle cups
Crystals for hanging from the bottoms of the two lower enclosures
of the candle cups
Various beads, jewels, crystals, small leaves, or metal flowers, as
may be available or can be secured for decorating the bottle and the
candle cups. Glue for making the attachments.
(See diagram and color illustration.)
Having selected an appropriate bottle, begin to make the "arms" for the
candle cups by binding together with florist wire two pliable white coat
hangers. With wire clips cut out the top curved hooks of the hangers and
about 3 inches off the wires on each side. Then, with pliers, twist the ends
of the double hangers into a rounded circle to fit the candle cups, and bend
so that the wire enclosures on both sides are in a horizontal position to hold
the cups.
Cut the straight piece of wire that makes the bottom of the coat hanger
three inches from the corner on each side. After the cutting of the coat
hanger wire has been done, remove the florist wire which has held the two
coat hangers together.
Now the top of the coat hanger (with the twisted ends which form the
enclosures for the candle cups) will be the bottom of the wire foundation
(Continued on page 209)
(Fig. 1) (Fig. 2)
^ (Fig. 3)
4 U-
<^s^ *■
A Daisy Luncheon for Springtime
Florence G. Williams
Springtime brings the flowers — and floral table settings — to be combined
with appropriate recipes for a springtime luncheon. Use your "daisy
dishes" on place mats of contrasting color (blue, in any deep, rich shade, is
effecjtive) and arrange a bouquet of daisies for the centerpiece.
If your dishes are some other pattern in yellow, other flowers can be
attractive for a similar table setting. Use daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, mari-
golds or zinnias (if you have some early ones) . Or, if your dishes have a pink
motif, use pink flowers. However, the following recipes are planned for a
yellow table setting.
Orange Rolls
1 c. warm water
4 c. flour
V2 c. shortening (butter or
V^ c. sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 eggs
3 oranges
2 yeast cakes
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix together all ingredients. After mixture rises a couple
times, roll out thin on a board. Grate three orange skins and spread over. Sprinkle
sugar over the top. Roll, cut, and put into muffin tins, liberally greased with butter.
Allow to rise and bake at about 300-350 degrees until brown.
A Daisy Luncheon for Springtime
Egg Ring
10 or 12 hard-boiled eggs
1 c. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin
Put eggs through ricer. Dissolve gelatin in water (about Vi c.)- Mix together with mayon-
naise and set in a ring. Fill the ring with chicken salad.
Chicken Salad
2 chickens boiled
1 onion
salkJo taste
celery, about 4 pieces (stalks) 2 for cooking with chicken and
2 uncooked for salad
mayonnaise, as desired for constituency and flavor
Put chicken, onion, salt, and celery in enough water barely to cover. Let boil until
chicken is tender. Let stand in soup over night.
Chop chicken, add one or two stalks of uncooked celery, cut in pieces. Add mayonnaise
and cover with fresh lemon juice. Put inside egg ring.
Cut oranges in half. Squeeze out the juice. Use pinking shears to cut edges of oranges.
Fill with orange sherbet. Place in freezer. Serve with any kind of cookie.
THREE-BRANCHED CANDELABRUM (Continued from page 206)
with an arm on each side, and the two ends will be bent up to be attached
to the sides of the bottle top.
The lacy effect of the "arms" is accomplished by cutting a square of net
wire in size appropriate to be intertwined with the coat hanger wire which
forms the central part of the arm. Roll up the square of wire into a cylinder
and lace the length of the coat hanger wire through the net wire cyclinder,
bending the lower end of the laced wires around the top of the candle cup
and the other end around the bottle top, as needed for security and strength.
Using a three-inch wide piece of chicken net wire long enough to go around
the wire enclosure for the candle holders (on each side) , fold the width of
the net wire in half and turn up about one-fourth inch around the enclosure
for the candle cup. Twist and bend the edges together and lace with fine
florist wire to the bottom of the coat hanger wire enclosure. The top of the
candle cup (on the fold of the mesh wire) will be without cut edges. How-
ever, the florist wire which has been laced through the cup at the bottom
can be continued in a lacing (as desired) through and around the net
wire to the top of the cup and thus make the cup stronger and add to the
intricacy of the design.
Proceed to make the two circles around the bottle in the same way as
for the two side candle cups, except to vary the width of the circles as
desired. The bead edgings of the candle cups can be attached with glue, or
if the beads are already strung, they can be attached with lacings of florist
The decorative covering for the top part of the bottle (between the top
candle cup and the ornate casing around the bottle) is made of the net wire
cut to fit the length and size of the upper part of the bottle used. After this
piece of wire had been fitted to the bottle, it is carefully removed and taken
outdoors for spraying with gold paint. Then the upper part of the bottle
(later to be covered by the gold wire casing) is encrusted with jewels or
colored gems as desired, using a good quality glue for making the attach-
ments. The gold sprayed wire covering, when dry, is then carefully wrapped
around the jewel-encrusted area.
The candle cups and "arms" can be gold-sprayed before attaching to the
bottle. The crystal "drops" come with hooks attached to them.
March 1967
DECORATE YOUR OWN PICTURE FRAMES (Continued from page 202)
not cause concern. Nowadays, wood is purposely "distressed" to give it
an antique look. Where part of the carving is broken away it is possible to
restore as follows:
Select a clean dry section of the frame that corresponds in pattern to the
missing spot. Make a mold by painting with several coats of liquid rubber,
drying well between coats. Remove carefully and mend any breaks or thin
spots with the rubber. The dry mold can be filled with plaster or a plastic
filler. Let this dry, remove mold, and glue to frame. When dry use antique
Egg Carton and "Gesso" Frames
Carving can be simulated to make very attractive frames by using egg cartons
and gesso (base for oil painting — available in art stores). Leaves, flowers,
acorns, and other motifs are cut from the flat lid of an egg carton. These
are bent carefully with the fingers until they show the desired curve and
glued to a plain frame. This is painted with three or four coats of gesso,
drying and sanding between coats. Different textural effects can be created
with the gesso while it is wet, if desired. When dry use antique finish.
Embroidery Variations
For unique and ornate variations, embroidery or lace can be glued to the
frame and coated with antique finish.
Antique Finish
A good antique finish is put on in four steps, as follows:
1. Undercoat: use flat white paint. Dry. Sand.
2. Base coat: May be off-white or tinted to harmonize with room or picture.
Use semi-gloss paint or a combination of half semi-gloss and half flat
paint. Dry. Sand.
3. Glaze coat: This is available in a neutral color to be tinted as desired or
used as it comes in already mixed shades. Paint on, let stand a few
moments, and wipe off in the high spots, leaving in recesses. Dry.
4. Highlighting: This is done with one of the creamy metallic finishes,
and is applied lightly to the high spots with a finger tip or soft rag. Let
dry a few moments and burnish with a dry cloth. If a splotchy effect
results from lack of practice, a bit of paint thinner will soften or
remove it.
Linda L Clarke
The pines are mine, the dogwood bower, What could be more fair to see
The stars, the moon, and every hour; Than lilacs blooming on a tree?
Trails that only deer have known What could be more fair to hear
Are here for me to make my own. Than song-birds cradled in the air?
I taste sea spray upon my lips Then why is it when all is mine
While sand runs through my fingertips That I become aware of time?
And then I stand on desert land This one thought evades my reason,
With sprigs of sagebrush in my hand. Have I gained or lost a season?
REVERIE IN A CHAPEL (Continued from page 201)
on a square platform at the front of the room. Golden drapes, made from
dyed sheets, extend halfway down on either side to the edge of the platform.
On the right-hand side of the stand is an old, upright piano, discarded
from one of the bars and donated to the church. Although chipped and
worse for wear, it stands dignified, embellished with ornate wild roses and
cutout fleur-de-lis. Its appearance leaves one totally unprepared for the
discordant, sour notes that fracture the peaceful air and threaten the exis-
tence of a melody. But always the songs get sung. There are times, however,
when the old piano seems to come alive and to give forth tones that are
full and round, all richly harmonizing. It is like that, especially at testimony
meeting, when the spirit of the Lord is like a soft cloak gently dropped
around the little congregation's shoulders drawing them together and giving
glowing warmth. Then the old, scarred piano vibrates with the spirit, and
the proud strains fill the room, praising God.
On the other side of the platform is the sacrament table, with shining
white cloth draped to the floor.
Around the room, unbleached muslin curtains, carefully stitched by the
women of the branch, hang in gentle folds at the windows.
Sitting in the honest simplicity of this little chapel, the outside world
drops away. I feel fresh and alive, like the bouquet of wild daisies nodding
on the piano. From over the pulpit, the peaceful eyes of the Christ smile
down from a picture.
Lael W. Hill
Their flight is concerto
(Opus: Winter ending)
They are crested notes
Fluttered over a staff of sky.
(Motif: Springtime is coming
spring is our secret to tell
to tell —
will you listen?)
With soft wind obbligato through field and garden
Whimsy in melody of motion
Pearl gray arpeggios
From treble birch into the dark bass of pear tree-
Little half-rests
Measured on telephone wires,
(Three movements:
their sudden appearance
out from the warm southern somewhere,
their exquisite dominance here
spiral as air,
blue north calling them on
to herald the sun-given days.)
Remember the final cadenza of wings
To invisible distance
With shadows repeating
A Rainy Day
Violet Nimmo
m I was awakened very early by soft voices coming from the den.
I looked at the clock on the night stand. It was only six-fifteen
and it was Saturday. I knew it must have been a very serious
problem to bring my three children to a meeting at this quiet hour.
"She doesn't like it when we spend money for her," I heard
Heidi say. Heidi is eleven. She is our eldest child.
"I know it/' nine-year-old Jill answered. "What shall we do?"
"It's O.K. if it's raining," Timmy, who is six, assured them.
"If it's raining!" came from both girls in unison. "What does
rain have to do with buying Mother a birthday gift?" Heidi asked.
"Well — she always says we should save our money for a rainy
The girls shrieked wildly with laughter, momentarily forgetting
the hour. Then I heard a sh- sh- sh . . . .
"Saving for a rainy day doesn't mean it has to be raining, silly,"
Jill informed her brother.
"Girls talk silly," Timmy grumbled. "I'm tired and cold, and,
if you can't talk better than that, I'm going back to my room."
There were giggles over the sound of little bare feet.
"We could make something, Jill."
"Yes, she likes the things we make for her, but I thought we
were saving for a picture of us."
"We couldn't very well make the picture, but we could make
the frame."
"Oh! she would like that, wouldn't she, Heidi?"
As I tried unsuccessfully to go back to sleep, I felt a little
ashamed for making it such a problem for the children to please
I remembered the many times I had told them, just as my father
A Rainy Day
and my grandfather had told me, "Save your money, save it for
a rainy day."
There was the time I saved my pennies for months to buy a new
magnifying glass with a handle on it for Grandfather, so he could
see to read his Bible.
Many nights I would ask God in my prayers please not let the
wind blow the next day, especially if it was Saturday or a school
vacation day. When the wind didn't blow for at least three days,
the cattle tanks would be empty because the windmills didn't turn
to pump the water. Then I could pump the tank full for five
cents for our closest neighbor. Of course, five cents was much
money in those days. And even though I saved every penny of it,
it took several months to save a dollar for the magnifying glass.
I recalled Grandfather saying, as he stirred the hot embers and
placed fresh logs on the fire, "Save your money, save it for a
rainy day."
When I presented Grandfather with the magnifying glass on
his birthday, I was frightened as I said, "Happy birthday. Grand-
father. We miss your reading to us when we read from the Bible
after dinner." He answered, "You should save your money, girl,
for something you might want later."
"This is what I really and truly want, Grandfather. This I want
more than anything in the whole wide world. Please, Grandfather,
take it," I cried.
Then I ran to get the Bible and showed him how it made the
letters big and black. I could feel his pleasure and him softening.
My heart was filled with gladness and my eyes were full of happy
As I was preparing the breakfast for my children that morning,
I resolved to show more appreciation for anything my children
would do for me.
The next day as the children stood all dressed for church, I looked
at them for a moment and remarked, "My, you all do look sweet
together. I wish I had a picture of you just the way you look this
moment to keep and cherish after you all have grown and left for
homes of your own."
I saw the girls exchange pleased glances. Timmy opened his
eyes big and bright and said in all innocence, "Maybe it will rain
tomorrow so we can . . . ."
Jill called loudly, "Timmy! you didn't do a very good job of
combing your hair. Let's go into the bathroom and try to fix it."
I heard Timmy's last two words as Jill got him into the bathroom,
"picher tooken."
The following week was one of secrecy, closed doors, and whispers.
When they shouted "Happy birthday. Mother," and presented me
with the picture, it was just that — the happiest of birthdays.
When I look at the picture now, I remember how I learned to
be more appreciative, not only with my children, but also with my
husband, my friends, and to the Lord for all my blessings.
Laura^s Perfect Day
Quin Cole
■ While gentle snowflakes fell at
random from a crisp, January
sky, Laura Carson worked metic-
ulously with last-minute house-
hold tasks. Her Swedish kitchen
gleamed with polished copper
and loving care. Time seemed to
stand still as she prepared for
her very special New Year's Day
guests, but the ticking of the old-
fashioned chime clock reminded
her, "It's almost time, it's almost
time, Mary Carole is coming
home!" Her heartbeat quickened
at the sound of each passing ve-
hicle. How wonderful it would be
to see her only daughter, her son-
in-law, and their new baby boy.
The Air Force was transferring
them from a base in Oklahoma to
Idaho, after two long years, and
they were to arrive by noon.
Laura checked the golden
brown turkey in the oven and
felt anxious to share it with her
little family. Hurrying back to
the living room to have a better
view of the street, she kept busy
by re-doing some of her work.
While she shined the family
photograph of Mary Carole, her
deceased husband, and herself,
Laura felt very close to her dear
ones. Their Swedish ancestry and
blond hair brought out a close
resemblance among the three.
"Oh, Howard, if only you could
be here and feel this joy," she
whispered, "but I'm sure that
your joy is even greater on the
other side." After this reassuring
thought, she felt comforted.
With deep anxiety, Laura
peeked through the frilly, white
window curtains one more time
before relaxing in the soft easy
chair. She reached for a special
letter which was kept in the top
desk drawer. I must read Mary
Carole's last letter again — per-
Laura's Perfect Day
haps I have time, she thought ^'A beautiful, golden sunrise
excitedly. Her small, white hands greeted us the next morning. The
carefully unfolded the cherished flat plains could not conceal the
pages, then she began to read: eastern horizon as our Rocky
*Trecious Mother, I feel that Mountains do. How glorious the
I should bare my heart to you sun! We had never seen it look
this Christmas Day to thank you so near, and the beauty of that
for teaching and exemplifying Easter morn was enhanced by
the gospel to me. Many times in the unbrella-shaped mimosa trees
the past, I'm quite sure that you bursting forth with red and white
felt I was quite unconcerned plumes. As we drove to church,
about the more serious things in we enjoyed the many colorful
life. In my girlhood, you were shrubs and flowers and soon for-
forever patient with me and got our homesickness,
never forced issues. "Our destination proved to be
"Last week, when Don brought a school building, and we thought
me home from the hospital with that we had gone to the wrong
Baby Donald, my heart had place. We saw some children in
wings and reached far beyond the front of the building and asked
realms of life. I realized more them where the church was
than ever that God's greatest gift located. They informed us that
in this life is love. the school was the regular meet-
"I remember the day we ing place. Well, Mother, Don and
arrived in Oklahoma . . . the Sat- I didn't find a lovely, well-dec-
urday before Easter, two years orated chapel like the one in
ago. We felt so alone and almost Kingston, but we did find that
afraid. Neither of us had been same sweet spirit among the small
any further from home than the group of saints. An Air Force
University. I was so accustomed officer provided music on a com-
to feeling secure in your home, so pact, portable organ, and un-
this new venture brought out a padded folding chairs provided
trait that I hardly knew I pos- seating.
sessed. We rented a small, brick 'Branch President Barker, a
house and started unpacking the Cherokee, was so very friendly
car and trailer. After about six and made us feel right at home,
hours of steady work, we had our Total membership was only
new home in fairly good order. thirty in number, but President
"Don said something like, 'To- Barker was just as proud and
morrow is Easter Sunday, honey, confident of his little flock as our
we should find out where the bishop in Kingston. It didn't
nearest Latter-day Saint chapel take long for us to get acquainted
is located.' Our telephone wasn't with everyone in the branch,
yet connected, so we drove to a Such strong brotherhood and
nearby booth. 'Huh,' Don ex- sisterhood the bonds of the gospel
claimed, 'only two chapels are had created there!
listed in this great big city!' He "Within a month, Don and I
copied the address of the nearest had been called to fill four posi-
one, and we returned home for tions, each in various auxiliaries
dinner. and missionary work. Mother,
March 1967
you know better than anyone
how I shirked responsibility in
the Kingston Ward . . . sometimes
letting the other person carry the
heavy burdens. With these new
callings, I was scared stiff, at
first. Imagine me doing the
Lord's work with practically no
experience! I found myself trying
to remember all of the practical
and spiritual things you had
attempted to teach me in my girl-
hood. Don was in full sympathy
with my lack of experience, be-
cause he suffered some of the
same symptoms. We decided to-
gether that we would fulfill our
obligations to the best of our
ability, not only because we felt
needed, but at the same time, it
was a golden opportunity to
develop our potentials. Mother,
you probably can't imagine the
experiences we've had here in the
mission field, so I'll tell you more
of the details when we see you
New Year's Day.
"Don has a week's leave before
we report for duty at Tracy Field
in Idaho, and we are looking for-
ward to seeing you and showing
off the new boy. These have been
the busiest, happiest years of our
lives. We are so thankful that
Don was sent here to receive his
pilot's training, so that we could
help this branch of the Church
grow to over two hundred mem-
bers. Construction of a fine new
chapel has just begun, so the
Lord's work is progressing here
among the Lamanites. Your lov-
ing Daughter, Mary Carole."
Laura arose and hurried to the
front window again. By now, the
ground was nearly white with
new-fallen snow, and she won-
dered about the safety of her
children. When Don's car turned
into the driveway, she could
hardly contain her joy. Beaming
with motherly pride, she watched
them walk toward the front door.
How manly and confident her
dark-haired flier looked as he
helped his young family along the
sidewalk! His tanned face and
bright blue eyes held a deep ex-
pression of determination. Mary
Carole, still slim and lovely, no
longer walked with a careless,
aimless manner. She carried her
tiny baby close to her and looked
up as Laura rushed out the front
door calling to them.
"Hi, Mom," were the most
beautiful words she had heard in
a long time. As she embraced the
three of them, Laura knew that
this would be her perfect day.
The April 1967 Relief Society Magazine will be the special short story issue,
with the following outstanding short stories being featured:
■ "And It Shall Be Given You," by Sylvia Probst Young
■ "The Outsider," by Iris W. Schow
■ "Be Happy, But Remember," by Alice P. Willardson
■ "The Forgotten Necessity," by Luana Shumway
Watch for these stories in April and enjoy a journey into four very different
fields of fiction.
Handicraft Is a Wide World
Anna Evert Terry, Idaho Falls, Idaho, has explored the wide world of handi-
craft and has adapted her findings to the beautification of her own home and
the homes of her relatives, friends, and neighbors. Versatility describes her
accomplishments in domestic art, art needlework, dressmaking, original design-
ing, many handicrafts, and the teaching of these skills to others. Machine
sewing, Roman cutwork, Mexican drawnwork, teneriffe (wheel motifs), shadow
embroidery, carrmacross lace, Limerick lace (patterned on net, with a pointed
needle, or hooked with a tambour needle); Armenian lace, and cluny lace;
hedebo (Danish openwork embroidery), eyelet embroidery, Irish and filet cro-
cheting, knitting, weaving of many kinds; knitted and crocheted doilies, smocking,
netting, tatting, quiltmaking; hooked and crocheted rugs, pom-pom rugs; em-
broidered pictures in pictorial art; art in oils, watercolors, pastels, and crayons.
Sister Terry is interested in learning new skills, whether they be simple or
intricate. Her interest in designing and needlework began at an early age, and
she received special training in handicraft at Brigham Young University and the
University of Chicago. She has been a teacher in domestic art at Brigham
Young University and Ricks Academy, and a professional demonstrator for
several large department stores.
She laughingly expresses a family tradition by saying that perhaps all her
granddaughters and future great-granddaughters will be pliers of needles and
wielders of crochet hooks. Sister Terry is mother to four children, and grand-
mother to twenty-one.
Golden Chain
Hazel M, Thomson
Chapter 2
Synopsis: Nora Blake, having no
family ties, after the death of her
mother, secures a schoolteaching posi-
tion in Banner, Idaho, and takes a
train into the western mountain
country, which seems magnificent to
her, but strange and frightening as
■ The conductor led the way out
of the train into the swirling
snow. "There's a small station
house here, Miss/* he said. "They
keep the fire banked, and you'll
be all right until morning. I'll
leave the sack of mail with you.
When the boy comes to pick it up
in the morning, you can ride into
town with him."
He unlatched the door and lit
the lantern that stood on a small
table. Then he stirred the fire and
put on another large log. The
lantern and fireplace combined to
fill the little room with frighten-
ing shadows. Nora, who had
known much of loneliness, had
never felt so completely alone.
The man turned to go. "Do
you have a place to stay in Ban-
ner?" he asked.
"With Mr. and Mrs. Shep-
herd," Nora answered, giving the
name of the couple with whom
the teaching agency had made
living arrangements for her.
"Oh, the bishop."
"Bishop?" repeated Nora.
"Yes. Bishop in the Mormon
Church." He opened the door.
"Goodnight, Miss," he said.
"You'll be comfortable here until
someone comes for you."
Nora heard the train as it
moved away into the distance.
She lay down on the bench before
the fire and after a time she slept,
to be awakened by a boy of per-
haps thirteen or fourteen years,
his cheeks red from the morning
air, stamping the snow from his
"Good morning. Ma'am," he
said. "I always come for the mail
and for anything else that's here."
In spite of herself, Nora
smiled. "Well," she said, "I guess
I'm the 'anything else' this morn-
The Golden Chain
The boy picked up the mail tween her and the sleigh. It was
sack and took it outside. Nora well over a foot deep. She lifted
buttoned her coat and picked up her skirt slightly, but still hesi-
her bags as he returned. tated.
''Here/' he said, "just leave ''Don't know how to get you
them, and soon as I bank the fire, over here unless you walk,
I'll carry them out for you." Ma'am," said the boy.
Nora watched him place more Still Nora hesitated. Then, lift-
wood on the coals, then cover ing her skirt just a bit more, and
them carefully with small shovel- stepping carefully in the larger
fuls of cool ashes from the outer tracks the boy had made, she
edges of the fireplace. made her way carefully to the
"There," he said, as he hung side of the sleigh,
the shovel back in place. "Never The boy went back and closed
know when someone else will the station door, fastening it on
come along. Always good to have the outside. Then he returned to
the fire banked this time of year, the sled, touched one of the
Say, wasn't that some snow- horses lightly with one hand, as
storm? If it keeps up, there ought he stepped on the wagon tongue
to be three feet by Christmas." and up over the front of the
Outside, Nora blinked against sleigh. From the seat he looked
the brightness of the sun. Its down at her.
rays touched the snow, turning it "I can't do that!" said Nora,
into sparkling diamonds. The "What if the horse should kick
willows along the roadside were me?"
bent low under their heavy bur- The boy laughed. "That horse
den, but they, too, glistened in won't kick. Anyway, all she'd hit
the sun. And the prairie was is the singletree, if she tried. Sure
white, white as far as she could you can. Come on."
see. Nora caught her breath with
the beauty of the morning. She «
stood for a moment, enjoying the After a moment more of hesi-
loveliness of the scene. The air tation, Nora did as she had seen
was clear now, and frosty, and so the boy do. As she placed her
cold it stung her nostrils as she hand on the horse, she felt the
breathed. horse's skin move. Quickly she
"Isn't it lovely?" she said. "I've jerked her hand away, almost
never seen anything so lovely." falling as she did so. The boy
In the process of lifting the grabbed for her, catching the
suitcase over the side of the folds of her coat, half lifting, half
sleigh, the boy stopped with it in dragging her over the end of the
mid air and looked at her. sleigh box.
"Lovely? Snow? You gotta He picked up the lines and
have it for sleighing, and it makes spoke to his team. "Giddap!"
irrigation water for next summer. The team, one brown and the
but lovely? Well, I dunno. I just other a gray, moved forward,
never thought of it that way, Nora had never ridden in a horse-
Ma'am." drawn sleigh before. It moved
Nora looked at the snow be- with an unbelievable smoothness
March 1967
through a country gilded by the
sun like fairyland.
They rode in silence for a time,
as the boy urged the horses into
a trot, their feet kicking up the
snow and sending up little sprays
behind them. The sleigh bells
tinkled out on the frosty air.
Surely, she must be dreaming,
thought Nora. Of course. She had
fallen asleep in the little station,
and this was some wonderful, un-
real country into which her dream
had taken her. Then the boy
"I didn't ask you who you are
going to visit," he said. ''Are you
related to someone in the ward?"
''Ward?" asked Nora. She
didn't understand the word ward.
A hospital ward, or perhaps a
political ward. Yes, it was more
likely something similar. "What
is a ward?"
"You don't know what a ward
is?" The boy peered at her
closely. "Say! I'll bet you're not
a Mormon. Everybody is around
here. That is, everybody except
Old Free. Most folks think he's a
bit queer. He never comes out to
anything except funerals."
Nora looked at the boy some-
what amused. "No," she an-
swered. "I'm not a Mormon. And
I'm not related to anyone in your
ward as you call it, and I'm really
not visiting. You see, I've come
to teach school."
Again the boy looked closely
at her. "You have?" he asked.
"Gee! I wonder if you're big
enough. You should see some of
the boys. There's Ed Johnson and
Joe Pine, both taller than you
are. Sometimes I wonder why
they come. They never seem
much interested in getting their
Again the boy was quiet for a
time. Nora waited.
"About not being related to
anyone in the ward," he said,
"don't worry about it. You see,
I'm not either, not really. But
Jed is just the same as a brother.
Say, I don't even know your
"Blake," she answered. "Nora
Blake. And I don't know yours,
"I'm Ben Wade," answered the
boy, "live here in Banner with
Jed Oliver. He's kept me ever
since my parents died. I was only
nine then. Pa and Jed were best
friends. Funny. You wouldn't
think Jed would want a boy like
me around. But he does. Espe-
cially he likes me to read. . . ."
The boy broke the sentence off
"That's good," said Nora,
"that's the best way there is to
improve your own reading, to
read to someone."
"We've got a good farm," said
Ben, and Nora could feel his in-
tention of changing the subject.
"Jed says it's not big enough for
both of us when we each get a
wife. He says we'll have to have
more land then. Of course, I'm
not old enough for that, but Jed
I HEY were entering the village
now, passing small neat homes
placed at what seemed to Nora to
be a considerable distance apart.
Each home seemed to have its
own little group of narrow,
pointed poplars, with some
shorter, branching shade trees.
Occasionally, bits of snow from
the heavy burdens the trees were
carrying fell softly to the ground
The Golden Chain
"You haven^t asked me where
I'm staying," said Nora.
"No need to," replied the boy,
pulHng his team to a stop in front
of one of the larger homes. "This
is it. Schoolteachers always board
at the bishop's."
A pleasant looking woman,
probably in her thirties answered
Ben's knock.
"Morning, Sister Shepherd,"
said Ben. "Brought you the new
schoolteacher. This is Miss Blake.
Fd best be getting along to the
post office with the mail. Good-
bye, Miss Blake. See you in
"Goodbye, Ben," Nora an-
swered, "and thank you for all
your help."
The boy nodded and was gone.
Nora saw that the table was
spread for breakfast in the pleas-
ant farmhouse kitchen, and the
appetizing smell of bacon frying
met her nose.
"My," said Mrs. Shepherd,
looking at Nora, "you are a pretty
thing. A mite skinny, but my
cooking will take care of that.
Here, let me take your coat, and
rjl get you some water to wash
up. Soon as the younger children
are ready and Josh and Sam
come in from chores, we'll be
ready to sit right down to break-
"Trudy's gone to help milk,
too, Ma," said the tall, dark-eyed
girl tending the bacon frying on
the big range. "We'll have to
wait for her. We always do."
"Oh, maybe she'll surprise us
and make it back to the house
when your father and brother
do," said Mrs. Shepherd, smiling.
"This is Ellen, Miss Blake,"
she went on, motioning toward
her daughter. "And in the high
chair, this is Robbie. He's the
only one of the children you
won't be teaching. And this is
Mark. He's just six," said Mrs.
Shepherd, as the boy came into
the kitchen with his shoes in his
"Let's get those shoes on,
Mark," said his mother. "There're
Sam and your father back from
milking now."
ORA found Josh Shepherd to
be a giant of a man with dark
hair and beard. Sam, at ten, was
a small replica of the father, with-
out the beard, of course.
"We've been expecting you.
Miss Blake," he said, offering his
Nora's own hand seemed to
disappear in his grip. "We hope
you'll like living with our family."
"I expect she's starved," said
Mrs. Shepherd. "Where is Trudy,
Josh? Why does she keep us
waiting on her?"
"When Sam and I left the bam
she was still petting one of the
new calves," answered her hus-
band. "As to why, I can't say,
except that if it eats and
breathes, Trudy loves it, be it
calf, pig, or chicken."
He smiled as he stepped to the
door to call the girl. Mrs. Shep-
herd indicated a chair for Nora
between Ellen and Mr. Shepherd.
"I think you'll be safe there,
Miss Blake," she said. "Mark
doesn't always succeed in getting
through the meal without tipping
something over. And Robbie,
even in his high chair, can be a
little dangerous."
Nora moved to the place Ellen
had set for her, as Mr. Shepherd
returned with Trudy. Nora felt
herself being given the frankest
March 1967
appraisal she had perhaps ever
had, by the child's eyes. Trudy,
too, was dark like her father and
Ellen. She had two long braids
that reached far down her back.
"You don't look like Miss
Amy," she said, going to the
"No," said Nora. "Fm not Miss
Amy. I'm Miss Blake."
"Trudy was Miss Amy's pet,"
said Sam, "and she says she'll
never like another teacher."
"Sam!" said his mother.
"Well, that's what she said.
She's said it over and over."
There was a bit of awkward
silence, as Trudy finished wash-
ing and took her place at the
table. Nora stood by her chair,
noting that everyone else, except
Robbie, was standing also.
"We hope you'll join us in
prayers, Miss Blake," said the
bishop. "We always have family
prayer before breakfast."
Nora stood uncertainly as the
family members knelt by their
chairs. After the slightest hesita-
tion she joined them.
The prayer was lengthy, but
Nora listened intently. Finally,
the bishop was asking a blessing
for her.
"Bless this new member of our
household. Lord, who has come
into our midst, that her stay may
be a pleasant one. Bless her in her
efforts as a teacher, with wisdom
and understanding. We are grate-
ful for her presence here, and we
thank thee that she has come to
us to impart knowledge unto our
Nora was amazed at the words,
and felt a deepening sense of re-
sponsibility in the work which
she was about to begin.
The meal seemed a big one.
Large steaming bowls of oatmeal,
strips of bacon, golden crisp, eggs,
strawberry jam, and hot muffins.
To drink, there were tall glasses
of cold milk. This was indeed
different, but she did justice to
the food, finding her appetite un-
usually hearty.
"I can see what you mean
about your cooking taking care
of my weight," said Nora, smiling
at Mrs. Shepherd. "If I eat like
this every morning, I'm afraid it
will take care of it only too well."
"Now don't start worrying
about that yet," said Mrs. Shep-
herd. "Wait until I've had a
chance to put a few pounds on
you first. You could stand a bit
more weight, don't you think so.
Her husband finished feeding
Robbie the last of his mush.
"Now, Bertha," he said, "we
must give Miss Blake a chance to
know us, and we hope, like us as
we are, and we must do the same
with her, without trying to
change things she is used to."
He turned to Nora. "Bertha is
never quite as happy as when she
is cooking for someone who en-
The Golden Chain
joys her food. You must feel won't be long before you find
free to eat as you have been used that you prefer milk for break-
to doing/' fast."
"I usually have just coffee and Nora found herself somewhat
a slice of toast," said Nora. bewildered, but there was that in
_, Mr. Shepherd's eyes, in his voice,
IHERE was a long silence. Nora that gave ample evidence of his
noticed the family members sincerity.
glancing at each other. Then The bishop pushed his chair
Joshua Shepherd cleared his back from the table,
throat. ''Now, Miss Blake, I suppose
"You haven't heard much about you'll want to see the school be-
Mormons, Miss Blake?" fore Monday morning. Whenever
"No," said Nora, remembering you're ready, I can hitch up the
Mrs. Rennold. "I. . . that is. . . . horses and drive you over. It's a
Well, only a little." Mrs. Ren- good mile, and this snow is pretty
nold had really been liberal with deep for walking."
information. "Oh, thank you," Nora said. "I
The bishop laughed. "I know," do need to go to see what books
he nodded. "You've heard some and supplies there are, and get
strange stories, no doubt." my plans in order."
"We don't drink coffee," an- "Perhaps Trudy could go
nounced Trudy. "Mark, maybe along and be of some help to
could drink it. He's only six. And you," said her mother.
Robbie. But not me. I'm eight, "Why that would be fine," said
and I'm baptized and I'm ac- Nora. "I'd like very much to have
countable for my sins. So I can't her go."
drink it, nor any of the rest of "Can't" said Trudy, "I have to
us. Nor you either. Miss Blake, go catch old Fly and take the
Heavenly Father doesn't want cows to the upper field."
you to drink coffee." "But Sam can . . ." began her
"Trudy!" Bertha Shepherd, mother. Then she looked at
failing in her efforts to stop the Trudy's face and stopped, turn-
child, spoke sharply. But Trudy ing to her older daughter. "Ellen,
hadn't quite finished. get your things on. Perhaps you
"It's true," she said. "Pa told can be of more help than Trudy,
me when he baptized me that I after all."
was to keep the Word of Wisdom, "Oh, I can," said Ellen. "I
and that was way last summer, know right where to find the roll
and I haven't had any coffee or book. Sometimes Miss Amy let
smoked tobacco yet!" me mark it."
Bertha Shepherd looked help- "You see. Miss Blake," said
lessly at her husband. He patted Joshua Shepherd, "a few of our
Trudy's shoulder. families moved up into the Big
"Trudy's done a .pretty good Horn country to homestead. Jim
job of explaining our belief on the Jensen stayed behind after his
subject. Miss Blake. You might folks went, to sell their place. It
find it a bit hard at first, but, if wasn't long before he had a good
you're willing, I promise you it offer on it, so he and Miss Amy
March 1967
decided to get married right away
instead of waiting until spring, as
they had planned. Then they left
for Wyoming, too. Of course," he
added, ''we would have had to
let her go, even if they had stayed
here. The school board would
never permit a married woman to
teach school."
''Miss Amy liked Jed Oliver
the best," said Trudy.
"Trudy!" exclaimed her moth-
er, in shocked surprise.
"It's true," said the child, pull-
ing on her coat. "Everybody at
school said it was true. I did so
want to help Miss Amy, so once
I asked Jed if he liked her."
"Trudy! You didn't!" There
was both dismay and disbelief in
her mother's voice.
"Yes, I did," answered the
child calmly.
"Whatever did he say?" her
mother asked.
"He said he liked her as well as
he liked any schoolteacher, but
that he didn't like any teacher
very much."
"Trudy," said her mother,
"take off that coat and start
stacking the dishes. If Ellen goes
with Miss Blake, you'll have to
help with the dishes."
"But, Ma." The little face was
a mask of golden freckles and
distaste at this new idea. She be-
gan, reluctantly, to take her coat
back off again.
"I've already milked two cows
and fed the chickens and the calf.
I don't see why I have to do the
"Trudy," said her mother firm-
ly? 'Vou simply can't choose to do
the outside chores so you'll never
have to help in the house. One
thing a girl must learn, Trudy, is
how to do dishes, and the sooner
you get at them, the easier they
will be to do."
Nora smiled inwardly at the
grief-stricken expression on the
girl's face, as she began slowly
gathering the plates.
"I wish I was a boy!" she said,
stacking the plates with such
vigor that Nora expected momen-
tarily to see them flying into
pieces. "I just wish I was a boy!
Sam only milked two cows, same
as me, and he didn't even feed
any calves or chickens, and he
doesn't have to wash dishes!"
Mrs. Shepherd opened her
mouth as if to answer, then,
apparently, thought better of it.
Instead, she picked up one of
Nora's bags and started up the
stairs. Nora picked up the other
one and followed.
The room was rather small, but
the bed was large and comfort-
able looking. A small rocker,
padded with crazy-patch cush-
ions, a table near the window,
which would serve very well as a
desk, and another straight-backed
chair completed the furnishings.
At the window were crisp white
curtains, tied back to give a
lovely view of the valley and its
mantle of snow. Everything was
wonderfully clean.
"Now," said Mrs. Shepherd,
opening the door to a small
closet, "I hope you'll find room
enough in here to take care of
your clothes."
"Oh, I'm sure I will," said
"Well, you just go ahead and
unpack. I'll tell Josh that you'll
be ready soon. I'd better get back
to the kitchen and see how Trudy
is coming with the dishes."
Nora was relieved to get out of
the suit she had worn for travel-
The Golden Chain
ing. She chose a simple woolen
dress to wear to the school, one
that was warm and comfortable.
In the sleigh, the bishop put
his hand in his pocket and
handed Nora a large key.
"As president of the school
board," he said, "I always get the
key back when the teacher
leaves. Seems as though IVe had
it more than the teacher the past
year or two. Hope you can stay
on with us. Miss Blake. The
children need a teacher that can
stay with them for awhile."
IHE sun had warmed the air
and the snow dropped in great
blobs from the fences and willows
by the roadside. With the sleigh
bells jingling in her ears, it
seemed but a short ride to Nora
until the horses slowed to a walk
as they climbed a small hill, and
the school building came in sight.
It was small and square, with
white clapboards on the sides and
a bell tower on the top.
At the hitching post, Mr. Shep-
herd jumped down and tied his
team, before turning to help
"I'll go ahead," he said, "and
break trail."
She tried to lengthen her
steps to match his, but found it
quite impossible. He stamped the
snow from his boots on the porch
and turned aside, giving Nora a
chance to try the key. Nora in-
serted it in the lock and tried it
each way, slowly, persistently.
The key turned under her hand
and the lock opened.
"Good for you. Miss Blake,"
cried Ellen. "I think you're the
first teacher who unlocked the
door alone the first time since
Daddy has had the key. They
always try and then come and get
him to open the door."
The door opened into a long
hall, lined with hooks. The
bishop opened the second door
leading from the hallway into the
classroom, which was larger than
Nora had thought it would be
from the outside appearance of
the building. It had a high ceiling
and long narrow windows in the
east and south wall. In the north-
east corner stood a great round
black stove with the longest
stovepipe Nora had ever seen,
reaching almost to the ceiling be-
fore it turned and went into the
north wall. A large green chalk-
board covered a good part of the
area on the north and west walls
of the room.
The desks varied in size, the
smaller ones near the door, and
the larger ones toward the east
side of the room, all facing
north. Her own desk was in front,
nearer to the stove than she
would want it, Nora decided. By
the door stood a small table with
a bucket on it. A dipper hung on
a nail nearby.
"I'll leave you with Ellen,
now," said the bishop. "She
knows more about the boys and
girls than I do. Maybe she can
tell you some things about your
students that will help. When will
you be ready to go back?"
"I really can't tell how long it
will take me," Nora answered.
"And, anyway, I'd like to walk. I
want to see how much farther it
is when I walk than when I ride."
After he had gone, Nora sat
down at the desk and looked at
the rows of empty seats. On Mon-
day morning there would be a
separate challenge facing her
from each one of them.
{To he continued)
Relief Society Activities
Northern States Mission Relief Society Conducts Mission-Wide Conference
August 19-21, 1966
North Wisconsin District sisters who presented the theme "Pattern for
Living," left to right: Kathleen Hoffman, First Counselor; Lucille Maas; Carol
Hoffman, President, Lyndhurst Branch Relief Society; Muriel Cerveny, Pres-
ident, North Wisconsin District Relief Society; Eleanor Paiser, Secretary-
Arte H, Henderson, Supervisor, Northern States Mission Relief Society,
sends the report of Sister Ira Mae Palmer, President, Northern States Mission
Relief Society: "From the distant points of the Northern States Mission, ap-
proximately 240 Relief Society officers and class leaders met for the annual
mission-wide conference. The 'Pattern for Living,' theme was climaxed with
a dinner and style show, the models having selected patterns and made their
own lovely creations. There was an evening of talent presentations, a skit, and
inspirational addresses. A day was spent in instruction for officers and class
leaders. A bazaar, with attractive displays by the districts and branches of
the mission, was outstanding. Music was furnished by each district, with special
numbers by the combined Singing Mothers.
"The closing session of the conference was held Siuiday morning. Among
the speakers were Mission President Warren W. Henderson, his Counselors,
and Sister Henderson. The climax of the conference was a masterful presenta-
tion of 'God So Loved the World,' by Luacine Clark Fox. The event was not
only a time of instruction for the coming year, but proved to be one of sweet
fellowship and spiritual uplift."
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent
through the stake Relief Society presidents, or mission Relief Society super-
visors- One annual submission will be accepted, as space permits, from each
stake and mission of the Church. Submissions should be addressed to the
Editorial Department, Relief Society Magazine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
For details regarding pictures and descriptive material, see The Relief Society
Magazine for January 1966, page 50.
Boise Stakes (Idaho) Singing Mothers Present Tri-Stake Concert
April 15, 1966
Seated, center, front: Florence J. Madsen of the General Board of Relief
Society; LaRue Campbell, chorister, seated at the left of Sister Madsen.
Margaret Badger, President, Boise Stake Relief Society, reports: "In 1953,
there was just one stake in Boise. Elnora Loveland was president, and among
her board members was LaRue Campbell, chorister, who dreamed of having
a Singing Mothers chorus so large and wonderful that Sister Florence J. Mad-
sen would come from her home in Provo, Utah, to be guest conductor.
"The stake was divided in 1954, and Sister Campbell found herself in the
new stake as chorister. Her Singing Mothers had the quality, but not the
number, to fulfill her dream. Late in 1965, the third stake was formed, and
Sister Campbell decided the time was then. In January, plans were made to
have a tri-stake Singing Mothers Concert. Through the efforts of President
Afton Ellison, Lavon Hadley, and Margaret Badger; and choristers LaRue
Campbell, Jean Petersen, and Julia Atkinson; organists Shirley Dahl, Jackie
Christensen, and Collette Howard; and 180 Singing Mothers, the concert was
held April 15, 1966. Sister Madsen blessed us with her presence, directing four
of her own compositions and arrangements. Red roses were presented to her,
and she was deeply moved when, as a final nimiber and tribute, the Singing
Mothers sang her own composition 'The Lord Bless You and Keep You.' The
outstanding performance thrilled the capacity crowd and surpassed even Sister
Campbell's dream."
March 1967
Blaine Stake (Idaho) Singing Mothers Present Concert
April 29, 1966
Hazel Perron, President, Blaine Stake Relief Society, reports: "On April
29, the Singing Mothers of the Blaine Stake ReUef Society presented a concert
of sacred, secular, and patriotic songs. The theme for the concert was 'The
Sound of Music' The director was Vernetta Woodbury, chorister (standing
in the front row at the right), with the accompaniment by stake organist
Thelma Johnson (seated at the piano). The narration was written by Lula
Thatcher (fifth from the right on the second row).
"Other stake officers in the chorus were: Elva Bluemer, Secretary-Treasurer
(third from the right in the second row); Marilyn Harris, First Counselor
(sixth from the left on the back row) ; Vera Clifford, Magazine representative,
(seventh from the left on the back row). Sister Perron sang with the group,
but was absent when the picture was taken. Each ward presented a special
number, which included piano and organ solos, a trio, a vocal solo, and a
sextette. There were about fifty Singing Mothers in the group."
Burley Stake (Idaho) Relief Society Board Entertains Ward Presidents
at Luncheon, September 16, 1966
Front row, seated, left to right: Annie Beck, organist; Ruth Budge, chorister;
Loanda Manning, cultural refinement class leader; Helen Wood, visiting teach-
er message leader.
Middle row, left to right: Merna Marchant, social relations class leader;
Mary Bateman, Second Counselor.
Back row, left to right: LaVerne Darrington, President; Effie Mills, First
Counselor; Ruth Lyons, Magazine representative; Norma Sorensen, spiritual
living class leader.
Sister Darrington reports: "The theme 'Managing Our Resources' was em-
phasized by a skit in the form of a classroom, called 'A School of Understand-
ing' in four different areas of responsibility. The subject matter covered the
problems of Relief Society, and suggested better planning, improving the
quality, and putting to use the resources available.
"Our tables were attractively decorated with gold-colored daisies in blue
covered bottles, and we used colorful place mats made from wallpaper.
"The fifty sisters who attended felt the ideas contributed would be helpful
in their Ward Relief Societies, and in their homes."
Mesa South Stake (Arizona) Visiting Teacher Convention
October 9, 1966
Marie W. Kocherhans, President, Mesa South Stake Relief Society, reports:
"Well over 200 sisters were in attendance, with forty-nine of them being
honored for having served for twenty-five years or more. Thirty-five were
present for the picture. Of this special group, nineteen had taught for over
forty years. Sister Mary Brown of the Ninth Ward (seated front row, center,
holding a plaque) , has served for sixty-five years, and is still an active visiting
teacher at the age of eighty-five. She was given special mention and a lovely
Relief Society pin. The other forty-eight sisters were presented with a small
book as special recognition, and in gratitude for many years of excellent service.
"A special song concerning visiting teaching was sung and dramatized. The
beautiful film 'Unto the Least of These' was shown. Delicious refreshments
were served. The inspiration of the Lord and the blessings of visiting teaching
were felt by all."
I^^R^ <^wk^JBt
March 1967
French Polynesian Mission Relief Society Executive Officers
August 1966
Left to right: Marie Wong, Secretary-Treasurer; Naumi Maro, Second Coun-
selor; Eliza Sam You, President; Tetua Tehani, First Counselor; Diane S.
Stone, former Supervisor, French Polynesian Mission Relief Society.
Sister Stone reports: "We hold a mission-wide Relief Society bazaar in the
capital city of Papeete each year. This year's bazaar was the most successful
of all, in that the Tahitian handicrafts and homemade articles (hand-woven
hats, purses, quilts, toys, aprons, articles of clothing, and other items) were
more beautiful than ever. Everything was sold within two hours of the opening
of the bazaar, which was officially presided over by Madame Jean Sicurani,
wife of the French Governor of French Polynesia. Tlie net profits totaled over
$5,000. Eighteen branch Relief Societies had booths, and the entire affair was
completely organized by the presidency mentioned above, assisted by Sister
Jeannette Taerea."
Sister Elsie L. Richards has since succeeded Sister Stone as Supervisor.
Cumorah Stake (New York) Visual Aids For Family Home Evening
Displayed at Leadership Meeting, September 17, 1966
Nathane Anderson, President, Cumorah Stake Relief Society, reports: "The
sisters of Cumorah Stake, directed by Counselor Caroline Heskyns, introduced
a project to the homemaking personnel at stake leadership meeting. Each sister
made a flannel board and received a package of outline figures. Instructions
were given for mounting and coloring these drawings, which included Biblical
characters, a pioneer family, a modern family (adaptable to suit need), por-
traits of the Prophet Joseph Smith and President McKay, the Savior, and
four books of scripture. It is hoped that the families of the stake will work
together to complete the sets, and that the Family Home Evening lessons will
be enriched by the use of the visual aids. The project was enthusiastically re-
ceived and will be carried to the individual Relief Sopieties through the
Orem West Stake (Utah) Conducts Visiting Teacher Convention
August 9, 1966
Front row, left to right: Luella Olsen; Mary Morrill; Nora Kofford; Maren
Jensen; Lillian Salisbury; Adelaide Shaw; Pearl Talbot.
Second row, left to right: Viola Hyde; Martha Pyne; Lenora Lamereaux;
Ethel Dickey; Iva Dean Newell; Mary Rappeleye; Ella Newell; Myra Adams;
Belva Loveridge.
Back row, left to right: Catherine S. Meldrum, Secretary-Treasurer; Madge
J. Thorn, President; Golda Mangum; Nora Goode; Cinderella Stewart; Flor-
ence Wilkinson; Sarah Ellen Muzzell; Zola Robbins; Lucille H. Trane, First
Counselor; Janet J. Wellington, Second Counselor.
Sister Thorn reports: "The visiting teachers of Orem West Stake were in-
structed and inspired at a convention, August 9, 1966. Bishop Grant Thorn,
a former mission president in England, gave an inspiring address. Catherine
Terris, stake visiting teacher message leader, gave important instructions.
Musical selections were rendered by the 4th Ward Singing Mothers. Tribute
was paid to Sister Maren Jensen, age ninety, still serving as a visiting teacher;
and to Valerie Prestwich, age nineteen, the youngest visiting teacher in the
stake. The sisters pictured above were honored and presented with carnation
corsages for serving thirty-five years or more."
LM ■sAWi»>t»W'<fiiaJtffcft«5ia<toh^^
Murray South Stake (Utah) Opening Social Presents Theme
August 26, 1966
'An Open Door"
Thelma T. Carpenter, President, Murray South Stake Relief Society, re-
ports: "The theme for this year is 'Behold, I have set before thee an open
door.' The table decorations carried out this theme. The following objectives
of Relief Society were emphasized in the program and printed on a beautifully
designed booklet which was presented to each sister:
"Spiritual Growth — Relief Society's principles are to practice holiness. The
all-encompassing reason for its existence is to save souls.
"Happier Living — Happiness comes to those who make others happy. Hap-
piness is family togetherness.
"Companionship — How joyous and lasting are the companionships we make
and keep in Relief Society.
"Service — The cherishing, tender care which marked the work of Jesus is
emulated by Relief Society sisters.
"Knowledge — The Lord has admonished his children to gain knowledge of
all things by study and also by faith.
"Perfect Womanhood — In Relief Society, we find great women who provide
patterns of virtues to be emulated, virtues of modesty and beautiful woman-
"The display in the picture represents the open door of the Family Home
Evening. The Singing Mothers of Murray South Stake presented music for
the opening social, with Darlene H. Anderson as chorister and Coralie B.
Richardson as organist."
Lesson Department
HOMEMAKING — Development Through Homemaking Education
Dr. Eleanor Jorgensen
Summer Months Sewing Course
Discussion I
Northern Hemisphere: Second Meeting, June 1967
Southern Hemisphere: November 1967
Objective: To learn the sewing skills involved in making a jumper,
overblouse or jerkin.
Home sewing is being used
more and more as a means of
creative expression and can be
a very rewarding and exciting
We develop a sense of self-con-
fidence when we have been suc-
cessful in seeing a garment take
complete form under our own
hands, especially if the garment
has been skillfully made. Such
items of apparel have prestige
value which gives the wearer a
feeling of distinction.
Our reasons for sewing are
varied. For example, young moth-
ers may sew to help stretch the
family budget; career girls may
sew in order to achieve more in-
dividuality and exclusiveness in
their clothes; grandmothers un-
doubtedly sew for love of their
grandchildren; and the mature
woman may find it necessary to
make her clothes because alter-
ations for a difficult-to-fit figure
may prove costly in ready-to-
Regardless of the reason for
sewing, a woman must contin-
ually use her imagination and
artistic talents as she develops
her skill in constructing gar-
The primary objective for the
four discussions to be given dur-
ing the homemaking meetings is
to help the homemaker to de-
velop sewing skills, so that she
will become more competent in
making clothes for herself and
her family.
A sleeveless overblouse (worn
over a dress with sleeves) is a
fairly simple and easy garment
to make for the inexperienced
seamstress. The same techniques
March 1967
learned on this garment may be
used in making popover dresses
for the small child, as well as
jumpers, jerkins, and shift-
dresses for the teenager or young
The interesting learning ex-
perience gained in making this
garment comes from applying the
facing to the neckline and arm-
holes. Since there are few pattern
pieces involved, the garment can
be made quickly. If the pattern
does not include the neckline and
armhole facing cut in one, it can
be cut very easily from the gar-
ment pattern, making certain
that the combined neckline and
armhole facings are cut exactly
on grain the same as the garment
is cut.
Front Unit
1. Stay-stitch the neckUne, shoulder,
and armhole edges. Stay-stitching is
a regular machine stitch made with
matching thread, and is done through
a single thickness of fabric just out-
side the seamline or about i/^" from
the cut edge. The purpose for stay-
stitching is to keep the fabric from
stretching and to hold the grainline
in position. Therefore, it is essential
that it be done according to the right
direction. The arrows in Figure 1 in-
dicate the correct direction, while the
numbers show the sequence to follow
in stay-stitching in order to minimize
handling the fabric. If the neckUne
is V-shaped, the stay-stitching is done
opposite to a rounded neckline. In
other words, stitching begins at the
center and goes toward the shoulder.
2. Bustline darts are sewed by fold-
ing the fabric on the pick-up line and
stitching from the wide end of the
dart to the point. To secure the end,
the thread may be lock-stitched,
which is done by releasing the pres-
sure foot slightly and sewing several
stitches in the same spot. This elim-
inates having to tie threads.
3. The front facing is stay-stitched
along the neck, shoulder, and armhole
edges the same direction as the front
bodice. In addition, a stay-stitch is
placed y^" from the lower edge of the
facing. This edge is finished by turn-
ing it under (toward the inside) on
the stay-stitched line and stitching
close to the folded edge. (Figure 2)
4. The bodice and facing are joined
by placing right sides together, gar-
ment side up, and stitching along the
%" seam allowance. Grade the seams
to 1/4" and %", then clip. (Figure 3)
In grading a seam, cut each layer of
material Vs" narrower than the other
to eliminate bulk.
5. Understitch close to the neck
edge, beginning and ending 1" from
the shoulder. Understitching is a row
of stitching which holds the trimmed
seams to the facing, thus helping to
keep the facing flat and in place. The
neck edge may be pressed, if desired,
by holding it in place and pressing
from the facing side. (Figure 3)
6. Stitch the armhole seam (facing
and garment sides together), starting
2" to 3" down from the shoulder.
Grade the seam and clip. Understitch
the lower part of the armhole, be-
ginning 1" from the side seam. Repeat
this procedure for the opposite arm-
hole. (Figure 3)
Back Unit
The back blouse is done exactly like
the front unit, omitting step 2.
Joining Front and Back Units
7. The front and back shoulder
seams are stitched together, with the
blouse and facings being joined in one
continuous operation, right sides to-
gether. (Figure 4)
8. The remaining portion of the
armhole is sewed by inserting the hand
between the facing and the blouse and
pulling the unstitched seam inside out,
then stitching it. Grade seams and clip.
Understitch armhole as far as pos-
sible, beginning 1" from underarm
seam. (Figure 5)
9. Sew side seams together by start-
ing at the top of the facing and con-
tinuing down to the hem c^ the blouse.
Press the seam open. Anchor the fac-
ing in place by machine stitching
through the crack of the seamline,
garment side up.
10. Hem lower edge of blouse.
A more professional appearance
7 8
(Fig. 2)
Begin on right side
(Fig. 1) Stay-stitching
Begin on right side of fabric
Grade & clip
(Fig. 3)
(Fig. 4)
(Fig. 5)
Insert hand under facing
at point*
March 1967
may be achieved if interfacing is used
in a lowered neckline, since it helps
to give body and shape, as well as
helping to eliminate stretching. A few
suitable interfacing fabrics for cottons,
such as broadcloth, percale, or poplin,
are batiste, organdy, lawn, voile, and
unbleached muslin. The interfacing is
cut to follow the same shape as the
front and back bodice neckline and is
approximately 3" wide. The armhole
is not interfaced. If the garment is to
be interfaced, it is placed on the
wrong side of the front and back
bodice necklines and is stitched into
position at the time when the stay-
stitching is done. The two layers of
fabric (blouse and interfacing) are
treated as one layer during the stay-
Instead of using the neckline and
armhole facing cut as one, the gar-
ment may be completely lined with
a contrasting fabric of equal weight
and quality. This method would give
more body, thus helping the garment
retain its shape throughout its wear-
The lining is cut exactly like the
rest of the garment, and the procedure
for constructing it is the same in pre-
paring the front and back units. Two
methods may be used in finishing the
hem or lower edge.
Method A — Follow steps 1 through
9. After sewing the underarm seam,
a %" seam allowance is turned up on
both the lining and the garment, and
then the two edges are slipstitched by
hand, making sure the stitches are
made at least Ys" apart and not
visible from either side.
Method B — Follow steps 1 through
6, omitting the last part of step 3,
which refers to the finish along the
lower edge of the facing. The lower
edge of the front garment is stitched
by turning the two layers right sides
together and sewing along the seam-
line. The back unit is finished the
same way.
To connect the front and back units
1. Turn the backs wrong side out.
2. Connect fronts and backs to-
gether at the side seam by matching
the front lining to the back lining,
and the front garment to the back
garment. Stitch a continuous line,
using a %" seam allowance and sew-
ing around the garment in a complete
3. Turn right side out, press, and
repeat the procedure for the opposite
side. A small opening should be left
in the lining sections to allow for
turning the garment right side out.
This opening is then slipstitched to-
gether by hand.
4. Follow step 7 to connect the
shoulder seams.
5. The remaining portion of the
armhole which has not been stitched
is slipstitched together by hand.
Many wonderful design effects may
be achieved in making the basic
sleeveless overblouse or popover dress
by using a little imagination and
creativity, along with the application
of good design principles. Bias tubing,
or flat bias may be artistically ar-
ranged at the neckline. Rickrack,
appliques using press on tapes can
also be used to create an interesting
design — to name a few.
CAUTION: If you desire an expen-
sive, professional look, be sure to
match plaids, stripes, or checks, as
you cut and seam garments.
Iris W. Schow
We are waiting at the crossroads
Wiiere spring and winter meet;
Each hopes to rule the elements
With dominance complete.
But soon the sky will sparkle,
The brooks will wake and sing,
When winter, worsted, abdicates
To promise-laden spring.
Pots and pans stay
"white glove"
Ifif's electric, it's better!
April 27
Canada's World's Fair
July 17
July 22
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Margery S. Stewart
Beneath three trees
In a snow-filled wood,
Is the deep scar
A kneeling man makes.
A little way back circle
Tire tracks of his car.
He came, making shuffling
But long strides back,
Write purpose and a tall man.
Questions in the snow,
Jew? Christian? Moslem? I lack
The sure details . . .
I only know
That a man knelt here,
A little while ago.
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R,5. MAR. 67
Eva Willes Wangsgaard
No life is here,
No mallard phalanx, no call of loon.
No splash of carp along the edge
Of the still lagoon.
Only old nests of sedge
Stiffened and sere.
Cupping hard eggs of snow
Where frozen rushes swerve
Over the sterile fruits,
Snuggled against the roots
Off reed and sedge and rush
Above the windless hush
Where wintry waters curve
In slow, unrippled flow.
Yet, well I know
Some miracle will loose
A rocket burst of sound
To tinkle round on round
Across the sky
And meet the ki^ldee's cry
When blackbird heralds bring
An April truce,
Shrill, red-winged chorusing
The green surprise of spring.
A sure way of keeping alive the valuable in-
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<^^2^^ C^^^^^i^fei^ij^j^^
inn Mrs. Susannah Wagstaff McGhie
lUU Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Catherine Walker Stewart Heggie
Cl^rkston, Utah
Mrs. Marie Sorensen Jensen
Shelley, Idaho
Mrs. Mary Margaret Clarkson Morgan
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Lewis Markham
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Esther Openshaw Brimhali
Mesa, Arizona
Mrs. Naomi Taylor Coon
Salt Lake City, Utah
Miss Ellen Park
Tooele, Utah
Mrs. Edith Maude Ellerby Langlois
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Berg Beckstead
Nibley, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth Adelaid Wakefield Wortley
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mrs. Charlotte Wilson Nichols
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Eliza Huber Gibson
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Alta Spence Anderson
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Hulda Garff Mickelsen Salisbury
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Ruth Rutherford Woods
St. George, Utah
Mrs. Addie Nelson
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Martha Vance Fowles
Fairview, Utah
Mrs. Marian Wilson Husbands
Salt Lake City, Utah
Miss Florence Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Agnes Grimm
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Martha Acklin Ferguson
Concord, California
Mrs. Ada Amanda Crisman Byers Shreve
Mesa, Arizona
Mrs. Lucy Malinda Turner
Morgan, Utah
Mrs. Agnes Ford Latter
St. Peters, South Australia
Mrs. Louise Ernestine Lannier
Paris, France
Mrs. Marie Goddaus Ballstaedt
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Hannah Kemp Peterson
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary Ann Johnston Franks
Cardston, Alberta, Canada
Mrs. Annie Lillie Clark Walker
Wellsville, Utah
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Relief Society
Lael W. Hill
Who once has loved, shall be with love forever.
Here Is no sulking bird that will depart
Leaving the sky unsounded, or the river
Unvisited at dusk. Love in the heart
Will murmur quiet comfort to the lover
So long as time shall flow, or heaven wait.
Telling in small sure echoes, over and over.
Who once has loved shall live inviolate.
Whom love has lifted to a while of soaring,
However brief, is now no more alone;
Companioned by what was, and softly hearing
The words love made, of wind, or rain and stone.
Who once has loved, whom love has held enchanted.
Henceforth goes always beautifully haunted.
The Cover: Blossoms at Calumet Farm, Lexington, Kentucky
Transparency by Claire W. Noall
Lithographed in full color by Deseret News Press
Frontispiece: Early Blossoms, Santa Clara Valley, California
Photograph by Don Knight
Art Layout: Dick Scopes
Illustrations: Mary Scopes
Great is the joy I feel in writing to you.
I have been led to do so by reading
so many letters from our sisters in dif-
ferent parts of the world. The Magazine
has been a great help to me in fulfilling
my responsibilities, and It has brought
consolation to my heart when I have
been discouraged. Once -when I was
discouraged about something to pre-
sent in work meeting, I picked up the
Spanish Relief Society Magazine (June
1966) and my eyes were attracted to
the page displaying the little girl with
her doll — both very beautiful, the little
girl's dress and the doll's dress match-
ing. It was just what I needed. I realized
that it was an answer to my prayer.
Susana Donoso de Villalobos
Santiago, Chile
For more than a quarter of a century
I have enjoyed the contents of the
Magazine. The past few months I have
appreciated it even more because we
have a fine contributor from our home
town — Alda L Brown. The Richmond
Ward is so proud of her. Her poem
"August" (August 1966) and "Tree
House" (October 1966) with the ac-
companying picture by Dorothy J.
Roberts, were exceptionally good. I
have never read a publication that has
so many choice articles as our Mag-
Leona H. Carlson
Richmond, Utah
For many years the women of Argentina
have been waiting for the Magazine in
Spanish, and now that we have it, we
feel closer to Relief Society. When we
receive it, we can see the change in
the spirit of our sisters. To show you
how thankful we are, we will try hard
to do our best in using the material
we receive through the Magazine.
Maria de Abrea
Buenos Aires, Argentina
We are on a mission for the Church
in Switzerland and enjoy it very much.
Our daughter Elizabeth ordered the
Magazine for us, and we enjoy getting
it. When I was the representative for the
Magazine many years ago in the Thirty-
Third Ward, Salt Lake City, I always
told the sisters "Find time to read it,
because every article in it is very
choice." Being a cook, I especially like
the recipe section.
Anna Fassman
Burgdorf, Switzerland
May I express my gratitude for The
Relief Society Magazine. It has been
such a blessing to us, especially here
in the mission field. These dear Philip-
pine sisters express to us their thanks
for the help the Magazine gives them.
They enjoy the special features and
love to recount the inspirational re-
marks that President Belle S. Spafford
gave to us at our June 5th, 1966 con-
ference, when she and Sister Florence
Jacobsen were here.
Hazel C. Huntington
Makati, Rizal
Mother and I were pleased to discover
Dorothy J. Roberts' fine article (in
December) on Danish cookery. Those
recipes, which have been so important
to the many among our people who
have a heritage from Denmark, should
surely be preserved and used.
Iris W. Schow
Brigham City, Utah
It was a great pleasure to us to see
our "Tin-Can Tree" displayed in the
December issue of The Relief Society
Magazine. My daughter and I thank you
very much. We have received letters
from friends and relatives saying they
had seen the pictures and description.
Gertrude P. Terry
San Francisco, California
R^li^f Society Magazine
Volume 54 April 1967 Number 4
Editor Marianne C. Sharp Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager Belle S. Spafford
Special Features
244 Correlation Brings Blessings Thomas S. Monson
248 Leanor J. Brown Appointed to the General Board of Relief Society
249 Reba 0. Carling Appointed to the General Board of Relief Society
256 How to Promote and Use the Magazine G. Robert Ruff
268 We All Work Together Alice H. Ballard
272 Cancer's Warning Signals V. J. Skutt
286 Lake Country, England Mabel Jones Gabbott
250 The Forgotten Necessity Luana Shumway
263 Be Happy — But Remember Alice P. Willardsor)
273 The Outsider Iris Schow
281 "And It Shall Be Given You" Sylvia Probst Young
299 The Golden Chain — Chapter 3 Hazel M. Thomson
General Features
242 From Near and Far
269 Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Car)r)on
270 Editorial: "He Is Risen" Louise W. Madsen
307 Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities
320 Birthday Congratulations
Tlie Home- inside and Out
280 Inner Struggles Arlerie Larsen Bascom
289 "Into Every Life Some Rain Must Fall" Amy Giles Bond
290 Morning Melody Wilnna Boyle Bunker
291 On Baking Bread Mildred Cook Solury
292 "Good Old House" Verna S. Carter
294 The Patient Soul Rose A. Openshaw
295 Sense of Wonder Nancy M. Armstrong
296 Recipes With a Different Flavor Anna Molenaar
298 Flowers Inside and Out
Lesson Department
314 Summer Months Sewing Course Eleanor Jorgensen
241 Inviolate Lael W. Hill
Beyond the Farthest Rift, Gladys Hesser Burnham 247; Unsaid Words, Zara Sabin 254;
Hills Against the Sky, Dorothy J. Roberts 261; Spring, Christie Lund Coles 262; Full Circle,
Carol Lynn Wright 279; Across the Water, Peggy Tangren 280; The Mighty Oak and I,
Laura M. Gowing 287; Wind Lullabye, Beulah Huish Sadleir 288; My Hands, Sadie J.
Stevens 291; A Visit Home, Alda L. Brown 293; Pattern of Blossoms, Aleine M. Young 294;
Child's World, Ethel Jacobson 295; To My Danish Grandmother, Julene J. Gushing 297;
Going — Unaware, Pearle M. Olsen 306; Reflections, Alverna Allender 316; Guide Me,
Catherine B. Bowles 317; And We Go Walking There, Linnie Fisher Robinson 318;
Published monthly by THE GENERAL BOARD OF RELIEF SOCIETY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. ' 1967 by the Relief Society General Board Association. Editorial and Business Office: 76 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111; Phone 364-2511; Subscription Price $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year; 20c
a copy, payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back numbers can be sup-
plied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of address at once, giving old and new
address. Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the
Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned unless return postage is enclosed.
Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only. The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manu-
Elder Thomas S. Monson
of the Council of the Twelve
[Address Delivered at the Officers
Meeting of the Relief Society An-
nual General Conference, September
28, 1966]
■ When the Savior walked the
dusty pathways of towns and
villages which we now reverently
call the Holy Land and taught his
disciples by beautiful Galilee, he
often spoke in parables, in lan-
guage the people best understood.
Frequently he referred to home
building in relationship to the
lives of those who listened.
He declared: "... every . . .
house divided against itself shall
not stand" (Matt. 12:25). And
then, in this dispensation, he
cautioned: "Behold, mine house is
a house of order, saith the Lord
God, and not a house of confu-
sion" (D&C 132:8). At Kirtland
he said, "Organize yourselves;
prepare every needful thing; and
establish a house, even a house of
prayer, a house of fasting, a house
of faith, a house of learning, a
house of glory, a house of order,
a house of God" (D&C 88:119).
Today the blueprint for building
such a house is the Correlation
Program of the Church.
In every quarterly conference
during 1966, the executive leader-
ship of each stake heard Presi-
dent McKay describe the very
aim and purpose of correlation as
he quoted the words of the
apostle Paul: "And he gave some,
apostles; and some, prophets; and
some, evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers; For the per-
fecting of the saints, for the work
of the ministry, for the edifying
of the body of Christ: Till we all
come in the unity of the faith,
and of the knowledge of the Son
of God, unto a perfect man, unto
the measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ" (Eph. 4:11-
To assist the women of the
Church to attain this very goal,
members of the Adult Committee
of the Correlation Program, men
and women of faith, of experience,
of wisdom, and called of God by
inspiration, have, with the mem-
bers of the General Relief Society
Presidency and members of your
Correlation Brings Blessings
General Board, met together,
fasted together*, prayed together,
studied together, planned to-
gether, and diligently worked to-
gether in the preparation of your
courses of study and the develop-
ment of every aspect of your
excellent program.
Knowing the strength of Presi-
dent Spafford and her co-workers,
we expected full and whole-
hearted cooperation. Our expec-
tations were more than fully
realized. Indeed, the successful
pattern for such cooperative
effort has provided the guide for
other auxiliary organizations to
similarly proceed. We look back-
ward with pride. We look forward
with confidence. We know the re-
sults of such teamwork will be
blessings in abundance for the
women in the kingdom of God.
May I enumerate but a few of
the blessings correlation brings:
The Blessing of Purpose: Correla-
tion brings more fully to proper
perspective the overriding objec-
tive for each of us to strive to be-
come the sons and daughters of
our Heavenly Father. We learn
to do the right things for the
right reasons and to "walk up-
rightly before the Lord." To
achieve this end, the curricula in
which women of the Church are
involved present the principles of
the gospel in such a way as to
bring personal meaning to the in-
dividual, that she might be moti-
vated to apply these gospel prin-
ciples in her own life. This bless-
ing of proper purpose is as a
beacon light to guide our foot-
steps along the pathway to
eternal life.
The Blessing of the Priesthood:
Correlation teaches that the
Priesthood is the central power in
the Church and the authority
through which the Church is ad-
ministered. It is the means by
which members of the Church can
participate in saving ordinances.
These truths form the thread
from which the fabric of your
curricula is woven. With our pro-
grams being Priesthood centered,
and your courses of study cor-
related with those of the Priest-
hood and Family Home Evening
Program, we eliminate the weak-
ness of a woman or a man stand-
ing alone, and substitute, there-
for, the strength of husband and
wife walking hand in hand to-
The Blessing of Home Emphasis:
The First Presidency has often
declared, "The home is the basis
for the righteous life, and no
other institution can take its
place nor fulfill its essential func-
tions." This inspired declaration
is held uppermost in the minds
and hearts of all who have a part
in the preparation of your pro-
gram. The curricula prepared for
adult women open a new vision
of the possibilities of a woman as
homemaker. It has been said of
mothers, "The hand that rocks
the cradle is the hand that rules
the world." In reality such hands
do much more; for mo therms
hands, mother's heart, and
mother's influence guide sons
and daughters and assist their
father and her husband to gain
the cherished goal of exaltation
in the kingdom of our Father, to
live with him who not only ac-
April 1967
tually rules the world, but who
created it in the first place.
Family prayer, Family Home
Evenings, coupled with the aid of
effective home teaching from
inspired and prepared home
teachers, can bring the blessings
of heaven to our homes here on
Such correlated activities teach
family members to think of
others first and self last. Indeed,
we practice in our lives the prin-
ciples taught by Robert Wood-
ruff, an American business ty-
coon, and labeled by him as "A
Capsule Course in Human Rela-
tions.'' He said:
The five most important words in
the Enghsh language" are these:
The four most important words in
the Enghsh language are these:
The three most important words in
the language are:
The two most important words are:
The least important word is: I.
The Blessing of Balance: Correla-
tion seeks to eliminate overlap
and duplication of effort. All the
curricula of the Church are so
correlated that we are working
together as members of a single
team. The personal exaltation
of the individual is paramount.
Meetings become not an end
in themselves, but the means
to the desired end. Literature,
art, and music are brought to-
gether in a way which permits
them to complement the teaching
of the principles of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. And through it all
your noble field of compassionate
service is not submerged. Rather,
it is exalted.
In the spirit of the Master you
continue to —
. . . Gladden the lonely, the dreary;
Comfort the weeping, the weary;
Scatter kind deeds on your way;
Make the world brighter today!
The Blessing of Unity: Closely al-
lied with the blessing of balance
is the blessing of unity. Occa-
sionally, destructive competition
characterizes the work of our
various organizations. Correlation
transforms competition to cooper-
ation. We are brought to the reali-
zation of the truth, '*. . . if ye
are not one ye are not mine"
(D&C 38:27). Though our ob-
jectives may at times appear un-
attainable, though the resources
of that evil one loom overpower-
ing, and though discouragement
threatens, and weaknesses handi-
cap, yet that blessing brought by
correlation — even united effort —
will bring us the victory we so
much seek.
We can take strength from the
example of Gideon. You will re-
member how Gideon and his
army faced the overwhelming
strength of forces vastly superior
in equipment and in number. The
Holy Bible records that this
united enemy, the Midianites
and Amalekites, "lay along in the
valley like grasshoppers for multi-
tude; and their camels were with-
out number, as the sand by the
sea side for multitude." Fear must
have penetrated each heart among
Gideon's followers. But their
leader went to Almighty God for
his strength. To his surprise,
Gideon was advised by the Lord
Correlation Brings Blessings
that his forces were too many in so did all, and together they
number for t^e Lord to deliver shouted, "The sword of the Lord,
the enemy into their hands, lest and of Gideon." The outcome of
they say: "Mine own hand hath that mighty battle is recorded in
saved me" (Judges 7:2). Gideon one short sentence: "And they
was instructed to proclaim to his stood every man in his place. . ."
people, "Whosoever is fearful and (Judges 7:21), and the victory
afraid, let him return and depart was won.
early from mount Gilead. And Today, we are encamped against
there returned of the people the greatest array of sin, vice,
twenty and two thousand; and and evil ever assembled be-
there remained ten thousand" fore our eyes. Such formidable
(Judges 7:3). But the Lord said, enemies may cause lesser hearts
"The people are yet too many. . ." to shrink or shun the fight. But
(Judges 7:4). Through the test the battle plan whereby we fight
of drinking of the water, but to save the souls of men is not our
three hundred men were selected own. It was provided to our
to remain and fight the enemy, leader, even President David O.
After again praying, Gideon said, McKay, by the inspiration and
"Arise; for the Lord hath de- revelation of the Lord. Yes, I
livered into your hand the host of speak of that plan which will
Midian. And he divided the three bring us victory, even the Corre-
hundred men into three com- lation Program of the Church,
panies, and he put a trumpet in And as we do battle against him
every man's hand, with empty who would thwart the purposes of
pitchers and lamps within the God and degrade and destroy
pitchers. And he said unto them, mankind, I pray that each of us
Look on me, and do likewise: will stand in his or her appointed
and, behold, when I come to the place, that the battle for the souls
outside of the camp, it shall be of men will indeed be won; that
that, as I do, so shall ye do. When when life's race has been run, we
I blow with a trumpet, I and all may hear the commendation of
that are with me, then blow ye the Lord, "Well done, thou good
the trumpets also on every side and faithful servant: thou hast
. . . and say. The sword of the been faithful over a few things.
Lord, and of Gideon" (Judges I will make thee ruler over many
15-18). When Gideon and his things: enter thou into the joy of
hundred men did blow on the thy lord" (Matt. 25:21). In the
trumpets and break the pitchers, name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
The strength of the mountain surrounds me-
BEYOND THE '*^ majesty, towering, grand,
Entices me ever to conquer
FARTHEST RIFT j^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ craggy land-
Gladys Hesser Burnham Ah! only in spirit I'm reaching,
Searching for thoughts to uplift
Tci loftier beckoning vistas
Beyond the farthest rift.
Leanor J. Brown
Appointed to the
General Board
■ Leanor Jesperson Brown, Mex-
ico City, Mexico, was appointed
to the General Board of Relief
Society, February 1, 1967. A
daughter of James A. Jesperson
and Flora May Williams Jesper-
son, she is a great-great-grand-
daughter of Frederick Granger
Williams, a Counselor to the
Prophet Joseph Smith. She was
married to Harold Brown in the
Mesa Temple, and they are the
parents of two sons : David Calvin
and James Christopher.
Her Church service began in
girlhood. She is a Golden Gleaner
and has worked in the aux-
iliaries of the Church. In Relief
Society, she has had a varied ex-
perience as a class leader and ex-
ecutive officer, including services
as social science and theology
class leader in Provo, Utah, Bos-
ton, Massachusetts, and Mexico
City. She has been first counselor,
stake Relief Society president,
and acting stake Relief Society
president in Mexico City Stake,
where her husband is currently
serving as stake president. Sister
Brown has been a short-term mis-
sionary in the Mexican Mission,
and she and her husband served as
afssistants to the president of the
Mexican Mission. While Brother
Brown was president of the Ar-
gentine Mission, Sister Brown di-
rected the women's auxiliaries.
She is presently teaching sem-
inary to the English-speaking
high school members of the
Church in Mexico City. Her
brother James Avril Jesperson is
president of the Andes Mission.
Her many years of residence in
Mexico and in other Spanish-
speaking countries have given her
an understanding and a love for
the Relief Society sisters and the
members of the Church who are
building the missions and the
stakes and wards and branches in
Latin America.
Sister Brown is a natural lead-
er, an accomplished speaker, and
is well versed in Relief Society
organizational procedures. A gra-
cious homemaker, she excels in
cooking, handicraft, and hospi-
tality. Her appointment to the
General Board of Relief Society
will bring to it additional strength
and ability, and her understand-
ing of the Spanish-speaking sis-
ters, as well as of other Relief
Society sisters will add to the
unity of the world-wide sister-
Reba O. Carling
Appointed to the
General Board
■ Reba Olsen Carling, a devoted
Relief Society worker and experi-
enced leader in all of the women's
auxiliaries of the Church, was ap-
pointed to the General Board of
Relief Society, February 1, 1967.
A daughter of Oluf H. and Jemina
Sorenson Olsen, she was bom in
Monroe, Utah, and was graduated
from South Sevier High School.
Her education was continued at
the Latter-day Saints Business
College in Salt Lake City, and at
the University of Utah.
In Church work. Sister Carling
served as president of the Young
Women's Mutual Improvement
Association in Rupert, Idaho,
and she worked with her husband
in the New England Mission,
where he was district president;
she was a teacher in Primary
and in Relief Society in Sunset
Ward, San Francisco Stake, and
in the Relief Society in Fillmore,
Utah. In the Indian Hills Ward,
Salt Lake City, she was a mem-
ber of the MIA presidency, and in
the Monument Park Ninth Ward
she was theology class leader. In
Monument Park Stake she served
as Relief Society president, and
was an ordinance worker in the
Salt Lake Temple at the time of
her call to the Relief Society
General Board.
Sister Carling's business train-
ing has been an asset to her in
several executive positions, par-
ticularly in her recent work as
executive secretary and personnel
manager of a chain of retail stores
in the Salt Lake City area. She
is the mother of two sons and a
daughter: Richard J. Carling,
presently a member of the Utah
State Legislature; Michael G.
Carling, serving in the British
Mission; and DeeAnn (Mrs. J.
Clark Robinson) . Sister Carling's
husband, Junius J. Carling, was
killed in an airplane accident in
1962, and she has loyally con-
tinued their plans for the educa-
tion and Church service of their
The members of Relief Society,
wherever they will be privileged
to meet and associate with Sister
Carling, will be blessed through
her faith and enthusiasm and her
buoyant personality. She comes
to her new appointment with the
love and admiration of many
friends and a host of fellow
workers in Relief Society, and in
the Church.
■ Lately, Martha had found the
mixing of meat loaf oppressive.
From memory she measured the
ingredients. Her listless eyes
barely noted the slow, deliberate
motion of her hands spooning
leaden spices into the bowl and
stirring together the clay-like
mixture. Thirty years ago she had
eagerly accepted the challenge of
ground beef. Now, she grudged it
as one more evidence that it was
she who balanced the family bud-
get. Just as she began prodding
the stubborn meat with her fin-
gers, the phone rang. Systemat-
ically, Martha used her thumb
and forefinger to wipe the meat
from her hands, washed them at
the sink, and dried them on the
towel tucked into her apron as
she walked to the phone.
"Hello. . . . Yes, Frank? . . .
No, not too busy. Just fixing
dinner. . . . Now? Why now? . . .
Yes, I'll be here, but can't you
tell me on the phone? . . . Frank,
is it good to leave work early?
You don't want to take advan-
tage just because you are near
retirement. . . .Well, all right, if
youVe talked to him. . . . All
right, you can prune those low
apricot branches while I finish
dinner. ... I know that. If you
waited until you felt like. . . .
Well, someone has to. If I didn't,
nothing would ever be done. . . .
All right. Bye."
Through her years of marriage
Martha had grown increasingly
responsible. When her children
were young, she had imagined
herself an accordion, lyrically ex-
panding to bring within herself
the added meaning of those who
depended upon her. Gradually,
she had felt her expansion reach
its capacity, her music become
thin, her responsibilities grow
burdensome. She had become the
family timekeeper, the button-
finder, the hole-mender, and even
the conscience. That which in her
early years had so musically
flowed into her had remained to
settle upon her, heavy, tiring, un-
mpving. She had expected that,
as the children left for school,
missions, and marriage, she would
be released to fold again into her
smaller, lighter person. But noth-
ing had changed. She retained
the responsibility for home, yard,
children, even for her husband —
especially her husband, the one
who should have been responsible
The Forgotten Necessity
for her, the one she should have
leaned on.
She plunged into the meat loaf
again. She had just patted it into
the pan when she heard Frank
at the gate. She frowned, glanced
at the clock, and noted that it
had only been five minutes since
he called. Martha gathered bits
of evidence into conclusions as
deftly as she gathered crumbs
from the breakfast table into her
napkin. Obviously, Frank had not
called from his office. He had
called from this side of town, the
hobby shop. He had bought some-
thing, probably for their wild
flower collection, possibly the
new plastic album he had taken
her to admire several nights
earlier. And he had come home
immediately to show her.
Martha heard her husband come
into the kitchen. Before she
turned to greet him, she was de-
termined to finish her chore. She
could easily imagine him there,
grinning, with one hand resting
casually on the table and the
other, with more effort, casually
behind his back. In two years he
would retire from a full life of
work, but he was still the im-
pulsive schoolboy, pride spilling
all over his face, eager to show
the teacher his clever, new pur-
chase, but anxious that she might
not share his enthusiasm.
Martha did share his enthus-
iasm in her own way. On flower-
hunting trips with her husband,
she forgot her burden of respon-
sibility. The unending blue of the
sky, the rolling on and on of the
hills, the constant promise of an-
other, more intriguing mountain
flower lifted her from her labors.
But, faced with the white bowl
blotched with shreds of left-be-
hind meat loaf, she could wait to
see his album. She placed the loaf
pan into the oven.
''Martha,'* Frank sounded hes-
itant. ''Will you drive me to the
"Airport?" was sufficient an-
swer. Methodically, as a cat licks
its paws and face leaving no spot
uncleansed, she began in one
corner to wipe the shelf.
"I have to go to Los Angeles."
He offered no more explanation.
Martha had always had to extract
information from him.
"Los Angeles? Why go there?
Your work is here in the north."
Noiselessly, she piled the dishes
in the sink.
"It's not for work. I am going
to the company hospital."
For the first time, Martha
turned around. "Hospital? I did
not know you were sick."
"I'm not sick. It's that sore
on my cheek. I saw Doc Fletcher
today. He thinks I should have
it checked." He spoke very
"But didn't he check it?" she
asked, remembering that she had
told him to see the doctor three
times last week.
"He wants a more thorough
check made, X-rays and a bi-
She tried to grasp what he was
saying. She reached for a chair,
and pulling it nearer her, sat
down. "Biopsy? On your cheek?
You mean it's cancer?"
"He says there is only a small
chance that it is malignant. He
just wants me checked. The hos-
pital is the best place to do it."
Martha tried to remember the
beginning of the conversation.
The words, the thoughts were
April 1967
moving too rapidly, too unex-
pectedly. "Yes, I'll take you."
Then, as an afterthought — ''It
only costs half as much to take
the bus." She was automatically
checking his extravagance.
"The doctor ordered the plane.
He phoned for reservations while
I was still in his office. He even
phoned the hospital to ask them
to meet me. They will have a
room waiting when I arrive."
The implication of his words
began to filter into her reasoning.
She was silent a moment and
then spoke softly, "A room in the
hospital? You'll be staying there?
Three hundred miles away?"
Without answering, Frank went
into the bedroom. Martha fol-
lowed. Finally, he said, "You'll
be alone here for a few days. Be
sure to let the neighbors know.
I shouldn't be gone more than a
couple of days, not long enough
to make the trip worthwhile for
you." He brought his small suit-
case from his closet and opened
it on the bed.
Martha felt terribly alone and
out of touch with him. He was
speaking almost casually, as if he
were going to the corner for a
newspaper. He avoided frowning
or looking directly at her for
more than a few seconds at a
time. Yet the muscles around his
eyes were tense; the line of his
mouth was firm, perhaps from
too much control.
"It is serious, isn't it?" she
She went to his drawer and
pulled out three changes of un-
derwear. She laid them on the
bed near his suitcase.
He answered her, "I won't
know that until I get there. I
don't need all those clothes. I'll
be in bed in a hospital." He ig-
nored the underwear, packing in-
stead a shirt, two books, and
some stationery.
Martha moved in front of the
suitcase. "Take them anyway. It
won't hurt you to have more than
enough. Will you let me know
as soon as you find out?" She re-
moved the shirt, books, and
paper, and began rearranging
them in the suitcase.
"Yes, I will. I'll call if it is
possible." He had collected his
shaving equipment, his tooth-
brush, and his hair cream. Martha
fitted each one in carefully. When
she had finished, he closed the
suitcase and said only, "Let's go."
Martha wanted to open the
suitcase and check it again. She
wanted to be assured that he had
everything, that he would lack
nothing, that he was being sent
well-kept to his destination. In-
stead, she only felt turmoil, but
she had to follow him to the car.
An hour later Martha returned
to her bedroom, hung up her coat,
and changed her shoes. As she
looked at the bed, at the place
where the suitcase had been, she
knew that there was something
which she had neglected to send
with Frank. It was something he
would need — something he would
arrive without and later miss.
And he would need it. Martha
closed her eyes and recounted
every item she had packed, but
she could not discover the for-
gotten necessity.
As she fixed herself a simple
meal of meat loaf, bread, and
milk, Martha tried to imagine
each activity in Frank's hospital
day. In that way she hoped to
discover the missing item. Again,
The Forgotten Necessity
she could find nothing. After
folding a napkin, removing her
apron, and moving her chair to
the table, she sat down and auto-
matically bowed her head to offer
a blessing on her meal.
A gush of realization swept
through her body as she remem-
bered what she had overlooked.
She had forgotten to ask that
they have prayer. Prayer — for
years she had taken the lead in
assembling the family for prayer,
at mealtime, in the mornings,
before outings and important
events. Now, when Frank's life
might even be in danger, she had
forgotten prayer. She was so
filled with self-incrimination that
she could not decide for several
minutes what should be done.
Suddenly, quite clearly, she
knew that she must pray alone.
She was puzzled that she had not
thought of it sooner. Frightened
now, and hoping not to lose more
of the apportioned minutes, she
hurried to the bedroom, to the
place where the suitcase had been
on the bed, and knelt. She began,
"Father in heaven. . . ." She
forced her breath out and out
and out, expecting that words
would float out on the air stream.
She knelt tightly in place, trying
to force the thoughts that would
release the words. She seemed to
think of nothing, and she could
say nothing.
Then, with all the details of
remembering, she saw Frank
again as he walked evenly away
from her and toward the plane.
His expressionless back, with the
rounded shoulders, bobbed in the
center of her vision. She began
again, "Father in heaven. . . ."
Why could she not find the
words? Why could she not read
her thoughts? She wanted to gain
help, to ask something, but what?
What blessing or what relief
should she ask for Frank? And
what for herself?
To be without any words for
prayer bewildered her. Confused
thoughts mixed and separated
and mixed again in her mind.
Early in the afternoon, she had
grumbled under the burden of her
responsibility. Now she was alone
to enjoy her own direction of
time and energy, to be respon-
sible only for herself. Now she
could fold inward. Yet she was
haunted, knowing that she had
sent Frank away without a prayer
and he remained without a pray-
er. Still, to try again would be
useless. She decided to return to
pray at bedtime.
UHE returned to her meal. The
food looked foreign to the plate
— another meat loaf cooked at
another time by other hands. She
didn't want to take the first bite.
When they ate together, she de-
layed her eating until Frank had
tasted the food. Then she asked,
"How is it?" Frank always s^miled
and answered, "Best there is," or
a substitute phrase that showed
his delight in her abilities as his
keeper. Without that foolish,
habitual beginning, without him
there to appreciate her efforts,
Martha could not enjoy her food.
She stored the meat loaf, un-
sampled, in the refrigerator.
In the living room, she found
the newspaper where she had
placed it, on the small lamp table
between their reading chairs. The
headline on the city council
squabble led her into the first
paragraph. She was ready to ask,
"Frank, what do you think of
April 1967
Milton Harrington's statement?" arranged papers, and the pressed
She looked into the emptiness of flowers. Years ago it would all
the opposite chair and lost all have been brushed off to the
interest in the article. floor and carefully put back in
When her thoughts returned to piles, slots, drawers, and boxes,
the newspaper, she forsook the She had offered to do it many
impersonal objectiveness of head- times. She had threatened to do
lines and looked inside for some- it three times. She had finally
thing small, inconsequential, hu- learned that this table was not
man in which she could involve her responsibility, that the mess
herself. "Have you read this itself was a partial expression of
letter to the editor?" The un- the creator who sat there in the
answering blankness of the chair whisper-quiet evenings, reading
caught her and held her until she about the flowers, shaping them,
finally put the newspaper down, grouping them, preserving them.
How pleasant it was to read when It was around this cluttered
Frank was there to explain the table, where they had so often
split in the city council or to forgotten themselves to absorb
chuckle over some unique in- this part of nature, that they had
cident or to scorn the problems been nearest to each other,
of those who wrote for advice! Martha didn't touch one paper,
How important it was to read the didn't clear one small area. For a
paper, looking for the interesting moment, she understood the con-
bits of information which Frank tribution which Frank had made
might miss! How impossible it to their lives, the responsibility
was for her to find the motiva- he had taken. It didn't come as
tion within herself to read or to a revelation or as a clear, after-
eat or to do anything with her wards-quotable statement, but
hands or feet or head! with a draw of her breath, a ful-
Her last hope for tolerating the ness of her heart. She knew what
evening was their flower collec- had always fulfilled her life and
tion. She went to that comer what she needed to retain this
of the bedroom where a special sense of fulfillment. She knew
table stood loyally holding the how to spend the strength of her
books, the albums, the paste, the faith.
paint, the ink, the tape, the She returned to her bedroom
typewriter, the systematically to pray.
Unsaid Words
Zara Sabin
There is no song that larks can sing,
No perfume roses shed,
That takes the place within our lives
Of loving words, unsaid.
(Address delivered at the Magazine
Department of the Relief Society
Annual General Conference,
September 29, 1966)
■ Sister Sharp, this is a very awe-
some audience for a lone mere
male to face, but I am delighted
to be with you this morning.
I understand that you have
had four main topics treated this
morning. You have been told how
to inspire and instruct with the
Magazine and how to promote
and utilize it. I would like to
concentrate on a few practical
suggestions in the latter two
categories: how to promote and
use this great Magazine.
Last year in this meeting,
Brother Wendell Ashton, a highly
respected colleague of mine, gave
a marvelous, moving, and spirit-
ual talk in which he characterized
The Relief Society Magazine as
a link between heaven and home.
This reminded me of my first
serious encounter with the Maga-
zine back in World War II.
I had very few links with the
Church during my first few
months overseas in England, in
North Africa, and in Italy. I had
been traveling somewhat too fast
from base to base for the Latter-
day Saint Servicemen's Program
to catch up with me. No copies of
any of the Church magazines had
reached me, and even the Latter-
day Saints Servicemen's Program
have forgotten me. Then one day
in one of the officers clubs I ran
across a battered, tattered, but
strangely familiar sight. It was,
oddly enough, an old copy of The
Relief Society Magazine, and I
couldn't tell you now how it got
there — perhaps one of our Latter-
day Saint Red Cross girls or one
of our WAC officers might have
brought it in, but I picked up
that Magazine and I read it avid-
ly from cover to cover, and it did
indeed seem to be a link with
home and with heaven in a way
that I needed very badly at that
particular time.
Now, your calling is to help put
that link in the proper place in
every Latter-day Saint home.
Let's examine for just a moment
three very specific ways in which
you might do it.
The first way I am going to
suggest is that you convince your-
*Member, Sunday School General Board and V ice-Chairman, The Instructor
Magazine Committee
April 1967
self, if you are not already con-
vinced, that your calling is im-
portant, that you are performing
a real service to the Relief
Society, to your stake, or to the
wards or branches you serve, and
to the work of our Heavenly
Father. Corollary to that, I sug-
gest you convince yourself that
this Magazine is all that it pur-
ports to be. We have seen some
of the things that it can do in a
clever little skit a few minutes
ago, but beyond that, I hope you
read the Magazine every month
and know its contents, and that
your Magazine Representatives
in the wards and branches do
the same. This will build your
enthusiasm better than anything
The second step is to convey
that enthusiasm to others. It
really is contagious. The ward
representatives will catch it from
you, and the potential Magazine
subscribers will catch it from
And step three (and I almost
think this is the most important
of all because it is, perhaps, the
most often violated) : sell this
Magazine on its own merits.
To illustrate the need for this
philosophy, envision this situa-
tion: a Magazine representative
goes to the door and makes this
approach: "Sister Jones, your
subscription to The Relief So-
ciety Magazine expires this
month. We have to have our
money in by next Thursday, and
we need four more subscriptions
to reach our quota. . . ." You can
imagine the rest of the presenta-
tion and the ensuing response.
You will note that there is no
attempt here to explain the
merits of the Magazine or the
benefits the potential subscriber
will receive from reading it. A
subscription acquired in this way
will get the Magazine into that
home, but it will seldom get the
contents of the Magazine into
the minds and hearts of those
who subscribe — and I would pre-
sume that^s a primary objective
in publishing this Magazine.
Now, in contrast, when Jesus
preached his gospel, he presented
it so clearly, so dramatically, and
enticingly that his audience sim-
ply couldn't resist what he had
to offer. In presenting The Relief
Society Magazine, you can well
follow his example as a Master
Teacher. The Relief Society Mag-
azine has a great message to
offer. It can be a great influence
for good in the home, as you very
well know, but we must find a
way to get more women not
merely to subscribe to it, but to
read it and to heed it.
Now here are a few more spe-
cific thoughts. I am sure many
of these have already occurred to
you, but perhaps they will sug-
gest some fresh or appealing way
of presenting the case for The Re-
lief Society Magazine.
Idea No. 1: Why not encourage
your ward Relief Societies to
serve foods made from some of
those taste-tempting recipes that
I read in the Magazine, especially
those that come to us from many
different lands? I would hope that
your Relief Society officers would
credit the Magazine as the source.
I know one ward Relief Society
where this was done recently, and
I am told the women could hardly
wait to go home and try the
recipes on their families, because
it was food they had actually
tested and tasted for themselves,
How to Promote and Use the Magazine
and they wanted to see what re- and work for a cause, but they
action they would get from their won't necessarily accomplish the
own families. objective that you want to ac-
Idea No. 2: Try leaving a copy, complish, which goes far beyond
I am sure many of you here have merely selling a Magazine sub-
had a call from a certain brush scription.
company representative at some- My good friend and former
time in the past few months. That Sunday School Board member,
company has an effective little Reed Bradford, used to tell us
technique. They present the frequently that we are prone to
housewife with a clever little do the right things for the wrong
magazine that has good illustra- reasons. When we get people to
tions, beautiful color, and some subscribe to the Magazine be-
interesting reading in it, along cause they are helping us reach
with pictures and information a quota, they are doing the right
about their products. One very thing but for the wrong reason,
successful representative, who is and it won't get readers into the
a district supervisor for this Magazine.
company, told me that his sales Another suggestion: learn to
people now spend far less time anticipate objections and answer
in each home than formerly, be- them. An insurance agent friend
cause the customers are already of mine tells me that this is one
presold. They leave a copy of the of the greatest secrets of success-
magazine, and then when they ful selling. But are there any real
call back a few days later, they objections to subscribing to The
spend only a few minutes in each Relief Society Magazine? If so,
home taking orders. what are they?
You can use a similar tech- A well- reputed psychologist,
nique with women who are not James Harvey Robinson, main-
yet familiar with this Magazine, tained that there are two kinds
Leave a copy and a reminder of reasons we have for doing or
that you are going to call back not doing a certain thing. There
later. In so doing you also leave is the good reason — the valid, the
a feeling of obligation on their acceptable, the legitimate reason
part to at least glance through — and these are the ones we
the Magazine, because they won't usually tell other people. And
want to be embarrassed by not then there are the real reasons,
knowing anything about the pub- the deep-seated reasons, and
lication when you come back and these are the ones we often keep
say, ''What did you think of this? to ourselves.
Did you like such and such an A few seasons ago for The In-
article or such and such a story?" structor magazine, we did some
They will feel they have to be readership studies, and we tried
familiar with it, and in so doing to get at both the good reasons
they will sell themselves on the and the real reasons why a few
wonderful offerings of this Mag- people, and I emphasize few, fail
azine. to resubscribe for The Instructor
Quotas are often used as sales after they have been subscribers
incentives to make people go out for some time. I don't like to ad-
April 1967
mit this, but there were a very
few who said they just didn't Hke
the Magazine — and I still can't
understand that one! Then there
were a few more who said they
were no longer working in the
Sunday School and so didn't
really need it. I understood their
reasons, but I had some good
answers by pointing out how
Primary, and Relief Society, and
Priesthood teachers also found the
Magazine useful and kept on sub-
scribing year after year. But by
far the greatest number of people
gave us two other answers:
The first was, '7 can't afford
it/' I wonder if this is a valid
reason. We'll examine it in a min-
ute or two, but this is one of
those good reasons that Robinson
talks about, isn't it?
And close behind it was, of
course, '7 don't have time to read
it." I wonder how often you have
called at a home where the family
was watching a TV soap opera
in the daytime or a spy thriller
in the evening, yet someone
would boldly tell you, "We don't
have any time to read, so we
really don't need it, thank you."
Again, this is one of those good
reasons. I suspect that if we in
this room were honest with our-
selves, we would have to admit
that we are all woefully short of
both time and money to do and
to buy all the things we would
like for our families. But, within
limits, of course, somehow we
seem to budget both the time
and money to do and buy what
we really need.
Elder Paul Dunn has a favorite
saying that there are things that
are nice to know and things that
we need to know. I suggest we
paraphrase Brother Dunn and
say that there are things that
are nice to have and do, and there
are things we need to have and
we need to do.
Somehow, we must get into the
minds of our potential subscrib-
ers The Relief Society Magazine
is one of the things we all need
to find time for in our busy
schedules. We need to budget
time in order to read this wonder-
ful Magazine, and we need to find
the little money it takes to sub-
scribe. Perhaps we'll have to give
up some little luxury or some im-
pulse purchase. But the sacrifice
isn't great, and it's only a few
pennies a month. Now I know
there are a few people who can't
afford those few pennies. But in
our society today there are rela-
tively few who can't afford the
small subscription price of The
Relief Society Magazine. So it is
really up to you to provide the
feeling of need — to help your po-
tential subscribers want this more
than some of the other wants.
I would like to give just a few
convincing arguments that will
help you achieve that small extra
measure of success that makes so
much difference between a cham-
pion and an also ran. Maybe you
have watched our Mormon golfer,
Billy Casper, play in tournaments
of champions. Casper often wins
just by a hairbreadth. You could
almost call him Hairbreadth Cas-
per sometimes, because he evi-
dences the almost infinitesimal
difference between a really great
golfer and a nearly great golfer.
Why, then, does he so often win?
I'm convinced it's the extra meas-
ure of practice and effort and de-
votion to his sport that accounts
for his superb skill and ability to
come through a winner when
How to Promote and Use the Magazine
competition is toughest.
Now, how can we, with that
Httle extra effort on our parts,
convince some of our hard-to-
convince potential subscribers
that this Magazine is worth giv-
ing up some impulse purchase
they don't really need, and an
evening with the late-late show
once a month? How can we ac-
complish this worthy objective?
You have many things going
for you on this Magazine. The
size of the Magazine is conducive
to reading in many convenient
moments and places. The Read-
er's Digest uses a similar format
for similar reasons. The Relief
Society Magazine is almost the
same width and just a little long-
er than the Digest. It fits easily
into pocket or purse or on the
bedside table, and weighs little
when you hold it to read it. That
can be important if you compare
it with some of the oversize mag-
azines published these days.
Complete articles, as opposed
to the ''continued-on-page-so-and-
so" style, also encourage reading.
You also have many appealing
"graphics" or illustrations and
page make-up. I especially no-
ticed the array of scenic covers
that were depicted in the little
skit. The pictures are wholesome
and beautiful. You wouldn't be
afraid to leave them around the
home — unlike several recent cov-
ers of our so-called "family mag-
Good reading has many re-
wards that far outweigh the time
and money we spend on it. The
famous essayist Joseph Addison
tells us that "reading is to the
mind what exercise is to the
body." Reading stretches our
mental muscles and expands our
horizons. It takes us out of our
mundane worlds and lets us
travel as far as our imaginations
and the picture-painting words of
the authors can carry us. Read-
ing keeps us vibrant, it keeps us
alive and makes us far more in-
teresting to our marriage mates
and our families. It also is a form
of insurance against mental aging.
We are only as old as we think
we are. Some people say that one
way to keep alive is to keep in-
terested in many things, and the
way to keep interested is to read
widely. A few minutes spent in
reading each day can be the most
profitable, rewarding investment
that we make of our time. So it
really isn't a question of being
able to afford the time. The ques-
tion is, can we afford not to in-
vest it in good reading? It is one
of your jobs to sell that idea.
Now, one more final suggestion
that I suspect is a little redun-
dant because the little skit you
had earlier is one example of what
I am about to propose. For a
number of years on our Sunday
School General Board, we have
had monthly reviews of The In-
structor Magazine. We rotate this
assignment among the Board
members, and each individual
gives this his own subjective ap-
proach, which adds "spice" and
variety to the presentations. We
recommend that the stakes do the
same thing in their monthly prep-
aration meetings, and the wards in
their ward faculty meetings. Now,
this need take only ten or fifteen
minutes, if you do not try to give
a predigested version of what is
in the Magazine. What you want
to do is to intrigue your audience
to the point where they can hard-
April 1967
ly wait to get to the Magazine
and read it.
I am sure some of you have
had classes from a great teacher,
especially a great teacher of lit-
erature, who makes you want to
get a certain book as quickly as
possible and read what he has
been talking about. I suspect that
some of you may have encoun-
tered this in some of your lessons
in Relief Society. You want more;
you are hungry for more. This
is what this kind of review should
make you want to do.
I haven't time this morning for
a full-scale sample review of your
October issue, but I just wanted
to point out a few things that
appealed especially to me. I
managed to borrow a copy briefly
from my wife who guards these
Magazines rather jealously. Here
is a typical sample of poetry that
especially moved me:
The firelight is warm and golden
As I sit here alone;
But each room is empty, silent
Until you come.
Then when I hear your whistle,
And your footstep at the door,
This place becomes alive,
Happy, and secure.
For by your very presence
At evening when you come,
The empty quiet of each room
Becomes the peace of home.
Enid F. WooUey
Appropriately, it is entitled
''Homecoming," and it has an
element of universality about it
that is one of the touchstones of
great poetry. The emotion that is
expressed can be felt as much in
Salt Lake City as in far-off Tas-
mania, where this little poem
There is an intriguing article in
this issue [October 1966] entitled
"Our Children Earn Their Own
Allowances." After I had read this,
I could hardly wait to try the sys-
tem on our five allowance-hungry
youngsters. I'll let you know how
it works out.
Recipes: I defy you to read
through this section without get-
ting hungry. I look at some of
these recipes from far-off lands
and have even clipped a few for
my own file. I don't suppose I
will ever get around to trying
them, but maybe I can talk my
wife into doing it.
In the homemaking hints and
recipe section, and in many other
parts of the Magazine in recent
months, I have noticed that The
Relief Society Magazine has led
the way in something that I think
is of vital importance to Church
magazines right now. That is a
recognition that all of the Latter-
day Saints do not live along the
Wasatch Front, or in Utah, or
even in the United States. This is
a universal Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, with
members scattered throughout
the free world, and even beyond,
and I find reflections of this
throughout the recent issues of
The Relief Society Magazine.
This brings me to the "Wom-
an's Sphere" feature, with its
intriguing woman-over-the-world
symbol. As one other well-known
woman's magazine once put in a
slogan, "never underestimate the
power of a woman," the power
and influence of Latter-day Saint
and other women throughout the
world are documented in the
pages of your Relief Society
Magazine, and, notably, in this
particular section. I noticed in
the October Magazine examples
from London, from Ohio, from
North Wales, among others.
How to Promote and Use the Magazine
In the same October issue he cites what some of our greatest
Elder Thomas S. Monson of the EngHsh authors have had to say
Council of the Twelve, teaches us about the strength of humility,
strength through obedience as But this is really absurd of
only Elder Monson can teach it. me. Why should I tell you about
And then there is the unusual, your Magazine? I am sure every-
rich offering of so-called "fie- one of you here has read it from
tion." I say "so-called" because cover to cover. I won^t embarrass
the truths in some fiction are you by asking for a show of
more precise and more meaning- hands.
ful than some of the things we Now each of you here today,
treat as fact. And they are told and your counterparts in all
in the rich idiom of the well-told the wards and branches of the
story. Church, are much more than
Now the lesson departments Relief Society Magazine repre-
must surely be among the best- sentatives. As Elder Ashton said
read features in the Magazine, last year, in essence, you carry to
and I only saved them until last the world the only periodical on
because I feel that the reading earth which delivers the restored
of the Magazine should not stop gospel of the Master in a form
with these lessons, and I know in especially written and edited for
many instances that it does. I women. You are emissaries in the
suspect that many women just great cause, and a worthy work,
read the lessons, and they read and I pray that each of you here
nothing else in the Magazine. I today may recognize the impor-
was especially impressed with tance of this work and find your
Elder Robert K. Thomas' cul- place in it and the best way in
tural refinement lessons. This which to carry it forward. This is
term was a new one to me, but my prayer, in the name of Jesus
seemed most appropriate. Here Christ. Amen.
Dorothy J. Roberts
Hills seem impediment against the sky,
Refusing prairie peace and desert flower,
Denying distance to the searching eye,
Detaining dawn behind their massive bower.
But bridge the chasm, climb the coral crest;
In shade and hymn above the vista's blue,
A flaming sunfall gathers in the west:
Plain and sahara both belong to you.
Christie Lund Coles
How eager the grass is to grow green:
How soon the blades arise
Like children rising up,
Lifting their heads, so young, so clean.
How eager the grass is to grow green.
How soon the sky transforms to azure blue:
The heavy clouds soon-passed \,,^ V\
Are quieted as leaves upon a stream, '^^.^
Curving; their counterparts are new.
How soon the sky transforms to azure blue.
How quick the birds are now to choir-sing. ^
After the folded wing, the docile head.
The questioning peep of doubt;
Their song pours forth as soft, intimate bells
That move In wind, and moving, ring.
How quick the birds are now to choir-sing.
ley at Meeker, Colorado
Willard Luce
Be Happy, But Remember
Alice P. Willardson
m That morning I was really on
top of the world. I breathed
deeply of the cool fall air. It
wasn't hard to imagine that I was
walking to music. The sky was so
much more blue, the sun so much
brighter, the breeze so much
softer. The lights had come on
again "all over the world." Yes,
the war was over! The fighting
was through. All the first wild,
hilarious celebration was over.
Our boys would soon be coming
home again. That was what the
morning breeze was whispering
as it caressed my cheeks, "Peace,
peace." A world of peace and
beauty again! Just to be able
to say to yourself, "God's in
his heaven: all's right with the
I fairly floated down the street,
answering all the happy "Good-
mornings" from the neighbors
and greetings from the business-
men as I walked through Main
"Well, we'll soon be through
with you now, Mrs. O.P.A." they
called. Working in the Office of
Price Administration had been a
war-time obligation.
"That's right, we'll soon be
folding our tents 'like the Arabs,
and as silently steal away.' "
"Guess you'll kind of miss it,
won't you?"
"Oh, it will be so good not to
need that sort of thing. Maybe
I'll have to pay you all a visit
each morning for awhile just to
keep from getting lonesome."
"You're not through yet, are
"No, not quite, we still have
to ration sugar for awhile longer.
And, of course, the price control
will have to continue for some
time. But I imagine a county
April 1967
board will take over and all our
little local boards will be through.
We can't get rid of it all in a day,
but it will be good to get back to
normal again.'*
"You can say that again!"
At the Post Office door, Bishop
Kendell stood with his hand ex-
tended. "Looks like you are walk-
ing on air this morning, my dear.
Your smile is absolutely radiant."
I HE pressure of his hand was
firm, and I wondered how eyes so
grave could still twinkle. These
last years had not been kind to
Bishop Kendell. Of course he
wasn't our bishop now, but he
would always be that to me. He
lived out in what we, as children,
called "Lover's Lane," and had
been our bishop for years when
we lived on the farm. Many of
the problems of my young wom-
anhood had been solved by his
kindly voice. He had blessed and
baptized our children. Yes, the
fine veins in his face were too
blue, and his skin was almost
transparent. Yet, there was such
strength there it was almost as
if his soul was shining through.
"You don't look so bad your-
self, bishop. You found the key
to happiness a long time ago,
didn't you? That's one thing you
can give away and still have
plenty for yourself, or you would
not have any left, would you?"
I asked lovingly.
"Yes, happiness is sort of con-
tagious," he said, and the old
twinkle was in his eyes again.
"That's right. Give my love
to Sister Kendell, will you?" I
waved gaily as I went down the
A small group of men stood on
the City Hall lawn as I ran up
the steps. The board chairman
was there.
"You're soon going to be out
of a job now, young lady," he
"Won't it be fun? You, too.
You'll never get your wages
doubled now."
"That's right, but since two
times nothing is still nothing, I
guess it won't matter." This was
an old joke among these men who
had given freely of so much time
and worry through all the war
"Yes, but think of all the nice
names you have been called these
last three years. You're going to
miss all the applause when you
retire to private life."
A burst of laughter greeted our
sally. It was good to hear people
laugh again.
Even our dingy little office,
with its files and typewriters,
looked brighter this morning.
Maybe it was the sun reflecting
on the white-washed walls which
faced our only windows. How
often in the past two years had
that wall typified to me the say-
ing, "Beating your head against
a blank wall."
Mildred greeted me with her
usual smile, only this time it was
not the smile we painted on each
morning and wore to cover every
emotion while we quoted reg-
ulations and doled out ration
stamps. Her eyes were shining
and I knew her heart was singing
the same tune that mine was.
The boys would be coming home!
When? How soon would the boys
be coming home?
"I had a letter from Bob this
morning. He said they sure put
on a celebration in Alaska when
they got the word of V.J. Day,"
Be Happy, But Remember
she said. ''You look like you had have a T gasoline application,
good news, too. A letter from too."
Keith?" "What! Only the application
"Yes, he says he won't be blank? How about some T
getting home for awhile yet, as stamps now you don't need them
the Air Corps still needs weather any more?"
men, at least enough to man the "They all had to be accounted
airfields. Three years is a long for and the remainder burned
time for him to be out of school, with great ceremony. You will
and he is anxious to get home, never know what we were think-
but we can wait now that the ing as all those stamps went up
war is over. I imagine some of in smoke."
the boys will be coming home Just then the city marshall
right away. Won't it seem good entered and sat down in the re-
to have young men to help on the maining chair rather heavily. We
farms again! It will put the red all looked at him, and the smiles
blood of youth back into this faded.
town. One didn't dare to think "I guess we are not quite
how gray and dreary our world through yet. The widow woman
was with the youth gone out of Josh Ames married just got word
it." that her son is dead. Died in a
_i hospital overseas."
I HE door was standing open. That old dread silence fell on
and the city mayor had walked in the group once more. One by one,
and joined in the conversation, the men faded from the room.
"Yes, they will soon put some Their mumbled words of grief
color and life back into this old and sympathy mingled strangely
town. They have already brought with the blurred figures in the
the color back into the cheeks of room and the confusion that
a few girls I could mention, whirled in my head.
Funny isn't it, that in spite of They were all gone, so was the
all the boys have been through, day, and time turned backward,
they are the ones who have all In the chair in front of my desk
the hope and optimism. I guess sat a forlorn little figure. Her
just to be home again is heaven shoulders drooped and her gray
to them." eyes were desolate. "I — I missed
Others strolled into the office the bus." She was breathless with
and sat with the old chairs tilted the choke in her throat. The
back at a rakish angle. Even the clock ticked loudly. Why didn't
chairs seemed giddy with the we muzzle that thing?
new happiness. Conversation and "I'm so sorry. Were you going
jokes were tossed lightly about, some place special?"
Must have been a new sensation "Oh, yes. I was going to Salt
for the old office. Lake to see my son. He is going
"How about a sheet of those overseas, and I could only see him
sugar stamps for my scrapbook?" for a few minutes as the train
"Oh, these are still precious, stops in Salt Lake City. But I —
You'll have to use your A Book I wanted to see him so badly."
for a souvenir. Here, you can Tick-tock, tick-tock. . . .
April 1967
Her head sank and her voice
wasn't much more than a whis-
per. "He wired me to be sure and
be there. He has been sick, and
he is just a kid!''
Yes, he was just a kid. A kid
with freckles on his nose. And
such a cute grin. I remembered
the day he had been in the office
for his "entering service gas-
liCK-TOCK, tick-tock . . . the
time was passing. I could see that
train pulling into the Salt Lake
station. I could see the boy's
thin, eager face, see the light fade
from his eyes, and then hear the
chug-chugging of the train as it
pulled out, and the whistle, the
whistle, and the smoke growing
thin in the distance. I knew she
was hearing it, too, and that her
heart was going with the boy as
we sat in the stillness of that
Tick-tock — tick .... tock.
"Somehow, I know I'll never
see him again. ..."
Again the lump in my throat
was choking me, and my eyes
stung with the unshed tears just
as they had that day. I felt as
if I was smothering.
"Mildred, Mildred, do you re-
member the morning she was in
here? The morning she missed
the bus?"
"Yes, yes, of course, I remem-
ber. Don't go over all that again.
You know there was nothing we
could do about it."
"I know. She didn't even ask
for anything. Maybe their old car
wouldn't have made it to Salt
Lake if we could have let them
have the gasoline."
The walls were closing down on
me, stifling me. "Oh, Mildred,
do you care? I've got to get out
of here."
"Of course, I'll stay till you get
Gone was the brightness of the
day. The glare of the pavement
hurt my eyes. The shadows were
so intense that they hit me in
the face. No, not shadows — it
was willows along the creek. In-
stinctively I had sought the shade
of "Lover's Lane." How ironic!
"Lover's Lane" to cry your heart
out for a mother who had lost too
much, and for a soldier who died
overseas, but who was only a boy
who had been sick and needed his
mother! And somehow they both
had known that they would never
see each other again.
And I had stood in the way! I
wouldn't let her go to him. No
it wasn't I. It was the regulations.
Other boys needed that gas to fly
their planes. The country was full
of mothers who could not say
goodbye to their sons. Why did
I take exception to this one? But
this mother! Life had taken so
much from her that she had not
even expected anything. She had
not even asked. Her heart was
so heavy that her brain was par-
alyzed. All she could see was a
little boy who had to be a man.
She had known and he had
known that this was their last
chance on this earth.
And now it had happened, just
a boy alone and so far away. I
could still see her holding that
yellow slip of paper, and her eyes
as far away and desolate as they
had been that day. Dear God!
If I felt Hke I did, what did she
feel like?
At last the flood broke and the
tears came. I lay prone upon the
grass and sobbed increasingly.
Be Happy, But Remember
Somehow I was crying for all the
mothers in the world who would
never throw their arms around
that loved form and welcome him
home. The grief was too much
to bear.
OoMEONE was patting me on
the shoulder, and a voice, kind
and gentle, was saying, *What-
ever is the matter, Nelly?" It was
Bishop Kendell.
"Oh, I just can't stand it. I
can't stand to think of it." And
I told him the whole story. The
telegram that had arrived today
and all that was behind it. All
the other telegrams all over the
"I know, I know, Nelly. And it
is little enough one can do at a
time like this, and somehow cry-
ing helps the least of it. Why
don't you go to the little mother?
She has few friends here in this
strange town. She needs you."
'T will, I will go to her later.
'But what if she hates me?"
"She won't hate you. She un-
derstood. You know, my dear,
you cannot take upon yourself
the grief of the whole world. Each
must bear his own. Remember in
Gethsemane, even our Savior
sweat blood at every pore, when
he took upon himself the sins
and sorrows of the world."
"Oh, I know. It isn't that. It's
just that I was so happy this
morning. Why can't we forget all
this grief and heartache, all this
tragedy? I want to be happy!
Why can't we forget!"
"You are not the only one who
wants to forget. The whole world
is drunk with trying to forget.
Forgetting is only a drag for the
mind. I can't believe that it is
the answer. These boys died that
we might still have our right to
the pursuit of happiness. Our
Lord and Savior died on the cross
that we might have eternal life.
But he did not want us to for-
get. He even instituted the Sac-
rament of the Lord's Supper that
we might always remember, that
he did not die in vain. Somehow
we have to learn to be happy
but remember.''
As he spoke, the storm within
me gradually grew more calm,
but, walking back to the office,
I felt dull and heavy. How could
anyone ever be happy, remember-
ing all the sacrifice and suffering?
The work at the office dragged,
and it was late before I had fin-
ished. I locked the door and
walked through the semi-dark-
ness of the outer halls.
As I came down the steps and
out on to the street there burst
upon me one of the most glorious
sunsets I helve ever known. My
tired eyes blinked at the bril-
liance, and it seemed to mock my
heavy heart. Slowly the splendor
of orange and gold faded and the
sky was a clear blue and each
fluff of a cloud the most delicate
pink, like bows on a baby blan-
ket, I thought absently. The sun
had gone to rest, not to be seen
again till the dawn of another
day. But as each fleecy cloud
across the heavens picked up the
light and reflected it back with
increasing glory, those in the
west deepened in color to mauve
and lavender. Slowly, the colors
in one part of the sky faded only
to linger somewhere else as only
an autumn twilight can do. And
amid all this beauty of a dying
day, my soul groped for an an-
swer. "Be happy, but always re-
We All Work Together
Alice H. Ballard
■ My small ward has a membership of only ninety-eight. I have
always felt blessed to live in a small ward which has given me many
opportunities to serve.
A short time ago my bishop came and asked me to be president
of our Relief Society. I tried to say "No," for several reasons. The
former presidents had been outstanding, and I felt my inability to
carry on as they had done. I had no confidence in my ability to lead.
I had served as theology class leader on the stake board for a year,
and I felt there might be a conflict.
The bishop brushed all my excuses aside. I chose my counselors
and we were sustained. My feelings changed. I still felt humble and
weak in accepting this responsibility, but deemed it an honor to be
counted worthy to receive such a call. I had a feeling of determina-
tion to do everything in my power to make a success of this work.
Our meeting place is a beautiful rock schoolhouse which is no
longer used for that purpose. When our schools were consolidated,
our children were sent elsewhere. The school board gave permission
for our Relief Society to use the building. The sisters have done an
outstanding job furnishing and making it a place of beauty, where
we meet. In one corner of our classroom stands a statue of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, sculptured by Avard Fairbanks. What could
be more appropriate and beautiful than to have this statue of our
Prophet? He it was v/ho v/as inspired to organize Relief Society.
I was anxious to have everything in order, before we held our first
October meeting. One morning I left home at daylight with the
intention of doing a little work, both inside and out. I had been there
about ten minutes when another sister came. She had discovered that
my car was gone and had guessed my whereabouts, so she came to
help. The air was cool and invigorating. An hour soon slipped by and,
with a feeling of happiness, we returned home to resume our house-
hold duties.
Two hours later my phone rang. Our former president asked if she
could cut the lawns the rest of the year. I took the keys down to the
building so she might have access to electricity. Within a short time,
two other sisters came, wanting to help. A kind brother came, bring-
ing his tall ladder. He took our curtains down so that we might clean
them. Later he came again and put them up.
What a warm, happy feeling it gave me to see their spirit of help-
fulness, their interest, love, and devotion for the work. '
I am truly thankful that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. It gives us all a chance to serve. Througlv
-service, we grow and develop. It matters not what we are called to
do. If we put our hearts into* the work and ask for our Heavenly
Father's help, we will be successful and happy.
^^. Woman's
Ramona W. Cannon
Mrs. Lucy Farley, Tooele, Utah, a
Navajo woman who was reared in Teec
Nos Bass, a small Indian community
near Shiprock, New Mexico, is a
skilled weaver of rugs which are in
great demand. She works at a loom in
her home. Her latest rug, which took
more than a month to weave, is done
in the colorful and intricate "Yeibichei"
Lili Kraus, world-famed pianist, born
in Budapest, is particularly devoted to
the music of Mozart, and plays with
"unrivalled artistry" all twenty-five of
his piano concertos, which she de-
scribes as having "a divine serenity . . .
purity and chastity . . . seductive grace
and incredible sweetness," A renowned
soloist in Europe for more than thirty
years, her nine concerts in the United
States recently were acclaimed as
"impeccable Mozart, clean refinement,
and intense drama."
Catherine Drinker Bowen is the author
of a valuable and much-praised study
of the framing of the Constitution of
the United States. In "Miracle at Phila-
delphia" (May to September 1787),
she traces the problems and remark-
able achievements of those "great and
dedicated men" who explored the
"basic problems and principles of
government" and arrived at under-
standing and a measure of solution to
many great political complexities. "My
aim," says Miss Bowen, "is to call back
the voices, the commonsense, the ex-
traordinary performance."
Julia Child, who conducts a well-
known television cooking school, grew
up in Pasadena, California. Through a
series of "accidental happenings," she
has become an authority on French
cooking and an expert in preparing
French cuisine. She studied in Paris
under the master chef Max Bugnard
and attended a "little cooking theater"
manned by some of the top Parisian
patissiers, and cooperated with two
women, Simone Beck and Louisette
Bertholle, in composing a cookbook for
Americans. The three women estab-
lished a cooking school called L'Ecole
des Trois Gourmandes, and Julia be-
came an expert translator of the
French language. Currently, she is
rated as one of the most influential
cooking teachers in the United States.
Dr. Virginia P. Apgar is director of con-
genital malformations research for the
National Foundations March of Dimes
for the United States. She is a noted
specialist in problems of newborn in-
fants, and is creator of the "Apgar
Score," a fast clinical evaluation to
determine a baby's overall condition by
checking heart rate, respiration, muscle
tone, reflexes, and color.
Ellen L. Eggleston is a freight agent for
the Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad. She directs and controls ship-
ments in and out of Sugar House sta-
tion in Salt Lake City, Utah. An impor-
tant part of her job is notifying
businesses when their shipments have
arrived. She also traces lost car lots
and estimates payments on damaged
He Is Risen"
Volume 54 April 1967 Number 4
Belle S. Spafford, President
Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen, Second Counselor
Hulda P. Young, Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart
Edith S. Elliott
Florence J. Madsen
Leone G. Layton
Blanche B. Stoddard
Evon W. Peterson
Aleine M. Young
Josie B. Bay
Alberta H. Christensen
Mildred B. Eyring
Edith P. Backman
Winniefred S. Manwaring
EIna P. Haymond
Mary R. Young
Mary V. Cameron
Afton W. Hunt
Elsa T. Peterson
Fanny S. Kienitz
Elizabeth B. Winters
Jennie R. Scott
Alice L. Wilkinson
Irene W. Buehner
Irene C. Lloyd
Hazel S, Love
Fawn H. Sharp
Celestia J. Taylor
Anne R. Gledhill
Belva B. Ashton
Zola J. McGhie
Oa J. Cannon
Lila B. Walch
Lenore C. Gundersen
Marjorie C. Pingree
Darlene C. Dedekind
Cleone R. Eccles
Edythe K. Watson
Ellen N. Barnes
Kathryn S. Gilbert
Verda F. Burton
Myrtle R. Olson
Alice C. Smith
Lucile P. Peterson
Elaine B. Curtis
Zelma R. West
Leaner J. Brown
Reba 0. Carling
■ "He is not here: for he is risen,
as he said" (Matt. 28:6). This
joyous and momentous announce-
ment was made by the angel to
Mary Magdalene and other women
who had followed the Lord from
Galilee, stayed by during the
terrible ordeal of the crucifixion,
and had come early that first
morning of the week to render a
loving service. They had waited
for the first light of dawn to do a
more thorough anointing and em-
balming of the body with precious
oils and spices. Some of them
had been present at the burial and
had known the haste with which
it was necessary for Joseph and
Nicodemus to entomb the body
of the Lord before the beginning
of the Sabbath. Even with the
angel's assurance "Fear not ye,"
the women "departed quickly with
fear and great joy" and failed to
comprehend at that moment the
glorious meaning of the words "he
is risen."
Mary Magdalene, following the
angel's instruction, hastened to
tell the brethren, Simon Peter and
"that other disciple, whom Jesus
loved," who, doubtless, was John,
that the body of the Lord was gone
from the sepulchre, "and we
know not where they have laid
him" (John 20:2). Peter and John
ran to the tomb and, seeing it
empty, turned and went away sor-
rowfully because, as John frankly
states, "For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he nnust rise
again from the dead" (John 20:9).
Mary stayed by the tomb and, looking in, perceived two personages
in white, sitting at the head and at the feet of where the body had
lain. And then Mary turned away and, through her tears, she beheld
another Personage who inquired of her, "Woman, why weepest thou?
whom seekest thou?" (John 20:15). It was Jesus, her beloved Lord, yet
she dod not know him until he spoke her name — "Mary." Recognition
flooded her being and she, in her ecstatic joy, uttered the worshipful
word "Rabboni," meaning "Master." As she in her reverent love was
about to touch him, he said "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended
to my Father" (John 20:17), and he told her to go and tell the brethren
of his resurrection.
"To a woman, to Mary of Magdala, was given the honor of being the
first among mortals to behold a resurrected Soul, and that Soul, the
Lord Jesus. To other favored women did the risen Lord next manifest
himself, including Mary the mother of Joses, Joanna, and Salome the
mother of the apostles James and John" (TALMAGE, james e.: Jesus
the Christ, 13th edition, page 681). To them the angels at the tomb
explained the meaning of Christ's teaching concerning his resurrection,
and as they hurried toward the city, "Jesus met them, saying, All hail"
(Matt. 28:9). They fell down before him and "held him by the feet
and worshipped him."
Mary Magdalene and the other women told the story of their experi-
ences to the disciples, but the brethren would not yet believe. Not until
they saw the resurrected Lord could they grasp the significance of the
literal resurrection.
Through these women who were first to hear the glorious words "He
is risen," and through her, who was first to see the resurrected
Christ, are all women blessed. Through them are all women given the
example of courage, devotion, unwavering faith, and dedication to the
work of the Lord. In no greater way has God bespoken his love for
his daughters than in permitting them to witness the atoning sacrifice
and the resurrection which opened the way for all to return to his
The great light of comprehension that dawned in the minds of those
women as they saw the reality of the resurrection is the light that
may come to us as we seek to know and do his work.
Cancer's Warning Signals Act
as Radar for the Body
V. J. Skutt — 1967 Crusade Chairman
■ If every American knew and acted promptly on
Cancer's Warning Signals, thousands of lives could
be saved and untold suffering prevented each year
from cancer.
Years of experience have developed evidence
that these Warning Signals are part of the body's
early warning system — a radar that signals the
presence of disease. If any signal appears, and per-
sists for more than two weeks, it should be brought
to the attention of a doctor, even if there is no
pain. He can determine what it means. Chances
are it is not cancer. Or, it may be a precancerous
condition which can be easily removed and cancer
However, if the signal should be a symptom of
cancer, the patient has a much better chance of
survival and cure if he heeds the Warning Signal
than if he ignores it. This is based on the fact that
cancer is among the most curable of the major
killing diseases — if it is found early, and treated
promptly and properly.
However, the patient's responsibility for his own
health does not end with the warning signals. Can-
cer is often a "silent disease" and does not always
give an early warning of its presence. Thus, a
patient has a better chance of avoiding the disease
by not only knowing the warning signals, but by
having an annual physical checkup.
Thus, the best insurance against cancer is — see
your doctor regularly, and learn Cancer's Warning
1. Unusual bleeding or discharge
2. A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere
3. A sore that does not heal
4. Change in bowel or bladder habits
5. Hoarseness or cough
6. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
7. Change in a wart or mole
These signals do not usually mean cancer, but they are warnings;
if one lasts more than two weeks, it is important to go to your doctor.
Iris W. Schow
■ The other night we were dis-
cussing a story someone wrote
about the man who was the only
Mister in a town where all the
other adults were called Brother
or Sister. It took me back to the
Verona of my childhood, where
there were no Misters at all, only
Brothers. And I recalled that
there had been one Mrs. in
Verona — Mrs. May sprite, the
I can see Decoration Day in
Verona yet. The afternoon before,
my chum Lettie and I would
take her little brother and sister
and my little brother down the
creek, across the lane, and into
the big field of meadow daisies.
We never did traverse the appar-
ently unending extent of that
field, nor find out who was its
Before my big brother Ren
was old enough to help Grandpa
with the hard work on the farm,
he used to go with us. At the
creek, we would get water in the
pails we carried. We would cram
them full of the yellow-centered
white daisies, delicate in appear-
ance but actually very enduring,
and return home triumphantly
with our important contribution
to the success of Decoration Day.
The next morning, we used to
start off early in Grandpa's sur-
rey, so Grandma, who couldn't
walk far, could decorate her
father's grave and think about
her mother's and sister's graves
on the plains. Grandma would
tell me, ''Jane, you may decorate
my baby girl's grave," and Ren
would decorate for Great-uncle
Pete. Mother decorated Daddy's
grave and helped Grandpa fix his
mother's grave with the dainty
bleeding hearts and the one white
rose he had raised in the house
for that purpose. As we finished,
we would all help with Grandpa's
father's grave. When everything
was done, we would go together
from one grave to another and
admire each other's handiwork.
Most of the other people would
have come early, too, in their
whitetop buggies or surreys, and
be well started decorating and
chatting. And then here would
come Mrs. Maysprite, breezing
'- April 1967
along in her automobile. She
would emerge from the poplar
lane, whirl in at the gate, circle
practically halfway around the
cemetery, and stop over where
the bluff looked down the can-
yon. Her hair would be done high
in shining black coils, and she
would be wearing something of
misty green or lavender. She
would get out and, with smoothly
coordinated movements, unload
her baskets of fresh flowers. And
she would begin decorating Mr.
Maysprite's grave — for there had
been a Mr. Maysprite who died
before I could remember — lavish-
ly, with a blanket of lavender
lilacs, artistically dotted with
designs made of white iris. Her
flowers were at the height of their
beauty on Decoration Day, be-
cause spring came so late in the
mountains at Verona.
IflosT of us didn't have lilacs,
unless one of the luckier sisters
who had a bush shared with us.
Still, a very few of them made a
pretty harmony, dotted among
the yellow and white meadow
daisies. But we couldn't help
occasional envious glances at the
profusion of lilacs Mrs. Maysprite
had all to herself.
And as we glanced slyly at Mrs.
Maysprite, we would begin talk-
ing a little in low tones about her,
and about Mr. Maysprite's odd
grave. People would talk about
how Mrs. Maysprite thought she
was "quite a few," because she
could sleep late and then get to
the cemetery so fast in her auto-
mobile. And about how, when she
lived that close to the cemetery,
you'd think she'd walk. They
would talk about how Mr. May-
sprite's headstone was at the east
end of his grave instead of prop-
erly at the west end, and his
head in the grave was, too, and
the grave didn't point absolutely
in any one of the four directions,
anyway, but off toward the can-
At home. Grandpa told Ren
and me that it didn't seem right
to criticize a man because of his
appreciation for beauty, which
had made Mr. Maysprite want to
rise up on resurrection morning
and look down the canyon he
loved, instead of standing up to
face the rising sun with the rest
of us. Grandpa said Mr. May-
sprite used to sit up in bed in that
glassed-in porch they had built
for him. And he'd watch while
the springtime crept slowly up
the canyon and he fought his
losing battle against the tuber-
culosis, which had brought him to
Verona in the first place, hoping
to cure it in our dry climate. Ren,
who remembered seeing Mr. May-
sprite standing in a doorway once,
said he was tall and thin, and
looked quite a bit like a blue
Grandpa said Mrs. Maysprite
did live close enough to the
cemetery to walk, but she
needed her automobile, if she in-
tended to use all those flowers
for just that one grave. He said
if she hadn't had an automobile,
he would have gone back for her
in the surrey after delivering us
at the cemetery. But, as it was,
she kept to herself and knew how
to take care of herself, and she
probably thought an automobile
was nicer than a surrey, anyway.
Long after Ren had quit help-
ing us gather meadow daisies
because Grandpa needed his work
on the farm, he and his plump pal
The Outsider
Spud kept on going Halloween- Ren had a still better plan. We
ing with us kid^. could get through the barbed
One Halloween those two had wire fence, cut across the ceme-
made the best ticktacks we had tery to the gate, and come out
ever heard. The rest of us had just below the strawberry patch,
cut our jack-o^-lantems from the ready to climb up to Mrs. May-
little pumpkins Grandpa always sprite's. Tom, Marj, and Wes, the
brought us from his brother's little kids, were afraid to cross
place in the lower valley. the cemetery in the night, but
We had already been up to Ren said, "Who's afraid with the
"the north end," and back home moonlight clear as day? You can
to try to scare the folks. When we even see West's brick house is
were starting for "the south end," red. Besides, there's Spud and me
we saw a crowd of really big boys here. And Jane and Lettie are
coming. We didn't want to meet pretty big girls. You told your
them, because we knew we'd get mothers you were big enough to
our candles blown out and our go with me and Spud. Now come
caps pulled down over our eyes, on."
so we cut across Lettie's folks' .
back lot into the lucerne stubble In the end they did, insisting
of Grandpa's seventeen-acre field, on lighting their jack-o'-lanterns
which joined right onto the end of first, to supplement the rays of
the cemetery. At Spud's sugges- the full moon. We didn't have to
tion, we blew out our candles, pass anywhere near Mr. May-
The moon was bright, anjrway, sprite's odd grave, and that was
and it would be fun to light them reassuring. But we felt creepy in
again later. the cemetery, especially when we
Eerie with shadows in the came to Brother Tyreed's new
moonlight, the cemetery loomed headstone. His name had been
ahead beyond the barbed wire beautifully cut in the stone in an
fence, interrupting our flight, enlargement of his own fine hand-
Looking back, we sensed that writing: "Noah Abraham Ty-
most of our precautions were reed." This froze Lettie and me in
needless; the big boys had evi- our tracks, for we had never seen
dently headed for "the north it before, and even Ren admitted
end," without even glancing our thinking it was "kind of grue-
way. some."
Spud had another suggestion. "I like it," said Spud. "It's
We could go up and ticktack that sort of personal, like signing your
Mrs. Maysprite's window. Com- name to the story of your life. I'd
ing from the direction of the like my signature on my head-
cemetery, out of a clear sky, it stone."
would give her a real surprise. "That's because you're real
We could follow the fence to the good in penmanship," said Lettie
poplar lane, follow the lane until admiringly.
we were straight for her house. Seeming pleased. Spud walked
get up the hill by cutting across along beside her, murmuring
West's big strawberry patch, and away about his ideas concerning
there we'd be. signatures. He held her jack-o'-
April 1967
lantern while she climbed over
the locked cemetery gate.
Was it really that easy to be-
gin flirting with a boy? I won-
dered, setting my lantern on the
ground and reaching it through
the bars after I was over the gate.
"You'd better blow out your
candles," Ren advised, as we
emerged from the poplars into the
berry patch. But Tom and Wes
thought it was still too spooky,
and they might need their lights
in a hurry, if we had to run.
"WeU, hold the jack-o'-lan-
terns' faces against your stom-
achs, then," said Ren with annoy-
ance. "And don't one of you
come inside Mrs. May sprite's
We huddled in the field lane
beside Mrs. Maysprite's fence,
partly hidden from her house by
her lilac bushes, while Ren and
Spud propped the one half of her
back gate open. Looking down
the hill we had just climbed, I
could see the cemetery and the
canyon painted with the soft
silver of the moonlight. I thought
it really might be the most beau-
tiful view in the world, as Mr.
May sprite had said it was.
"There they go for the house,"
hissed Lettie, clutching my arm.
They climbed onto something,
probably a big wooden coal chute
top, and simultaneously let the
kitchen window have the tick-
tacks. Then they dashed around
the corner of the glassed-in porch
and hid. The kitchen window
blind went up, and Mrs. May-
sprite stood gazing out. She was
wearing pale blue, and her fingers
kept the place in the book in her
hand. From between parted cur-
tains, she looked all around, but
she didn't seem to spot anyone.
She pulled the blind back down.
When we saw Spud and Ren
going back to the window, Lettie,
suddenly bold, dashed into Mrs.
Maysprite's yard, and we all fol-
This time, at the first clatter
of the ticktacks, the kitchen door
flew open. Mrs Maysprite stepped
All of us hit the back gate at
once. That is, all but plump Spud
and little Marj. Somehow Spud
had fallen over Marj in his urgent
retreat. He clambered up and
fled, while the rest of us halted
in consternation, at the bottle-
neck of the gate. Ren and Mrs.
Maysprite converged from oppo-
site directions, running to aid the
bewildered, wailing Marj.
"I'll take care of her," said
Ren crisply, brushing off Marj's
coat and straightening her knit
Mrs. Maysprite began picking
up the scattered fragments of
Marj's jack-o'-lantern. "Come
back, children," she entreated.
"Come back and have some oat-
meal cookies."
The Outsider
"We don't care for any," I said
in a stilted tone.
"Who ever heard of oatmeal
cookies?" Lettie said haughtily.
"Everybody knows oats is for
"Oats is for horses, too," Mrs.
May sprite remarked mildly. "But
that doesn't make it unsuitable
for breakfast cer .... mush."
"Excuse these kids' rude, im-
polite manners, Mrs. Maysprite,"
said Ren. "They just don't know
any better."
Well, I liked that! We'd both
be thirteen within the next two
months, and Ren had not been
fourteen so very long, himself.
We had retreated to what we
thought was a safe distance down
the lane. Accepting a few cookies,
Ren joined us.
"Say, oatmeal is pretty good in
cookies," conceded Spud, as Ren
broke off samples for us.
"I wonder how she knew that,"
Lettie remarked, while little Marj
said, "It's the raisins makes them
taste nice."
"Let's put her old gates some-
place funny, like up in a lilac
bush, or on top of her pump,"
suggested Spud, when Lettie
pointed out that we'd left half
of the gate propped open, and
someone might bump into it and
get hurt.
DuT Ren would not have the
gates taken down. "We promised
the folks we wouldn't do any-
thing that's really mean," he
stated. "And that would be mean,
because Mrs. Maysprite doesn't
have anyone to help her put them
back." Instead, he sent Wes and
Tom back to shut the gate. They
went most reluctantly, to the
amusement of us all.
Someone else would take
people's gates down, though, for
next morning the news was all
over school that Mrs. May sprite's
double gate was hanging over the
side door of West's bam, with
ropes and pulleys, so it could go
up and down just like a portcullis.
When we told the folks about
that. Grandpa said it was nice the
fellows remembered something
from their studies in history. He
started off with Ren and me
along to help take the gate down
and return it. But we met two
of those big boys carrying it back,
so I guessed their folks had the
same idea as Grandpa had.
It was only the second summer
after that Halloween, when the
pipe line for the power plant
broke in the night, and the wash-
out caused a slide that complete-
ly blocked off the road, about
two thirds of the way down the
canyon. Ren was doing more and
more of the farm work, now. The
afternoon following the washout,
Ren was finishing mowing the
seventeen-acre field, and Grand-
pa, Wes, and I had walked out
there to see if the hay had dried
enough that Wes could start rak-
ing it. The mowing was just
finished, when something startled
the horses, and somehow Ren,
who had mowed for years, got in
the way and had practically all
of his left foot cut off.
Grandpa stopped the horses
and hurried to Ren. By then the
berry pickers and Brother West
were rushing over there. Everyone
was trying to think of a way to
get Ren to Dr. Browne, with the
road all blocked up. Brother West
sent someone to his house to
phone for Dr. Browne to come
right up to the landslide, pre-
April 1967
pared to climb over it. Others medical skills were better, he had
went to hitch up West's white- an artificial foot,
top buggy and take the back seat From that day on, a mildly
out. That would be better than warm feeling existed between
the surrey to take Ren in, they Mrs. Maysprite and nearly every-
decided, and quicker to get, too. one in Verona. At last the chil-
Grandpa and Sister West were dren began to let her treat them
trying to control the bleeding. with her pans of goodies, like the
And then, we never knew just ones she must have been prepar-
how, Mrs. Maysprite got the ing for them on Halloween for
word, but here she came whizzing years, to no avail. The sisters
along the lane in her automobile, exchanged recipes and embroi-
She jerked to a stop, threw the dery ideas with her sometimes,
little door open, and was under Occasionally, one or two accepted
the barbed wire fence and run- a lift in her automobile on the
ning through the stubble and way to the store with eggs to sell,
hay, calling, "Let me help you! She even helped the Daughters
Oh, let me help!" of the Pioneers with the flower
In seconds, Ren was in the arrangements at members' funer-
back of that automobile with als, a couple of times. And the
Grandpa and Sister West, and brethren sometimes sent their
they were leaving to meet the big boys to clean her irrigation
doctor. Wes and I rode the team ditch.
someone had unhitched, racing I should like to be able to say
for home to hitch up the surrey that Mrs. Maysprite was taught
and take Mother and Grandma the gospel in Verona, and that,
to Ren. eventually, she was baptized. But
the fact is that when she grew
EN said afterward that they too old to live alone, her nephew
urged him to he still and shut or cousin and his wife came and
his eyes, and let the others take moved her away somewhere to
care of him. But every time he share their home. I was at college
opened his eyes he would notice, then and had lost track of affairs
ever so foolishly, that there was in Verona, somewhat. I guess
a corner-shaped tear near the none of us ever thought of say-
shoulder of Mrs. Maysprite's pink ing anything to Mrs. Maysprite
gingham housedress. And that about religion, for in those days
her hair, which was partly coiled we did not ask the outsider any
on top of her head, and partly golden questions,
hanging down her back, had So many years have passed
quite a bit of gray in it now. that she has surely been called
Well, everybody did the very home by now, but she has never
best they could, including Dr. been brought back to Verona to
Browne, who clambered over the share Mr. Maysprite's burial lot
rocks and mud with his bag. and the direction of his grave. So,
Ren's life and leg were saved. He when the time comes, Mr. May-
soon became an expert with his sprite will have to rise up and
crutches, as we all knew he look down the canyon all alone,
would, and, eventually, when rejoicing in the confirmation of
The Outsider
his firmly abiding belief in the Brother Maysprite has risen and
resurrection. viewed his beloved canyon in its
But Ren's little wife Marj and dear reality, and turned to greet
I are partners in searching to find the rising sun with the rest of
out where Mrs. Maysprite went, us, he will speed away over the
and all the other necessary facts hills to wherever she was buried,
concerning her and Mr. May- and there, in joy, we hope he will
sprite. For their love for each claim Sister Maysprite's hand for
other was true love. And when all eternity.
Carol Lynn Wright
I shall close the circle, Grandmother,
Whose first half brought
You to these mountains.
On eight-year-steady legs you walked
Beside the wagon, brushing the dust
From your mouth with hands that
In the night reached out for
The dolls you left in Nottingham.
Your wide eyes watched the wooden
Coffin close over your sister Lucy,
A mother's tear frozen on her still face.
Fourteen hundred miles of strange night noises
And the hurt of a hungry stomach
And feet that cried for rest.
"But where are we going, Mother?"
"To Zion, dear. Hold the blanket tight."
"Mother, what is ZIon?"
"Zion is the pure in heart. Sleep."
Did you know, Grandmother,
As you laid your daughter in a cradle
That she would lay a daughter in a cradle
Who would close the circle?
This bit of lace you brought from
Over the sea will be in my pocket.
And I will pray that you are there
Among the hosts that go before.
Keeping the pillar of fire.
I may have a child who cries out in the night
For his own bed in the valley of the Wasatch.
He won't understand why there are no trains
To travel the fourteen hundred miles.
He may turn to me as we lie on the prairie floor.
"But where are we going, Mother?"
"To build the New Jerusalem.
Hold the blanket tight."
"But why are we going. Mother?"
"Because Christ is there."
Our circle, Grandmother,
And Adam's larger circle, too:
Eden of Old,
Jerusalem anew.
Inner Struggles
Arlene Larsen Bascom
Each of us has her own innerx struggles and personal battles to
wage. As we learn that no one is exempt from problems, and gain
some insight into this fact, it seems easier to bear one's own demand-
ing troubles.
What comfort comes in knowing that our friends also share the
problems of overcoming self, of making the money stretch, of living
above physical and health limitations, and of putting first things
first. It isn't that we wish difficulties for others, but the comfort
comes from knowing that we are not alone in our struggles.
In Relief Society testimony meeting as a sister unburdens her
feelings, and at the same time expresses gratitude for great blessings,
every other sister present is strengthened. Shared burdens become
lighter, and spoken gratitude becomes more meaningful.
We learn from each other that the best way to overcome any
problem is to face it realistically, pray diligently, and work untiringly
to change what can be changed, but accepting with a cheerful heart
any circumstance which cannot be altered by our own effort or by
new attitudes. Many times thoughts exchanged in testimonies or in
conversations with friends, will suggest the proper course for us to
take, and prayers are answered silently and naturally.
It is through our inner struggles that we become stronger — if we
recognize that into each life some rain must fall, but also have the
assurance that, as the popular song suggests ''though April showers
may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May."
Peggy Tangren
I knelt in meadow rue
Where sunlight, broken by willow leaves,
Fell as amber beads on water
Earth-sweet and cloud-clean.
Cupping my hands into a chalice
Around its purity,
I lifted it up.
Velvet antlered, wet lipped,
A deer raised his head.
Looking into each other's eyes
In mute communicatioin, ancient as life,
We offered water
In a primeval sharing.
Together we drank
Where he was parting the willow
And I was kneeling in meadow rue.
"And It Shall Be Given You"
Sylvia Probst Young
■ Grandma Watson rocked slowly
back and forth, and her fingers
plucked nervously at the blue and
white rickrack on the hem of her
apron, while her eyes seemed to
be centered upon a ray of after-
noon sunlight that was coming
through the open window.
From across the room Maurine
observed her grandmother's pre-
occupation. She hasn't heard a
word I've said she thought, some-
thing is on her mind. "All right,
Grandma," Maurine voiced her
thoughts, ''what's troubling you?"
Grandma sighed deeply, and
her eyes still looked away.
''Maurine," she spoke halt-
ingly, "I — I saw Sandy today."
Her words seemed to have
electrified the room. Maurine's
face blanched. "Where?" she
asked finally, through tense lips.
"She came up to see me this
morning," Grandma answered,
"and I couldn't believe my eyes.
You wouldn't know her, Maurine,
she's a ghost of her former self.
She's suffered much. It's written
all over her face."
"I guess she should have suf-
fered." Resentment, like a deluge,
swept over Maurine. "What did
she ever really want from life,
Grandma?" she asked hotly.
"You know as well as I — the
glamor, the glitter — all the things
that money could buy, and she
was willing to give up everything
for it, even her own child."
"She made a mistake — a big
mistake." Grandma's eyes were
turned to Maurine now, and they
were filled with gentle compas-
sion. "But since I've seen her I
know that she has paid for it and
paid dearly."
For a long moment Maurine
didn't answer, she was too shaken
with emotion, reliving everything
all over again. Perhaps it had
been the mother in her — the
fierce protectiveness of a mother
for her own, that had embittered
her so much against Sandy.
Sandy had come into their
lives when Dave was a sophomore
in college. A honey-colored blond,
with flawless skin, wide, dark
eyes, and a perfect figure, Sandy
was a beautiful girl by anybody's
standards, and it was obvious
April 1967
that Dave was in love with her Maurine knew that Sandy was
from the start. Maurine had right about that. They needed to
hoped that they wouldn't marry go dancing or to a movie once in
until he was in law school at awhile. They needed to be to-
least, but, by the end of the gether more than they were, and
school year, they were engaged, she offered to tend the baby
and during the summer they whenever they wanted to go.
married. But Dave, who had never been
I very socially-minded, was always
It seemed to Maurine that two bogged down with studies or with
people couldn't have been less work. It became an issue that
alike, but perhaps that had been often caused harsh words, until,
the thing that had attracted them finally, Sandy started going with-
to each other. Dave, shy and out him. She would leave the
serious-minded, had delighted in baby with Maurine and have an
Sandy's vivaciousness and her evening out with a friend. No one
happy-go-lucky ways. Financial- questioned her going, but then
ly, they had had much difficulty, came a day when Sandy didn't
Sandy wanted pretty clothes and come home from work,
the best of everything. She Maurine could never forget how
didn't know how to economize, stricken Dave had looked when
Her job as a stenographer paid he came to her house that night,
well, but Dave held down an Admittedly things hadn't been
eight-hour job, besides going to going well with them, but he
school, to help meet expenses. hadn't dreamed, then, that Sandy
Lisa's birth had complicated would walk out. She had left
things. Staying home and caring a letter for him. She couldn't
for the baby was not to Sandy's go on sacrificing all of her life,
liking. She was tired of working and
"I'm not the domestic type," scrimping and having no fun. She
she had told Maurine on several wanted more than that, and so
occasions. "I'll be glad when I she was going away. He could
can go back to work, and besides, have the baby she said — he could
we need the money." have everything.
When Lisa was six weeks old, Dave's whole world crumpled
Sandy found a reliable woman to down around him then. He and
care for her, and she had gone the baby moved back with Mau-
back to her old job. But trying rine, and he worked doubly hard,
to keep a home and a job and taking extra classes and putting
being a wife and mother were too in extra hours on the job. He was
confining for gay, nineteen-year- quiet and withdrawn. Even Lisa,
old Sandy, and Sandy had grown in whom he had taken so much
morbid and rebellious. joy, received little attention from
"I'm sick of sitting home every him.
night," she complained. "It seems They never talked about
as if Dave could get away from Sandy, but Maurine knew how
his books or from work once in deeply Dave had been hurt. He
awhile, so we could go some- seemed to have lost interest in
place." everything — even living.
'And It Shall Be Given You*
Then, in January, he had con-
tracted a bad cold and refused
to stay home to doctor it. Quite
suddenly it turned to pneumonia,
and Dave, low in resistance and
will, was not a match for the
quick onslaught of the disease.
The results were fatal.
Involuntarily, Maurine blamed
Dave's death on Sandy, and her
bitterness toward the girl grew
like a nurtured plant. Little Lisa
became her whole life, then, and
she tried to forget that Sandy
But now — Sandy was back. It
was unbelievable.
"Why?" Maurine heard her-
self asking, ''why did she come
back. Grandma? She chose to
give up everything."
"Yes," Grandma Watson a-
greed, "she gave up everything
because she was too young and
immature to cope with the prob-
lems her marriage brought. The
glamor, the flattery, the atten-
tion, that's all Sandy could see
and she thrived on it. Running
away wasn't the answer, but she
didn't realize that until it was too
"Sandy's been lonely for quite
awhile. I guess she's longed to
see Lisa, but she had pride, too,
and she couldn't come running
back, much as she wanted to. But
now her grandfather is very ill,
so, of course, she came. He's all
the family she has, you know."
Maurine knew how much
Sandy's grandfather had meant
to her. He had been to her home
with Sandy on several occasions,
and she had admired him for his
youthful vigor and his outgoing
personality. In many ways Sandy
and he were much alike.
"And Sandy — what did she say
about Lisa, Grandma? Does she
expect to take her back?"
Grandma didn't reply readily.
Maurine was so full of bitterness
— her words were like barbs.
"She only asked to see her,"
she said finally. "She is Lisa's
mother, in spite of everything."
"Yes," Maurine conceded, "she
gave her birth — ^beyond that,
The older woman gave no
answer, but she rose from her
chair instead. "I'd better go," she
said slowly.
"Grandma!" the hardness was
suddenly gone from Maurine's
voice, as she noticed the droop of
Grandma's shoulders and the
tired look in her eyes.
llER grandmother Watson had
been mother, counselor, friend,
always there when Maurine
needed her. She had been a pillar
of strength to Maurine when
Matt died, when Sandy left, when
she lost Dave.
"Sit down a minute. Grandma.
You can get in touch with Sandy
if you want to. She can see Lisa,
of course, but that doesn't mean
that I have to see her. You can
take Lisa over to your place when
Sandy comes."
"All right, Maurine, if that's
the way you want it," Grandma
spoke with resignation, "but it
won't bring you peace."
Maurine had wanted to ask
Grandma what she meant, but
just then a little hand pushed
open the bedroom door and Lisa
came into the room. Her blue
eyes were still dreamy from sleep,
and her silky blond locks were
tousled. She was small for her
four years, but quick and alert to
everything around her.
"Hi," she said, "I slept for a
long time, didn't I?"
Maurine smiled warmly. "Yes
you did, honey, ever since lunch,
and it's three-thirty, now."
"Can I put on my shoes and go
over to Stacey's?"
"I guess so, for a little while,
but don't you want something
to eat, first?"
"Have we got some cookies
"Yes, dear, we have some
cookies," Maurine exclaimed.
"Come in the kitchen and we'll
get some milk, too. . . . Grandma,
will you have some cookies and
"I'll bring you some. Grand-
ma," Lisa offered.
"No — no dear, I have to be
going now. I'll get in touch with
you, Maurine."
"I like Grandma Watson, don't
you, Dana?"
Dana was the way Lisa had
first said Grandma, and Dana
was the name Maurine was still
called. She had never claimed
the title of mother. Lisa had
been told that her daddy had
gone to heaven and her mother
was away for awhile. These an-
swers had satisfied the child for
the time, although she had
wanted to know if her mother was
coming back.
Now Sandy was hack. Maurine
sat alone and pondered over it.
What did it all mean? Grandma
had said that she wouldn't have
peace unless she saw Sandy. But
why should she? Life had already
hurt her too much, and Lisa was
all that she had left. Well, there
was no need worrying about it,
she might as well get her mind on
something else.
On the sewing machine was a
playsuit of Lisa's that needed
mending. Maurine picked it up
and went out to the patio. A soft
wind whispered through the
birch tree, and the phlox, tall and
graceful beside the back fence,
nodded their crimson heads. The
loveliness of summer was every-
where. Maurine's eyes followed a
wisp of cirrus cloud across the
blue sky. Her thoughts turned
back to a golden day of long ago.
OUDDENLY, her reverie was in-
terrupted by a cheery "Hello,"
and her eyes met the smiling eyes
of a plump, graying, middle-aged
woman. "Why hello, Jennie," she
exclaimed, rising to greet her
visitor. "This is a pleasant sur-
prise. I'm just relaxing out here.
Do come and sit down."
"It is nice and cool out here,"
the other agreed, "and you have
such a lovely view of the moun-
tains. I brought your Sunday
School book back. I was on my
way to town, so I thought I'd just
drop in and leave it."
"Well, Jennie, I planned to
come over and pick it up, but I do
appreciate your bringing it, so we
can visit here."
"The world is much too busy,"
Jennie sighed. "I always mean
to do so many things. But I do
hope you are feeling better, Mau-
"Oh, I'm fine, now," Maurine
assured her. "I just had a touch
of asthma, but I did appreciate
"And It Shall Be Given You'
having you substitute in my
"And I enjoyed it very much.
I wonder if you know how much
those young people think of you,
Maurine. Teenagers aren't usual-
ly too impressed with us oldsters,
but you should have heard them
talk about you, they're frank, you
know. Carrie Sherman voiced the
opinion, 'It's not so much what
she says, it's the way she lives,'
and they all agreed with her.
'Sister Clayson has had a great
deal of sorrow in her life, but she
has so much courage, and she
really lives the gospel just as she
teaches it. I don't think she'd
ever let anyone down.' How's
that for putting you on a pedes-
"It's far more than I deserve,"
Maurine answered. "I guess I
have them fooled."
"Oh, no, you don't fool young
people easily. They're quite ana-
lytical. But a teacher has a real
Long after Jennie had gone,
Maurine thought about their con-
versation and long after Lisa was
in bed for the night, the words
kept coming back to her — "She
really lives the gospel — I don't
think she'd ever let anyone down
— You can't fool young people."
But Sandy? What about
Sandy? Does one live the gospel
with an unforgiving heart? In the
gathering darkness, Maurine was
alone with her troubled thoughts.
On the table beside her lay the
Sunday School book. The Life of
Christ. She taught the lessons
and the class received them. They
didn't know, however, that Sandy
was home, and that Maurine had
refused to see her. They had said
she wouldn't let anyone down.
They didn't know that she was
letting them all down.
"You can't fool young people,"
Jennie had said. Sooner or later,
they would find out that their
image of her was not true. What
good would all of her teaching do
She picked up the Sunday
School book, and her fingers
thumbed through its pages. Sud-
denly, the words from a passage
of scripture seemed to gleam out
of the darkness.
"Ask and it shall be given
you. . . ."
Grandma Watson had said she
wouldn't know peace if she didn't
see Sandy, and now she knew
that Grandma was right. She
needed to ask for strength to have
compassion and a truly forgiving
heart — strength to be the Latter-
day Saint that her Sunday School
students believed she was.
How long she knelt in prayer
she didn't know, but when she lay
down to rest sleep came gently,
and troubled thoughts were gone.
Sunlight was coming softly into
the room when she awakened.
Going to the window, she stopped
a moment to drink in the beauty
of the sky and the eastern moun-
tains in the morning glow.
Peace was living comfortably
with oneself. She went to the
kitchen and telephoned Grandma
Watson. "I'll see Sandy," she
As she turned from the phone,
a little girl with golden hair
stood in the doorway, her eyes
turned to the window.
"Look," she said softly, "the
light has come back."
"Yes, dear," Maurine answered
humbly, "the light has come
Derwentwater, looking north. On the right is the mountain Skiddaw (3054 feet) with
Keswick at its foot, whilst in the distance is seen Bassenthwait Lake.
Mabel Jones Gabbott
■ If you were to ask me where I
would like^ to go some April, I
would answer quickly — to the
Lake District in England ... to
walk where William Wordsworth
and his sister Dorothy walked;
where Coleridge and his son Hart-
ley visited; where Christopher
North and Southey wrote and
talked of writing. Oh, to be in
England there.
The Lake District is a circle,
with a radius of fifteen miles from
Lake Country, England
the central point, largely within the county of Cumberland. It is
sometimes called the Lake County, the Lakes, or Lakeland, and
includes some of Westmorland and Lancashire Counties. These few
hundred square miles contain most of the principal lakes of England.
Some lakes have picturesque island groups; some have soft wooded
banks; some show an open expanse with steep rockbound shores.
Within the circle, beside Windermere, the largest lake, is the highest
point in England, Scafell Pike.
The mountains are no less beautiful than the lakes, with bold
sweeping lines, unbroken by vegetation, often ending in sheer cliffs
or crags. At the foot of the mountains are green valley floors and, in
the lower parts, lovely woods. Not only in England, but far outside
the confines of Great Britain, this Lake Country is known for its
remarkable beauty.
And here in the midst of the beauty of nature, William Words-
worth founded the Lake School of Poets, and laid down his theories
of poetry, which he said had grown out of the soil and substance of
the lakes and mountains, and out of the homely lives of the people of
Cumberland and Westmorland.
When Robert Browning whote, "0 to be in England/Now that
April's there," I wonder if he was remembering the beautiful Lake
District in England.
Beulah Huish Sadleir
Tulip Blossoms Don Knight
Sing to me, spring,
Witli your sun in tlie sky,
A smooth April sonnet
Or wind lullaby.
Sing of the tulips.
Some bowing their heads.
Blossoms air-branching
And dainty flowered beds.
Sing to me, April,
While I keep a tryst
With lavender lilacs
In gentle rain mist.
Sing of the nesting birds,
Make love your theme,
Now ail is awakened
From winter's long dream.
■ It was mid- July when we took a drive through one of Utah's beauti-
ful canyons. As we emerged from the canyon, there before us was a
beautiful pastoral scene. It looked peaceful, with cattle and horses
idly grazing in green pastures or standing in the shade of the clumps
of trees along the banks of the quiet river.
As we sped along the new and modern highway, it was such a
contrast that I couldn't help thinking, why can't life be like the
quiet, peaceful scene we are passing through? But, even as I thought
it, I also remembered the words "Into every life some rain must fall."
Without the rain and the turbulent rapids of the river somewhere
upstream, the lovely, peaceful quiet of this valley, far from the hurry
of the city, would not be there to enjoy.
So it is with life. Like the land, there are times when things are
peaceful and quiet, and we can move slowly along with the stream of
things, but not for always. Life isn't designed to be that way. In
mortality we are going through the ''refiner's fire," to be tried to see
how well we are able to stand up under the trials and pressures of life.
Before the river reached the peaceful valley, the land above had to
stand up under the wild twisting and turning of the rushing river.
In some places the land was like rock and was able to, shall we say,
turn the tide. In others, the land was weak, and it was easier just
to let the river cut through.
We must learn that we must stand firm and learn to withstand
the rushing waters of life, never letting our faith falter, even though
the trial and heartbreak we may pass through seem more than we
can bear. "This, too, shall pass," and then we have some of the peace
found in the lovely, green valley.
Even in the apparently peaceful valley, had we been able to take
a closer look, we would have found some undesirable elements. Some-
one once said "Everyone has a cross to bear, and maybe no one
knows of it except the person concerned, nevertheless, it is theirs to
More rain seems to fall in the lives of some people. The main
thing, however, is to be strong enough in our faith to withstand the
floods of despair, disappointment, and hurt that come to us.
May we all be able to pass through the trials of life with a stronger
faith in God and his goodness to us, because "Into every life some
rain must fall" to help us appreciate the fact that God is in his
heaven and all is well.
Wilma Boyle Bunker
■ At the breakfast table one morning, our teenage son brought me
up short with the remark, ^'What^s the matter today, has everyone
taken grouch pills?"
''What do you mean by that?" I asked, with a hint of annoyance
in my voice.
"Well, I don't know what's happened," he answered, "but it sure
is like a morgue around here."
"Grouch pills" — "like a morgue" — these words were quite an
indictment for any home. Could it be that I was responsible for this
I think I do as well as most of my friends, I rationalized to myself
after everyone had left for work or school. I try to be a good mother,
keep the house clean, the clothes washed and ironed, cook nutritious
meals. Where am I falling short? Am I failing to create for my family
a cheerful atmosphere that will radiate beyond the walls of our
It was then that I decided to try a little secret experiment, a little
disguised campaign to improve the situation, and, being a musician,
I turned to music as my tool. My strategy was simple. Each morning
as I prepared breakfast, put up the lunches, and got my family ready
for the day's work, I would deliberately hum a little tune, or quietly
sing a song. I was well aware that there would be some days when I
just wouldn't feel like any kind of a song, but I was determined to
give my experiment a try.
Nothing happened for some time, and just as I had about decided
that maybe my idea wasn't such a good one after all, the payoff came.
When my son left the breakfast table one morning, he said enthusias-
tically, "Gee, Mom, that was a good breakfast. What's for dinner
tonight?" and he went out of the door whistling , the melody I had had
such a struggle to sing that morning.
Then my husband remarked, as he picked up the car keys and pre-
pared to leave, "I don't know what's happened, honey, but things
seem to be going a lot smoother lately," and he left the house hum-
niing the same tune.
Maybe my little experiment does work, I said to myself, hardly
daring to believe what I had just heard.
I quickly cleared the table and washed up the dishes, and then,
all of a sudden, grinned sheepishly as I realized that I, too, was un-
consciously humming the tune I had sung earlier.
"What do you know?" I said aloud this time. "It works both ways.
I guess I'm a victim of my own experiment."
Mildred Cook Solury
m A wise man once said, ". . . if you bake bread with indifference,
you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half of a man's hunger." In
the history of the world, bread has played a dramatic part; each
nation has its own varied breads as a result of the customs, religion,
and culture of a country.
Bread is the symbol of hope, the growth of man, and the hospitality
of the home. Today, as always, the art of bread-baking is rewarding,
if you take the time to prove the old adage.
Handling yeast dough is a delight and pure childlike fun. You are
dealing with something responsive and warmly alive. As you knead
the bread dough, you are giving it greater life, and it is therapy for the
busy fingers of a homemaker. Bread-baking takes time. You cannot
hurry the process that must make a complete cycle, so give in to the
demand it makes on your time. Only a small part of your reward is
the bread itself — the most important is the gift of the bread to your
.As you watch the dough grow in a pan, a yeast miracle is taking
place. When the warm loaves of bread come out of the oven, the
cycle is complete. As your family enters your kitchen radiantly
filled with old-fashioned bread-baking aroma, only then will you
realize the deep satisfaction of fulfillment and pleasure. Memories
of childhood flash into reality; they recall home — the first shelter, and
dreams of hope.
Sadie J. Stevens
I've just been thinking, and without a doubt,
My hands are something to brag about.
Not that they're pretty, but where would I be
Without these two hands here in front of me?
There's so much they can do, and seldom complain;
I can use them and wash and use them again.
They never wear out and don't ask much care,
And if I ever need them, they're always there.
Bless these two hands. Sometimes I need four,
But, if I'm willing, they're able —
And who could ask more?
"Good Old House
Verna S. Carter
"uood old house," my mother would say.
I can remember as a young girl coming home with my mother
from a trip to the store or a visit to a friend, or just from anywhere,
my mother would open the door, and as she walked inside she would
stop, pat the walls two or three times and say "good old house."
Just that and nothing more, and I would follow her inside, ponder-
ing in my young mind why she would do such a strange thing.
Our house was not what the neighbors would call a "fancy house,"
but as Uncle Jim said, it was a comfortable, adjustable house, and
one, he would add, that could stretch its seams to accommodate a
I suspect my uncle was referring to the Sunday dinners of mother's
specialty, chicken with noodles, and homemade ice cream.
Good Old House
When father announced "There is always room for one more," I
knew my brothers and I would be shifted from the big table to the
small one in the corner of the dining room. We didn't mind, as mother
always gave us special attention there.
As I grew older, my eyes could not detect any great physical
changes in our house, but, as I watched my mother continue to pat
lovingly the "good old house," I would ask myself, "What made
it so?"
Was it the getting into fresh, clean-smelling sheets for a peaceful
night's rest? The wallpaper that always looked so happy on the
kitchen walls?
Was it Father? Mother? The comfort of knowing they were there
with understanding and love?
Was it the family all kneeling together in prayer? (I can hear my
father say, "Your turn to say the prayer this morning, Jane.")
Heavenly Father, as I turn the key in the lock of my own home
this day, give me the understanding of my dear mother, that I, too,
may build within these walls that goodness of a "good house," and
in the minds and hearts of my family the understanding and con-
viction of my mother, that they, too, may enter and leave their home
with a loving pat of "good old house."
Alda L Brown
Go, my pig-tailed darlings,
And gather sunbeams from the morn. .
Go find the country meadows
That wait your sandaled feet!
Did you know we have baby chicks
And kittens in the barn?
Things here are all so different
From your crowded city street. . . .
Go ride your Grandpa's pony!
Climb the trees your Mommy climbed!
Send a ship far sailing
Way down the meadow stream. . . .
I will show you sky-blue robin's eggs
In nests all feather-lined. . . .
And broad warm rocks beside the brook
Where you can lie and dream. . . .
Your Mom and I will chat awhile —
And get the day's work done. . . .
The Patient Soul
Rose A. Openshaw
■ The patient, unhurried soul is the approachable one, the inspired
and inspiring. "Always," someone philosophizes, "the highest culture
springs from the patient heart!"
Calmness and composure carry the hallmarks of exalted beauty,
ever they are idealized, looked up to, admired. But what return
does one ever derive from impatience? Many can attest to the weight
it breeds in the heart, the heaviness and sorrow, the unending despair.
Due to it, loved ones often become separated for life — too often, too,
for eternity. Sharp and evil its barbs are.
Under the baleful influence of impatience, individuals stumble and
fall. Impatience paves the way for despondency and is the forerunner
of tragedy. Comeliness of face, with love and hope, melt away before
its presence, bankrupting security. It is far too expensive for any
mortal to invest in. Wherever it exists, whether in old or young, it
is proof that that individual has not yet attained to a full maturity.
Impatience darkens the yision, narrows the horizon, and always is
branded with the weakling stamp of the novice. As opposed to this,
patience wears the decoration of myriad graces. Forbearance and
kindness, with cheerfulness, charity, and the cherishing of ideals shine
there; always present is wisdom.
Finding a patient individual is like finding hyacinths in the desert,
where only thorns flourish.
Bequeathing patience through example is infinitely more to be
desired than bequeathing gold and rubies. Patience will endure,
passing itself down through time's corridor unto the latest and
last generation; whereas wealth, too often, is squandered, lost, or may
become a source of evil and regret.
He who controls his tongue, declares James (James 3), in effect,
can control the whole being, even as the body of a horse is controlled
by so simple a device as a bit in its mouth. And how beautiful the
personality that controls it!
Patience is a golden, glistening halo that beautifies, ennobles,
endears. Would that we all might wear it!
Aleine M. Young
Yesterday the apple blossoms
Made my lawn all white.
Today, it's falling snowflakes,
And it's really quite a sight
To see the crimson tulips
And the blossoms on the trees
Snuggled down in snowy crystals-
Spring is really quite a tease.
Ethel Jacobson
She sits on her little haunches
like a chipmunk,
Studying the ground
Where she has found —
A leaf? A ladybird?
caterpillar, furred?
beetle spotted like a domino?
globe of dandelion fluff to blow?
Horned snail?
A polished violet pebble
Unnoticing, pass by?
-treasures I,
She flings herself down wherever she may be —
On her straight small back
In a haystack,
In a daisy field, on
A dew-sprigged lawn,
A sandy ledge,
A stream's reedy edge —
Watching a playful young breeze puff
Clouds like dandelion fluff
Across a blue immensity
That I, preoccupied, seldom see.
It helps to be under seven
To be closer to earth, God's earth, and to his heaven.
Sense of Wonder
Nancy M. Armstrong
Children are always curious about the world they live in. Because of this
curiosity, a child's world is fresh, new, beautiful, full of wonder and exhilara-
Why, as we grow older, do we allow ourselves to become so matter-of-fact,
so take-it-for-granted, so unimaginative, so lacking in enthusiasm, when, to
keep the world exciting, we need only to retain or recapture our sense of
Lack of wonder diminishes life, and we come to believe we could find excite-
ment and beauty in some distant or different place only to discover that what
we bring we find. The wonder and beauty must come from within.
A sense of wonder gives us a lasting love affair with life by enlarging it.
It teaches us to reach for adventure by keeping us curious about life. It is
a splendid antidote against boredom for it brings novelty to commonplace
experiences and glamor to our immediate surroundings.
Wonder contains elements of beauty, astonishment, and appreciation. We
can live in a world of radiant freshness, filled with surprises and have our
hearts full of gratitude to God for his creation by keeping alive our childlike
sense of wonder.
Recipes With a Different Flavor
Anna Molenaar
Napier, New Zealand
Lemon Sauce
3 oz. butter
3 oz. sugar
1 egg
1 banana, mashed
Juice 1 lemon
1 tbsp. honey
34 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. boiling milk
4 oz. flour
V^ tsp. baking powder
1 c. water
1 dessert spoon cornflour
Cream butter and sugar, add egg, mashed banana, the soda dissolved in boiling
milk, lastly add flour and baking powder. Put into greased bowl. Cover, steam IV2
Heat lemon juice, sugar, honey, and water. Thicken with cornflour (cornstarch).
Delicious. Serves 6.
1 c. dried apricots, cut in thin slices
1 c. boiling water
6 oz. butter
6 oz. sugar
3 eggs
8 oz. flour
34 tsp. baking powder
Pour boiling water over the apricots and let stand while mixing cake. Cream
butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, beating well after each individual addition.
Drain apricots and reserve fluid. Mix the fruit into creamed mixture, then fold in
sifted flour. Measure the liquid from apricots and take V3 cup of it and dissolve
the soda in this liquid. Blend thoroughly into the batter. Pour into well-greased
and papered tin 8" square. Bake at 350° for 55 minutes. When cold, ice with
orange icing: 1 cup icing mix (powdered sugar) mixed with orange juice to de-
sired consistency. Decorate with grated orange rind.
1 lb. minced beef (hamburger)
14 lb. bacon
2V2 inch slices of bread
V^ c. milk
2 eggs
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. tomato sauce
Finely cut bacon and mix with beef. Soak bread in milk and add seasonings.
Then stir in soaked bread and beat until the mixture is even in consistency. Grease
ring tin. Pack in meat mixture, bake in 350° oven for one hour.
Turn onto plate 5 to 10 minutes later. Add vegetables in center.
Sauce: 1 tin mushroom soup, i^ pint water, Worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce.
Heat together.
Julene J. Gushing
This has always puzzled me —
Just how much is a "pinch"?
These recipes of dear Grandma's
Surely are no cinch.
A "snip" of this, a "dab" of that,
A "lump" of something else.
Then "beat it for a little while,"
Or, "stir until it melts."
I have to be a wizard to
Decipher what she meant
By all these strange proportions
In her cookbook, worn and bent.
"How much nutmeg in the doughnuts?"
Grandma wouldn't flinch
As she said, with twinkling eyes,
"Oh, just about a pinch."
There must have been in her wise head
A measuring device
That told her just how much to use
Of sugar, salt, and spice.
Wilma Boyle Bunker
Too many of us are hurrying our days away. Involved in many activities,
we dash breathlessly from one appointment to another, from one task to the
next, constantly trying to beat a deadline. Our only aim, it seems, is to get
the present commitment out of the way so that we can begin another. We
find ourselves saying, "If I can just get through this week"; but next week
comes and we are still going at top speed.
Life is too precious to shorten it with hurry. To overload our days with
more than we can handle is a poor substitute for contentment. To be smoth-
ered with unfinished work is frustrating and exhausting.
And the strange part about all this is that we don't have to do it. We
are master of at least some of our own time; we fashion many of the pro-
cedures of our own way of living. We can either burn up the hours with
rush and flurried haste, or be wise enough to enjoy days that are busy and
challenging, yet serene, calm, and far more satisfying.
Sarah E. Allsworth Peterson, Sebastopol, California, is an artistic and experienced
gardener. Her yard is a delight to friends and neighbors, with whom she willingly
shares her plants and her extensive knowledge of growing things. Roses, fuchsias,
chrysanthemums, violets, and many other flowers are a profusion of beauty and
vigor in her garden, but there is not a spot for a single weed. Her patio is banked
with flowers, where neighbors often gather, and where friends come to be up-
lifted spiritually and emotionally.
Sister Peterson's home is an example of neatness and order. A guest never
leaves without a jar of jam or jelly, a plant, a vegetable for dinner, and always
with a lighter heart. She has worked in the Church all her life in various capacities,
having been twice a ward Relief Society president. Now, in her eightieth year,
she is still an effective and much-loved visiting teacher, after fifty-eight years in
this calling. Last year, at the ward Relief Society bazaar, space was given to
Sister Peterson for a plant bar. She made beautiful flower arrangements and
unique plantings which added greatly to the interest and financial success of
the bazaar.
Synopsis: Nora Blake, having no
family ties after the death of her
mother, secures a schoolteaching
position in Banner, Idaho, where she
lives in the home of Bishop Shepherd
and becomes acquainted with a Latter-
day Saint family.
■ Nora sat at the desk and tried
to recall what she had learned at
Normal College in regard to the
first day of school, but her
thoughts were in a turmoil. At
the moment, she could not re-
member much of anything that
had taken place in any of her
classes. She hoped this was not
going to be a permanent situa-
tion, and that as she actually got
into teaching, her memory would
furnish her with the things she
would need.
"Here is the roll book in the
top drawer, Miss Blake," said
Ellen. ''We have seven children in
the first grade, four in the third,
and six in the fourth; five in each
of the fifth and sixth, and three
Golden Chain
Hazel M. Thomson
in the eighth grade. We don't
have any second graders or any
in the seventh this year. That's
good, isn't it?"
Yes, certainly, thought Nora.
Six grades would be better than
eight. But six grades! It was over-
The textbook supply was much
better than she had expected.
Each of the older students had a
reader, an arithmetic book, and
a speller. History and geography
books were scarce, only one copy
of each on the teacher's desk. Her
own books would come in handy
when they arrived.
She worked for a time on a
tentative schedule, realizing that
it would require a great deal
of changing as she became ac-
quainted with her students, their
abilities, and achievements. She
would have to feel her way into
the classwork and discover which
of the grades might be able to
work together in some subjects.
April 1967
She gathered copies of the text-
books and began to make lesson
It was late in the afternoon
before she put down her pencil,
sat back, and looked at the room.
The high, 'narrow windows were
somewhat unattractive. Flowers
would help. Mrs. Shepherd might
be able to spare some slips from
her geraniums. In the meantime,
Nora wondered whether she
might find some decorative weeds
which might be fashioned into a
winter bouquet.
She slipped on her boots and
coat. There didn't seem to be
much of anything growing in the
schoolyard, but behind the build-
ing she could see some plants
sticking out of the snow just be-
yond the fence a little way. She
left Ellen busily cleaning black-
The weed was strange to her,
but it had a lovely seed pod on
it, and a little farther on was a
bush with some orange-colored
berries on it. She must have some
of those. The branches were
prickly, but she managed to
break off several nice ones. She
was about halfway back to the
fence before she heard something
coming up fast behind her. As
she glimpsed it over her shoulder,
she started to run. It was the
biggest beast she had ever had
so near to her.
As she ran she saw, on the
schoolhouse side of the fence,
someone coming. He vaulted the
fence and ran toward her, grab-
bing her hand, and almost drag-
ging her to keep up with his long
strides. He pulled her over the
fence and down on the other side,
just inches ahead of two very
long, sharp horns.
"What's the matter with you?"
cried the man, and Nora became
aware of a pair of very blue eyes.
He picked up his hat now, from
where it had fallen as he jumped
the fence, and placed it on his
dark red hair.
Suddenly Nora felt very weak.
The man grabbed her shoulders,
and she wasn't certain whether
he meant to keep her from falling
or whether he had half a notion
to shake her. From his tone, it
was most likely the latter.
"Didn't anyone warn you not
to go over that fence?" he asked.
"No," said Nora faintly. "It
was so near! That cow came so
"Cowr The man threw back
his head and roared with laugh-
ter. "Now Pete Johnson wouldn't
like that. He wouldn't like that
at all, him going to all the trouble
and expense of making a trip to
Sanpete County to get that prize
He stopped laughing as sud-
denly as he had begun.
"By the way," he said, "I'm
Jed Oliver — Ben's brother. Well,
not really his brother, but just
the same as."
Nora looked at the tall, hand-
The Golden Chain
some man before her, thinking it Jed Oliver shook his head,
no wonder that Ben idolized him. "No/' he answered. "He couldn't
"I don't know how to thank and be honest, and he would
you" she said. "I guess you know never have been anything else. It
that you saved my life." seemed as though he knew every-
"I wish I had come by sooner thing, while I ... I just. . . ."
and stopped you before you He stopped, and Nora felt that
crossed the fence, but you were he had already said more than
already in the field before I rode he had intended. She did not
past and, saw you. I wasn't right pursue the subject,
certain this horse would wait for "I truly want to thank you,"
me, when I didn't take time to she said, looking down at the
tie him, but I knew I had to get little bundle of branches and
to you as fast as I could." weeds she still clutched in her
y hand, that had been the cause
Nora noted a look of real con- of her narrow escape,
cern in the blue eyes. It gave her But Jed Oliver didn't answer,
an unusual tingling kind of feel- He seemed to have retreated to
ing. Then, in a very brief mo- somewhere far within himself,
ment, the expression had left his Nora felt a curiously cold change
face, and Jed Oliver had become in his manner. With scarcely a
very matter-of-fact. nod he left her and walked to-
"I'll be getting along, now. I ward his horse. The animal had
had bishopric meeting last night not moved, and stood patiently
and left Ben the chores. I don't at the hitching post, perhaps
want to leave all the milking to thinking he was tied. Jed picked
him again tonight." up the rein he had dropped in
"Ben spoke of you during our such haste a short time before,
drive from the station," Nora put a foot in the stirrup, and
said. "He thinks you're rather swung lightly to the horse's back,
wonderful." "I suppose the bishop will be
Jed seemed pleased at her coming for you?" he asked, as he
statement, but at a loss for turned his horse to the south,
an answer. Nora continued, "I "No. Oh, he offered to, but I
should meet all the students' par- wanted to walk back. I must get
ents as soon as I can. I suppose used to walking. I can't bother
meeting you is the same as meet- anyone to drive me to school every
ing Ben's father." day. I want to find out how far
"No," answered Jed slowly, it really is when I walk it."
"it's not the same. Not the same "Far enough, you'll find in this
at all. Ben's father was the wisest, snow," said Jed. "You can be
kindest, smartest — well, just the sure of that."
finest man I have ever known. His horse tossed its head, anx-
and the best friend anyone could ious to be going, but still held in
hope to have." check by the reins in Jed's hand.
"He'd probably be saying the "Here," he said, moving as if
same things about you," said to dismount. "I'd better walk and
Nora, "if the situation were re- you can ride as far as the Shep-
versed." herd's on Old Duke."
April 1967
Nora stopped him with a move-
ment of her hand. "I couldn't
think of it," she said. ''YouVe
done quite enough already, and
besides, I'm not finished with the
work I must get done before
Monday morning. Besides, I have
Ellen working inside. We will go
Jed did not argue and, as he
rode away, Nora turned and en-
tered the schoolhouse. From in-
side she watched him take off
on a slow lope. She noticed how
his body moved with the move-
ments of the horse as if the two
were of one piece. The horse's
hooves kicked up great swirls of
snow, as both horse and rider dis-
appeared from, sight.
I HE first day of school went
well for Nora. And so did the
second and the third. The days
passed and lengthened into
weeks, and she had never been
happier and more contented in
her life. True, she was tired by
Friday, and glad for the two day
respite, but by Saturday after-
noon her head was buzzing with
ideas and she was eager to get
back to the classroom to try them
Not that there weren't prob-
lems. There were plenty of them.
Two of the most difficult ones
being two of her three eighth
graders. Ben was a delight to
teach. Joe Pine and Ed Johnson
were something else again, both
in ability and attitude. Nora won-
dered, on occasion, why either of
them bothered to come.
"Why do they keep on coming
to school, Ben?" she asked one
night, as Ben cleaned the boards
before leaving for home.
"I'm not sure, Miss Blake," he
had answered. "I really don't
"Maybe it's to get out of work-
ing at home," said Nora. "They
come here and don't choose to
work here, either, so I assume
that work is a thing that neither
of them likes very much."
Then, there was Trudy. Her
problem was somewhat different
from that of the two boys. No,
there was nothing lazy about
Trudy. She had energy enough
and to spare, and did all that was
required of her in classwork and
always a little more. Nora found
that the child had a wonderful
talent in her art work, yet never
did Trudy neglect her other sub-
jects for her beloved drawing.
But toward Nora, Trudy re-
mained cool and, at times, almost
hostile. When listening to a child
read alone to her, Nora often
found herself with an arm around
the child's shoulders. Most of the
younger children would move
close to her and seem more re-
laxed as the reading continued.
Not so with Trudy. If she so
much as put her arm across the
back of Trudy's chair, the child
would wriggle and twist uncom-
fortably until Nora would remem-
ber and move the offending arm.
Nora wracked her brain for
ways to build a bond of friend-
ship with Trudy, but her efforts
seemed to all be doomed to fail-
ure. Then an opportunity came.
Nora had attended meetings
with the Shepherd family reg-
ularly since her arrival. On the
Sunday before Thanksgiving, she
dressed carefully in a blue velvet
dress she had made just before
coming West. It was a beautiful
light color and perhaps the very
loveliest dress she had, and
The Golden Chain
Trudy's sense of the artistic did a late hour. By Thanksgiving
not fail to appreciate it. day, Nora had another blue dress,
On this particular Sunday, the just as lovely as the other one
child was sitting between Nora had been, but in a somewhat
and Mrs. Shepherd. During one smaller size,
of the lengthy sermons, Nora felt That morning, with delicious
Trudy's hand sliding back and aromas following them all the
forth, back and forth, on the way upstairs, Nora asked Trudy
dress material, where it spread to come with her to her room,
out on the bench between them. Nora took the dress from the
Nora kept her eyes determinedly closet and spread it out on the
on the speaker. Then, wishing bed. Trudy moved close and
that she hadn't, even as she did stared. Then she reached out
so, Nora allowed her eyes to one hand and touched the dress
glance over at Trudy. Quickly as she had done in church.
Trudy drew her hand away. In- "I really brought too many
stantly Nora regretted having let dresses," said Nora. "If you'll
Trudy know that she was aware move this one into your closet,
of her feeling the dress material, mine won't be quite so crowded."
It was one of the very few con- Nora picked the dress up and
tacts between the two of them placed it in Trudy's arms,
that Trudy had initiated, and "A girl needs a new dress with
again Nora felt that she had Thanksgiving and Christmas so
failed. near together. After all, you
I can't help it, that you're not a
It was at the supper table that boy."
evening that Bertha Shepherd Trudy stood there holding the
mentioned the fact that she had dress, her dark eyes shining,
been unable to get material "And you can't help it that
enough to make both of her girls you're not Miss Amy," she said,
a new dress for the holidays. Snow had come early in Novem-
"There'll be enough for Ellen, ber the day Nora arrived but
and, after all, Trudy, she is the it was not until the Monday fol-
older. I'll get a piece of goods lowing Thanksgiving that the big
for you just as soon as Brother blizzard came. The snow swirled
Long gets some more yard goods in from the northeast and beat
in at his store over in Mountain against the schoolhouse windows
View." until they were completely cov-
Nora watched Trudy and saw ered over. Nora felt a sudden chill
the small chin quiver just a trifle, in the room. Ben noticed it, too,
"I don't care!" Trudy declared, and got up to put in a lump of
"I don't care! I just wish I was coal, together with a stick or two
a boy!" And she jumped from her of oak to hurry the slow burning
chair and ran from the room. coal along.
Immediately, Nora knew what The next few moments seemed
she must do. It meant sitting up a nightmare. At the time, Nora
late at nights after the children had no idea what caused it. Ben
were in bed and treading Mrs. had filled the water pan on the
Shepherd's sewing machine until back of the stove at noon, the
April 1967
one Mr. Shepherd had warned
her several times about keeping
full. There was a huge lid on top
of the stovepipe where it curved
to enter the north wall. Nora had
watched it with some apprehen-
sion since the bishop first warned
her that, under certain condi-
tions, it could blow off. This was
one of those occasions. The lid
flew up and hit the ceiling and
fell, banging onto the top of the
stove and down onto the floor.
Soot was blown into every corner
of the room. Nora's desk, her
dress, her hair, and her face were
I HE younger children began to
whimper. That is, all except
Trudy Shepherd. It would take
more than a covering of soot to
frighten Trudy.
''Look, teacher!" she cried.
'We're all black in the face!"
Ben, as usual, was her comfort
and support. He was at her side
in a moment.
"It's all right, now," he said.
"Don't worry about it. I've seen
this happen before."
"What made it explode, Ben?"
she asked.
"That's just what I'm wonder-
ing," he said.
He walked over and picked up
the lid and looked at it a long
moment. Nora followed him and
saw that he was staring at a place
on the edge of the lid that looked
new and shiny as though the lid
had been pried loose. She knew
that both she and Ben were
thinking of the two boys who
were conspicuously absent on this
particular day. Outside, the wind
was rising, telling of an increase
in the fury of the storm.
"I'll drive the others home,"
Ben said. "The storm is getting
worse. Then I'll be back as soon
as I can to help you clean up."
"I'll manage, Ben," she said.
"Take the children, but don't
worry about coming back. You
have your chores to do."
There was a mad scramble for
coats, mittens, scarves, and boots,
while Ben went to hitch up his
team. Nora stood at the door and
watched the sleigh leave, the chil-
dren sitting on the hay, tucked
under blankets to keep off most
of the falling, swirling snow. Nora
shut the door against the chilly
blast and turned to her desk to
survey the damage. Her disap-
pointment was keen. She had
tried so hard to win the con-
fidence of both Joe and Ed, and
this practical joke was their an-
She dropped down in the chair
at her desk, overwhelmed by the
task before her. Jed Oliver's
words from his sermon of a recent
Sunday came to her mind.
"What kind of pioneers would
we have been?" he had asked.
"Most of us here moved in after
some houses were already built.
We found farms already cleared,
and water in the ditches, just
waiting to be turned onto the
land. I wonder about it, some-
times. Why, I rode in here and
had a roof over my head that
very first night. I didn't have to
rough it, like those who came
first. Yes, I wonder what kind of
pioneer I would have made."
Suddenly, Nora began to laugh.
She laughed until two big tears
found their way down her cheeks
through the soot. She wiped them
away with a smear of her hand
as she arose and took the broom
from her closet. She had brushed
The Golden Chain
off the desks and had the floor
almost swept, when she heard
sleigh bells. She thought to her-
self that Ben had made a quick
trip. Now the two of them could
finish up the scrubbing. She filled
a pail with water from the reser-
voir on the back of the stove.
She stood with her back toward
the door as she wrung out a cloth
in the soapy water.
"You needn't have come back,
Ben," she said. ''You have your
chores to do."
"That's right, Miss Blake,"
said a deep voice. "Ben has both
his chores, and some other things
to do. He said he'd be awhile be-
fore he could come. But he was
so worried about things here at
the school that I promised I'd
come and see what I could do to
help out."
Nora's heart skipped a beat as
she recognized the voice. As she
turned, she caught a glimpse of
herself in the mirror above the
washstand. For the moment, she
had forgotten what a sight she
was, her face streaked with soot
and tears, and her clothes cov-
He better not laugh, she told
herself. He just better not! If he
does, he'll get this whole bucket,
right down on that handsome red
head. Doesn't like schoolteachers!
Well, here's one he may wish he'd
never even seen.
He couldn't have known her
thoughts, but he came quickly
and took the bucket in his own
"Let me take that," he said.
"I'll wash off the desks while you
get some water in the wash basin
and do your face. You'll feel
better, I'm certain. Then I'll
scrub the floor."
"Scrub the floor?" Nora did
not attempt to conceal her amaze-
ment. Even Bishop Shepherd,
who could change the baby, wash
the dishes, and hang out the
wash, had not, to her knowledge,
ever scrubbed the floor.
"Of course, scrub the floor,"
repeated Jed, bringing the big
mop from the closet. "Who do
you think scrubs our floor, mine
and Ben's? You think he does
Nora made herself as present-
able as she could and helped
finish wiping off the desks and
seats. Then she helped clean the
floor. They were almost finished
before Ben returned. Ed Johnson
and Joe Pine were with him.
"Jed!" exclaimed Ben. "Gosh,
I'm glad you made it. It took me
longer than I planned. I saw Ed
and Joe and we — they — well, we
talked, and they decided to come
along and help, too."
"How thoughtful of you," said
April 1967
Nora to the boys, standing just
inside the door and looking un-
certainly at her. "Here, Ed, you
are the tallest. You start on the
top windows and Ben and Joe
can work on the bottom ones.
We'll have things fixed up in no
Things did seem to be getting
fixed up, more things than just
the schoolroom. With a little
good-natured joking going back
and forth, Jed soon seemed to
have the two boys actually enjoy-
ing their work. Under cover of
their bit of fun, Nora motioned to
Ben, and in the supply closet she
whispered to him.
"I know you didn't find them
volunteering to come and help
clean up this mess. I know as
well as you do who caused it. I
wonder whether you ought to try
and cover for them."
Ben thought a moment. "Are
you going to tell Bishop Shep-
herd?" he asked. "He'd be the
one, I guess, being President of
the Board, if you think they have
to know."
"I'm not sure," answered Nora.
"I don't think I will. At least not
right away. Let's see how things
work out."
When the job was done, Nora
thanked the boys and the three
of them left together, in high
spirits. Jed was ready soon after
to follow them. As he passed
Nora's desk, he paused and ran
a big hand over the row of books
she kept on top.
"Seems as if the school has
more books than it used to have,"
he said.
"These are my own," Nora re-
plied. "And I have some others
still in the boxes that Ben
brought with the mail last week
that I haven't had time to un-
pack yet. They're right here in
the closet. I imagine you have a
lot of time in the winter evenings
to read. Would you like to bor-
row some of them?"
"No! No! I . . . just . . . that
is . . . No!"
He left hurriedly, and Nora,
puzzled by his sudden strange
behavior, remembered too late
that she hadn't even thanked him
for scrubbing the schoolroom
{To be continued)
Pearle M. Olsen
Too often they go on ahead, alone,
Without knowing our tardy thoughtfulness.
They leave us smarting under pricks, unknown
When we let good intention flower
From the budding thought; when we profess
Affection while they are sensitive
To knowledge that someone they love will care
When waning strength severs a tie to here
And they go on alone, somewhere!
Postponing of a trmely word and visit
Makes weightier the going — unaware!
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent
through the stake Relief Society presidents, or mission Relief Society super-
visors. One annual submission will be accepted, as space permits, from each
stake and mission of the Church. Submissions should be addressed to the
Editorial Department, Relief Society Magazine, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
For details regarding pictures and descriptive material, see The Relief Society
Magazine for January 1966, page 50.
Relief Society Activities
San Leandro Stake (California) Relief Society Board
Presents Special Program at Leadership Meeting
September 16, 1966
Front row, seated, left to right: Virginia Basinger, homemaking leader;
Louise Palmer, Counselor; Melba Larsen, President; Neva Griggs, Counselor;
Ann Sybrowsky, spiritual living class leader.
Back row, standing, left to right: Hazel WooUey, social relations class leader;
Elfonda Barker, Magazine representative; Inez Sutton, visiting teacher message
leader; Dorisse Coats, chorister; Donna Carter, cultural refinement class leader.
Sister Larsen reports: "The theme 'Relief Society, the Key to Happiness,'
was introduced by a ladies' trio, singing music especially written for the oc-
casion by President Larsen. Each leader then accepted a golden key and spoke
briefly on its use to open the door to a spiritual and cultural life. New courses
of study and plans for the year's work were combined with sincere testimonies
of the stake Relief Society leaders. We were inspired and challenged to greater
April 1967
Sunderland Stake (England), Sunderland Ward Bazaar
November 26, 1966
Left to right: Mary A. Akenhead, Counselor; Gladys Oates, President; Melba
F. May, President, Sunderland Stake Relief Society; Constance Hill, Counselor,
Sunderland Ward.
Sister May reports: "On November 26th I attended a very fine bazaar held
by the Sunderland Ward Relief Society in the Sunderland Stake cultural hall.
They had nine stalls carrying out the theme 'Life Is Right.' Each stall dis-
played a different variety of articles, such as aprons, knit goods, toys, useful
gadgets for the home, bakery goods and other foods, needlework, and a special
stall for children.
"Relief Society is going forward in this part of England. The sisters are
looking forward to the Regional British Relief Society Conference in the
Nevada Stake, McGill Ward Relief Society Singing Mothers Present
Closing Social Program, May 20, 1966
Seated, left to right: Cleo Tidwell, chorister; Eva Holman, accompanist; Gae
Christensen, President; Ona Earl, First Counselor; Betty Tidball, Second
Second row, seated, left to right: Bessie Giles; Ora Blackham; Betty Brun-
son; Eddis Cottrell; Alma Parry.
Third row, standing, left to right: Lula Harris; Linda Bohn; June Sexton;
Itha Ahlstrom; Jeanine Abbott.
Fourth row, left to right: Vaughnetta Roberts; Belle Timmerman; Evelyn
Johnson; Lydia Harris.
Margery Tate, President, Nevada Stake Relief Society, reports: "An
evening of song, poetry, and colored slides portraying love of nature, home,
and country was enjoyed by the Relief Society membership and their husbands
at a closing social, and a final function before the division of the ward. The
program began with the song 'Thanks Be to God,' and acknowledged the hand
of God in all things, and ended with the song 'This Land Is Your Land,' as
a picture of the flag flying in the sky was shown on the screen."
Northern Mexican Mission, Ciudad Acuna Branch (Coahuila, Mexico)
Relief Society Bazaar, November 1966
Left to right: Bruna P. de. Lopez; Guadalupe Lopez; Ceilia R. de Diaz,
Second Counselor, in charge of homemaking; Antonia E. de Nunez, Secretary-
Treasurer; Manuela D. de Leon, President; Virginia S. de Lugo; Dolores de
Leon; Maricela Diaz.
Pauline M. Green, Supervisor, Northern Mexican Mission Relief Society,
reports: "Though these sisters are far from the Northern Mexican Mission
headquarters and do not receive visits from the mission board, and, probably,
do not have more than one visit a year from the district officers, due to the
fact they they are about 225 kilometers (approximately 140 miles) distance
from the nearest branch (and that over a dirt road), they remain extremely
active and enthusiastic, as can be seen by the quilts and other articles exhibited
at their bazaar."
Note also the interesting stuffed toys, the floral arrangements on the table,
and the lovely corsages the sisters are wearing.
. ^.
April 1967
Australian Mission, Queensland District Relief Society Conference
October 23, 1966
Relief Society sisters standing back of the homemaking display, left to right:
Fay Little, President, Townsville Branch Relief Society; Margarey Farquahar-
son, Secretary-Treasurer, Queensland District Relief Society; Hilda Bertrand,
President, Mackay Branch Relief Society; Laurine Ensign, Supervisor, Austra-
lian Mission Relief Society; Dorothy Tolputt, President, Cairns Branch Relief
Society; Nolle Earl, missionary serving in Rockhampton Branch; Lois Jeffery,
President, Queensland District Relief Society.
Sister Ensign reports: "The display items came from all the branches, and
were exhibited for the purpose of keeping up the interest in the summer
meetings. They include toys, art, Christmas ideas, cards, wreaths, and trees;
cushion covers, wall plaques, candle motifs, and paper leis."
Cedar West Stake (Utah) Relief Society Board Conducts Special
Leadership Meeting, August 17, 1966
Four women at the left, left to right: Anne A. Judd, social relations class
leader; Anne O. Leavitt, cultural refinement class leader; Iris B. Hafen,
spiritual living class leader; Bernella G. Jones, organist.
At the right, in front, left to right: LaPriel D. Lunt, President, Cedar West
Stake Relief Society; lone W. Bradshaw, homemaking leader; Hazel B. Davies,
Magazine representative.
Back row, left to right: Lucretia P. Ashcroft, First Counselor; Ann B. Hansen,
Second Counselor; Shirley J. Marchant, visiting teacher message leader; Hilda
H. Parry, Secretary-Treasurer; Cora A. Condie, chorister.
Sister Lunt reports: "This special meeting was held to encourage and in-
struct class leaders in good teaching methods and motives. Different phases
of involvement teaching were discussed, with stake board members leading out
in the various discussions. Sister Hafen spoke on 'Spiritual Preparation,' and
stressed the importance of recognizing the fact that our callings are divine.
Sister Leavitt discussed 'Thirty Days of Preparation,' in which the steps of
prayerful preparation were traced. Sister Judd discussed 'Tools for Teaching,'
in which consideration was given to eleven different teaching methods ap-
plicable to Relief Society. Sister Jones, in developing her topic 'You, Too, Can
Teach,' emphasized the necessity for living the principles taught, and thereby
aiding others in achieving their greatest potential."
Winter Quarters Stake (Nebraska), Lincoln Ward Opening Social
September 29, 1966
Left to right: Jane Grether, President; Patricia Robinson, First Counselor;
Alice Beutler, Second Counselor; Grace Hummel, Secretary-Treasurer.
Blanche Rawlings, President, Winter Quarters Stake Relief Society, reports:
"With the beginning of the fall meetings, the sisters of the Lincoln Ward Re-
lief Society reported their prospects looked fine for a successful and rewarding
year. Their opening social was very beautiful and inspiring. Each class leader
set a table to represent her department. The displays were artistically arranged,
representing a store having many treasures. Each sister was given a small
shopping bag to fill with samples. At the end of the line of tables, was a treasure
chest of golden keys. Each sister received a key to the treasure to be had by
becoming an active member of Relief Society."
April 1967
Mount Logan Stake (Utah), River Heights Second Ward Opening Social
September 26, 1966
In the picture Helen Andersen represents the "ticket-taker" for the travel
trip "All Aboard for Relief Society."
Relda Jorgensen, President, Mount Logan Stake Relief Society, reports:
"The River Heights Second Ward carried out, as their opening social theme,
'All Aboard for Relief Society.' Trains and miniature suitcases decorated the
tables. A ticket booth was at the entrance. The homemaking leader was the
train conductor and acted as program chairman. She introduced different train
stops, as each teacher gave interesting highlights into the lessons planned for
the year."
Yuma Stake (Arizona) Singing Mothers Present Music
for Stake Quarterly Conference, October 8, 1966
Standing in the front row, left to right, beginning with the sister at the left
behind the podium: Louise Rickter, soloist; Ruth M. Moeller, organist; Wylene
S. Slade, chorister; Marjorie C. Pingree, member. General Board of Relief
Society; Louise S. Westover, President; Elva B. Fife, First Counselor; Eva N.
McGovern, Secretary-Treasurer; Mary A. Butler, Second Counselor.
Sister Westover reports: "This was our first Relief Society Conference since
the dedication of the Yuma Stake center. The Singing Mothers of our stake
come from seven wards and three branches, and many travel 260 miles round
trip to participate. Since 1958, when the stake was organized, the number of
Singing Mothers has increased from fifty to one hundred. Most of our Relief
Societies have fine choruses, and we are especially thrilled when we visit
Calexico (Spanish sisters), and the Lamanite Relief Societies, and are pleased
to hear their choruses. We are very pleased to have devoted music leaders,
and we appreciate the interest and efforts of all the sisters."
Mexican Mission Annual Relief Society Convention
September 24, 1966
Front row, seated, left to right: Amparo S. de Medina, Second Counselor,
Mexican Mission Relief Society; Natividad R. de Cardoso, First Counselor;
Bertha M. de Camacho, President, Mexican Mission Relief Society; Augustin
Camacho Tapia, First Counselor, Mexican Mission Presidency; Jasper R.
McClellan, President, Mexican Mission; Rula R. McClellan, Supervisor, Mex-
ican Mission Relief Society; Carlos Colorado V., Second Counselor, Mexican
Mission Presidency.
Standing are the sisters who comprise the boards of the seven districts of the
Mexican Mission.
Rula R. McClellan, Supervisor, Mexican Mission Relief Society, reports:
"The purpose of this convention was to instruct the officers of the district
boards, and to present and discuss plans relating to the organization and work
of Relief Society in the districts.
"A play entitled 'Success' was presented. It conveyed a spiritual message
of activity and work, and it was really a success. We were able to draw this
conclusion from the expressions on the faces of the sisters. We were delighted
by the Singing Mothers chorus. At the end of the convention, a lunch was
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Development Through
Homemaking Education
Dr. Eleanor Jorgensen
Discussion 2 — Summer Montlis Sewing Course
Northern Hemisphere: Second Meeting, July 1967
Southern Hemisphere: December 1967
Objective: To show several ways in which a waistband may be
made and applied to the skirt.
The waistline of a skirt is
generally finished with a band of
self -fabric, an inside belt, or a
built-up top. Since the first two
are more commonly used, the
latter will be omitted in this
Prior to finishing the waist-
line, the skirt is fitted and all
seams are stitched, pressed, edges
finished and zipped placket com-
pleted. If a separate lining is to
be used, it, too, is finished and
basted into place at the waistline
Waistband — Method A (For cotton
skirts using self -fabric for interfacing)
1. Cut on grain a lengthwise strip
of fabric 4i/^" wide and 3" longer than
waistline measurement.
2. Make a lengthwise fold (toward
wrong side) 1^/4" wide. Press.
3. Machine-stitch raw edge of
folded section (Figure 1).
Attaching to skirt:
1. Connect right side of band (un-
folded edge) to wrong side of skirt,
placing pin at center front and allow-
ing band to extend from this point
beyond front placket opening 1".
2. Divide waist measurement in
half. Measure and mark this amount
on the band starting at center front.
3. Pin measured band to center
back of skirt. Pin skirt and band at
intervals between these two points,
distributing skirt ease evenly.
4. Measure amount of band needed
on second half of skirt by folding the
loose end of band back to the side
seam. Mark this amount on the band,
then place marked band on seamline
of zipper edge, skirt back. Distribute
ease and pin at intervals.
5. Repeat step 4 for band and skirt.
6. Sew band to skirt, band side up.
Trim and press seams.
7. Fold right sides of band together
and stitch across ends. (Front band
is stitched straight up from placket
line, whereas back band extends one
inch or more and is stitched across the
end and lower edge of extension.)
8. Turn band right side out. Pin to
right side of skirt, top-stitching lower
edge to skirt seamline.
9. Press. Sew on hooks and eyes, or
finish with a button and buttonhole
(Figure 2).
Waistband — Method B
(For wool skirts, using another fab-
ric for interfacing, such as grosgrain
ribbon, hymo, pellon, or taffeta.)
1. Cut a lengthwise strip of fabric
approximately 3" wide, with one edge
being the selvage. The length should
be 3" longer than the waist measure-
IV2" ^
Seam Edge
Raw Edge
(Figure 1)
(Figure 2)
Inside View
Seam Allowance
(Figure 3)
clip-^. Hand-stitch
(Figure 6)
(Figure 7)
(Figure 4)
(Figure 5)
(Figure 8)
(Figure 9)
April 1967
2. Press lengthwise fold so that it
will be equal to the width of the gros-
grain ribbon (or other interfacing
used) plus l^" — ^4" away from sel-
vage edge. The remaining width
(%") will be the seam allowance for
attaching band to skirt.
3. On selvage side of band, place
grosgrain ribbon to wrong side of
fabric against fold. Machine-stitch
both edges of interfacing to band
(Figure 3). An additional row of
stitching may be placed in center if
4. Mark waist measurement along
band. Stitch ends with right sides to-
gether. On extension end, continue
stitching along waistline to point
where band will be attached to skirt.
Clip seam allowance (Figure 4). Front
end of band may be stitched
straight or pointed (Figure 5).
Attaching to Skirt:
1. With right sides together, pin
band to skirt, allowing the extension
to fall in line with the placket on
skirt back.
2. Place skirt side down on machine
and stitch band to skirt.
3. Grade seam allowances (skirt i^",
band %".) Press seams toward band.
4. Hand stitch selvage edge of band
to stitched seamline, using inside hem-
ming to conceal stitching.
Inside Belt:
Materials needed:
1 yd. grosgrain ribbon — %" or 1"
wide — pre-shrunk if used on washable
1 yd. woven edge seam tape — 14"
1. Cut grosgrain ribbon five inches
longer than waistline measurement.
2. On one end and on the inside of
grosgrain, turn under one inch twice
to form a IV2" overlap. Stitch into
3. Curve grosgrain ribbon to fit
waistline, shape properly by steam
pressing, taking small darts, or run-
ning a temporary ease stitch on top
edge. (Optional)
On Skirt:
1. Check position of waist seamline.
This is approximately Vs" beyond
stay-stitching which has already been
made i/4" from cut edge.
2. Clip down to seamline on skirt
front about V2" over from zipper
placket line. Tuck in seam allowance
and slip -stitch edges together (Figure
3. Cut seam tape to fit waist meas-
urement. This is to be used as a stay
Finishing Waistline:
1. On wrong side of skirt, lap and
stitch edge of seam tape to stay-stitch-
ing line, easing in skirt fullness. Turn
raw edges under at placket line (Fig-
ure 7).
2. On right side of skirt, lap top
edge of grosgrain ribbon slightly over
line where seam tape was stitched, al-
lowing on one end a 1^/^" overlap at
the back placket line and turning
under the other end even with the
clipped seam of the front placket line.
This places the waistband seam al-
lowance between the seam tape and
grosgrain ribbon.
3. Baste and check fit, then machine-
stitch close to edge of grosgrain ribbon
(Figure 8).
4. Trim seam allowance so that it
doesn't show beyond lower edge of
seam tape.
5. Turn belt to inside, rolling upper
edge of grosgrain ribbon Vs" below
seamline, which now forms the fold.
Press. Fasten belt at darts and seams
with a hand-stitch (Figure 9).
6. Sew on hooks and eyes.
Alverna Manning Allender
When I met her, I pictured her dressed in cotton,
In a humble cotage, baking cookies for fat, rosy babies.
Her smile was sunlight reflected on a running brook;
The shine and shimmer spilling over into her eyes,
The ripple invading her laughter.
Catherine B. Bowles
I thank thee, Father, for thy love;
For all blesings from above.
Help me see my neighbor's need;
Help me the hungry sheep to feed.
Give me words of consolation
To brighten spots of desolation.
Give me power to light the way
To guide the footsteps gone astray.
Always I need the Father's care
That I may help another share
Many blessings from above,
Directing all of us in ways of love.
Surveys show active women
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Linnie Fisher Robinson
How siiali we count the harvest yet to come
From words that we speak now as men sow grain;
Where grow no common plants for shallow plow,
This is a treasured field for sun and rain.
For In this plot there springs the whole of life —
Our kingdom, if a kingdom yet shall be,
Our counterparts to learn, love, act, or die
By all we are and all we help them see.
Oh, gardeners, the artifice is known
That men be found upon this land of stone;
The bursting blooms that shake our hearts today
Are bounded by an hour and pass away;
More swift the leaving — these our treasure
Before our tasks are done by God's measure.
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Mrs. Hattie Rushnell Foster
Bellville, Ontario, Canada
Iflfl '^'^^' ^^^^ Abigail Brandon Cain
Fairview, Oklahoma
Mrs. Martha Jones Jones
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Olena Maria Peterson Larson
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Ella Georgina Francisco Keele
Spanish Fork, Utah
Mrs. Mary Ann Limb Young
Manti. Utah
Mrs. Margaret Roth Anderegge
Pocatello. Idaho
Mrs. Clara Eddy Martin
Menan, Idaho
Mrs. Charlotte E. Nielson Dimmick
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Mrs. Anna Clara Wakley Bloxham
Downey, Idaho
Mrs. Mary Ann Chapman Richey
Tucson, Arizona
Mrs. Liseana Knight Brimhall
Mesa, Arizona
Mrs. Amanda Mathild Garns Meadows
American Falls, Idaho
Mrs. Emma Brown
Springville, Utah
Mrs. Delphia Knotts
Kitzmiller, Maryland
Mrs. Alma Watson McGregor
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Francis Whitlock Payne
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Mrs. Lena Isabella Durham McGregor
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Ines Estella Fillmore Elmer
Payson, Utah
Mrs. Susanna McKnight Roberts
Caldwell, Idaho
Mrs. Nada Kay Kay
Mona, Utah
Mrs. Annie Smith Combs
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Ida Taylor Flinders
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Lettie Saunders Taylor Ferrin
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Annie Naef Merrill
Preston, Idaho
Mrs. Janet Green Watt
Ventura, California
Mrs. Sophie Schneider Cundic
Midvale, Utah
Mrs. Theresia Huy Klein
Redwood City, California
Mrs. Janet Watt
Ventura, California
Mrs. Annie Lillie Clark Walker
Wellsville, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth Lennberg Jenson
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Helen Hunsaker Allen
Tremonton, Utah
Mrs. Alta Salisbury Lewis
Peoria, Illinois
Mrs. Anna Martena Hansen Jensen
Jerome, Idaho
Mrs, Katherine Howard-Surrey
Montreal, Canada
Mrs. Amy Fitzgerald Dansie
Rigby, Idaho
Mrs. Emma Stoker Greenwell
Ogden. Utah
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through June 8, 1967
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Peggy Tangren
I know where I will take you when I see
weariness engraved upon your face.
I will lead you to the willow,
and I will pillow
you upon the peace I found
beneath the cover of that timeless tree.
I will give you moonlight on the beaver pond,
rthe miracle of treetop, cloud, and star
laid at your feet — reflected where you are.
Listening from the bank,
You will understand why deer and cougar drink
in amity.
Trusting our stillness, a beaver will cleave his lake
from hutch to shore,
leaving liquid beauty in his wake.
A well of peace.
We can sound its depth, and from it mold a plan
for our fulfillment — our contented place.
This is where I will take you when I see
a plea for answers on your face.
The Cover:
Art Layout:
Rose Garden, Portland, Oregon
Transparency by Dorothy J. Roberts
Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
In the Solitudes, Mount Timpanogos, Utah
Photograph by Hal Rumel
Dick Scopes
Mary Scopes
Out of our little golden book each
month have come to me wisdom and
strength in guiding our family to adult-
hood, and I am pleased at the interest
displayed by all our seven girls and
seven daughters-in-law in Relief Society
work, now they have homes and fam-
ilies of their own.
Irene T. Fletcher
Utah 1966 Mother of the Year
Logan, Utah
I have received with a great deal of
happiness The Relief Society Magazine
printed in my native tongue. It is a
source of great inspiration to me, be-
cause of Its messages, lessons, and
poetry. It -is truly an inspiration to re-
ceive the lovely words in my tongue.
Angela Lopez
Semi, California
I enjoy The Relief Society Magazine.
When this inspiring messenger comes
to our home, I prick it up immediately
and begin reading it. I read nearly all
the articles, and I enjoy the lesson
material. I have used selections from
the Magazine in presentations I have
made when I have visited wards as a
member of the stake high council. I
definitely feel that every home in the
Church should have the Magazine In it.
J cannot see how a mother, young or
older, can effectively function in the
Relief Society program without the
Magazine. We love it and appreciate
its blessings In our home.
Levern M. Hansen
Los Angeles, California
I treasure each issue of the Magazine,
for its beautiful pictures, poems, ar-
ticles, stories, and recipes. In the Oc-
tober issue, 1 especially enjoyed the
story "The Good Samaritan" by Becky
Dawn Wood.
Marjorie Schmidt
Paso Robles, California
I am a missionary In the Canadian
Mission. My companion and I have just
come home for the night, and for an
"end-of-the-day" treat picked up the
January 1966 issue of The Relief So-
ciety Magazine, and have just finished
reading "For Barbara With Love," first
prize story by Evelyn Vesterfelt. I wish
I could express the feeling I had upon
reading this story. I can hardly wait
to go tracting tomorrow — perhaps there
is another "Barbara" waiting for us.
We love to order the Magazine as a
baptismal gift for sisters coming into
the Church, and the niissionaries find
the Magazine a great tool in their work,
for it gives the investigators a beautiful
insight Into the scope of the Church.
Linda Marx
Ottawa, Ontario
The Relief Society Magazine has
been such a blessing in our home. I
am of Jewish background, and I pray
that in the near future to be baptized
Into The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
ter-day Saints, along with my family. I
have a strong and wonderful testimony
of the gospel, which grows with every
passing day.
Mrs. Albert Moiling
San Jose, California
We receive so much vital information
and inspiration from our wonderful
Magazine. Every page Is important.
Now we are thrilled and delighted to
share with other readers the beautiful
work of our ward member Alda L.
Brown, who has given so much of her
time and talents to our ward Relief
Society. We know all who read her
poetry will find thoughts of great beauty
and value.
Lucy H. Spackman, Leah B.
Skidmore, and Mary J. Hill
Relief Society Presidency
Richmond, Utah
The Relief Society Magazine
Volume 54 May 1967 Number 5
Editor Marianne C. Sharp Associate Editor Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager Belle S. Spafford
Special Features
324 These Things Endure Alice Co/ton Smith
329 Literary Contest Announcements 1967
332 A Woman Alone and Home Evening Lila B. Walch
347 Standards of Performance in Visiting Teaching Belle S. Spafford
374 Magazine Honor Roll for 1966 Marianne C. Sharp
335 Automation Frances C. Yost
341 Until June C. Anderson
365 The Golden Chain — Chapter 4 Hazel M. Thomson
General Features
322 From Near and Far
352 Editorial: Timeless Words Vesta P. Crawford
351 Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon
387 Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities
400 Birthday Congratulations
The Home- inside and Out
355 Cooking in Rhyme and Rhythm Mildred Barthel
358 Sew, Team, Sew Helen M. Stock
360 We Took an Old Chair Margaret Woods
361 Recipes From Guatemala Maria C. de lllescas
362 Cleaning Up After a Ward Dinner Elaine K. Jones
363 Mincemeat-Oatmeal Drop Cookies Juanita Hebert
364 Handwork Enriches Her Life
Lesson Department
394 Homemaking — Summer Months Sewing Course Eleanor Jorgensen
321 Well of Peace Peggy Tangren
The Greatest of These, Carolle Denton 328; In High Country, Ethel Jacobson 331; Mother's
Day, Patricia A. Lamb 334; And Now It Is May, Mabel Jones Gabbott 339; First Lullaby,
Armora Kent 340; To Be a Sister, Norma Madsen Thomas 350; I Saw Her Face, Christie
Lund Coles 354; Desert Home, Eno/a Chamberlin 357; Winds of Life, Catherine B. Bowles
361; Favorite, Lael W. Hill 373; Sunflowers, Dorothy J. Roberts 386; Bequest, Linnie Fisher
Robinson 386; Of the Dark Seed of Joseph, Verna S. Carter 397.
Published monthly by THE GENERAL BOARD OF RELIEF SOCIETY of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints. 1967 by the Relief Society General Board Association. Editorial and Business Office: 76 North Main
Street, Salt Lake City. Utah 84111; Phone 364 2611; Subscription Price $2.00 a year; foreign. $2.00 a year; 20c
a copy, payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back numbers can be sup
plied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of address at once, giving old and new
address. Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the
Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc
tober 8. 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned unless return postage is enclosed.
Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manu
Tlhieis Eedere
Alice Colton Smith
Assistant Professor of Sociology,
Utah State University. Logan, Utah
Member, General Board of Relief Society
♦ The afternoon sun was mel-
low hot. Its warmth sent waves
of pleasure down my back and
bathed the whole world in well-
being. The horse tossed his head
impatiently for a moment and
sent the flies buzzing. Then, he
returned to cropping the early
grass on the ditch bank. I was
suspended in a sensation of per-
fect, low-keyed happiness. There
I was on such a perfect, late
spring afternoon listening to the
two women I loved best, my
grandmother and my mother. I
wanted time to stand still.
My grandmother, her gray hair
in a knot on top of her head,
sat in her buggy while my mother
and I leaned on the garden gate.
Although I was not yet eight, I
stored in the never-to-be-forgot-
ten area of memory in my brain,
those things about which they
spoke. "You are an angel of
mercy," my mother said. I looked
up. Grandmother's face was wrin-
kled and her hands were rough
from hard work. She an angel?
"Oh, pshaw," she said modestly,
but at the same time smiled with
pleasure. Silently, I had agreed
with my mother. I couldn't imag-
ine an angel more beautiful.
Enraptured, I followed the
story of heroism that my grand-
These Things Endure
mother unfolded. She would not home the homeless, the sick, and
become famous and world-re- the dying, the orphan, thirty-four
nowned because of it, but it of them, to nurture, to feed, to
lodged unforgettably in one small clothe, many of them during the
girl's heart. Illness in the middle depression when bills for food
of the night, a knock at the door alarmingly mounted, but there
in the early mom before the cock were no complaints from the man
crowed, a plea of anguish, a horse and woman who understood what
and buggy hitched together by Jesus meant by the brotherhood
lantern light, a ride through the of man, the relatedness of all
wind and sleet, the soothing voice human beings to one another,
of hope and rescue, the calming Unforgettably, indelibly, quietly,
presence — an angel of mercy in a and, informally, the women in
land without hospitals and doc- my life taught me the values and
tors. There followed tales of attitudes of the gospel,
babies delivered, of feverish chil- Men are dying on the battle-
dren nursed to health, and of sad field, as I write this, in the agony
times when old friends were laid we call war. There has always
to rest. been war, or nearly always, if
This pattern of compassion was we understand history correctly,
etched into my soul that faraway Only now more men die than be-
aftemoon. Except for that one fore, more men, women, and chil-
sentence of commendation, there dren. I have seen tragic poverty
were no more words of praise in the streets of America, Europe,
given, I think, or expected. The and in the cities and towns of the
experiences were told as concern Middle East. There has always
for friends and neighbors, what been poverty, only now astro-
anyone would do under similar nomical numbers of people are
circumstances. She loved those starving and under-privileged. We
people, and they loved her. Was must cope with problems whose
there more to be said? size, enormity, and complexity
stagger us.
ATER in my life, as my mother Each day the news reports are
often remembered her crippled, full of tales of need, disaster, ter-
nearly bedfast, unmarried friend ror, and horror. Are we becoming
and always sent her a Christmas deaf to these because we feel
dinner; or asked us each fall, as helpless, even hopeless, at the size
school started, to share our of the world's problems? Did not
clothes with those less fortunate, the Prophet Joseph Smith sug-
the early lesson was reinforced. I gest a reasonable, reaHstic way
do not remember any formal les- to meet these problems of human
sons given about the fact that need when he said, "Let your
all men are brothers, that each one labors be mostly confined to
is his brother's keeper, but I those around you, in the circle of
knew about love at an early age, your own acquaintance"? (DHC
about love and love of one's fel- IV, page 607). What would hap-
low men. It was a way of life. pen if all the women of the world
Then, I married into a family followed the teachings of the
whose mother had taken into her Prophet of God? There would be
May 1967
no poor whose needs were unat- It was our custom to sit at the
tended, no lonely, confused, or dinner table an hour or two after
angry strangers, no lis tressed of dinner was finished to talk about
whom care was not taken, no the day. Here, Father took the
widows in want of food or friend- time to tell his young children
ship, nor any orphans who wept. about what was happening in the
When the Prophet gave his ad- Congress of the United States of
vice, did he mean that we should which he was a member. The
not be concerned for the ills of politics of the day became vividly
distant people? I do not believe real in those sessions, where one
this. I think he was teaching us could speak his mind freely, ask-
a great lesson in concern. It is ing questions, probing all aspects
easy to write a check (hard as it of life. Here the meanings of the
may be to part with our money gospel of Jesus Christ were
and send it off so that someone spiritedly discussed and their
else may exercise care), easier practical applications mulled over,
than to take the time out of our All the world was here for dis-
busy lives to be thoughtful and cussion and always related back
concerned for the well-being of to our most special concern, The
those around us. There live in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
my neighborhood the aged, the day Saints. What a compliment
sick, widows, the newly orphaned, my father and mother paid us as
the distressed, people who are they listened to our opinions as
lonely and unhappy, one of those of valued peers, discussing
whom recently talked of suicide, points of interest with the same
Strangers also live on my street, passionate concern and courtesy
Should I not reorganize my life that they did with their most
to take care of these first? Ever- trusted friends. How naturally
widening circles of compassionate and informally the gospel was
care could encompass the whole taught to us, as a part of life —
earth. not something to be paraded on
I special occasions and having little
I cannot remember a time when relevance to what we did every
training in music, acquiring out- day. Nearly every night was home
door and indoor skills, and night. Consciously or unconscious-
learning the joys of reading were ly, my mother and father were
not a part of our home. We read trying to bring up their children
as we breathed, naturally, joy- "in Hght and truth" (D&C 93:
fully. To learn was to live. My 40).
father read, my mother read, my The role of the mother to
brother and sisters read, every teach, to share, to be with, to
age was concerned with study and love her children has always been
development. Eight or eighty, a part of my mother's life, wheth-
God had given us a huge pro- er her children were one or forty-
gram, and part of life was this one. So, mother flew thousands
exciting world of study. of miles to visit me and my family
It was not until I was past when, for one wonderful year, we
twenty that I realized our home lived in the land of the Savior,
was different in one vital respect. She came so that we might walk
These Things Endure
together in Gethsemane, glean as hills surrounding Galilee, and of
Ruth had done in the fields of Jesus, after his resurrection, sit-
Boaz, walk the streets of Jem- ting on these very shores so long
salem to Calvary, stand on the ago — or was it yesterday? — lov-
Mount of Olives, and be together ing this world and its people, as
in the land we both learned to he told Peter to feed his sheep,
love, as she had read the Bible Now, together we stood, mother
to the family while we sat around and daughter, teacher and pupil,
the pot-bellied stove on snowy remembering our Lord, sharing
nights when my world was young, as grown women the miracle of
g^ his life, so much of which had
One hot, midsummer day as we been lived by this sea.
drove north, the wind from the We live, all of us, in a mobile
east dried everything in its path, world. We live in a world of swift
The brittle weeds rasped against change. In the past families sank
each other. The hills, hazy in the roots in one part of the world,
distance, were burned and barren. These roots were an anchor, Now,
Our car topped the hill. Below us, we move from city to city, from
harp-shaped and of the deepest continent to continent. What will
blue, lying in its part of the giant bind us together, give us the
cleft that reaches deep into Af- stability of the past, while help-
rica, was the lake about which ing us to live in the freedom of
we had read and dreamed all our the present? Can deeply shared
lives, Galilee. We were unpre- experiences, coupled with the love
pared for the barren world in of God and man, help mothers to
which it lay, 686 feet below sea build into their children a firm
level, and for the searing heat, testimony and an understanding
What we were prepared for was that will be the deepest root of
the blue, the unbelievable blue of all?
this inland lake called the Sea of God, as he said in the Doctrine
Galilee. One of the earliest songs and Covenants that he would, has
we had sung around our piano poured out his spirit on all flesh,
was "Galilee, blue Galilee where One mind can comprehend but a
Jesus loved so much to be." We small fraction of what is known,
knew why. Instantly, our hearts In one brief century, man has
and experiences were linked with escaped his earthbound past. For
his in love of this beautiful spot, the first time in history we live
As we stood, side by side, on only hours from the Sea of Gal-
the shores of that hallowed sea, ilee, from India, Argentina, New
my mother and I, I was grateful Zealand. What happens today in
for the woman who had taught Australia affects my world. To-
me to love the Lord, who had night, via television, I am with
read to me as a little child the my neighbor's son in Viet Nam.
stories of Jesus and his disciples Under the influence of God, sud-
as they fished in these blue denly all men are truly neighbors,
waters, of Jesus who walked upon Moreover, increasingly, we live
the waves, and of Peter who mo- in cities, away from our kin,
mentarily faltered, of Jesus feed- where there are not only oppor-
ing the multitudes on one of the tunities for growth, but where
May 1967
there are, also, much loneliness new ways to teach our children
and unfriendliness. Family life the gospel of understanding, love,
undergoes great changes. More and compassion,
and more women work. Fathers My mother is eighty-eight. The
commute long distances to work, vigorous pace she set in the
and mothers who stay at home streets of Jerusalem is no longer
find that they become the pri- possible as she walks with her
mary teachers and disciplinarians cane. My grandmother is long
of the children. Men and women dead. Yet amid all that is new,
create new patterns of husband there remains the child at the
and wife relationships. As man's mother's knee learning the his-
technology grows, much drudgery tory of God's teaching of man
of the past vanishes. There is and the enduring values. Mother
time for creativity and learning and grandmother still teach the
as there has never been before. As child the compassion for all men
our world shrinks, our universe that will some day link us to-
expands. gether in love. The mother helps
We must devise new methods to open the doors for the child
of relating to and loving one an- that lead to the love of learning,
other. If we are close to our These endure no matter how fast
Father in heaven, new ways of and how great the change. There
living will emerge, hew patterns will always be mothers and
of family life develop. It will be grandmothers to help each gen-
exciting and satisfying as we find eration find God.
The depth of thought that we attain,
The wisdom of our searching here,
The knowledge that we win by faith
Are treasures life will hold most dear.
The sage who works with questing mind.
The brush that paints to please the eye,
The poet's meter, word, and rhyme,
These are gifts the heart holds high.
Yet these are signs along the way
That all our gifts are heaven's cost,
That learning truth, we learn to love
The poor, the lonely, and the lost.
To give the hungry more than bread,
To ransom captives from their chain.
For painter, poet, and the sage
These are treasure, gift, and gain.
♦ Carolle Denton
Literary Contest Announcements 1966
The Relief Society Poem Contest and the Relief Society Short Story
Contest are conducted annually by the General Board of Relief
Society to stimulate creative writing among Latter-day Saint wom-
en and to encourage high standards of work. Latter-day Saint women
who qualify under the rules of the respective contests are invited
to enter their work in either or both contests.
The General Board would be pleased to receive entries from the
outlying stakes and missions of the Church as well as from those in
and near Utah. Since the two contests are entirely separate, requiring
different writing skills, the winning of an award in one of them in no
way precludes winning in the other.
EUza R. Snoiw^ Poem Contest
♦ The Relief Society Poem Con-
test opens with this announce-
ment and closes August 15, 1967.
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
First prize $40
Second prize $30
Third prize $20
Prize poems will be published
in the January 1968 issue of The
Relief Society Magazine.
Prize-winning poems become
the property of the Relief Society
General Board and may not be
published by others except upon
written permission from the Gen-
eral Board. The General Board
reserves the right to publish any
of the other poems submitted,
paying for them at the time of
publication at the regular Maga-
zine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to all Latter-
day Saint women, exclusive of mem-
bers of the Relief Society General
Board and employees of the Relief
Society General Board.
2. Only one poem may be sub-
mitted by each contestant.
3. The poem must not exceed fifty
lines and should be typewritten, if
possible. Where this cannot be done,
it should be legibly written. Only one
side of the paper is to be used. (A
duplicate copy of the poem should be
retained by contestants to insure
against loss.)
4. The sheet on which the poem is
written is to be without signature or
other identifying marks.
5. No explanatory material or pic-
ture is to accompany a poem.
6. Each poem is to be accompanied
by a stamped envelope on which is
written the contestant's name and ad-
dress. Nom de plumes are not to be
7. A signed statement is to accom-
pany the poem submitted certifying:
a. That the author is a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
b. That the poem (state title) is
the contestant's original work.
c. That it has never been published.
d. That it is not in the hands of
an editor or other person with a
view to publication.
e. That it will not be published nor
submitted elsewhere for publica-
tion until the contest is decided.
8. A writer who has received the
May 1967
first prize for two consecutive years
must wait two years before she is
again eligible to enter the contest.
9. The judges shadl consist of one
member of the General Board, one
person from the English department
of an educational institution, and one
person who is a recognized writer. In
case of complete disagreement among
the judges, all poems selected for a
place by the various judges will be
submitted to a specially selected com-
mittee for final decision.
In evaluating the poems, considera-
tion will be given to the following
a. Message or theme
b. Form and pattern
c. Rhythm and meter
d. Accomplishment of the purpose
of the poem
e. Climax
10. Entries must be postmarked not
later than August 15,1967.
11. All entries are to be addressed
to Relief Society Poem Contest, 76
North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah
The Relief Society Sliort Story Contest
♦ The Relief Society Short Story
Contest for 1967 opens with this
announcement and closes August
15, 1967.
The prizes this year will be as
First prize $75
Second prize $60
Third prize $50
The three prize-winning stories
will be published consecutively in
the first three issues of The Re-
lief Society Magazine for 1968.
Prize-winning stories become the
property of the Relief Society
General Board and may not be
published by others except upon
written permission from the Gen-
eral Board. The General Board
reserves the right to publish any
of the other stories entered in the
contest, paying for them at the
time of publication at the regular
Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
X. This contest is open to Latter-
day Saint women — exclusive of mem-
bers of the Relief Society General
Board and employees of the General
Board — who have had at least one
literary composition published or
accepted for publication.
2. Only one story may be submitted
by each contestant.
3. The story must not exceed 3,000
words in length and must be type-
written. The number of words must
appear on the first page of the man-
uscript. (All words should be counted,
including one and two-letter words.)
A duplicate copy of the story should
be retained by contestant to insure
against loss.
4. The contestant's name is not to
appear anywhere on the manuscript,
but a stamped envelope on which is
written the contestant's name and ad-
dress is to be enclosed with the story.
Nom de plumes are not to be used.
5. A signed statement is to accom-
pany the story submitted certifying:
a. That the author is a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
b. That the author has had at least
one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publica-
tion. (This statement must give
name and date of publication in
which the contestant's work has
appeared or, if not yet published,
evidence of acceptance for pub-
c. That the story submitted (state
Relief Society Short Story Contest
the title and number of words) is
the contestant's original work,
d. That it has never been pub-
lished, that it is not in the hands
of an editor or other person with
a view to publication, and that it
will not be published nor submit-
ted elsewhere for publication until
the contest is decided.
6. No explanatory material or pic-
ture is to accompany the story.
7. A writer who has received the
first prize for two consecutive years
must wait for two years before she is
again eligible to enter the contest.
8. The judges shall consist of one
member of the General Board, one
person from the English department
of an educational institution, and one
person who is a recognized writer. In
case of complete disagreement among
the judges, all stories selected for a
place by the various judges will be
submitted to a specially selected com-
mittee for final decision.
In evaluating the stories, considera-
tion will be given to the following
a. Characters and their presenta-
b. Plot development
c. Message of the story
d. Writing style
9. Entries must be postmarked not
later than August 15, 1967.
10. All entries are to be addressed
to Relief Society Short Story Contest,
76 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah
The brisk, rare
Crystal air
Of timberline is washed and dried,
Polished, burnished till it stings
Eyes and lungs, so close it brings
Shimmering distant cliffs, so near
You can see the pines' dark pride —
Each cedar spire, each aspen clear.
All gleams, lacquered gold.
Till sudden thunderheads unfold
Awesomely on a granite peak
Where all the demons of storm will wreak
Their savage furies. Yet as swift.
Comes a rift. . . .
Once more the prismed atmosphere.
Where all glitters, and far is near.
Claims its fortress homeland here
Where soaring height
Invites the might
Of unleashed forces that harry and flail
But cannot — in the end — prevail.
♦ Ethel Jacobson
A Woman Alone and Home Evening
Lila B. Watch
Member, General Board of Relief Society
♦ Sister Anderson was just finish-
ing her spring cleaning. What
pleasure she felt as she observed
the dust-free walls, freshly waxed
floors, shiny furniture, sham-
pooed rugs, and the sparkling
windows with their clean cur-
tains. Housecleaning was not the
task it had once been when the
home was full of little tots with
fingers just made to leave spots
on windows and furniture, and to
draw pictures on walls. Neither
was it the